A STUDY ON AGRICULTURAL flNANCING BY COMMERCIAI BANKS IN KER,dLA THESIS SUBMITTED TO MAHATMA CANDHI UNIVERSITY FOR'IHE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOROF PHILOSOPHY IN COMMERCE JOHN K. MATHEW UNDER TH E SUPERVISION O! DR G. S. CIRtrESH KIJMAR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR P, G. DEPAR1MENT OF COMITERCE AID RDSEARCTI CENTRE \IR]\'I4L{ ( OLI T(.E, MI VA I rT PUZHA NOVEMBER2OIO P. G. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND R.ESEARCII CENTRE NIRMALA COLLEGE, MUYATTT'PUZIIA, KERAI-A.686 66I DR. G. S. GIREESE KT'MAR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR lirs}lkanha@Bhmon CERTIFICATD Tlris is to cediry that the Tl6is dtined A Stunr on Agicukttul Fina ciltgb' Co e4ial Rdak: in Kqob.weptedby Mt John K- Mathew, for the award of Doclor of Philosophy in Colmerce of the Mahatua Gandhi Utriv€Nity, is a iecord of bo.a fide rsdch wo.k cmied ou1 bv him uder nv supeNision- No part of th€ th*is has bem submitted for my degr€e, diploma, title or r€cogniti@ heforc. He ispemrtted to submit the thesis. Dr- G. S. Gr.€3hkdrtuf t 29/ll/2010 DT. G.S OIREESE I<UMAR #m A..octate Prcforer Dapq.iEert of co&E*. -;-;".I Nirbala Coll.F \-- l LuEtiuDlt!., K.Err.6a6 6ar #.r9W-,-z CONTENTS Page No. List oJ Tables List oJFiqules List ol Abbreointio s CHAPTER I Introductioo 0l-16 CHAPTER II Review of Literature l7- 38 CI{APTER III Agricultural Financing in India - 39-71 CHAPTER IV Agriculturnl Finaucing in Kerala 72- 105 CHAPTER V Perceptions of Benefi ciari€s- 106-215 CtIAPTf,R Vt P€rceptions and Problcms of Bankcrs An Anxlysh 216- 282 CHAPTER VI : Summary of Findinss and R€commendations 283- 309 ltnervieh' srn.nule - Botott.rs I Sthelok- Bank OJJiciab "teflieN Rel-atulu uil S.k.t BihtiogtuPhr ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I ivislr to rccord nry inmense Sratitudc lo lry supeNising tcachei. Dr G. S. Grcsl*umd, Reader, Post Graduate Ddparhnenr oicommcrce and R.rearch Ctrter, Nimala College MrvattuDtPha,lor his erxdite guidance and .esuasions throughout the preparation ollle thesis.I am deeply indebled to rm lor his interest he had shown in my acadelnic eiTorls. I also express ny jnce.e gralitude to Dr. James Mathew. fomer supeNising te.cher. aor his r rlnable contibutions to the endeaaour. I am thanktul to Fr. Dr. Ceorse ThanalhuparanLril. Lrd.r Princiral. \innala College Muv.tlupuzha and Mr. N. Joy, Prnrcipal. Nimala Colleec. \lu\aitupuzta, for providine thc ncccssary hclp for dre .onrpletion of rhe :c)earch work. I also express my gratitude to Mr. laines Ioscl)h, Head olihe Dcpanmcnt of Comerce a.d Research Centrc. Nimala college, Uu\a(ufuzha. Thdiks are due to every hculty nenber ollhe Detafimenl of ao'nrere. Ninnala College, Muvatupuzha, for all the help thcy have offered i re during fie study. l aDr also gratelul to the office and library slat ol \rmr.la Coll€ge. Muvatlupuzha for the hch t sought Aon lhem. I Emenber with graiitude all the bnnch officials of the selected bank ..rn.Les lor Dennittnrg me to h.ve acces to the rcco.ds dnd for tlte vlluable .rnion. .Lanncalion and suggenions. I aho extend my sincere gratitude lo drc i::r.iNl 1llanagc6 ol lhe SBT. CNIR Ba.h. Fedenl Ba.k, NABAI{D and :rJ \lindgers oldr diffeEnt district\ lirr the suppon arrd eunknce io. the I c\rcnd nry sinceE tha.k! to thc fitu{ eqrondorts. group leadeN, ': :: h.ares ol VIPKC, $mer dubs. Agricultural ofiicers of thc vlrious _il r. ,loD I collect.d daia for the requnements offte sludy. "here I am graretul to ihe Librarians tud sraffof various libmies especiauy. \ nala College Mnvattupuzha. Sr. petels College Kotenchery. \! C UniveNity, Kottayam, Kdala Udve6ny. ThituvananlhapL!]m. Cmtre : : Development Studies Thiruvanathapuran, Cochin Univ*sity of Science j.i Technolo-qy Kochi, Depa'1ndt of Commerce. KeEla UniveEily, from ;:ere Isought assislance for rhe sludy I am iDdebted ro Dr. Jeevananth, Lecturer in Slarislics. U.C. College ].-:ra. and Shii. Saji T G, Lecturer in Commerce. Covemenr Colese, .:rlsur. for tft valuable hetp inthe proce$iry ofpnDraryand secondary data -J ipplicalionofmarheoadcal and statisricat tools for the study. I cxprss my indehtedre$ ro ltot Joy C. Ceorec, fomer principal md \!r C V. Jacob, Manager and Brt Joy K. Paul. principal, Sr peler,s Cotlege \ll.rchery for penniring Dre to go on depuratioD for un.lertaking rhe research ::trJ) I also exlenr my shcere thanks ro Mr. Jory Matiai. Head, Deparrmcnl oa a.nnnerce. St. Peter's College Kolenchery and ny thllow te.che6 ir thc j"ipanment olCommerce. St. Pereas Cotlege Kolenchery for theirremarkabte ..Lp in dre study Sincere t]1d*s !e also recorded for all ihe helD receiv.d :om thc om.e sraLofSr. ?elerr College Kolencheq/. I am deeply indebted lo rhe Univc6ily cranrs Cortulission for ihe :ellosship assigned ro me. I aho express my gatitude ro the M. c. Uniltstsity !rprovidilg nre, witl ncces.ry facilities tor tfu stldy. I a!' also very much gntetul to a nurlber ofmy teachers, friends and :.:.tnes sho en.ouraged rd a$isled me in ttre srudy. I sntetuUy renrenrbe, nry parents. Dry wiie Sd.irha, my kiG, Iesvi and 3ja for rh€ir ercoumgcment. co opehtionand help trouShout l,'re work. Abovc all I rccord ny adniration to the almighty cod ior eve.y.
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