' HAWAIIAN GAZET K. TUF.SDA NOVEMBER JO, EKI.Y SHIPS HOT LIABLE GREECE -- SUPREME COURf j " 511 i At Harsh Americans FOR COMPENSATION hi UQEiniES ALLIES .ECISIIIKELY- - Press ky Mml ITIntaM-- t lieva that Captala Bay E.l haa aot bcaa ietbtiko - .'rr WASHINGTON, Nombot 18. TU treated with tha eonrteay hla poattioa is tha Gtaraiaa cmbaaiy damand and that Judgo Cooper' Holds That Em- - hia nam haa drained into 'tha 10 AnrrirtB nthdrltie to Captain. bn ' ploy'ers' Liability Law Can- -' flerl toort naneceKrarilr and i hlhlT diir III IIER STfiflD TOPS Hot Ed. tk naval attach of th Oer- - agreeable way. Tha connection of tha niaQ mot Apply To Vessels ttnbawy, during thi (ourto of taa aval atlchee ' aamea with vnrloua oth- - f 0 trial of Karl Hurni, tbr raaident diree-ie- r aliased war Pinto la lo highly Highest Rules, That tor at Nw York (vth to.) tCofiit VoCliWnatorff and TohinaU Cen-tr- Main Army Abandons the al AmcrWaa line, thri imbiHT : ; V, and thoa Indicted with Failure To ; Reply , Promptly. Jade Heniy i:. Cooper has writt'' Deed Made In 658 Was Vould Empower Board To Fix him for rcy U brrak th Am-ia- ir It eertalr,' ay. the Informant of Serbian J Positions ' arid i6nii letter to He Tudustfial Aclent Board, Simply ' nmifrality lawa,. la tha eaibaMy'i . of mirtd, a Coupled .With Bulgar Activity Trust All All bhi(r rMnt4 tut, that of this city ia which he states that la Charges fin Steamers ' ' by the Utnnn tmtajwtyt aoV will ba protest agalnot tha treatment of Boy the Streams West,' Where , At Monastir, Forces Powers hie opinion war-- ; Using Foreign mailf tha baaia tar m diplomatic pro-tit- d wUt lodiHd with tha aeoratarjr of the provisions of th American Ports t Italian Aid Is' Reported! To Br crordi(r r tatmaant .mad atata. Tha outtome of tha trial will men V cbnipensation art are inoperative - i To Renew Pressure At Athens ii At Well As Domestic her pMtarday- f Mini , raliabla aonma. datarmlaa the rfwa((th of tha language riti in TRAMPFR Lines: - , aa fan aa the American schooner Lake. Tha mnmtira tb atatr ba- to b need la the, proteet. .. " ' ' ', Vi- - tr tmhnf of which 'he la owner and manager, is THUS ARE AFFECTED , ,' f "'r eoneereed, j ABANDONING HEAVY 4 MILITARY SITUATION tfld claims that the law of the Uni-- VOULD FIX INCOMING ted States iroveriiinir shinnin and aail- - :r "t ; GUNS TOvTHE FOE -- REGARDED FAVORABLE AND SlKpiHf.. onknd .other employes on vessels oi- - SitC Of OrCQOn BlOCk and Other OUTGOING FREIGHTS, raia anu nni inr proviaious 01 ine new 1 so aa Property In Honolulu Are. :' HALIMI ' , iaauria'e "w far they anort BY FIRE 1 ;'. ;y ; -- s(uj'L a,,u.ncontitutiouB,l Hope" 0f Allies ; To ; tffeci ad'IJec-- TUl Involved ! .. Si Serbia's 'Sacrince Not lit Vain for inoperative. fhis Is Reported Ta Be His Sug: - the' Now , The matter Is one of great Import- Junction- With' Serbs , Allies Big Force In the Put ance and will be taken up at. the nest gestion In Connection Wlttr Gone, Friction Ms Between Sixty-Seve- Actually meeting of the board. Hhould Judge . A. is t II' Still n - Field . and Russia Is .1ratl re,volutlbn in lahd' titles Ship Bill, Which He' Rokiing Out But Austria Ex Have Been Convict- toper4e sustained in his Purchase The BulQari contention expected as ,tlic renal t,, of a decision Teutons and the '( Fall Any ed Ready To Sweep Into Bulgaria it will mean thitt I be Inter Island aad Is Bound: To See pect Time ,' and Sent To Prison the- - Enacted. "" ' i'""' ;,'''';' ' '' '' all other shipping concerns of the Ter- made .by.1 supreme court recently " "i ritory will be exempt from a compli- In regard to a' trust deed executed I ' ance; (Associate Press W Tsasral Wl with the Lew act. 1S"$ by, j llawaliuu. earned Alexander rsI.) (AssacUU rrsss by Wireless.) - . (Associated by WlMtss.) HHI (AaaoeUt VrM ijt Wlrla. ' lAsseetattd rrssa y rederal Wireless.) rarsl ..' tWrt 'daughter,1 Prase Teierat ' ?8. Mml ' Jr'' ta" lii' Peke aud : VIENNA, November 28r-T- ho Aoatriaa GENEVA, Switzerland, November w ONDON. Novemler 2S. The po oc .111l, SALONIKA.November through 'a:'e. The land involved i that Novetnbtc. army, forrei of Ooriila if' atllt holding out J8. Peter Wrluht, an Englishman, ar- I litical situation created cnpled by the Oregon Block la thia WASHINGTON. of 'the I' the inconclusive stand taken by city. decided' was soa to which has" beert holding', the according to an' WrMal report tivm 4ba rested by tha 8wis authorities and The action 111. I I Greece haa by no mraus been entirely i tew shipping, bill, to be pressed Prishtina-Mitrovitz- - V. quiet title. a line in Cen- war o(Dea laat night, although' the aa- eeeueed of eepionage, waa yesterday np , un cleared and some degree ei It' haa, been popularlv believed that y the admiimtratiort' again, pro--; Serbia on. Kussovo pla- aouneement intiatatea that It may fall convicted by court martial at Lanaaana certainty ; remaina as to the pro ime made trust tral the Hawaiiana ao - . ,' bable- - next aten by King Conatan DEALS ,iding for the purchase ami bpejf- Austro-Germa- ns any tunc.-- , ; and sentenced to pay a fine of 1500 IMANYIAKD all .tyhich the at but that these Instrument 1 ' teau, against ' tine aad hia advisers. The advaneea 'of ition by of mer-- i Th poaition U under the rontlnum francs. and aerve three months' terra I were out and out fee simple titles. the government .'and I Bulgarians ; have a th Bulgarians ia'the districts north of lira of tha Italiao Infantry, ay the 1. a Swiss prison. expiration lThls I not thi esse, for there are be liant ships for the' development ; at-ta- At the of Having made assaults report, while th Italian artillery k Monastir. it imKssible for I to be many trust deed In ex been making repeated' hla imprisonment be will be expelled any lieved if American have now merged into oa great the AlHea to affect Injunction with intence, the triiKtees in ease oteign trade, are South, has from Pwitcerland and forbidden to nknIn. T..,a the, ': from both BLh.. .)- horth and battle, extending along tha entire oaat re' the fjerbiaaa, at the time makes r.nl. aao'l inning to cpme.. .by,V p ; ; tarn within five years, , , S rim after out position arid is now linea. - . it accessary that the Grecian railroads I :' evacuated the front. year in the belie that they had fee j is expected,? cohneclioi 'The Swiss have made many . arrests be sed by the Allies and Serbian to VrV Of Hceia Land It in in simple , title and could so dispose of streaming west into Albania for espionage., while at least foot, hun- - join- the forces' In Ihe south. ' tth this Ship Purchase' Bill, divisions;, headed for the Al dred foreign residbnts of the Bepublie '' thoir property. two Mottxtaina Divide rmlea, TKenry BemlnisceQt ' which will follow, i; cJosely j the' Du-razz- are nqder suspicion. So there Siulth o. far have .' cities of Scutari and During the week, op to Wednesday, , banian been sixty-seve- convictions on chargoa A British' force is at Monastir with Of-- the . ease in qseition!, Henry Vines 'of the bill defeated by! th ; is com- Governor I'inkham approved and sign- The Katchinik district similar to that of Wright, the number a Serbian army, its only line of 8mith, clerk of the first circit court, enate filibuster in the,' la6t msV ;;'.', convicted including aubjecta of each munication with the main Anglo- ed quite, a number of land patent, made a particular stndy; Among also evacuated and Central Serbia ' hs 3 In- - will recom- be- I on,' the President REPORT RECEIVED bf the countries at war. The .spies French army the Vardar Valley leases, homestead agreements, permit ethers,, he one ef those directly in appears to have "been cleared of wsre arreeted c'nse to the borders of ing bv way of Greece through Saloni- terettcd 4a. final .aettlenxeut thi " rlgfils of wsy over public domain, the of mend some further drastic . Vegisv '. ','-- ,' the country with which own ka, where form fur On' its defenders." V their the Monastir railroad Interesting .question bearing trust Nation. plan, as It report-- . vlll, h exchanges. The doal were His country; la flghtiiig a junction with the main Salonika-Nis- and land " ' The Austro-Germa-ns arid Bul- deed, I line, along which the main Anglo a follow : ' "The enprem court baa, practically id,- will be to place power; ir the ; have taken possession of ' ' garians Barbarity, of tacki Shown By French army ia operating. Th moun Land I'atent Qranta signed No. deridM In. favor of the defendant in proposed shipping board, to be. '', Uskub-Mitrovit- za tain which cuts the Monastir the unit started more than a ,ye ago the railroad, ran"e 6489 U, Mary Carreiro for. iot No. 7, by-thi- s v CQALiTION FORMED ex- "treated legislation,. to reg- An official Bulgarian ' report 'Exhibits' from'. Page district off from the Vardar Valley iiuc jSu. t, in Auwaiolimu, thia city; by Robert N. BoVd and Mary KaJei tends into Oreeee and almost to the Ao. 64tfu, June M, Ventura, lot No. H6, alii againit John Buckley and the heirs ulate the rates and the 'practises states' that the Bulgars are pur ' ea. ISo. Makini, or kls Old time partner, John Hull! - ' Ouiao, Koloa, Kauai; tj4l, J. all steamships using American'' V.'. V: rr--' if I if ten f- ' This situation is causing some baa heirs aud assigns lot No.
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