Kawerau District Council newsletter - November 2017 New king of mountain crowned Wet conditions didn’t stop 164 runners taking on Putauaki in the 62nd Kaw- erau King of the Mountain race last month. While the field was packed with champions, the day belonged to former Eastern Bay runner Daniel Jones right), who entered at the last minute after the wed- ding he was due to attend was postponed. Daniel led from the start, but Aussie favourites Mark Bourne and Ben Duffus passed him on the way up. An incredible descent saw Daniel make the most of his running talent and familiar- ity with the mountain to be crowned king in 47:45. Daniel’s win created East- ern Bay history; his father young mountain runners Neil won the race twice in took to the lower foothills. the 1990s, and they’re the Bailey Frederickson and first father-son pair in the Morgan Overington won the region to each claim the prince and princess titles king title. respectively. Local runners Ben, who beat Daniel in took out nine of the top 20 Pomona in July, finished sec- spots. (male and female ond, with Mark hot on his combined in the prince and heels. Kaya Corporaal was princess races). the first junior, making him Congratulations to all a runner to watch in future. finishers. A special mention First-time entrant Nancy goes to 81-year-old Tom Jiang, from the Waikato, Bayliss (right), who compet- won the queen title in ed in his last race. Thanks to 1:01.17, followed by Emme- all the volunteers and safety lie Gulliver and Nic Leary in staff who ensured everyone second and third respective- got home safely, and the ly. Local Jana Longney was Nga Maunga Kaitiaki Trust the first junior woman. for its continued support Overall, 20 runners fin- and access to Putauaki. ished in under 60 minutes. For full results go to www. In the curtain-raiser prince kaweraukingofthemountain. and princess races 132 co.nz/results. Commitment to improving water Water continues to make national headlines. A local government lead- ers’ water decla- ration has been launched to further reiterate the sec- tor’s commitment to lifting water quality and call on the new govern- ment for greater action. Water is a big issue for all of us and the declaration acknowledges this. It outlines key steps for the new government, includ- ing working with local councils to meet these costs and develop new tools for funding and financing infrastructure. We are committed to improving the wa- ter quality in our regions, ensuring people who use our water do so responsibly and working with our communities so the costs and priorities for investment in infrastruc- ture to provide a secure supply of water and maintain and improve water quality are clearly understood. On an events front, Kawerau King of the Mountain was held on October 28. Con- gratulations to everyone who completed the race and well done to all involved on such a successful event. People riding motorbikes on public re- serves continue to be a problem. We are working closely with the police to minimise risk to the public but need your help. If you see anyone riding where they shouldn’t be and causing risk to pedestrians, please con- tact police immediately so they can take appropriate action. Economic development initiatives con- tinue to make headway, with ISO Ltd an- nounced earlier this month as the operator for the planned container terminal. More information on this is available on Council’s website. Te Wananga o Aotearoa students, from left: Carlos Peri, Lizzie Te Rire, Julia Reuben, Felicity Brougham, Ahi Smith, Shaanea Wilson, Kylie Campbell, Tuhi Reneti and Tatiana Hataraka. i-SITE team set for busy summer Kawerau i-SITE staff members are getting ready o Aotearoa Youth Guarantee students has helped for summer and they expect it to be a busy sea- the i-SITE team this year, completing custom- son with all the new services on offer now. er service work experience units at the centre. One such service is Rezdy, an online booking Youth Guarantee kaiako (teacher) Vanessa Skip- system that offers its users discounted rates. This per says the students gained confidence and system allows people to book tickets for tours knowledge from their time in the i-SITE and with Bay of Plenty companies such as White found purpose in being part of a team that serves Island Tours and Tamaki Māori Village. Kawerau and its events. Kawerau calendars continue to sell well through The i-SITE is open daily (excluding Christmas the i-SITE. These are available for $10 each. Day) from 9am-4pm, with extended hours during The new information centre website - Visit summer, starting from December 16. www.kaweraunz.com - is now live, and features extensive details on Ka- werau, an events calen- dar, bus timetables and accommodation listings, among other things. “We’re really pleased with it,” i-SITE manager Hannah Edwardson says. “Matt (i-SITE officer Matthew Joss, who was part of the web develop- ment project team) has done an amazing job.” The team has also updated the Kawerau map (pictured). New maps are available from the counter at the i-SITE now. A group of Te Wānanga Survival kits make emergencies easier to deal with The Bay of Plenty has had its together and agree on a plan. A are delays in reaching a welfare share of natural disasters and functional emergency plan helps centre. If you have special dietary and further events could happen alleviate fears about potential requirements, ensure you have any time. Therefore it’s impor- disasters and can help you re- extra supplies tant to be prepared and know spond safely and quickly when a - First aid kit and essential medi- how to cope in an emergency. disaster happens. cines Having a well-equipped survival In most emergencies you should - Essential items for infants or kit is vital. While natural disas- be able to stay in your home. young children such as formula ters can’t be prevented, you can Assemble and maintain your and food, nappies and a favour- make dealing with them easier emergency survival items for ite toy by being prepared. your home as well as a portable - A change of clothes (wind/ Many disasters will affect es- getaway kit in case you have to waterproof clothing and strong sential services and could disrupt leave in a hurry. You should also outdoor shoes) your ability to travel or commu- have essential emergency items - Toiletries – towel, soap, tooth- nicate. You may be confined to in your workplace and your car. brush, sanitary items, toilet your home or forced to evacuate In some emergencies you may paper your neighbourhood. In the im- need to evacuate in a hurry. - Blankets or sleeping bags mediate aftermath of a disaster, Your getaway kit should include: - Face and dust masks emergency services will not be - A torch and radio with spare - Pet supplies able to help everyone as quickly batteries important documents in your as needed. So it is important you - Any special needs such as getaway kit: identification (birth can look after yourself and your hearing aids and spare batteries, and marriage certificates, driver’s loved ones for at least three days glasses or mobility aids licences and passports), financial in the event of a disaster. - Emergency water and easy-to- documents and precious family Get your family or household carry food rations in case there photos. Fenglin Group reps pay a visit Representatives of the Fenglin Group, which plans to build a particle board plant in Kawer- au, were in town earli- er this month meeting with industry partners. The group was wel- comed by a local cul- tural group and visited various sites around town, including Taraw- era High School. Top right: Councillors, council staff and a local cultural group welcome Fenglin representatives to town. Right: Mayor Malcolm Campbell pre- sented Fenglin Group founder Mr Liu Yichuan with a greenstone pa- per weight. Operator chosen for container terminal International port logistics company ISO Ltd has ed by its parent company, QUBE,” Glenn says. been selected as the preferred operator for Ka- Industrial Symbiosis Kawerau initiated the con- werau’s planned container terminal. tainer terminal concept in 2012. This selection is a vital step towards the con- “Once completed, the terminal will provide a tainer terminal's completion. Council economic cost-effective logistics system for Eastern Bay of and community development manager Glenn Plenty value-added exporters to transport their Sutton says the decision wasn’t easy. products to port,” Glenn says. “It was an extremely close choice between ISO Toi-EDA general manager Francis Pauwels says and the other candidate, C3, as both compa- the terminal will support the Eastern Bay for nies were of high calibre and would have easily current and predicted growth. met the requirements for the role. ISO has high “This project is positive for the entire Bay of values and an emphasis on community involve- Plenty as business and industry work together ment and development that Industrial Symbiosis to better the region. The overarching strategy is Kawerau believes will complement and benefit to achieve cost-effective and efficient logistics the district.” solutions for current businesses to grow and to ISO Limited is an international port logistics attract new businesses into the region. Mov- company, providing stevedoring, marshalling, ing freight is a key component of that, but also warehousing, container-packing, IT and total extends to UFB coverage, airport links, wharf supply chain solutions to exporters and import- facilities and safe roading networks,” he says.
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