Sta.te 06 Wzon.a DIRECTORY OF APPROVED SECONDARY SCHOOLS 1972- 1973 School YeaJi Compiled by the HIGH SCHOOL VISITOR'S OFFICE College of Education University of Arizona Tucson 85 721 Dr . Howard w. Leigh State Chairman of the North Central Association and High School Visitor 884-2547 Dr. Bruce Howard Associate State Chairman of the North Central Associ ation (Junior High School Representative) 884-1003 Mr. Charles Stoughton Graduate Assistant High School Visitor's Office 884-2485 Mrs. Rita M, Mikula Secretary High School Vis itor's Office 884-1674 TAB LE OF CONTENTS Page Arizona State Boar d of Education .• •. l Arizona State Committee on Accreditation . 2 Arizona School Administrators 3 Arizona Association of Secondary School Principals . 4 Arizona Interscholastic Association . ' . 5 Arizona High School-College Relati ons Council . 6 Arizona Junior Col leges, Colleges, and Universities 7 Multiple High School Districts . 1 7 North Central Association Member High Schools . 19 Class I Schools e I t t • I t t I I I I I I I I t I 29 Cl ass II Schools . 32 Class III Schools t I I I I I I I t t I I I I I t I I I I t t I I I 33 Unclassified High School s . 33 North Central Ass ociation Member J unior High Schools . 35 ARIZONA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION PRESIDENT: Mr. David Weisenborn (Classroom Teacher) 1211 west Knox Place Tucson 85705 VICE PRESIDENT: Mr . O. B, Joy (Superintendent of a High School District) Bisbee High School P. O. Drawer G Bisbee 85603 MEMBEFS : Mr. Richard Harris (County School Superintendent) 111 South Third Avenue Phoenix 85003 Dr. Dwight G. Hudson (Lay Member) 218 Stetson Drive Scottsdale 85251 Mr. Paul P. Kennedy (Lay Member) P, O. Box 2403 Globe 85501 Mr. Stephen S . Jenkins , Jr. (Lay Member) 4502 North Central Avenue Phoenix 85012 Mrs . Merle Platt (Junior College Member) P. o. Box 426 St. Johns 85936 Dr. W. P. Shofstall (Superintendent of Public Instruction) Room 165 , State Capitol Building Phoenix 85007 Dr. J. Lawrence Walkup (President of a State College) Northern Arizona University Flagstaff 86001 1 ARIZONA STATE COMMITTEE ON ACCREVIT ATI ON CHAIRMAN: Dr. Howa rd W. Leigh College of Education Univer s ity of Arizona Tucson 85721 ASSOCIATE CHAIRMAN: Dr. Bruce Howard College of Education University of Arizona Tucson 85721 EX-OFFICIO: Dr. Jim Hartgraves Deputy superintendent Arizona Departrrent of Education 1535 West Jefferson Phoenix, Arizona 85007 MEMBERS: Mr. William Boyle Mr. Robe rt Christensen Principal Glendale Union High Mcclintock High School School Distri ct 1830 East Del Rio 7650 North 43rd Avenue Tempe 85282 Glendale 85301 Mr. Tony Komadi na . Mr. M. van Fredenberg Principal Principal Marana High School Alchesay High School Rt. 1, Box 80 P. o. Box 188 Marana 85238 Whiteriver 85941 Mr . R. L. Williams Principal Kingman High School 515 W. Beal e Street Kingman 86401 ADVISORY MEMBERS: Mr. Victor Lowman Mr. Thomas Pavelin Glendale Union High Principal School District McNary Hig_h School 7650 North 43rd Avenue P. o. Box 598 Glendale 85301 McNary 85930 2 ARIZONA SCHOOL AVMINISTRATORS PRESIDENT: Mr. Glenn Burton, Superintendent Glendale School District 5730 West Myrtle Avenue Glendale 85301 PRESIDENT-ELECT: Dr. William Hendrix, Principal Amphitheater High School 125 East Prince Road Tucson 85705 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Dr. Mike McCormick Association Office 149 South 27th Street Phoenix 85034 SECRETARY- TREASURER : Mr. Scott Fry, Superintendent Roosevelt School District· 6000 South 7th Street Phoenix 85040 PAST PRESIDENT: Mrs. Iola Frans, Education Director Flowing Wells District 1444 west Prince Road Tucson 85705 3 ARTZONA ASSOCIATION OF SECONVARY SC HOOL PRINCIPALS PRESIDENT: Mr. Tony Komadina, Principal Marana High School Rt. #1, Box 80 Marana 85238 PRESIDENT-ELECT: Mr. Leo Johnson, Principal Pueblo High School 3500 South 12th Avenue Tucson 85713 SECRETARY-TREASURER: Mr. Roy Woods, Principal Ray District High School P. o. Box 428 Kearny 85237 NASSP COORDINATOR: Mr . Hanley Slagle, Principal Santa Rita High School P. 0. Box 4040 Tucson 85717 NCA REPRESENTATIVE: Dr. Howard W. Leigh, Chairman NCA Arizona State Committee ... College of Education University of Arizona Tucson 85721 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE: Mr . Bil l Williams, Principal Flagstaff Junior High School 500 North Sitgreaves Flagstaff 86001 4 ARIZONA I NTERSC HO LAS TIC ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT: Mr. John H. Berryhill Superintendent, Santa Cruz Valley High School VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. Henry D. Egbert Principal, Sahuaro High School EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Mr. H. A. Hendri ckson 149 South 27th Street , Suite C Phoenix 85034 267-1446 ASSISTA·NT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Mr . Glendon C. Treadaway MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE CCMMITrEE: Mr . 'I'ony Komadina Principal, Marana High School Mr. Victor Meneley Principal, Flowing Wel ls High School Dr. J. B. Franklin Superintendent, Mayer School District Dr. George Smith Superintendent, Mesa Public Schools Mr. M. D. van Fredenberg Principal, Alchesay High School Dr . Joseph Voorhees DEPARI'MENT OF EDUCATION LIAISON: Dr. Jim Hartgraves Deputy Superintendent Arizona Department of Education 1535 West J efferson Phoenix, Arizona 85007 5 ARIZONA HIGH SCHOO L-COLLEGE RELATIONS COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Joseph A. Norton, Arizona State Univer sity VICE PRESIDENT : Everett Myers , Buckeye Union High School NCA REPRESENTATIVE & SECRETARY-TREASURER: Howard W. Leigh, Univers ity of Arizona COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVES: Joseph Norton, Arizona State University Lewis McDonald, Northern Arizona University F. Robert Paulsen, Univers ity of Arizona Jerry Murphy, University of Arizona Mrs . Leola Brown, .Grand C~nyon · A. Jack Cathey, Prescott Ralph Moorehead, Arizona Western Dale Gibson, Central Arizona Don Roth, Cochise Jim Lewis, College of Ganado Jesse Devaney, Eastern Arizona R. B. Heuser, Glendale Community Thomas Garneski, Maricopa Technical Ross Owens, Mesa Community A. Keith west, Mohave Community Jack Jackson, Navajo Community Ed Lindquist, Phoenix ~oseph Cosentino, Pima Marion Donald, Scottsdale Community Del Higham, Yavapai SUPERINTENDENT REPRESENTATIVES: H. A. Barbarick, Mingus Union Del Chamberlain, Mesa Public Schools Jasper Cowart, Gilbert School District Ron Jenkin, Douglas Public Schools H. Shipley, Paradise Valley Donald Wilson, Safford Public Schools Marlen Yoder, Flowing Wells School District PRINCIPAL REPRESENTATIVES : Frank Anderson, Central Vincent Cisterna, Buena Jackson Drake , Arcadia Leo Johnson, Pueblo Tony Kornadina, Marana Fred McClure, Washington John Sinclair, Tempe 6 ARIZONA STATE UNIV ERSITY Te.mpe. 8528 1 phone.: 965-90 11 President: Dr. John w. Schwada Academic Vice President: Dr. Karl H. Dannenfeldt Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students : Dr. George F. Hamm Registrar: Mr. Enos E. Underwood Director of Admissions: Mr. Joseph A. Norton Chairman-Scholarships & Awards and Financial Aid: Dr. Richard T . Wootton Director-Placement Bureau: Dr. Robert H. Mencke Director-Student Union: Mrs . Ceceli a Scoular ARIZONA WESTERN COLLEGE P. 0. Box 929 Yuma. 85364 phone.: 126-1000 President: Dr. Robert H. Garin Dean of Student Affairs: Dr. Ralph Moorehead Dean of Student Activities and Director-Student Union: Mr. Charles Southward Dean of Instruction: Dr . William J . Berg Women's Counsel or: Mrs. Natalie Stowe Registrar and Director of Admissions: Mr. Donal d Bradshaw Chairman-Scholarships & Awards and Financial Aid: Mr. Abe Ma r tinez Director- Placement Bureau: Mr . James Mitchell 7 CENTRA L ARIZONA COLL EGE Woo cl!u.1.6 6 a;t OveJt.M,el.d Rd . Coolidg e. 8522 8 phone.: 723 - 4141 Oil. 836-8243 President: Dr . Don P. Pence Dean of Students and Direct or-Student Union: Mr. Dale R. Gibson Dean of Instruction: Mr. Loren J. Aldrich Registrar: Mrs . Cheri McGlenn Chairman-Financial Aid: Mr. Robert Thompson Director-Placement Bureau: Mr. Art Al l en COCHISE COLLEGE VoU9W 85607 phone.: 364-3451 Oil. 432-5737 President: Dr. John R. Edwards Execut i ve Dean Mr. Howard Monnett Dean of Students and Director of Admissions: Mr. Don Johnson Registrar: Mr . Hugh Reilley Chairman-Scholarships & Awards and Financial Aids Offi cer: Mr. Michael Ramsey Director-Placement Bureau: Mr. Dan Rehurek Director- Student Union Mr. Don Fry 8 COLLEGE OF GANAVO Ga.n.a.do 86505 pho~e~ 755-3298 o~ 755-3257 President: Dr. James N. Moss Vice President for College: Mr . Arthur Hubbard, Sr. Vice Presi dent for Development : Dr. Jim Lewis Vice President for Academic Affairs: Dr. John G. Wilsey Dean of Men and Registrar: Dr . Martin w. Johnson Dean of woman: Miss Joyce Roy EASTERN ARIZONA COLLEGE Thatc.heJt. 85552 ~hon.e: 428- 1133 President: Dr, Dean A. Curtis Dean of Students: Mr. J. Dallace Butler Dean of Instruc·tion: Mr. Wayne M. McGrath Director of Admissions and Chairman­ Scholarships & Awards and Financial Aid: Mr. Dennis Hegle Director- Placement Bureau: Mr. David Seegmiller Director-Stud ent Union: Mr . Dal.lace Butler 9 GLENVALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 6000 We6 .:t Olive Av enue Glendale 85301 phone: 9 34-2211 Executive Dean: Dr. Matt O. Hanhila Dean of Men: Mr. Theodor e K. Pier son Dean of Women: Mrs. Nancy Noll Dean of I nstruction: Mr. Carl E. Squires Registrar and Director of Admissions: Dr. Robert E. Heuser Chairman-Scholarships & Awards and Financial Aid: Dr. Merl e L. Lange Director-Placement Bureau: Mr. Al J, Hoeffel GRANV CANYON COL LEGE 3300 WM.:t Camenia.c.li Road Phoen,lx. 8501 7 phone: 439-942 1 President: Dr. Arthur K. Tyson Dean of Instruction: Dr. William R. Hintze Dean of Students: Mr. Dillard Whitis Registrar: Mrs. Leola Brown Chairman-Scholarships & Awards and Financial Aid: Mr • Harry Kent Director-Placement Bureau: Mrs . Dallas Reeves Director-Student Union: Mrs. Evelyn King 10 MARICOPA TECHNI CAL COLLEGE 106 EM.t WMh-ln9.ton Phoeiu.x. 85004 phone: 252 -666 1 0/7.. 258-725 1 Executive Dean: Mr. Norbert I. Bruemmer Associate Dean, Student Personnel Services: Mr. B. R, Harri s Dean of Instruction: Dr. Harry D. Fletcher Regi strar and Director of Admi ssions: Dr. H. William Hurlebaus Chairman-Financial Aid : Mr. Henry F. Kutak Director-Placement Bureau: Mr. Paul House MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE J 833 We.1.i.t Southe1tn Avenue.
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