=THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1920 ——-—o—-— TUESDAY MARCH 18 2003 i . TECH. wwwtechnicianonline.com Raleigh, North Carolina . _ . _ . ' “m _‘ , ‘ _ . WA R ' ”smémp’l'V-‘uv-v’mm‘' I".'AAAn.«.&A-n§.~k—-§.-.nmaAryan-2.1;,~1.«.J-L—..«'...~'-..l..t4.—L—.....~‘u-L~" ‘ ”‘53“,« i N #98135 mam- . ,9 UN. inspectors, staffers BUSH ULTIMATUM HEARD leave Iraq On Monday,before the president delivered a tel— _..mu...“,_.A~,......V...~.-..-..u-.«..p...-..A...M—.-~w evised national speech that ordered Saddam AROUND CAMPUS, WORLD Hussein to leave lraq immediately, U.N. inspec- tors and staff members had already begun to leave the country. ”Human.‘fimm... Americans everywhere —— As diplomatic efforts appeared to be coming to a close, UN. Secretary-General Kofi Annan including students at N. C. State quickly called for the dismissal of all U.N. watched in anticipation as weapons inspectors, humanitarian staffand bor— der monitors from |raq.Annan’s orders are in an- President Bush demanded ticipation of an imminent war in the country. Saddam Hussein leave Iraq in thenext two days. 1$Water rationing intensifies in Venezuela Nana‘s.-4..x~<-.~..n.~4v...<-~.~w~m~.m~.......w~..‘«. Carie Windham During a two—month strike,Venezue|a has been ' Assistant News Editor dealing with food and fuel shortages and now Michael Mason,a sophomore in it will have to deal with a water supply shortage. 3: The usual banter and laughter of the marketing education, designed and While the country typically experiences a created CampusFlirts.com.Staffphoto drought from November through May,this sea- Wolves’ Den stopped Tuesday night as son has been one of its driest ever. students crowded around televisions byMatthewHuffman Water rationing has been imposed on resi— and huddled in groups to tune into a dents of Caracas, and approximately 5 million residents are unable to use water two to four national address by President Bush days a week. from the White House. Looking for According to officials, rationing could contin- As the president spoke, few eyes ue through May. moved from the screen as students President Bush speaks to the nation during his nationally televised address slowly ate, turned in their chairs and lis— Monday night. Photo courtesy ofthe White House love online tened. CampusFlirts.com provides an Report questions But one statement gave pause, even expecting,” he said. “I’m just severely These reasons, according to Bush, online dating service specifically disappointed in how we’ve handled add up to call for action. 9 Ground Zero air quality to the chewing. aimed at college students. “All the decades of deceit and cruel— this entire situation. “The United States and other na— immediatelyfollowing theWorldTrade Centercol— ...~......._......-.~..~..~5..-.«Aha-afiswamn...‘ lapse,the US. Environmental Protection Agency r; ty have come to an end,” Bush said. Bush’s 15—minute address, which tions did nothing to deserve or invite Rachael Rogers issued test results from Ground Zero that con- “Saddam Hussein and his sons must aired at 8 p.m. across the nation, and this threat. But we will do everything StaffReporter tradicted the agency's assumptions that the air leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their re— on translated radio shows around the to defeat it,” he said. “Before the day surrounding the site was safe to breathe, said a Sacremento Bee news report. fusal to do so will result in military world, didn’t stop at delivering an ul— of horror can come, before it is too The Internet has become a huge part of According to a report bythe EPA’s Office ofIn- conflict, commenced at a time of our timatum. Bush made his case for war, late to act, this danger will be re- student’s lives. They shop for clothes, spector General,the agency came to its conclu- citing Iraq’s use ofdiplomacy as a “ploy moved.” sion on the airquality based on a cancer risk lev— choosing. For their own safety, all for— buy airline tickets or order a pizza on el 100 times greater than what it normally con- eign nationals — including journalists to gain time and advantage.” In making his case for war, Bush at- the Internet. So, why not play the field us- siders safe public air quality. and inspectors - should leave Iraq im— Using the same reasons as months tacked those that would not — chiefly ing the Net? Michael Mason, a sopho- Approximately 3,500 Ground Zero workers mediately.” nations that have publicly 1,2001 , at- more in business and marketing educa— have been screened since the Sept. 1 The ultimatum and un— announced they would veto tacks, and more than half of them are still suf- ”Saddam Hu‘ssein and his sons must tion and founder ofCampusFlirts.com, fering from lung,ear, nose and throat problems, spoken warning gave the a Security Council resolu— hopes to revolutionize dating with Cam- said reports. students little doubt that tion. The report,which is slated to be published in leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal pusFlirts.com. May,will determinewhether air pollution data col— ‘4 war could be days away. “These governments share While the Internet is one of the most lected from the crash site coincides with whatthe But few seemed really to do so will result in military conflict, our assessment of the dan—i accessible outlets around, meeting one’s EPA announced to the public. ’ surprised. ger, but not our resolve to I '2 commenced at a time ofour choosing.” mate on the Net remains taboo and “I wasn’t shocked, the. meet it,” he said. “The Unit— many students are skeptical about us- Kidnapper still believes media seemed to know ed Nations Security Council ing the Net as a way to scope out a Fri— Smart teen is his wife, what he was going to say,” said Mike before, Bush said Iraq had defied Unit— has not lived up to its responsibilities, day night date. Even those who have ed Nations Security Council resolu— so we will rise to ours.” lawyer says Odom, a graduate student in parks, bfaved this new playing-field and met and tourism. tions and that the regime has con- Bush also had a message for Iraqi cit- Brian David Mitchell’s defense attorney an— 1? recreation that special someone still have a hard nounced on Monday that his client believes that Neither was Matthew Spence, a jun- structed and continues to conceal izens. time ‘fessing up to having met on the 15—year-old Elizabeth Smart is his wife. ior in political science. “It’s what I was weapons of mass destruction. Net and cringe at hearing, “So, where Mitchell,who is suspected to have abducted See ULTIMATUM page 2 Smart from her home nine months ago, is cur— did you guys meet?” rently in police custody and awaiting charges. But CampusFlirts.com hopes to break Smart was recently reunited with her family. these taboos and offer students a way to According to reports, Mitchell says that he did not harm Smart in any way, but Mitchell’s ex- Reluctant students Some students see meet other students here at NC. State, wife, whose daughter accused Mitchell of sex- other North Carolina universities and ually molesting herfor four years as a child,says even universities outside the state. that he is a child molesterand probablydid har'n oppose U.S. action war as necessary evil QSmart in some way. “The purpose of the site is to allow Mitchell and his common—law wife, Wanda Students who oppose the war say the government Students who stand behind President Bush and people to connect with college students llene Barzee are currently in jail and awaiting campus and other [campuses]. state shouldfocus on the economy and the environment advocate action against Iraq say they want to on their charges. their social group — not on a war with Iraq. bring about “a greater good.” It lets people get out of STATE and meet that special someone. It’s a Nicki Bowman Jessica Home unique opportunity to branch out,” said ECU students died StaffReporter StaffReporter Mason. ‘ in apartment that had The idea behind CampusFlirts.com “An attack on Iraq may open a Pandora’s box that will con— As America steps closer to war, students have drawn the began nearly a year ago, and it’s taken no smoke detectors the entirety of this time just to get the Investigators recently said that an apartment demn the world to decades ofspreading violence,” so stat— battle lines across campus. On one side, many students feel fire that killed two East Carolina University stu- ed former US. Attorney General Ramsey Clark in a letter that problems with Iraq can be solved without Americans site running. The site launched once be- dents last month could have been prevented if to the United Nations on Sept. 25, 2002. having to fight. But there are others who agree fore but encountered problems. The new the apartment had been equipped with smoke site launched just over a month ago on detectors. At NC. State, however, the opinions are not as strong. with what President Bush and his administra- 9 Caroline Virginia Allen, 18,a freshman at ECU Most of campus seems split between supporting mil- V tion are trying to do. i Feb. 4, and the big promotion was Feb. from Raleigh and her 24—year—old boyfriend, itary action and vehemently opposing it. “To all the people who think that Bush is ig- 1 1. Owen Francis Carr lV,a sophomore at ECU,were Mason has been interested in being an found unresponsive in Carr’s apartment on Feb.
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