,oeCATS BEAT GRIZZLIES wrestling. J an Wagner of 76 tries. Jacobsen also won first MSU men's rodeo team Intercollegiate Rodeo held over Bozeman was women's in the saddle bronc riding. massed 714 points to beat the weekend in Walla Walla, Wash . All-around champion, placing in D. J. Smith of Melrose won 1andily the 205 points of the breakaway roping and goat the steer wrestling and Terry P.n iversity o f Montana and Blue tying. Wagner placed in steer wrestling illounta1n Community College The MSU teams won both all-around honors and the men and calf ropmg. Lucille Dunning l.,h,ch lled for second. The MSU placed second in the goat tying. women's team also defeated the won four of the six men ·s Jim Jacobsen of Sun River The next intercollegiate t.Jmversity of Montana team by events. The Men's All-around was second in the All-around rodeo will be held March 27 and ~5 5 points to 160 at the Walla was won by Bob Schall of Arlee, and won the bull riding with a 28 al Columbia Basin Junior .V a lla Com munity College who won the bareback and score of 77 on a bull which had placed in bull riding and steer not been ridden in the previous College, Bend, Oregon Thursday, October 9, 1947 New but not Proud Additions to M. S. C. t Renne Reports 92 Attend Nursery School Reopens r In gland Meeting of MSC Band In recognition of his contributions to the state of the communications art, Vice-President Agnew has been honored with the award. 'The Order of the THE PON ENT BIId.'' It was bestowed upon him· by a group calling them elves the national Assodation of MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Professional Bureaucrats, EXoF whose motto ,s: "When in Bozeman, Montana Tuesday, November I 0, 1970 doubt, mumble.'' ;~s~;,o;A~r contested Cowsills give good vibrations 1upreme Court yesterday John Wells, a Unitarian The Cowsills provide their group has made appearances in Fieldhouse for the Cowsills who to let the state of minister in Lexington. Mass., own background music and will Billings, Great Falls, and will be appearing in the MSU rnsetts challenge the who drafted the Massachusetts bring their own sound system. Missoula, and all three shows Fieldhouse on Saturday, ionality of the Vietnam law under which the case is The group consists of the five have been different. ovember 14. :ice Congress has not being brought, ays that Cowsill children: Bob, Paul, All MSU students are The Cowsills, from Santa declared war the case embarrassing President ixon John, Barry, and Susan and Mrs. encouraged to buy their tickets Monica, California, sang their aat Pres,dent Nixon has doesn·t bother him at all. "He Cowsill. Mr. Bud Cowsill this week in the Fieldhouse or al first hit song in 1967, and er lo send U.S. troops should be embarrassed ," said manages the group. the SUB desk on Thursday and among their first million selling bat m Southeast Asia. Wells. ·•as well as former The group has appeared on Friday. Price for student general records were ''Rain, Park~ and J u st1ce Department President Johnson." "The Ed Sullivan Show", admission is $2.00, adult general Other Thing " and " Hair". that a reversal would In today's ruling, three ''Johnny Carson'', "Kraft Music ad mission is $ 2 .50, and reserved Albums include "The Cowsills" g the president, insult justices voted in favor of hearing Hail", and "The I lolly wood seats will cost $3.00. "The Cowsills, We Can Fly", and and embarrass the the case, although court rules Palace" and many more. The Tickets are now on sale in the "The Best of the Cowsill ". require at least four The decision did not split the court ections along liberal and conservative lines, as might be expected. filing deadline for fall Voting for the hearing were election of student Justices William Douglas. Potter -s and freshman class Stewart. and John Harlan. It was is November 13, the first time Harlan had voted to consider such a case. b Ii cations for these Those voting against the I may be picked up in hearing included Chief Justice ti,dent senate office and Warren Burger and Associate Justice Harry Blackmun. tie returned there by The only dissenter to write an 1ber 13. opinion was William Douglas, candidates are who said the question was not sible for informing whether the war is morally right 'e Ives about proper or not but whether the and electioneering President has the right to ures. Copies of the jeopardize the life and liberty of n Code are available in young American men in the ate office. absense of a congressional declaration of war. STUDENT SENA TE Finance board keeps tight grip on LAST TIME TONIGHT " IT'S A MAD Money matters donunated ftnancc board due 10 the lack of iina nee board Ellen student benefit on this campu~. MAD WORLD" Monday"s session of ~tudcnl \ vote by G, Starts Tomorrow senate with the Kent State I cgal t\ resolution submttted by A \ISl.J nee-preside at 7:00 & 9:15 - 8:00 P.M. ONLY- Fund and approval o f Dt1vc ,e1lson senator. tie and determinec s11pp\emental budgets o n the encouraging individual matter would go l hrc donations. rather than the use of adgenda. board for reconsider· Monte Walsh Senate, in last Thursday's ASMSU student fund, 1 wa Ron McGihon, c is what the West session, pas ·ed a resolution defeated fina nee board. arg1·· was all about. supporting the passage Ill finance Further action on this issue co nt1ngency fund board of SI 50 to be ,ent to was tabled until Thursday·s aga1nst board policy Kent Stale. This was reJected by meeting. when a more is little control over representative student view can this way. be presented. The question in According to sen con ·ideration is: Does the Kent llumphrey, the i Village Inn State Legal Fund deserve contingency fun, 1 AS~ \SU student funds? centralt1e runds avai Hours Also rejected by finance radio s1a11on. the board was a contingency fund etc .. subject to the d Open Doily applied for b~ Kelly Addy, the ,\ S~ ISU presiden f pre ident of A MS . Frank Dudas. Exr 17:30 ti ll midn igh t According to Addy. a editor, question11 contingency fund is a fund that president of AS \!' Mon . thru Thur s. would be available to AS~ISU always be ·straight'" Fri . & Sot. officers and other related to be tempted to p t interests in case of emergencies games with the o 11:30 till 1:45 and problems \hat arise too involved and the me Sunday suddenly to be routed through fund . Playing Tonight 1: 00 ti ll midn ight CLASSIFIED CLASSI FIE Rialto---- 6:45 & 9:30 Look for our ad in the IF YOU LIKED " MASH" .. You'll Bobcat Footbatl Program FOR RE T : Unfurnished 2 LOST . A brow• LOVE " Kelly's Heroes" bed room trailer. Phone 6-55 17. billfold near Amo ,., ---:::=:::-------, Pizza To Go FOR SALE: Large hard shell College. Do n't care 1 Phone S87-0736 guitar case 10 fit 12-string or mo ney in it. Just wa. '­ o ther acquostical: 56 Olds 98 If fo und please \e n limo usine. cheap, needs bod y desk or at 809 I work; Magnavox electric base, Thanks. Dennis Laho Kelly's super cool and good. too. Contrary to public t Reasonable. Call 586-6 557 after in Jove. Heroes 7. Ask for Larry. Lan ~DECEMBER GRADS! Theyhada T he Coast- Guard is accepting Iapplications for their Feb ru ary message for ,, OCS Class now. To see if y ou can theArmy: · ualify, see LT. T om Messick in "Up the brass!" ~ 806 N . 7th the Placement Office. .~ The ~• Metro·Goldwyn·Mayer Presenis a Katzka-Loeb Production starring Oint Eastvvooct Telly Savalas. Don RJCkles. Carroll O'Connor I M ard Donald S0herla,0(1 1n "KELLYS HEROES ~ I -~ Incident ~- -~ Tony Musante, Martin Sheen ~ Shows Tonight Cinema One -- 8 :00 P.M. Only Po werf ul ~ d oc umen tary-t y pe ~- ~ co mmentary on the fear of people to DIRECT FROM ITS ~ become involved in EXCLUSIVE •Jll;:4 stopping a cri me. * ~ : RESERVED-SEAT WANTS , ENGAGEMENT ... " A Big Mu sica l Hit - , ~ SUB Theatre~ In The Winner's Corner! " -~ 7:30 p .m. «:;IL• - AR CHER WI N ST[N, N y Pos r " Explosions Of Laugh te r!" -T1m t M.1 1.1rmt r\lt1,.,o..,1ncn.wspontfto LEE CLINT JEAN Sa urday, MARVIN EASTWOOD SEBERG PAINTYoUR WAGON. ~ - - i-..ii-..... - ~.. Nov 14 SllllCM».'.n..,, l10iSl'.llO!' ,!'.l,\(l.\TIOUI[ M °' Cinema Two -- Shows ·1 on1ght 8 - 10 at 7:00 & 9:30 Fieldhouse Rome. Student Gen. Adm. Before Christ. Adult Gen. Adm. After Fellini. Reserved s3oo An AlBtRlO c.Rl/'MLDI ~1, Tickets on sale: "FELLINI SA~CO~" (Enghsh Subl ltles) Fieldhouse - All week Un1l ed Artists SUB - Thurs. & Fri. T HE EX PO NE T • • Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1970 IUNT DISCONTINUED MRA selects VP, treasurer: Sire and Grimes to serve dent participation needed This week's meeting of the corresponding a udits of t he MR A legislat ure was highlighted MRA b usin ess a nd fi na ncia l • Anne Gardner out-and-out exploitation of tht' Also under consideration is a w it h the select io n of t wo journa ls each qua rter,·· he said . to student senatt' people of Bozeman:· he program to sell discount cards officers of the executive council.
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