Canadion Minerologist Yol. 29, pp. 207-215(1991) ROOUESITE.BEARINGTIN ORESFROM THE OMODANI. AKENOBE,FUKOKU, AND IKUNOPOLYMETALLIC VEIN-TYPE DEPOSITS IN THEINNER ZONE OF SOUTHWESTERNJAPAN MASAAKI SHIMIZU UniversityMuseum, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113,Jopan AKIRA KATO National ScienceMuseum, Tokyo 169,Japan ABSTRAc"I Mots-dAs.roquesite, gisements polym6talliques en fissu- res,isotopes de soufre, activitd du soufre,temperature, Indium-tin mineralization is observedin the Omodani, Omodani,Akenobe, Fukoku, Ikuno, Japon. Akenobe, Fukoku, and Ikuno deposits,which are Cu- dominant polymetallic veins of late Cretaceous to early Tertiary agein the Inner Zone of southwesternJapan. The INrnooucrIoN indium-tin-bearing oresare commonly composedof roque- site (CuInS2), stannoidite, sphalerite, tennantite- Sincethe first report of the occurrenceof roque- tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite and quartz, with local bornite, site in Japan, from the Eisei vein of the Akenobe mawsonite,galena and arsenopyrite.The iron content of deposit (Kato & Shinohara 1968), no additional the sphaleritethat coexistswith roquesite,stannoidite and roquesitehas beendescribed. This report documents tennantite-tetrahedrite is very low. Temperatures of for- new occurrencesof roquesitein tin ores from the mation based on fluid-inclusion quartz data on from the Omodani Pref.), Akenobe(Hyogo Pref.), Omodani and Akenobe depositsare in range @ukui the the from 285o (Kyoto to 3looc. The 6:+5values ofthe roquesite-b-earingtin ores the Fukoku Pref.), and the Ikuno deposits are virtually constant (-0.8 to +0.3y65). Basedon these (Hyogo Pref.), in the Inner Zone of southwestern descriptions, possible ranges in sulfur activity during for- Japan. These deposits are subvolcanic-type(e.g., mation of the roquesite-bearing tin ores are estimated to Schneiderhdhn 1955) Cu-dominant polymetallic be approximately l0-8 to l0{ atm., and the temperature veins.The indium-bearingtin oresare characteristi was greater than 285oC. cally composedof roquesite, stannoidite, sphalerite, membersof the tennantite-tetrahedriteseries, bor- Keywords: roquesite, polymetallic vein-type deposits, sul- nite and chalcopyrite. Stanniteand kesteritehave not fur isotopes, activity of sulfur, temperature, Omodani, been found. Information possible of Akenobe, Fukoku, Ikuno, Japan. on activiry sul- fur and temperatureof formation of the roquesite- bearing ores can be estimated on the basis of SoMMAIRE electron-microprobeand thermochemicaldata, and fluid-inclusion data obtained on the coexisting Une min€ralisationi indium-dtain a &6 documentdedarrs quartz. les gisementsde Omodani, Akenobe, Fukoku et lkuno, tous des systbmesde fissures polym6talliques d dominance de Cu, d'6ge cr€tac6tardif d tertiaire pr6coce, situ6s dans la DnsczuprronoN Tm DEPosrrs zone interne du Sud-Ouestdu Japon. Le minerai i In-Sn contient couramment roquesite (CuInS), stannoidite, AND ORE MTNTNANOCY sphaldrite, tennantile*t6tra6drite, chalcopyrite et quartz, ainsi que bornite, mawsonite, gal&neet ars6nopyriteacces- The Omodani, Akenobe, Fukoku, and Ikuno soires. La teneur en fer de la sphaldrite en coexistenceavec deposits are located in a former tectonically active roqucite, stannoiditeet tennantite-tetra€driteest trb faible. zone called the Maizuru belt or the Hida marginal D'apr0s les donndessur les inclusions fluides du quartz des tectonic belt, betweenmetamorphic and nonmeta- gisementsd'Omodani et d'Akenobe, la temp€raturede for- morphic belts (Fig. 1). The Maizuru belt probably mation du minerai aurait 6te entre 285 et 3l0oC. Ls valeurs was a convergent plate margin during the late de FaS du minerai d'6tain contenant de la roquesite sont Paleozoic.Granitic batholiths, ultramafic rocks, and i peu prds constantes(-0.8 e + 0.3700).L'activit€ en sou- pelitic fre au cours de la formation du minerai aurait €t6 d'envi- rocks with lignite exist in the vicinity of each ron l0-8 i 10-6 atm., et la tempdrature, sup6rieurei deposit. The specimensare describedbelow, and 2850C. have beendeposited at the University Museum of the University of Tokyo and National Scienc€Museum. (Traduit par la R6daction) Some were collectedby the presentauthors. 207 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/canmin/article-pdf/29/2/207/3446221/207.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 208 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST of 56.9 t 2.8 Ma and 51.9 x. 2.6Ma, respectively (Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan 1980). Total productionof the depositfrom 1888to 1966 was4.4 x 105tonnes of ore with averagegrades of 1-5 7o Cu, 3-20 oloZn,4-6 {o Pb, and 85 grams per tonne of Ag. Ore specimensstudied are largely composedof bornite, sphalerite,tennantite, stannoi- dite, chalcopyrite,and small amountsof ldllingite, HIDA BELT mawsonite,galena, and nativesilver (Table l). Gan- gue minerals are quartz, chlorite, fluorite, K- feldspar of the adularia habit and calcite. Roque- site is associatedwith bornite, sphalerite,stannoi- dite, mawsonite, galena,and arsenopyrite(Fig. 2A). Akenobe Cu-Zn-Sn-Ag deposit The geologyof the Akenobemining district, Oya- cho, Yabu-gun,Hyogo Prefecture,has been studied by Kato (1920),Saigusa (1958), Muraoka & Ikeda (1968),Kojima & Asada (1973),Sato e/ al. (1977), RYOKEBELT I and Shiozawa(1984). It is located in the Maizuru 136'0 , 5o rookm belt betweenthe Sangunmetamorphic belt to the north and the unmetamorphosedMino-Tamba belt Frc. l. Locationsoftlte Omodani,Akenobe, Fukoku, and to the south. The products of mineralization are Ikunodeposits in theInner Zone of southwestJapan. hosted in sedimentaryand volcanic rocks of the Maizuru Group, of Permian age. K-Ar agesof dikes from the district indicate that the post-ore felsite Omodani Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag deposit (granophyre)is 57.8 + 2.9 Ma and 52.6 t 2.1 Ma, and the pre-orerhyolite is 72.8 r 2.9 Ma (Ishihara Omodani is located at Izumi-mura, Ono-gun, & shibata 1972). Fukui Prefecture, in the Hida marginal tectonic belt Total productionfrom 1935to 1986is 1.7 x 107 betweenthe Hida metamorphiccomplex (Hida belt) tonnesof ore, and averagegrades are I . I 9o Cu,2.00/o and the nonmetamorphicrocks to the south (Mino- Zn,0.4VoSn, and 20 g/t of Ag. Roquesitewas dis- Tamba belt). The veinslie within the Omodani rhyo- coveredin the N 2l stope, -8th level of the Eisei vein lite (Kawai 1956),correlated with the Nohi rhyolite of this deposit, where it occurswith chalcopyrite, (Makiyama et al. 1975), which covers Mesozoic quartz and siderite (Kato & Shinohara 1968).The sedimentaryrocks. The Omodani rhyolite is mainly roquesite-bearingores used in this study wererecently composedof weldedtuff (70-75 wt. 9o SiO), tuff collectedfrom the l4th level of the ChiemonNo. 4 breccia,tuff (71-75 wt.9o SiO), and granite por- vein, and are principally composedof sphalerite, phyry (ca. 77 wL.tloof SiO2).The K-feldspar from tetrahedrite,stannoidite, bornite, chalcopyrite,and the weldedtuff and granite porphyry givesK-Ar ages lesseramounts of mawsonite,galena, ferberite, cas- TABLE1. FIINEMLASSEI'tsLAGE OBSERVED IN SPECII'1ENS STUDIED AND MNGE OF FE".NN(ATOilIC) Ore DelpElt Sp Tn-Td Rq Sd cp Others OBodEni ++ ++ ++ + ++ Lo,Ap,Mw,Gn,Ag Fez- /Zn o.ool" o.2a-o.37 0.07-0,32 lffi. wt..8 In (.) 0.83 (16) 0.07 (19) 0.02 162) (8) 0,09 (10) 0.09 (13) Alenebe ++ ++ i + ++ + Msrcn Fez' / zn 0. 003-0.005 0 . 03-0. 12 0. 05-0. 38 w. sL.$ In (*) 0.48 (e) 0.05 (19) 0.03 (e) (10) 0.11 (11) 0.08 (8) Fukoku a+i + ++ + Mw,l'ld Fez' / zn 0.004-0.015 0.88-1.25 o.45-O.72 nax. rf.8 In (r) 0.08 (20) 0.98 (12) (6) o.30 (14) 0.21 (33) Ikune. *+ + ++ + Aprcn gez* / Zn 0.016-0.036 1.65-2.00 0.97-1.49 &ax. $t..9 h (*) 1.61 (7) 0.09 (10) (15) 0.13 (23) 0.31 (35) tbbr€viatlong: Ag nativ€ ailver, Ap areenopyrlte, Bn bornlt€, cp chaLcopyrite, cn galena, I- loLlingite, ltd mtlldlte, Ms nausonite, Rq roqueglte, Sd Btmoidite, gp sphalerite, Tn-Td temiltite- t€trahedrite ++ comon, + lesa comn. .) nuober of enalysis aa) sphalerl-te tmr€st Ln Cui there are &any tiny chalcopyrite inclusions in gphalerite. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/canmin/article-pdf/29/2/207/3446221/207.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 o d {l s! o o 6 q tr o CO c) .a A ?1 o E 7 J' d J' ! o ! o J 3 Rq .ao o'6 Eb vE 9E !1 A xv E; aE o-: .EaoD<) 9{E XO (58 n^ -a Irr bH a9 €o :t3 EO b0@ 9eoFa ti. OH oo i:. ll Il -.c .H N- ;.H .= Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/canmin/article-pdf/29/2/207/3446221/207.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 210 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST siterite, scheelite, and an undetermined Ni-Co sul- l.l VoCu,2.2t/oZn,0.4t/0Pb,0.3 Vo Sn, 58.3e/t (Table fide 1, Fig. 2B). Gangueminerals are quafiz, Ag, and A3 g/t Au. The ore specimensused in this fluorite, and siderite. study are composed of roquesite, stannoidite, sphalerite, tennantite, chalcopyrite, and small Fukoku Cu-Zn-Ag deposit amounts of arsenopyrite, galena and quartz (Table I, Fig. 2D). Fukoku also is situated in the Maizuru belt, ar Miyagai, Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto prefecture. The Cnslttcar CovpostrtoN oF CoExIsrINc SuLrrle mining district is geologicallycomposed of sandstone MTNSRALSrN In-Sn Onr with subordinate shales of the Triassic yakuno Group. The Kumohara granite, of probable late Cre- The chemical composition of coexisting minerals taceousage, and severalmasses ofultramafic rocks in the roquesite-bearingore was determinedusing occur near the deposit. a JEOL 733II electronmicroprobe analyzerat the The ore specimensstudied consist of roquesite, GeologicalInstitute, Faculty of Science,Universfuy sphalerite, stannoidite, tennantite, chalcopyrite, and of Tokyo, using the methodsof Shimizu et sl. (1986), small amounts of mawsonite, selenium-bearing matildite (up to 4.7 wt.9o Se), and quartz (Table l, Roquesite and chalcopyrite Fig. 2C). Cosalite,boulangerite, and nativebismuth have been reported in the deposit (Shimizu et al. Representativechemical compositionsand atomic 1966).
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