THE HAWAIIAN STAR DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKL- Shipping And Waterfront News Dally published ovory afternoon (except Sunday) by tho Hawaiian Star BY W. H. CLARKE. Newspaper Association, Ltd., McCand loss Dulldlng, Bethel ttreet, Hono (Additional Shipping on Page Five.) lulu, T. II. t i THE MAILS. I nolulu from Yokohama, August 1. Enteral at tho postofflce at Honolulu as second class mall matter. From San Francisco. Honolulnu. ANDREW welch. Am i.ir fn.' ugust S. Honolulu from San Francisco July NO SEASICKNESS ON THIS VESSEL SUBSCRIPTION KATKB, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. To tho Orient, per Manchuria, Au- - 23. gust S. Dally, mywhero In the Islands, per. month $ .76, DENICIA, Am. bv... ar. Gray's Harbor Dally, anywhere In the Islnnds, three months 2.00. To San Francisco, per Mongolia. from Illlo Juno 2. Philadelphia Ledger: The gigantic port C Dally, auywhero m the Islands, six months 4.00. August C. at o'clock Sunday morning from HERTHA, German bk., from Kahului 900-fo- From steamer Imporator, now being tho Orient. For hero she has 1300 Dally, anywhere In the iBlunds, one year 8.00. tho Orient, Au ar. Gray's Harbor, May 10. 0. built ut Hamburg, Germany, for the tons of cargo, Dally, to foreign countries, one year 12.00. gust DOItEALIS, Am. but, no mention was schr., for Hllo from Hnmburg-Amorlca- n Semi-Weekl- y, anywhero In tho Islands, one year 2.00. From Line, will, when nindo of tho Australia, August Grny's Harbor, July 22. number of passengers to Semi-Week- ly to Foreign countrl es, one year 3.00. 15. completed, not only be tho largest be landed here. BUFORD, U. S. A. T., for Honolulu There Is room on To G.-- vessel In the world, but will In add! board for 125 Australia pr S. Zonlandln, from Manila, July 15. people to the Const, and Advertising rates supplied upon request. August IS. tion Insure her pnssongors against so far the agents BUYO MARU, Jar! str.. left Honolulu hnvo booked 110. It tno terrors of seasickness. This is hoped that the vessel will dis- MANAGER. en route to South America, May 25. be L. D. TIMMONS happy condition is to bo brought patched by 5 0 CAMANo, schr, arrived at Port or o'clock at tho lat- nbout by the Installation of the est on Sunday miiiwi.vg in roirr. Gamble rrom Hilo. .May 5. afternoon. Tho Mon- Business olllce telephone, 21565; postolUco box, 366. Frahn decks on board the monster golia Is a day C. A. THAYER, scr.. Vfrnm Ornv'. late In arriving. a device that reduces the motion of vuu1Uii..uui.i vessels.) Harbor for Honolulu, July 18. Andrew Welch's Cargo. a ship to a minimum. has been U. S. L. E. tender Kukui, from a C. F. CROCKER, Am. bk., from It Tho bark Andrew Welch is twelve I tried out by the company on- - a small days July 10. tiolulu. nr. Columbia River, Juno 2'J. out of San Francisco today cu Oceanic Steamship, Gompan ship ami, so It Is averred, li. S. N. tug Nnvajo from Mare le-- . CHINA, from Honolulu for tho Orient has reduced route to Honolulu with a full cargo. tho In land, July 20. August 1. oscillation heavy weather from She has 8612 posts, 5000 cases of kero sixty-thro- e to degrees. (Merchant Vessels) CHIYO MARU, Am. S. S., from Hono- three In the sene oil, nbout 150 tons of moulding Sierra Schedule Mary E. case of a craft of tho slzo of tho Im- - sand, 2000 Foster, from Port Blakely lulu, nr. San Francisco, July 27. bags of flour, 721 bales of LEAVE S. F. ARRIVE HON. LEAVE HON. ARRIVE S. F, perator It Is July 15. COLUMBIAN, Am. S. S., Sallna believed that these three hay, 5000 drums of gasoline. 524S feet Aug. 12 AUG. 13 AUO. 2 AUG. S ar. degrees Robert Lowers from Tacoma, July Cruz, from Hllo, July 20. will be eliminated altogether. of lumber, 1500 bags of rolled barley Sept. 2 SEPT. 3 AUG. 23 AUG. 29 20. CORONADO, Am. The colossus will reach this country among her cargo. In addition 29 19 bk., from Hono- to this 3PT. 23 SEPT. SEPT. 13 SEPT. In the spring 1913. Newsboy, scr., from Gray's Horbor, lulu, ar. San Francisco, June 9. of The exact date sho has tho following lines from tho T. 14 OCT. 20 OCT. 4 OCT. 10 of July 23. CROOK, U. S. A. T laid up at San her launching has not been set. W. H. Marston, which sprang a leak, NOV. 4 NOV. 10 OCT. 25 OCT. 31 Hyades from Seattle, August 1 Francisco. She Is 50,300 tons displacement and pretty badly and had to bo repaired: NOV. 25 DEC. 1 NOV. 15... NOV. 21 j Flaufence Ward, from' Midway Isl CROWN OF CASTILE, str., from Liv- nearly 900 feet In length. There are 4729 posts, 617 railroad ties, 987 shin- 1C DEC. 22 DEC. C...! DEC. 12 DEC. and, August 3. erpool for Honolulu, July 13. nine decks abovo the water line. She gles and 335 packages of sundries. C JAN. 12 DEC. 27 JAN. JAN At Pearl Harbor. EDWARD SEWALL, Am. ship left will not be a fast boat, being built Sho has eight or nine passengers, $65; Round RATES from Honolulu to San Francisco First Class. General Hubbard, str., from San Kahului for Philadelphia, May 9. more for solid comfort than great and may bo looked for within the next Trip, $110. Family Room, extra. Francisco, July 31. ELDORADO, Am. schr., ar. Redondo bijuu. nor time across the Atlantic eight or ton days. Forty-Eigh- t hours prior to PROJECTED will In Reservations will not ho held Uer than ARRIVALS. from Hilo, July 31. be the neighborhood of seven Failed In Wireless Test. sailing unless are paid for in full. From days. advertised time tickets Manila. ENTERPRISE, Am. S. S. from Hllo Her engines are of the recipro Tho first partial failure in the wire Buford, August 6. eating type. ar. San Francisco, July 22. She has accommodn less telegraphy test has been record- FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY TO Shermnn, September 4. tor passengers ERSKINE M. PHELPS, Am. ship, ar. lions 4,2u0 of rdl ed at the local navy station. R. B. cmsses Philadelphia from. Honolulu, June and enrries a crew of 1,000. Hngemann, from Molokal, was exam PROJECTED DEPARTURES. 14. .Among tho special features of her ined by Captain Shepley, and passed & Ltd. For San Francisco. ETHEL ZANE, Am. schr., from Hilo construction are a reproduction of the practical Brewer Co., test, but failed In tho Mongolia, August 6. GENERAL AGENTS. ar. Gray's Harbor, July 24. ancient Roman baths in bronze, mar-- theoretical section. He will sit again America Maru, August 11. EXPANSION, scr., from Fort Bragg bio and Ivory, a roof garden, gym later on. Honolulan, August 15. for Kahului, 15. naslum, swimming pool July and a rath- Big Gun Wilhelmina, August 16. skeller, besides a library, Practice. FALLS OF CLYDE rrom Gaviota for lounging The James Go Tenyo Maru, August IS. rooms, and so forth. Makeo will tow a target Canadian-Australi- an Royal Mail Steamship Honolulu, July 31. out to sea for big guns Sierra, August 23. Honplulan the of Fort FLAURENCE WARD, Tomorrow Morning. Ruger Persia, August 25. Scr., from Mid- to shoot at, on Tuesday morn Custle & Cooke, agents Mat-so- n way Island, ar. Honolulu, August 3. for the ing. Tho steamer Lurllne, August 29. company, will start away from CANADIAN-PACIFI- C this morning received a Inter-Islan- Steamers of the above line running in connection with the For FOOHNG SUEY. Am. bk., from Hon. the old d wharf at about S Vancouver. wireless message from the Honolulan, RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, S. S. Marama, August for N. Y. via Mahukona, April 17. o'clock, and tho big guns will bang 15. dated at S o'clock last night, in which N. S. W.. calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane, Q. S. S. GAMBLE, scr., from Port Gamble ar. jaway at her for over an hour. Cap- - and Makura, Semptember 12. it was stntfwl Mint nt .1 Hilo, July 10. il,t !,.. FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. S. S. Zealandia, October 10. ; 'ltaln Mllier wl be ln charge of the ves- sel was 404 miles away from this port, ,. ,.,, AUG. 18 S. S. MARAMA AUG. 15 S. S. Marama, GENERAL HUBBARD, str., ar. Pearl rnntnln wmm S. S. ZEALANDIA November 7. experiencing tine MAKURA SEPT. 12 Harbor from San Francisco, July weather. All were pany hlm and watch shoot; S. S. MARAMA SEPT. 13 S. S. Far FIJI and Australia. well on board, the OCT. 10 31. and Captain Bennett behalf of tho Coast Q S HAKURA OCT. 11 S. S. ZEALANDIA Zealandia, C.-A- ., R. M. S August Artlllerv. HAWAII, Am. bktn., from Mahukona stated that he would arrive early to tug S. S. ZEALANDIA NOV. 8 S. S. MARAMA NOV. 7 18. The Navajo will tow a target ar. San Francisco, July 22. morrow morning. No hour was men- out S. S. Marama, September in September next for the Coast 13. H. HACKFELD, German tioned. The vessel has 132 bags of S. S. Makura, bk., from Artillery gunners to try their skill on. SUVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGES. October 11. twenty-seve- n CALLING AT Honolulu, arrived Portland, Ore., mall for here and pas So far a S. S. Zealandia November 8. sengers. definite date has not been May 21.
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