Bargain hunters who skip Bulletin Ads are like lUUlldlo liflillUUI HSIIC iflUSCO Nicy imoo mm&a 0ne Vote Fori ? STEAMER TABLE From San Francisco: s I China May 24 1 Sierra May 29 The EVENING BULLETIN 1 -- S PACIFIC STATES TOUR. I For San Francisco : Bl CIB H Alameda May 22 5 1 : 22, 1907, I Doric May 25 WEDNESDAY, MAY LETIN S 5 From Vancouver : ; J vote Is ijood until 5 Manuka June 1, 5 This 5 June 12, 1907. For Vancouver: 3 3 Aorangi May 29 ' IF VOU W IT li THE BULLETIN KlilDIV TELL TE MERCHANT 5 ) 3:30 O'CLOCK PllIOE! 5 Uknts OP WEDNESDAY. MAY 22. 1907 Vox. IX No. 3699 HONOLULU. rKKMTOKT HAWAII. Honolulu's Program Is Now Ompiete EH Hi TAX HAKE RE W Congressmen Dine At The B Mi Hill Brink of Hawaii's Crater TIDAL Treasurer A.J. Campbell Waialua And Pearl Har Denies Change Has , bor Trips Are .Been Made Arranged 'OrfJ HUB If U V U V H W 1 Tlip Ktnrv which was published in The executive committee oi the to an Oahu Committee met. mis atieinoon (As'snciarrd .ive.v.i p,ireful ruble) Associate Press Upecinl Cable) the Star last evening relative at, alleged change in the method of han-- U o'clock at the Promotion Committee.; pgAlTCISCO, Cal., May 22. May - SYDNEY. Australia, 22. by the Treasurer for the purpose of making del dling the tax' funds UK! "Bl,nder8 Erchave has aVrecd News was received here today of a or A. I. Camp- -' mite plans for the entertainment of the Territory Treasurer em-i- n it. re-- ; to oppose unionism imong the great tidal wave that swept the isl- bell brands as inaccurate and incorrect the Concessional party after ands of the Caroline croup on April every paitieular. There is not a turns from the other islands. Tims ; j ployes of US merooers. i A. Alc- -j 30. Immense damage was done and statement in the article, he says, thai present were ,Ias. Morgan, J. Ceo. L larence 200 persons killed. is correct. There has been no ehause ;CaiidlehS, Smtlli. made in the handling of tax money, Alad'arkine, II. 1'. Wood and .1. II. by the legis-jGal- t. HEGEMAN MAKES PLEA except the change made iature of 1905, making taxes payable; Smith opened the meeting by rending twice a yeftr instead of once a year as, the cablegram wl.iili he received NEW YOEK, N. Y.,v May 22. This was an udininistra- - terdny from He'iegate Kalanianaole President Hegeman of the Metropol- linn init'tuiirp Mll'l v;m !l decided relieil stal inir tliat the Congressmen would itan Life Insurance Co. pleaded not as it lessened the amount of nioney jbe willing to take, the proposed trip to guilty in court today. that was withdrawn from circulation Waialua and Wahiawa. it was decided at one time, 'to approve of the changes which had ''1 here ii absolutely nothing," said been made in t lis original plan for this Ifl KILLED IN WRECK Mr Camnboil. "in the statement that trip, whereby Wahiawa will lie visited; mt it. been tile custom of this olliee to tltsii and Haleiwa afterwards, ANGELES, Cal., May 22. A has LOS tin. clim-li!- tendered in tjayment. of The in to I'tarl Harbor was also train was wrecked near here today. (axes anil leave the money on deposit, idiscttssed. Smith suggested that the One was killed and a dozen injured. in the banks. Such a course would list, of the local people who are to ac- The cause of tin wreck is not known. he illegal and has never been followed, company the Congressional party on The only action that in any way: hoard the Iroquois, be made as small ASSASSINS SUICIDE ' resembled this was that taken in lUIKlJns possible on account of the limited t:,H)l 1305 when were large mom on that vessei. Mci.nmtiess and there lean; CGilGliESSIONAL PARTY TOOK registered warrants out-- a list which he had prepared, contain-- 1 NEW lUitA, X. l.,uay ,4. ine QV HALEMAUMAU. THE CRATES, PIT, WHERE THE GUATEMALA CITY, C. A., May amount of ON THE EDGE standing and held by the banks. On mg the mimes of representative busi- - Manufacturers' Association, m to Ait 22. Four men who attempted 1, 11104, were out-- ness men, ofdeinls, naval and military Ejon passed a resolution there llere today, :: u :: si u li :i a K n k, - si "h a it kill President Cabrera have commit- registered warrants amount- otlicers, newspapermen and others,! Qf for" Rail- si it a s: H !! !'. U il K J 1 standing sympathy the United ted suicide. ing to '$951,000. Most of these were tven a Democrat, or two being thrown , j ( gan Fv?nei;C0, now engatied in a struggle with the unions. (Special Bulletin Wireless) MORE CAES RUNNING checks received in payment of taxes the party. The list will be compared: exchanged the for with one which has been compiled by SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 22. and them at banks Visitors enjoyed their dinner last evening serv- deposit for the amount iF. V. Macfarlane, who is to entertain JURORS FOR SCHMITZ KILO Hawaii, May 22. The Congressional Three additional car lines are run certificates of hot cracks near by and the of registered warrants they held. the parly at. Uineheon at his Pearl ed on the brink of the Volcano pit. The fo:d was cooked over the today. the 22. ot the ning Then after November 10, when taxes Harbor residence, alter which a SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May members of the party declared the whole afla.r to be the most unique experience trip delinquent, they brought the vised list will be otlleially given out. examination of talesmen for the SUGAR The thUS registered warrants up here and ex- - it was stated thai, besides the lro-- Mayor Schmitz began today. dinner was served on a table laid with- 21. trial of The event was a great success in every way. The SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May thauged thein for the certificates ot quois, the launch Watervvit.ch and Ad- - ' - in four feet of Halemaumau. , , SUGAR: 96 degree Centrifugals, 3.92 deposit. The same course was lol- miral Very s launch would lie usml to "Quarantine wharf should be made to attend a meeting to be - , ' The majority of the guests will return to Hilo this afternoon cents, or $78.40 per ton. Previous lowed .in 1903 and 190a. This maue it convey the iiany and those accom- Rome three immtreii leei hiub'-i- said tew otners ' men of Hilo and vicinity. Senator Piles and a quotation, 3.86 cents. necessary to withdraw from circulation panying it to l'earl Harbor. It was Captain Saunders, Hie well know? held this evening with the business $600,000 mil- - generally maiorily ;i,",i not hard Mauna Loa, leaving from Honuapo, they having missed the BEETS: 88 analysis, 10s. 0 nnlv about instead of the believed that the ii,i nini'iiiim. "it is will return to Honolulu by the lion and a half due for taxes and made of those who went would take the 1(, such small steamers as the taking the Me::ica l direct irom Aanuiui to nuu, Parity, 4.12 cents. Previous quota- handle Kona tnp by stealer of it. unnecessary for the banks to import train hack. but it. will be diliicult when investi: iting the rock to be supplied for the construction 9s. 11 Alameda Captain Ctwell is in. Puna tion, ot coin. But xs ridic- The that, j traus-I'acili- e have to go ,, - large amounts it chair stated the members big liners t-- v. : breakwater will begin in October. away He says tint on the ulous to say that we ever held the of the G. A. K. had asked that, the Hlonfcside." The Alameda got. BURNS. cheeks uncashed. committee nrovide transportation forjori sJhedule time, 10 o'clock this morn-rh- e Since 1905 no warrants have been members of the Congressional j11gi (or San Francisco with sixty cabin st st st V st s: a st st si !t it a st x st st a st st a t a a a a registered and the taxes come in twice party so that ihey could take part, in passengers and 100 passengers in ihu r h a a ii st st si a year, in May and November. Only their Decoration Pay procession. This! neerage. 0 0 fl about $597,000 was withdrawn' from matter was referred to the transporta- - jvwv!sSAJVlAWWVWW9fyWi'WMVWs"J circulation last November, and there lion committee. terday afternoon. His statement wa is about same this May. The only It was decided that the matter of a Ian entirely voluntary one, and Ihe mal-ll- er STACKABLE SLATED the OLD RELIABLE MES- NOTLEY STRONG FOR reason that there is any shortage of meeting at Aala park was not for the THE was evidently one which had resi- J. & CO.: the Furniture Peo- has made a E0PP money is that sugar shipments are committee to Take up. It was entirely! SENGERS ARE FOUND ded on his mind. "Hustace BY ONE MAN ple, have completed the moving of the affair of the Republican Central' CHARLEY fine chairman of the Hoard of .Super the sample portions of their stock to Committee, which could invite the: AT THE visors, anil lie woiim maia; a spicimm J reason t say so uccaurx; the Lewers & Cooke building on King Enoch Johnson is administrator with Congressmen, who could go to the MAYOR mayor.
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