CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by CERN Document Server Standard Cosmology in the DGP Brane Model Rainer Dick Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan, 116 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2, Canada Large extra dimensions provide interesting extensions of our parame- ter space for gravitational theories. There exist now brane models which can perfectly reproduce standard four-dimensional Friedmann cosmology. These models are not motivated by observations, but they can be helpful in developing new approaches to the dimensionality problem in string theory. I describe the embedding of standard Friedmann cosmology in the DGP model, and in particular the realization of our current (dust + Λ)- dominated universe in this model. 1. Introduction In recent years large extra dimensions which can only be probed by gravi- tons and eventually non-standard matter have attracted a lot of attention. These models usually yield the correct Newtonian (1/r)-potential at large distances because the gravitational field is quenched on submillimeter trans- verse scales. This quenching appears either due to finite extension of the transverse dimensions [1] or due to submillimeter transverse curvature scales induced by negative cosmological constants1 [2,3,4,5,6,7].Acommon feature of both of these types of models and also of the old Kaluza–Klein type models is the prediction of deviations from four-dimensional Einstein gravity at short distances. If the transverse length scale is not too small this implies the possibility to generate bulk gravitons in accelerators [10, 11, 12] or stars [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. In this regard the recent model of Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati (DGP) [18] (see also [19, 20] for extensions) is very different: It predicts that four- dimensional Einstein gravity is a short-distance phenomenon with devia- tions showing up at large distances. The transition between four- and higher-dimensional gravitational potentials in the DGP model arises as a 1 Please consult e.g. [8, 9] for much more extensive lists of references. (1) 2 consequence of the presence of both brane and bulk Einstein terms in the action. Furthermore, it was observed in [8] that the DGP model allows for an embedding of standard Friedmann cosmology in the sense that the cosmo- logical evolution of the background metric on the brane can entirely be described by the standard Friedmann equation plus energy conservation on the brane. This was later generalized to arbitrary number of transverse dimensions in [21]. In Sec. 3 I review the standard embedding of Friedmann cosmology found in [8], and describe in particular the realization of a (dust + Λ)- dominated universe in this framework. 2. The DGP model The action of the DGP model reads 3 m4 3 S = dt d ~x dx⊥√ gR (1) 2 − Z Z Z 2 3 m3 (d 1) 3 + dt d ~x √ gR − m4√ g K + , 2 − − − L! Z Z x?=0 where Gaussian normal coordinates are employed: 2 µ ν 2 ds = gµν dx dx +(dx⊥) . (2) The transverse coordinate x⊥ is a distance along orthogonal geodesics to the brane. | | The (3 + 1)-dimensional submanifold x⊥ = 0 is usually denoted as a 3- brane, and contains the matter degrees of freedom on this brane. Extrinsic curvature effectsL have been taken into account through a Gibbons–Hawking term [22, 23, 24, 25, 26] (which requires averaging over the two sides of the brane [8]), and m4 and m3 are reduced Planck masses in five and four dimensions, respectively. The action (1) yields Einstein equations 1 1 m3 R g R + m2g µg ν R(d 1) g R(d 1) δ(x ) 4 MN 2 MN 3 M N µν− 2 µν − ⊥ − − µ ν = gM gN Tµν δ(x⊥), (3) corresponding to matching conditions 1 1 x?= αβ lim [Kµν ]x = = 3 Tµν gµν g Tαβ (4) +0 ? − m − d 1 → 4 x?=0 − 3 2 m3 (d 1) 1 αβ (d 1) 3 Rµν− gµν g Rαβ− − m4 − 2(d 1) − x?=0 for the extrinsic curvature of the brane. The use of Gaussian normal coordinates (2) implies that we can impose a harmonic gauge condition only on the longitudinal coordinates xµ: α 1 α ∂αh µ + ∂ h µ = ∂µ (h α + h ) , (5) ⊥ ⊥ 2 ⊥⊥ but this is sufficient to get a decoupled equation for the gravitational po- tential of a static mass distribution: The transverse equations in the gauge (5) α 1 α β α R R α = ∂α∂ h β h + ∂ ∂αh =0, ⊥⊥ − 2 − ⊥⊥ ⊥ ⊥ 1 α K 1 α R µ = ∂µ∂αh ∂K∂ h µ + ∂µ∂ (h h α)=0 ⊥ 2 ⊥ − ⊥ 4 ⊥ ⊥⊥ − α can be solved by h µ =0,h = h α, and the remaining equations take the form ⊥ ⊥⊥ 3 α 2 2 α α m4(∂α∂ + ∂ )hµν + m3δ(x⊥)(∂α∂ hµν ∂µ∂ν h α) ⊥ − 1 αβ = 2δ(x⊥) T η η T . − µν − d 1 µν αβ − This yields the equation for the gravitational potential of a mass density %(~r)=Mδ(~r)on : M3;1 3 2 2 2 m4(∆ + ∂ )U(~r,x⊥)+m3δ(x⊥)∆U(~r,x⊥)= Mδ(~r)δ(x⊥). (6) ⊥ 3 The resulting potential on the brane is [18, 8] 3 3 3 M 2m4 2 2m4 2m4 U(~r)= 2 cos 2 r cos 2 r Si 2 r (7) −6πm3r " m3 ! − π m3 ! m3 ! 3 3 2 2m4 2m4 + sin 2 r ci 2 r , π m3 ! m3 !# with the sine and cosine integrals x sin ξ Si(x)= dξ , ξ Z0 4 cos ξ ci(x)= ∞ dξ . − ξ Zx The DGP model thus predicts a transition scale 2 m3 `DGP = 3 (8) 2m4 between four-dimensional behavior and five-dimensional behavior of the gravitational potential: M 2 r r ` : U(~r)= 1+ γ DGP 6πm2r π ` − 3 − DGP r r r2 + ln + , ` ` `2 DGP DGP O DGP !# M `2 `4 r ` : U(~r)= 1 2 DGP + DGP . DGP 2 3 2 2 4 − 6π m4r " − r O r !# γ 0.577 is Euler’s constant. ' If we would use the usual value of the reduced Planck mass for m3,then the small r potential would be stronger than the genuine four-dimensional 4 potential by a factor 3 because the coupling of the masses on the brane to the four-dimensional Ricci tensor is increased by this factor. This factor 4 3 is in agreement with the tensorial structure of the graviton propagator reported in [18]. Therefore the four-dimensional reduced Planck mass is slightly larger in the DGP model than in ordinary Einstein gravity: 1=2 18 m =(6πG )− 2.8 10 GeV. (9) 3 N;3 ' × The potential is displayed in Fig. 1. The current limit on deviations from Einstein gravity at large distances is still set by [27], see also [28, 29]. 14 The limit `DGP > 10 m would translate with (8,9) into a bulk Planck mass m4 < 200 GeV. This may seem surprisingly low, but recall from (7) that the relevant graviton coupling scale at distances well below `DGP is the large Planck mass m3 on the brane, and lower m4 means larger `DGP , making it even harder to detect any deviations from Einstein gravity. It is certainly easy to constrain `DGP to supergalactic scales, because the DGP model predicts a weakening of gravity at large distances, thus potentially increasing the need for dark matter. However, interest in this model does not arise from the hope that one might detect any corresponding effects at galactic or not too large super- galactic scales: The interest in the model results from the observation that it provides a simple, yet surprising mechanism to accomodate four-dimensional gravity in a model with infinitely large extra dimensions. 5 x 0 ±2 ±4 y ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 Fig. 1. The blue line is the gravitational potential in the DGP model as a function of x = r/`DGP . The horizontal axis covers the region 0 x 4. The vertical 3 ≤ ≤ units correspond to M/(12m4). The green line is the ordinary three-dimensional Newton potential in these units, and the red line is the corresponding potential in four spatial dimensions. 3. Standard cosmology in the DGP model From the fact that the DGP model predicts deviations only at large dis- tances one might hope that it could be ruled out from cosmological observa- tions, but we will see that it can account for standard Friedmann cosmology at any distance scale on the brane: i Brane cosmology usually starts from the line element (with xi x , 2 i ≡ r xix ) ≡ 2 2 2 ds = n (x⊥,t)dt (10) − x x 2 +a2(x ,t) δ + k i j dxidxj + b2(x ,t)dx . ⊥ ij 1 kr2 ⊥ ⊥ − 6 This ansatz implies a brane cosmological principle in that it assumes that every hypersurface x⊥ = const. is a Robertson–Walker spacetime with cos- mological time T = n(x ,t) dt. x? ⊥ Building on the| results| of [30,| 31], the cosmological evolution equations R of a 3-brane in a five-dimensional bulk following from (3) and (4) were presented in [32, 33]. Here I will follow [8] and give the results for a brane of dimension ν +1. The Einstein tensors for the metric (10) in Gaussian normal coordinates (b2 =1)andind = ν + 1 spatial dimensions are on the hypersurfaces x⊥ =const.: 2 (ν) 1 2 a˙ k G00 = ν(ν 1)n + (11) 2 − n2a2 a2 ! n˙ a˙ a¨ 1 a˙ 2 k G(ν) =(ν 1) g (ν 1)(ν 2) + g , (12) ij n3a n2a ij 2 n2a2 a2 ij − − − − − ! and in the bulk: 1 a˙ 2 a 2 k a G = ν(ν 1)n2 0 + νn2 00 , (13) 00 2 2 2 2 2 − n a − a a ! − a 2 2 1 a0 a˙ k Gij = (ν 1)(ν 2) gij (14) 2 − − a2 − n2a2 − a2 ! a n a a¨ n˙ a˙ n +(ν 1) 00 + 0 0 + g + 00 g , a na n2a n3a ij n ij − − n0 a˙ a˙ 0 G0 = ν , (15) ⊥ n a a − 1 a 2 a˙ 2 k n a n˙ a˙ a¨ G = ν(ν 1) 0 + ν 0 0 + .
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