Executive Summary of the 2019 Financial Statement 2 CONTENTS Key figures at a glance .........................................................................5 Risk and opportunity report ........................................................21 Members of the Supervisory Board ......................................................6 - Risk report ............................................................................21 Members of the Board of Directors .....................................................7 - Organization of opportunity management ............................25 Report of the Board of Directors ....................................................... 8 Forecast report .............................................................................26 The company’s fundamentals ........................................................8 - General economic conditions ................................................26 Financial report .............................................................................8 - Development of Dillinger .....................................................26 - Overall economic and sector-related conditions ......................8 - Business performance at Dillinger ...........................................9 Annual financial statement ................................................................28 - Earnings position ..................................................................10 Balance sheet ...............................................................................28 - Financial and asset position ..................................................12 Profit and loss statement ..............................................................30 - Key figures ............................................................................13 Other information ........................................................................31 Changes in important non-financial performance factors ............14 - Change in fixed assets ...........................................................31 - Sustainability ........................................................................14 - List of shareholdings ............................................................32 - Employees .............................................................................15 - Cash flow statement ..............................................................34 - Percentage of women ............................................................15 - Research and development ....................................................16 - Innovation management ........................................................16 - Raw material procurement and transport ..............................17 This abridged English-language financial statement is an excerpt from the annual - Environmental protection .....................................................17 report of Dillinger for the 2019 financial year. This publication does not constitute the complete form required by law (for this, please see the 2019 Annual Report of - Most significant shareholdings ..............................................18 Dillinger in German.) 3 4 KEY FIGURES 2018 2019 Change Hot metal purchase in kt * 2 012 1 911 - 5.0 % AT A GLANCE Crude steel production in kt 2 334 2 238 - 4.1 % Total production of heavy plate in kt 1 910 1 847 - 3.3 % of which produced in Dillingen in kt 1 248 1 291 + 3.4 % of which produced in Dunkerque in kt 662 556 - 16.0 % Total shipment in kt 2 681 2 500 - 6.8 % of which heavy plate in kt 1 911 1 877 - 1.8 % of which semi-finished product in kt 770 623 - 19.1 % Sales revenues by country in € millions Germany 831 771 France 448 363 Other EU countries 488 508 Other exports 252 348 Total sales 2 019 1 990 - 1.4 % Total workforce (excluding trainees) as of 31 Dec. 4 919 4 871 Personnel expenses in €million 368 378 Balance sheet total in € million 2 835 2 743 Fixed assets in € million 2 064 2 002 Investments 36 27 Shareholders’ equity in € million 1 619 1 470 EBITDA in € million 66 - 20 EBIT in € million - 6 - 91 Net result before profit transfer in € million - 52 - 149 Operating cash flow in € million 36 46 * Total production ROGESA: 3 867 kt (previous year: 4 389 kt) 5 NADINE KLIEBHAN, Illingen MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD (as of 9 July 2019) Project consultant, INFO-Institut Beratungs-GmbH REINHARD STÖRMER, Völklingen Dr. BERND BERGMANN, Wallerfangen Chairman (as of 24 May 2019) (until 9 July 2019) Dr. KARL-ULRICH KÖHLER, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr Chairman of the Curatorship for the Member of the Board of Directors of (as of 9 July 2019) Montan-Stiftung-Saar Trust Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke,ret. Managing Director, Rittal GmbH & Co. KG Dr. MICHAEL H. MÜLLER, Saarbrücken Prof. Dr. HEINZ BIERBAUM, Saarbrücken Prof. Dr. WOLFGANG LEESE, Lindberg Chairman, died 21 February 2019 (until 9 July 2019) (as of 9 July 2019) Chairman of the Curatorship for the Director of the INFO-Institute, Saarbrücken Managing Director/Partner, Montan-Stiftung-Saar Trust WGLVerwaltung und Beratung GmbH CARL DE MARÉ, Belsele (BE) JÖRG KÖHLINGER, Frankfurt Vice-President of ArcelorMittal PAUL PERDANG, Gingelom 1st Deputy Chairman Chief Technical Officer Flat Carbon Europe (as of 9 July 2019) Trade Union Secretary/District Manager General Manager, Head of Capex, Group Finance, of IG Metall Central Region Directorate LARS DESGRANGES, Beckingen ArcelorMittal Luxembourg S.A. (as of 9 July 2019) MICHEL WURTH, Sandweiler (LU) Primary Authorized Representative EUGEN ROTH, Merchweiler 2nd Deputy Chairman for IG Metall Völklingen Administrative Office Deputy Chairman of DGB Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland Chairman of the Board of Directors of ArcelorMittal Luxembourg S. A. MICHAEL FISCHER, Dillingen RAINER SCHWICKERATH, Nalbach Chairman of the Group Works Council (as of 1 January 2019) ARIBERT BECKER, Rehlingen and Chairman of the Works Council of Member of the Works Council of Sales Director of Saarstahl AG, ret. Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke MICHAEL BECKER, Saarwellingen ROBERT HIRY, Rehlingen-Siersburg STEVE WAMPACH, Strassen 1st Deputy Chair of the Works Council (until 9 July 2019) (9 April 2019 – 9 July 2019) of Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke Primary Authorized Representative of Head of Controlling, ArcelorMittal, Luxembourg S.A. IG Metall Völklingen Administrative Unit ERICH WILKE, Königstein (Taunus) Bank Executive, ret. 6 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TIM HARTMANN Dr. BERND MÜNNICH Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Technical Officer (until 19 March 2019) and Chief Financial Officer PETER SCHWEDA MARTIN BAUES Chief Human Resources Officer and Labor Director Chief Technical Officer (as of 20 March 2019) Dr. GÜNTER LUXENBURGER Chief Sales Officer 7 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The company’s fundamentals Financial report The core business of Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger diary Steelwind Nordenham GmbH, which manufactures OVERALL ECONOMIC AND Hüttenwerke, in the following referred to as Dillinger, is monopile foundation systems for the offshore wind mar - SECTOR-RELATED CONDITIONS the manufacture and sale of heavy plate in the form of ket in a plant on the Weser river estuary, offers products normal and pipe plate. This entails the activities of an in - in a processing depth that extends beyond heavy plate. Weak growth in the world economy tegrated blast furnace route, including the production of Growth of the world economy slowed synchronously in coke and hot metal through the subsidiaries Zentralkoke - SHS - Stahl-Holding-Saar GmbH & Co. KGaA (SHS) is 2019: Both the advanced economies (1.7 % in 2019 after rei Saar GmbH (ZKS) and ROGESA Roheisengesell - the direct and indirect majority shareholder of Dillinger 2.3 % in 2018) and the emerging and developing coun - schaft Saar mbH (ROGESA), jointly held with Saarstahl as well as of Saarstahl AG. SHS is the wholly owned sub - tries (3.9 % in 2019 after 4.5 % in 2018) recorded decli - AG (SAG), and the production of liquid steel and semi- sidiary of Montan-Stiftung-Saar, and the two companies ning growth rates. Global growth in 2019 reached 3 %, finished products. Furthermore, in downstream stages, cooperate closely under its umbrella. The SHS subsidiary the lowest growth rate since the financial and economic trading, flame-cutting and treatment businesses offer ad - SHS Logistics GmbH consolidates the logistics activities crisis of 2008/2009. In addition to weaker economic per - ditional services and customized solutions in sales, in the of the SHS Group with the objective of leveraging addi - formance in China (GDP growth of 6.1 % following 6.6 % processing of heavy plate, and in other steel products. tional synergies in processes and costs. The same ob - in the previous year), the trade dispute between the Uni - jective is pursued by SHS Services GmbH, which per - ted States and China, and increasing conflicts among the Also affiliated with Dillinger are transport and logistics forms services in other purchasing (e.g. raw materials for oil countries of the Middle East, the long exit negotiati - companies that are involved in both raw materials trans - steel plants) for the companies of the SHS Group. SHS ons between the United Kingdom and the EU also took port and the shipping of finished products. Infrastruktur GmbH is responsible for Group-wide pur - their toll. The United States also recorded a slight decline chasing of energy and media as well as IT services. in growth momentum (2.4 %
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