StereoMAY 1970 Rey' 60 CENTS FROM MASTER TAPE TO DISC: HOW RECORDINGSARE MADE BEETHOVEN'S 32 PIANO SONATAS THE VANISHING ART OF WHISTLING THE COMPOSER -CRITIC: ROBERT SCHUMANN EiY 679Z lit H SSI, 3S/1 50 P 1 OLd3S 960296 Z9Z ZLE 1;E speeds service... cuts repair costs. change policy is additional protection . assur- WHAT WILL EXCHANGE BOARD COST? ing you of continued service at minimal cost no Sample 1970 factory -tested replacement boards matter how long you keep your Scott unit. Scott costs are listed below. A complete list is available is proud of its long-standing policy of servicing its by writing to our Service Manager, Don Whitney. products regardless of age. Even today, Scott owners can bringinamplifiers they bought in Regular Exchange 1947, Scott's first year of production, and receive MODUTRON BOARD Cost Cost* prompt, complete service. 342C Stereo Preamplifier $28.84 $10.00 342C Quartz Crystal FM SCOTT AUDIO COMPONENT, LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEM, IF Amplifier $48.88 $10.00 AND STEREO MUSIC SYSTEM WARRANTY 382C Tone Control $30.32 $10.00 AllH.H. Scott professional quality tuners, amplifiers, receivers, compact stereo music systems. and loudspeaker 382C Power Amplifier $30.64 $10.00 systems are warranted against defectsinmaterial and 386 IC Multiplex $37.52 $10.00 workmanship for two years from the date of sale to the consumer. The unit must be delivered to and picked up 386 Driver Amplifier $25.92 $10.00 from either an authorized Scott warranty service station or 386 Stereo Preamplifier $40.95 $10.00 the Customer Service Department, H.H. Scott,Inc.,117 2506 AM/FM IF Amplifier $40.44 $10.00 Powdermill Road, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754. This warranty covers repair and/or replacement of any *Exchange price applies only if board is not physically damaged. part found by the manufacturer, or his agent,to be defective, including any associated labor cost. NEW MODUTRON CONSTRUCTION The above warranty does not apply to (1) accessory parts explicitly covered by the field warranty of an original man- APPROVED BY EXPERTS ufacturer (2) units subjected to accidental damage or mis- use in violation of instructions; (3) normal wear and tear; The 1970 CONSUMER GUIDE published by (4) units repaired or altered by other than authorized ser- BUYERS GUIDE Magazine discusses Scott Modu- vice agencies; and(5)units with removed or defaced tron construction: "Scott is ... pioneering the use serial number. This applies to 1968 and later model year units. of plug-in modular construction. With entire banks of transistors on plug-in modules, troubles are easier to isolate and service costs are down ac- WHAT UNITS ARE COVERED cordingly. Instead of troubleshooting for a single Most of Scott's new receivers utilize Modutron defective unit in the spaghetti of circuitry, clipping construction. Included are the 342C FM stereo out, and then delicately soldering in a replace- receiver at $269.95, the 382C AM/FM stereo re- ment, the entire module can be yanked out and a ceiver at $299.95, the 386 AM/FM stereo receiver at new one plugged in..." $349.95, and the Scott 2506 compact stereo sys- "Many a hi-fibuff has experienced having a tems, ranging from $399.95. defective receiver, with poorly accessible circuit boards, sit in the service shop for two or three weeks while waiting for the necessary skilled and tediously laborious attention. There is no good excuse for that situation with plug-in modular con- struction. In fact, a great deal of emphasis for the use of electronic modules comes from the service agencies handling warranty work, and, as for out - of -warranty repairs, modular circuit design can cut service bills by 40-80% compared to what it costs to have a non -modular receiver repaired." S C CO FT nr H.H. Scott, Inc., 111 Powdermill Road, Maynard, Mass. 01754 Export: H.H. Scott, Inc., Maynard, Mass. 01754 Prices and specifications subject to change without notice © 1970, H.H. Scott, Inc. *Or the equivalent 1970 purchasing power. CIRCLE NO. 100 ON READER SERVICE CARD Scott's New Modutron Circuit Board Exchange Policy: Let's face it . electronicdevices are becom- these boards plugs into place on the chassis. This ing progressively more complex and are therefore means that a failure in any major circuit can be more difficult and costly to repair. repaired instantly by plugging in a replacement Scott engineers have solved this problem two board. ways. First, they minimized the need for service During your first two years of ownership of any through careful selection of parts, then they went Scott Modutron unit, you are entitled to free parts on to simplify servicing through the use of replace- and labor under our traditional Two -Year Warranty; able Modutron circuit boards. after your warrar ty has expired, your service costs are kept to a m nimum by Scott's new Modutron exchange policy. HOW SCOTT'S MODUTRON EXCHANGE POLICY WORKS Should your Modutron unit ever need servicing here's all you do: Take or ship your component to a Scott War- BUILT TO LAST ranty Service Station. Scott designs -in more Integrated Circuits than Your unit will be electronically tested and the any other manufacturer (as many as eight in most probleM isolated. (Experience shows that 95% of receivers). These frozen -in -silicon devices are vir- problems can be repaired by plugging in a re- tually indestructible. placement board.) Massive power transformers are built to take it The warranty station will then exchange the ... welded typeelectrolytic capacitors are virtually defective board for a perfect one right from stock, or contact Scott for air shipment. fail -proof . wire -wrap construction eliminates most solder joints, the most common electronic This means service is faster than ever before bug -a -boo. and that you pay only for minimum service time, With all of this, service isstill an occasional plus the low exchange cost of a perfect factory - necessity. rebuilt Modutron circuit board. NEW MODUTRON CIRCUIT BOARDS SUPPLEMENTS YOUR WARRANTY PROTECTION To make servicing easier and less costly, Scott The Modutron exchange policy is a supplement engineers designed new Modutron circuit boards. to Scott's regular Two -Year warranty. During the All major electronic circuits are modularized on first two years of ownership, there is no charge separate printed circuit boards . and each of for either parts or labor costs. The Modutron ex- SCO*INTRODUCES Component Insurance NEW MODUTRON CIRCUIT BOARD EXCHANGE POLICY A SERVICE YOU MAY NEVER NEED... (But isn't it grBat to know it's there?) IF ANY SCOTT MODUTRON PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD EVER NEEDS SERVICE, WE'LL REPLACER.. FREE DURING THE TWO-YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD; AND FOR ONLY $10*THEREAFTER. *Or the equivalent 1970 purchasing power. Our amazingnew low-cost speaker ismade with arevolutionary substitute for money:Brains. Two facts stand out about the new cent of speaker design is knowledge, bad such an austere design should Rectilinear XI bookshelf speaker: not money. sound. They stopped only when they Its price is $69.50. So they specified a 10 -inch woofer, a could no longer improve the perform- And its sound is beautiful. 3 -inch tweeter, a choke, a capacitor ance. In fact, it sounds quite respectable even and a volume control. They put these The result is a $69.50 speaker that not in comparison with our top speakers, into a 23" by 12" by 101/2" cabinet and only covers the range from 45 to 17,000 which cost three and four times as much fussed and fussed. Without any pre- Hz without peaks or harmonics but also and have been called the best in the conceived notions as to how good or has extremely low time delay distortion, world. To be on the conservative side, which is Rectilinear's chief criterion of let's say the Rectilinear XI sounds like speaker quality. an exceptionally fine $135 speaker. What's more, the Rectilinear XI is a A year or two ago, a speaker like this high -efficiency speaker. It can be driven would have been just about impossible. to window -rattling levels with a puny Every manufacturer knew that inexpen- 10 watts. sive speakers were supposed to sound A triumph of brain over brawn, you mediocre, so that's how they made might say. them, give or take a few sales features. (For more information, including de- Luckily, our young engineers are some- tailed literature, see your audio dealer what naive about these things. All they or write to Rectilinear Research Corp., know is physics, mathematics, electron- 107 Bruckner Blvd., Bronx, N.Y. 10454. ics and acoustics. As far as they're con- Canada: H. Roy Gray Co. Ltd., 14 Laid - cerned, a correct crossover frequency law Blvd., Markham, Ont. Overseas: costs no more than an incorrect one. Royal Sound Co., 409 N. Main St., Free- The right distance between the drivers port, N.Y. 11520.) no more than the wrong one. Proper phasing no more than improper. And so on, down the line. They act as if they Rectilinear XI believed that at least seventy-five per- CIRCLE NO. 36 ON READER SERVICE CARD STEREO REVIEW stereoMAY 1970 VOLUME 24el/ow NUMBER 5 THE MUSIC CLAUDE, PIERRE, AND ELVIS Boulez's Pelleas al Covent Garden-and other London events HENRYPLEASANTS 56 THE BASIC REPERTOIRE mafiter's "nes/owe/ion" ,Symphony MARTIN BOC)RSPAN 59 THE VANISHING ART OF WHISTLING Pucker power and some of its notable practitioner- NOELCOPPAGE 68 STEREO REVIEW TALKS TO ALICIA DE LARROCH.A Continuing a series of intewiews with recording artisly WILLIAM LIVINGS"! ONE' 73 THE COMPOSER AS CRITIC: ROBERT SCHUMANN It took three alter egos to embody his thoughts on music HENRY PLEASANTS 74 BEETHOVEN'S 32 SONATAS FOR PIANO Four critics assay Daniel Barenboim's complete set for Angel 98 100 POETS "LIVE" IN A BOX Spoken Arts' new recorded anthology of modern American poetry MICHAEL SILVER"! ON 118 THE EQUIPMENT NEW PRODUCTS A roundup of the latest high-fidelity equipment 22 AUDIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Advice on readers' technical problemc LARRY KLEIN 28 AUDIO BASICS Pitch and Frequency HANSH.FANTEL 32 TECHNICAL TALK Specifications Au-Anti-Skating Compensation; Hirsch -Houck laboratory reports on the Epicuie EPI-100 speaker system.
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