2376 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 18 Cumulus Microphysics and Climate Sensitivity ANTHONY D. DEL GENIO NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, New York WILLIAM KOVARI Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University, New York, New York MAO-SUNG YAO SGT, Inc., Institute for Space Studies, New York, New York JEFFREY JONAS Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University, New York, New York (Manuscript received 24 May 2004, in final form 15 October 2004) ABSTRACT Precipitation processes in convective storms are potentially a major regulator of cloud feedback. An unresolved issue is how the partitioning of convective condensate between precipitation-size particles that fall out of updrafts and smaller particles that are detrained to form anvil clouds will change as the climate warms. Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) observations of tropical oceanic convective storms indicate higher precipitation efficiency at warmer sea surface temperature (SST) but also suggest that cumulus anvil sizes, albedos, and ice water paths become insensitive to warming at high temperatures. International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) data show that instantaneous cirrus and deep convective cloud fractions are positively correlated and increase with SST except at the highest tempera- tures, but are sensitive to variations in large-scale vertical velocity. A simple conceptual model based on a Marshall–Palmer drop size distribution, empirical terminal velocity–particle size relationships, and assumed cumulus updraft speeds reproduces the observed tendency for detrained condensate to approach a limiting value at high SST. These results suggest that the climatic behavior of observed tropical convective clouds is intermediate between the extremes required to support the thermostat and adaptive iris hypotheses. 1. Introduction cloud types. This is possible because few observational constraints exist to ascertain the sign of specific cloud State-of-the-art general circulation models (GCMs) feedbacks. subjected to external climate forcings produce global A good example of this uncertainty is the role of net cloud feedbacks ranging from moderately negative convective systems in cloud and water vapor feedback. to strongly positive, and individual shortwave (SW) and Deep convective clouds occupy a small area but are longwave (LW) cloud feedback components often dif- often accompanied by areally extensive anvils that fer in sign among models with similar net cloud feed- dominate tropical planetary albedo and thinner cirrus back (Cess et al. 1996). This implies that different clouds that modulate outgoing longwave radiation GCMs often predict different but compensating (OLR). Convective cirrus clouds and anvils form from changes in the occurrence and properties of different detrainment of condensate formed in cumulus updrafts and from in situ mesoscale vertical motions within the anvils. Some anvil ice sublimes and along with de- Corresponding author address: Anthony D. Del Genio, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2880 Broadway, New York, trained water vapor from the updraft provides a signifi- NY 10025. cant source of water vapor to the upper troposphere. E-mail: [email protected] The complexity of the dynamics and microphysics in Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/24/21 08:45 PM UTC JCLI3413 1JULY 2005 D E L G E N I O E T A L . 2377 convective updrafts makes it difficult to correctly char- anomalies than do SST perturbation simulations, nor- acterize the water cycle of convective systems in nu- malized by the column-integrated heating. Further- merical models, that is, the balance between the pre- more, natural and forced variability in general will have cipitation sink that reduces updraft condensate and the different horizontal patterns of change and thus differ- nonprecipitating condensate that represents the major ent dynamical responses in several parameters that af- source for the anvil cloud. fect clouds. We therefore feel that the most prudent use Two diametrically opposed ideas about the competi- of satellite data is to provide useful physical property tion between precipitation and detrainment in a climate and process constraints that can serve as the basis for change have appeared in the literature. The thermostat the design and/or evaluation of global climate model hypothesis (Ramanathan and Collins 1991) suggests parameterizations that are used to predict cloud feed- that in a warmer climate, increased boundary layer wa- back. ter vapor will increase condensation in convective This paper extends the results of Del Genio and Ko- clouds and thus increase detrainment, leading to more vari (2002) to all high cloud types and explores the extensive and thicker anvils. Because the shortwave implications of observed convective storm behavior for cloud forcing (SWCF) of tropical convective systems cloud feedback. Section 2 describes the data sources slightly exceeds their longwave cloud forcing (LWCF), and analysis methods. Sections 3 and 4 explore the SST this suggests a negative cloud feedback, although the and vertical velocity dependences of TRMM storm additional water vapor source for the upper tropo- properties and ISCCP high cloud types, respectively. sphere implies a positive water vapor feedback. The Section 5 describes a simple conceptual model that cap- adaptive iris hypothesis (Lindzen et al. 2001) argues tures the essentials of the TRMM-observed behavior and might serve as the basis for an improved param- that increased precipitation efficiency because of in- eterization of convective microphysics in GCMs. Impli- creased convective condensate in a warmer climate will cations of our work are discussed in section 6. reduce detrainment, leading to a negative water vapor feedback and a slightly positive cloud feedback once the radiative properties of tropical clouds are properly 2. Data accounted for (Lin et al. 2002). The analysis of TRMM data follows the procedure Both analyses fail to account for vertical velocity ef- described fully in Del Genio and Kovari (2002). Instan- fects, since warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are taneous TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) product 2A- often accompanied by upward mean motion that pro- 12 rain rates and hydrometeor profiles (Kummerow et motes high cloud formation (cf. Fu et al. 1992; Hart- al. 2001) for the period 1–5 February 1998 are used to mann and Michelsen 2002). Del Genio and Kovari define storms as contiguous raining areas with cloud (2002) analyzed the hydrological and radiative proper- water above the 5-km level in the Ϯ15° latitude band. ties of tropical precipitating storms in Tropical Rainfall Storm area-averaged rain rates and ice water paths Measuring Mission (TRMM) data and separated them (IWP) are calculated for each of 6765 storms detected according to monthly mean SST and vertical velocity. over ocean. Coincident Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant They found that SW albedos and ice water paths of Energy System (CERES) data provide storm-averaged convective storms were insensitive to SST variations at SW albedos and OLR. Del Genio and Kovari (2002) warm temperatures. These results apply only to the used the original CERES ES-8 [Earth Radiation Bud- precipitating area of the storms, however; the more ex- get Experiment (ERBE)-like] products, but for this pa- tensive nonprecipitating areas of cirrus and cirrostratus per we have redone the analysis using the more accu- were not explored. rate CERES Single Scanner Footprint (SSF) retrievals Drawing inferences about cloud feedback in a forced (Wielicki et al. 1996). climate change from such observed variability is risky. International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project Current climate variability is typically driven at the air– (ISCCP) D1 retrievals (Rossow and Schiffer 1999) pro- sea interface, and anomalies in vertical structure may vide joint distributions of visible optical thickness () be qualitatively different from those associated with and cloud-top pressure (p)atϳ5 km resolution forced climate changes, which are driven at the atmo- sampled to 30 km and aggregated over 2.5° ϫ 2.5° lati- spheric emission level. For example, doubled CO2 ex- tude–longitude areas. For this study we use the high periments with the Goddard Institute for Space Studies cloud types (p Ͻ 440 mb) defined by ISCCP as follows: (GISS) GCM predict stronger upper-level radiative cirrus, Ci ( Ͻ 3.6), cirrostratus, Cs (3.6 Ͻ Ͻ 23), and cooling, mid- and upper-level convective heating, and deep convective clouds, DCC ( Ͼ 23). The Cs category boundary layer convective and radiative heating generally includes the transition from precipitating to Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/24/21 08:45 PM UTC 2378 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 18 FIG. 1. (top left) Storm-averaged TMI rainwater path per hour, (top right) TMI ice water path, (bottom left) CERES albedo, and (bottom right) CERES OLR vs SST for three 500-mb ranges: ϽϪ0.04 Pa sϪ1 (solid), Ϫ0.04 to0PasϪ1 (dashed), and Ͼ0PasϪ1 (dash–dot). (top) The solid line with diamonds shows the estimated boundary layer precipitable water vapor. nonprecipitating portions of cumulus anvils, so TRMM 3. Storm hydrological and radiative properties raining areas are combinations of DCC and some Cs Figure 1 (upper left) shows TMI rainwater paths per ISCCP pixels. Ci pixels represent the only high clouds hour of storm lifetime versus SST for each category, with positive net cloud forcing in the ISCCP dataset. while Fig. 1 (upper right) shows mean storm IWP ver- Storm and high cloud property
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