! i ¸i i ¸¸ ......... ii!iiiiiiii¸¸ ,'~'~'.~ i~o~/.~.o~,~..~..~j~o~i~, ~i~,i, ~ i~; ¸¸ ~ ,~ ~, ,~ii~,~i~i~!i~! ¸~iii~i~!iJ,~illI W, DICK ROTH KEN MERTEN CARL RoBIE BUCKINGHAM ORNIA GAINS MOST PLACES IN '67 ALL AMERICA ~airman ~ornm~ttee Minnesota Southern California Among the ten men who will receive their certificates ~merica Selections. with indication of having won the NCAA event is Carl J. Robie, University of Michigan, who was able to retain his first place ranking in the 200 yd. butterfly. Also receiving certificates this year are: Zachary Zorn, Calif. at Los Angeles, 50 free; Kenneth M. Walsh, Michigan [s credited with three relays. State, 100 free; Gregory F. Buckingham, Stanford, 200 and :lose second with twenty-two 500 free; Michael .1. Burton, Calif. at Los Angeles, 1650 ;lays. free; Ross E. Wales, Princeton, 100fly; Charles B. Hickcox, with fifteen spots. Stanford Indiana, 100 and 200 backstroke; Kenneth O. Merten, Southern vo firsts here. Methodist, 100 and 200 breaststroke; Richard W. Roth, Stan- epresented on the 1967 All- ford, 200 and 400 individual medley; Kenneth R. Sitzberger, n last year. Indiana, 1- and 3-meter dive. Lt the NCAA Championships is In the individual selections being picked in four events ar place 800 yd. free style relay. Next highest with three se ~ormance at the NCAA's Burton; Robbie; Dean Willeford )riding the athletes were A. SchoUander, Yale; William A. Utley, Indiana; and Robert a the Conference or Re- G. Windle, Indiana. rformance in dual meets. Turn to back of magazine for complete NCAA All-America ificates awarded except listing. notedon his certificate. ;REG BU MIKE BURTON ROSS WALES CHARLES HICKCOX S i i/ ill / i ¸ ii!i ¸ 30 PREPS REPRESENTEDON 1967 ALL AMERICA LYON, (Editol's~ot(~ - Pratt has issued the fol ow ng statement of pol cy regarding school medley relay in 1:40.6 to top the school's own (so) record e gb tyfo thePepSchoo At AmercanSwmmngTeam A private independent of l'4()9setin 1965 Greenwellwasonthe 1965team. The schools such aS those isted n Po ter ~argent's 'The Handbook oT ;-'rivate bcnools ° " ' " ~ - (published annual y at 1I Beacon St eet, Boston Mass ) ale e g b e As s the case Pine Crest team (Steve Hairston Jorge L~onzates) ~eorge fo Nat ona nterscho' ast c Recd ds Parochial Hg~: Schoo. .... s w be c ass f ed as Schmzdt. Randy Wzlkms) chpped more than szx seconds off High Schools and shou d make app 1cat on to the N gn ~cnoo ~ ~mellcan ieam ^.." -- _ ...... ~ ...... -- (see 1967 NCAA GUIDE - page 21, RULE IX. Section 8). A Parochial High School the 3:zu.8 mark set Dy ~ awrencevitte zn trod zn me 4uu ya. is Ioose:y defined as a Church affiliated day school set up for the education of mere- freestyle relay, with a new clocking of 3:14.3. bers of a particular p3"ish or diocese. The categories Paro:hial High Schools and P epafato y Schools in which tuition is charged are not always mutuaHy exclusive. George Schmidt is number one in the 200 yd. individual In such cases a written declaration from the principa o headmaste s eou ed befole medley, 2:01.3, and he is mentioned in two other events. a school can be nc uded n the P eparatory School classification.") Mark McKee (Malvern) was second with, 2:01.6. First in the 100 yd. backstroke is Aaron Picadura, Kamehameha, at 55.8. And Dan Connors (Newark) had Lawrenceville, New Jersey- Eighty=nine swimmers and the fastest time for the 100 yd. breaststroke, 1:02.2, divers, from 30 schools are represented on the National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association 1967 Prep followed by Ken Terry, Iolani, 1:02.5. Repeating on the Prep All American 1-meter diving School All American Swimming Team, announces Philip team were: Tom Brissey (Mid-Pacific Institute), Jim G. Pratt; Lawrenceville School, chairman of the Prep All Burns (Deerfield), Don Orlovsky (Newark). American Committee. The schools with the top number of All America Prep rankings were Pine Crest with 14 individual and two relays, St. Andrew's, 11 individual and two relays, Uni- ..... ~,,, nine individual and one relay, Punahou, six indi- lnd two relays, Newark, five individual and two relays, d__ seven individual, Malvern, six individual and one_ and Mercersburg and Lawrenceville, each with four aal and two relays. ROGER LYON Last year when two new NISCA prep records were set, Pratt remarked, "Next year will see further improvement were broken. Roger Lyon, a senior at Harvard School, clipped one MERCERBURG ACADEMY Medley Relay (L-R) Bill Ford, Tim and six,tenths seconds off his own 200 yd. (SC) freestyle Smith, Corky Gilmore, Mike Cahalon. record of 1:46.0, set last year, with a 1:44.4 clocking. He also ranked number one in the 100 yd. butterfly with 2oo YARD MEDLEY RELAY: Punahou,Honolulu, Hawaii (Marc Greenwell, a 50.8, breaking the 52.0 mark set by Philip Riker III Mark Chun. Richard Guelff, Brent Berk) 1:40 6;Mercersburg, Pa. (Tim Smith. Corky Gilmore Bill Ford, Mike Cahalan) 1:40.7; Pine Crest, Ft. Lauderdale, (Lawrenceville) in 1964. Lyon's third first was in the Fla. (S Palmer,M Grenier, R.Wilkins,S. Hairston) 1:41.4; Hill (P. McMunigal, 400 yd. freestyle, 3:53.9, And he was an All American c. Mandish. G. Haag, W. Goerlich), Pottstown, Pa.. 1:41.8; lolarti (Mi Jackson, nominee in four other events for a total of seven mentions. K. Terry, B. Cooper, J, Bulkley), Honolulu, Hawaii, 1:42.9; St. Andrews (S. Blatsdell, A. Zimmer, B. Williams, B. Glenn), Boca Raton, Fla., 1:43.1; Daniel Frawley (Servile) and Steve Hairston (Pine Crest) University School (E Morriston, B. Mavee, J. Dickard, D. Neff), Cleveland, set the other two individual records. Frawley with a Ohio, 1:43.3; Newark (B.Clark, D.Connors,D. Bedell, A. Lemke), N.J., 1:43.4; Ac'ad.] in 1965. And Hairston with a 47.4 in the 100 yd, 200 YARD FREF..STYLE: Roger Lyon, Harvard. 1:44.4; BrentBerk. Punahou. freestyle broke Edward,' s 48.0 set in" 19 6 5. 1:47.6; Eldon Loblein. Lawrenceville, 1:48.6; Kurt Chambers, St. Andrews. teams are 1:48.8; Mark McKee, Malvern, Pa., 1:49.2; Bruce Williams. St. Andrews, The Punahou and Pine Crest relay credited 1:49.2; Jorge Gonzale~', Pine Crest, 1:49.3; George Schmidt, Pine Crest, 1:49.5 with the final new marks. Punahou (Marc GreenweU, Albert Ackerman. WiUiston. 1:49.6; Randy Wilkins, Pine Crest, 1:49.9. Mark Chun, Richard Guelff, Brent Bert) did the 200 yd. (Continued on Page 13) PUNAHOU SCHOOL MEDLEY TEAM (L-R) JIM GOTTSCHALK GEORGE SCHMIDT STEVE HAIRSTON Marc Greenwali, Mark Chun, Richard Guelff, Mike Cahaian. SUMMIT REPORT (ConUnued from Page 3) There will be another trip to Mexico this year for the M.R.S SALES ® last of the series of "Little Olympics". Hainsworth reports that 15 swimmers will be selected to make the trip this San Jose, Calif. October, from the Outdoor Nationals. Two male and two female divers plus six male and five female swimmers We have added the "SWIM STAR" Brand to our would probably make up the squad. The respective com- mittees will make the final decision. long line of competitive swimwear, and we can Hainsworth also reports that there is a possibility of offer immediate delivery of 1967 "SWIM STAR - a team being selected to compete in England, and pos- sibility another country or two in September. As soon Double Side Stripe Racing Suits" in as this tour is firmed up, details will be relaesed on numbers and method of selection. Patty Caretto, her coach Don Gambril and Jan Hansel, chaperone, left on May 12 for a month of clinics and dem- BRAND NEW COLORCOMBINATIONS onstrations in the Philippines. From Hainsworth, Pokey Watson and Lee Davis, accompanied by coach Peg Seney, 3~'Royal Blue with Black and white Toledo, leave for Japan on June 8. The girls will compete in one special race for each at the Yoyogi Pool. Pokey swims against Michiko Kihara in 200 meters freestyle and •~Scarlet Red with Gold and White Lee goes against Masaki Ishii in the I00 meter butterfly. They return to Santa Clara on June 13. 3~'Dark Green with Gold and White The following ooachesareonthe men'sAAUourrent eligible list (June 1, 1967 thru May 31, 1968): Listing is in order of eligibility. John Higgins, Robert ,~Navy Blue with Red and White Ousley, Willis Casey, Charles McCaffree, Henry Chapman, Bob Clotworthy, Dave RobertsorL Phill Hansel, JohnSeannuth, Alfred Barr, Glen Hummer, Frank Elm, Jack Ryan, John Tallman. "A" Royal Blue with White and Gold AAU men's managers list in order of elgibility: Harold Heller, Jack Abramson, William Heusner, Joseph Stets, Walter Anderson, Alfard HarOy, Jesse Jernigan, David Rivenes, Adolph Kiefer, V.Mel Kaufman, Edward Solotar, "l~Scarlet with Royal and White Dr. Roy Goddard, Wendell Groth, David Fergusor, John B. Kelly, Jr. Edwin Olson, Roy Gunderson. The following list are on the women's AAU current coaches eligible list: Gene Lee, Frank Elm, Phill Hansel, Arthur Hucht, Sherman Chavoor, Bill Diaz, John Spannuth, Roy Pouliot, Robert Ousley, Charles Gantner, Tom STYLED TO FIT - Williams, John Williams, Stan Tinkham, Peter Daland, Bob Busby, Walt Sehlueter, George Haines, Mary Kelly. AAU women's m~mager/chaperone list inorderofelgibility: Toki Shima, Peg -Girls' and Womens' suits Seney, Kay Mayer, Carolyn Finneran, VirginiaSheaj Nancy Schlueter, Bobble by chest measurement- Ebert, Ann Skane, Chris yon Saltza, Mary Kelly. Sizes 18 thru 40 with L (for long) in PREP SCHOOL ALL AMERICA (Continued from Page 7) sizes 34 an~ 36 - S0 YARD FREESTYLE: Daniel Frawley, Servite (Anaheim, Calif.), 21.5; Steve Hairston, Fine Crest, 21.7; John Chapman, Marist.
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