JAN TICHY 1974 Born in Prague, Czech Republic Assistant Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA Education !!7"!9 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Sculpture Depart$ent, %&A !!'"!7 Bezalel Acade$) of Art and Design, *el A+i+, A(+anced Studies in &ine Art 1999" !! ,erusale$ School of Photograph) - .e/ %edia, Photograph) Depart$ent 199'-99 *he 0ebre/ Uni+ersit) of ,erusale$, Political Science and 1eneral Studies Public Presentations !12 Li+ing Architecture, 4!12 .orth, Chicago's 0o$e for 67peri$ental Arts and Culture, Chicago, IL, USA Up is Do/n, .orth/estern Uni+ersit), Block %useu$ of Art, Chicago, IL, USA Art on the%art9 Chicago, IL, USA 6:P; Chicago, 1alerie <ornfeld, Chicago, IL, USA !14 Installation .r9 1, 0)de Park Art Center, Chicago, IL, USA Installation .r9 9 =.eues Rathaus>, <unsthalle ;snabr?ck, ;snabr?ck, 1er$an) Screening of the +ideos things to co$e9 6+er) &riday during the e7hibition, 1uggen" hei$, .e/ @ork, USA Se+en Doors, Santa Barbara %useu$ of Art, Santa Barbara, USA !1' <unsthalle ;snabr?ck, 1er$an) Selected solo exhibitions !17 1no$onics, Ber$an %useu$ of Art, College+ille, PA, USA Be)ond Streaming, %SU Broad %useu$, East Lansing, %I, USA %riz, Drdo+a 1aller), Prague, Czech Republic !14 Aeight of 1lass, 1alerie <ornfeld, Berlin, 1er$an) Art, CA Long Lines, &ri($an 1aller), .@C !1' 0ezi Cohen 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel &ri($an 1aller), .e/ @ork, USA 0)de Park Art Center, Chicago, USA sur-round-things, Circle 1 1aller), Berlin, 1er$an) !14 aroundcenter, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, USA 1A3ERI6KORNFE ! &asanenstr. 4 #"1!719 Berlin *el B49 =!>C! 229 ' 29! &a7 B49 =!>C! 229 ' 299 galerie@galerie8ornfel(.co$ !1C Politics of 3ight, .o Longer 6$pt) - Richard 1ray 1aller), .e/ @ork Cit), USA ;+erlap, 0ezi Cohen 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel 0elen Day Art Center, Sto/e, USA !1 1979D1" !1 D 1, %useu$ of Conte$porar) Photograph), Chicago, USA ProEect Cabrini 1reen, 1ordon 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel %A*RIX 144, Wads/orth Atheneu$ %useu$ of Art, 0artfor(, USA !11 Installation .o91C, .athan 1ottesdiener Prize, *el A+i+ %useu$ of Art, USA !1! !1DC7D 4D!', Center for Conte$porar) Art, *el A+i+, Israel Installation .o9 1!, Spertus %useu$, Chicago, USA !!9 Installations, Richard 1ray 1aller), Chicago, USA Recent Works, %useu$ of Conte$porar) Art, Bat @am, Israel, Israel !!2 1 F1 , %useu$ of Conte$porar) Art, Chicago, USA !!7 1C91, 0erzli)a %useu$ of Conte$porar) Art, Israel !!4 Beton, %orel Derfler 1aller), ,erusale$, Israel Selected "rou# exhibitions !19 At the intersection of technolog) and spiritualit), Artist’s talk and e7hibition about Bauhäusler pal$ prints created in spring 19 4 in Dessau, Robert &9 Carr %e$orial Chapel, Chicago, USA !12 Li+ing Architecture, 4!12 .orth, Chicago <ede$ <ode$ <adi$a, CCA *el A+i+ Beton 0atzuf, Beit Ariela, *el A+i+ !17 Recent Acquisitions to Rothfeld Collection, A$erican Uni+ersit) %useu$, DC Jictor) ;+er the Sun, <entucky %useu$ of Art - Design, Louis+ille, <@ *he Place We Stand, %orel Derfler 1aller), ,erusale$ Real EstateD #/elling in Conte$porar) Art, Ber$an %useu$ of Art, College+ille, PA %editerranean, See(s of Color 1aller), Israel Interstice, <ruger 1aller), Chicago *he .e/ .or$al, *he 0angar, Beirut !14 Lichte %o$ente, ;snabrueck, 1er$an) &il$s *o Co$e, 1uggenhei$ %useu$, .@C P#& ;bEect, %ana Conte$porar), Chicago %oCP at 4!, %useu$ of Conte$porar) Photograph), Chicago Bene9 &9 Action, Andrea %eislin 1aller), .e/ @ork !1' Paper Plains, <ornfeld 1aller), Berlin Behind the &ence, Beit Bialik %useu$, *el A+i+ At the headwaters, 1ardner Center for Arts, 1ar), IN 1A3ERI6KORNFE ! &asanenstr. 4 #"1!719 Berlin *el B49 =!>C! 229 ' 29! &a7 B49 =!>C! 229 ' 299 galerie@galerie8ornfel(.co$ &irst @ear, &ern/e) 1aller), Chicago, USA *he Shape of *hings to Co$e, Santa Barbara %useu$ of Art, USA RA@ !1', %useu$ fuer Ange/andte <unst, &rankfurt, 1er$an) After *oday, 1aller) 4!!, Chicago, USA Currents ,an *ich) and Sha/n Decker at the Santa &e .e/ %edia Installation, El %useo Cultural de Santa &e, USA Signifiers of Place, 0erzli)a %useu$ of Art, Israel !14 Infor$al &or$s, Aran Crave) 1aller), USA *he Chicago Effect, 0)de Park Art Center, Chicago, USA LightC, &ri($an 1aller), .e/ @ork Cit), USA *hrough a 1lass Darkl), Si$onK.eu$an 1aller), .e/ @ork Cit), USA Jisions and .ight$ares, &il$ %useu$ Dusseldorf, 1er$an) ;n Location, 0)gienic 1alleries, .e/ London, USA Spotlight, El$hurst %useu$ of Art, USA *he *o/ering Inferno, *el A+i+ Uni+ersit) 1aller), Israel 0o$e Before Dar8, 0ezi Cohen 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel !1C &irst Circle, C1 Platfor$ for Art and Culture, Berlin, 1er$an) Be)ond .o %anGs Lan(, Andrea %eislin 1aller), .e/ @ork Cit), USA 67poJideo, 67po Chicago, Chicago, USA Blackbo7, West ,erusale$, Israel 1!71!, three/alls, Chicago, USA Luarantine, 0ansen 0ouse, ,erusale$, Israel La citta nuo+a, Jilla ;l$o, Co$o, Ital) Light and Shado/, Science %useu$, ,erusale$, Israel Aircraft Carrier, Storefront for Art and Architecture, .e/ @ork Cit), USA, and Israel %useu$, ,erusale$, Israel *he 6)e of the Blackbir(, Art 0ouse, *el A+i+, Israel Beginning of a Collection, Ash(od %useu$ of Art, Israel !1 %aterial *ranslations, *adeo Ando 1aller), Art Institute of Chicago, USA Suitcase Art, <?nstlerhaus Speckstrasse, 0amburg, 1er$an) %use, Richard 1ray 1aller), Chicago, USA IN/SITU, 1 th 67po Chicago, USA Aircraft Carrier, 1Cth Architecture Biennale, Jenice S8)scraperD Art And Architecture Against 1ravit), %useu$ of Conte$porar) Art, Chicago, USA 1alicia %on A$our, S;<;L Cultural Center, .o/) Sacz, Polan( Lu$a, Shpil$an Institute for Photograph), *el A+i+, Israel 1rid !1 , International Photograph) Biennial, A$sterdam, *he .etherlands Ahere the fall /inds blo/, Artists’ 0ouse, *el A+i+, Israel *rue Stories, Locks 1aller), Philadelphia, USA Soundscapes, %inshar 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel Closing Part), *he 0eder 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel !11 %agic Lantern, *he Israel %useu$ ,erusale$, Israel 0appiness ProEect, Loop Alliance Pop Up 1aller), Chicago, USA 1A3ERI6KORNFE ! &asanenstr. 4 #"1!719 Berlin *el B49 =!>C! 229 ' 29! &a7 B49 =!>C! 229 ' 299 galerie@galerie8ornfel(.co$ Social 0ousing"0ousing the Social, S<;R foundation, A$sterdam, *he .etherlands 67peri$ental Station, LABoral, 1iEon, Spain AR*3J biennale, 0erzli)a, Israel Urban Imaginariu$, %ar/en 1aller), Chicago, USA InK67/Change, AR*S*A@S 9, Slo+enia =in collaboration /ith Shawn Decker> 0ang In *here, Co-Prosperit) Sphere, Chicago, USA Islands, Worlds, %usrara 1aller), ,erusale$, Israel 67peri$ental Station, CA %, %adrid, Spain Aithout @ou I A$ .othing M Interactions, %CA Chicago, USA Ahite Light, Black Light, Wood Street 1alleries, Pittsburgh, USA ;ut of Place, Lora Re)nolds 1aller), Austin, USA !1! Place, ;rigin, Landscape, A%U 1aller), Prague, Czech Republic Im$aterial Architecture, PP;W 1aller), .e/ @ork Cit), USA Art Unli$ite(, Art Basel, S/itzerlan( %usraraMi7 N1!, International Art &esti+al, ,erusale$, Israel %ohol)D An Education of the Senses, Lo)ola Uni+ersit) %useu$ of Art, Chicago , USA =e7hibition design in collaboration /ith 0elen %aria .ugent> Disquiete(, Portland Art %useu$, Portland, USA &amil)K*ree II, 0elena Rubinstein Pa+ilion, *el A+i+ %useu$ of Art, Israel !!9 Art*3J Biennale, *el A+i+, Israel Learning %o(ern, Sulli+an 1alleries, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA =in collaboration /ith 0elen %aria .ugent> Drear) Structures, Drea$) Structures, Ashdod %useu$ of Art, Israel After ArchitectureD *)pologies of the After/ards, Centre d’Art Santa %onica, Barcelona, Spain &amil)K*ree I, 0elena Rubinstein Pa+ilion, *el A+i+ %useu$ of Art, Israel Cent Ans de Dialogue par lGArt, ;rangerie du Senat, Paris, &rance he Age of a Different Re-ActionD .e/ Israeli Art Scene, 1alerie Davide 1allo, Berlin, 1er$an) Paper/orks, *he Israel %useu$ =Beit *icho>, ,erusale$, Israel Annual %&A 1raduate 67hibition, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Israel !!2 Additions, La Biennale di Jenezia, 11th International Architecture 67hibition, Israeli Pavilion, Jenice, Ital) Access to Israel, *he ,e/ish %useu$ in &rankfurt, &rankfurt, 1er$an) Can Art Do %oreO, Art &ocus ', ,erusale$, Israel LA@LAD @oung Israeli Artists, IN1A 1aller), .e/ @ork Cit), USA &uture Perfect, International *riennial of Conte$porar) Art, .ational 1aller), Prague, Czech Republic Blind Spot, Petach *i8+a %useu$ of %odern Art, Israel 4! @ears, Arc 1aller), Chicago, USA Real *i$eD Art in Israel 1992" !!2, *he Israel %useu$ ,erusale$, Israel @oung Artist A/ards, 0aifa %useu$ of Art, Israel Personal Landscapes, *he A$erican Uni+ersit) %useu$, Washington #9C9, USA */osidedness, <ulturhuset, Stockhol$, S/eden &irst Sho/D Conte$porar) Art fro$ *he Israel %useu$, Beit %ani, *el A+i+, Israel 1A3ERI6KORNFE ! &asanenstr. 4 #"1!719 Berlin *el B49 =!>C! 229 ' 29! &a7 B49 =!>C! 229 ' 299 galerie@galerie8ornfel(.co$ !!7 &orks an( .apkins, 1 1aller), Chicago, USA ,erusale$ of ;ne’s 6)e, *he Social 1aller), ,erusale$, Israel 0erzli)a Biennale, 0erzli)a %useu$ of Conte$porar) Art, Israel Jideo%arina, %useu$ of Conte$porar) Art, Bat @am, Israel Artic 9, *el A+i+ Uni+ersit) 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel Salame !!7, 1raduate Sho/ %&A, Bezalel Acade$) of Arts, *el A+i+, Israel &leeing A/ay &ro$ What Bothers @ou %ost, %agasin C Stockhol$ <onsthall, Stockhol$, S/eden !!4 .or$alit), *he 0eder 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel CzechPoint, .;D 1aller) and Cs 1aller), Prague, Czech Republic Liquorish Light, Saloona, *el A+i+, Israel Paper/orks, *he 0eder 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel Collaboration on Site, ARS !4 Biennale, <ias$a %useu$ of %odern Art, 0elsinki, &inlan( Israeli Salon of Photograph),
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