Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 2-26-1953 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1953). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2676. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2676 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS ���X"lCI:IX8Ct8:8� I BACKWAIIDLOOK II Social " Clubs : Personal MR':E��':'�';U:"�" TEN YEARS AGO From Bulloeh Timet! Feb z.�. 194.1 BULLOG{H WHERE NEEDED I GIftS to poho fund registered at Theatre to last EAGLE - Georgia up evening STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO reached a total of $169 68 ====='-"=-�=== I FIELDS-GRIFFIN Call of two quotas soldiers next seven whIte men leave for Centerjng widespre id Interest I, of week, fifty 1811 B�I��:�f!�!nt the season was Ihdlocla TIm_, I:atalllialaed t CouoIldaW 111' • Personal • I service Thursday followed by thITty- l..urr 1'. FEB 1953 the announcement made by MI and the tea glve� in the horne of Mrs E N_ IltJta1alb1aed 18011 • STATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY, 26, Purely registrunts Stateiboro •• •• A Proctor eIght negro Fnday n-IIer I. � ===========-=====-=-= MIS John B FIelds, of Port II of the Between Wednesday afternoon tn S�boro _Ia. l:.tabllsbed'lII1'f.:....con.oJlda Us- Interest IS felt in the fact that Bul- I honor of M,ss Guida and mat Strickland br-ide created Ml and Mrs J M Cromartie \\CIC engagement anproaching elect The loch county's recently police BY RUTH BEAVER Proctor home was beaut, r uige ot their daughter, MISS Ger I Hours Are VISitors 111 Savannah Sunday fully decorated WIth red and white Ashmore To Preside I Ann�unce� .: of ind Por flowers ,!���eee�:� ���n s�;:�: t'hro���sts..�t FUTURE FARMERS , NEW VEGETABLE sev nldine Fields, Waycross sp: mg Mrs E D I Mrs Brooks Simmons spent Proctor For Bleodmobile VISit ... .. -tunement WIth the sta St itesboro has so much to offer of J acksonvilla broadcasting At Teachers' Meet : m A t II to Dessie M Griffln of W iycross Beach, Fla, met th� eral days this week tlnnta to tn from day day the enter tainment guests at the door and Horace chairman of the and Statesboro son of MI and Mr3 introduced Bureau WIll Dr L Ashmore, of Geotgl& McDou1l'"ld, JeJ ry Marsh from the Univei sf ty world, nnd there IS neve, a week them to the � tiO�UI'i!chswd'����;,oFarm Henry HAVE GREAT WEEK VAROO� TESTED reCCIVlnR' hne composed ' March a visit of the an J M of Statesboro ian't We don't want hold electIon of officers at meeting Teachers Is chairmen lor �100dmoblle, "as at home fOI the week end Griffin, something grven of MI'S E A Proctor, nal I C�lleg<e, pater 10 the court house evening School Of nounces the !tours [or the blood Hortteultnrls! F.'ndll IS to miss Sunday afternoon tne HIgh Friday of Every I Hinton Booth aic Miss FIelds, who the daughter grandmother of the the Southeaatern RegIOnal Meeting Y"ungsters I tha\. ,State MI md MIS groom, MISS Fred G Bhtch has been for , School Sand did themselves proud u s Ouida Strickland, the president Distrlct In BuIIOCh County collection at the Community Center \Vhich Should sometime In D8\ tona B eac h of the late Ethel Underwood Fields bride-elect the Aseoctatton for Stud.nt Teaching Many Crops spending their annual con tilte past two years and IS asktng they gave spnng MI s Charles Are Given Studies Park be from 1 p m to 6 Il In son IS Strtcklund, mother of In 0.1- Speclal \VIII Of Fla of JetTel county, Georgiu, ccrt These have that he be reheved at the forthcom- Atlan� Friday and Saturday. Be Interest To FarmeJW young musrcrans the bride elecb Mrs Ashton Proctor The Elks have the won election e the South- resuonsl MIS A T Jones of Atlanta spent known 111 the state to a large circle many honors both as n gJOUp mother of the me gates from all states !'l The present week 21 assumt!fl I groom elect, and of four (February the Maroh for Spring IS ju.t around the mel as individuals The were A L Ml�' Price support to growers bllity of fllllnr 3.quota planting week end here as the of of relatives and friends She grad girls Davis, maternal east are expected 1 Just guest grandmother tomatoe 28) has been procI aI med Nationlll " dressed m their formal major cnnntnJl crops- .. peas, the and have and t•• - lovely drosses, of the gloom elect MIs of off- bloodmobile, pledged corner, comparative m'''. uated from Portal School md Chillies been Dr I Ashmore, co-ordinator I" Miss Minnie Jones HIgh and this added to the of the sweet corn and snap beans-has FFA Week the Asaoola delight Nevils Was hostess of the room by NatIona\ �elr efforts to the Bulloch County at the Station received a BS In Home Eco dining announced the U S campus student teaching at the col- Georgia Experiment Mrs T G Macon left today for degree audience -Next week finds the bas where Ice cream by Department and lndividunt rose' tlon Future Farmers of America blood committee, headed / of Chatr of program by last of new Atlanta where she '\III VISIt WIth Mr normcs from the Georgia State Col ketb III tans excited as the college IS bud cakes and coffee A,grlculture through County lege, will head a Collep ,year varieties of ••v.ral were served the Bulloch I Williams The bloodmobire host to tihe lftIln Dorns R Caeon, of Future Farmers of the ' I Seaman fOI III For plnying' junior college MI� Charles Olhff con.IstI 0f I>II th• hen In ta I und MIS Arthur Macon Wojnen MIlledgeVIlle Jr, of Statesboro, d group ng Teach.�r. vege b crops may be of Inter••t to tournament With teams hei e C USDA. W B NeVI be at tiIle 'Recreation Center from from poured coffee and who was 20 Statesboro, Brooklet, Ltburatorv,s, Regis, will McCronn was those liegethe past SIX and n half years she has assstted of the the college laboratory Ichool'and J E among ove, tne state ThIS WIll run for 0�1� R ch��:m..R commerc� al grower. a. w.ll 1>. hom. !\ree by Mrs Howard of Jack Lanl.:� ter, Stilson and Portal FFA 1 to 6 p m on Tu.sday, Mal ch 3 Ibeen Home Demonstl.tlOn Prather, aQ- teach.... from "If- chapters who attended the funClal of John E as agent days, and WIll gIve us some of the Red Cross membership campaIgn, ,supervialng t� sanVIlle Beach, Fin Patty Sue La saId each of� gardeners Theae teats were mad. I that a drive wUl be conduct- In Bulloch county have jomed more &lr McDougald 'You, W ITe county She IS'fi member of Ibest basketball the state has to of ntel nnd Rachel nounce� campus centers utilized by *. roy In Savannah [f'uesday Deal Anderson serv OOI�'l>.;'" the • __ source of life wound with 1et Also'next "eek oed li'.xt""iive.k �roughout county than 360,000 FFA m.ntbers tn 8,1100 ,vou, are t".t· for snap hma ,- .w... 1111the Central church and (ff 'XI the college IS ed the 0ther Teach.ra 0 ..... _- beana, bea"-, MI and Mrs J IC BaptIst reireshmnets, and Mrs C P C'IIge • Edgar Hagtn for Bulloch's quota to tile fund, ap- nation ed American In uniform Korea Maltln, Mrs H H Mrs C P local chapters throughout the boys ,n corn, tomatoes, Southern peas (field tUlncd f,om a week' Mu Chapter Beta SIgmA PhI SOlOrtty Hodges, Half of this Is bers to tske part are Miu aettbt Sunday � dIng / DavIs prOXImately $4,600. transfu.,ons ����� �h;:�':;�eu�� ��';:::Yott��eio":.d and Mrs Remer Barnes as In observance of Nntlonal FFA Week Blood and blood plasma p.as) and cllcumber. Several of the The a membe� come from the .chools of the dl� trtp to Important Flortda CIties blldegloom elect, dresses the girls WIll be weartng SIS ted WIth elqlected to Freeman, dIrecting Of refreshments MIss Maude This marks the 26th have often meant life It.elf to our new varletl•• We the and the balanc. by general PrO- year year- appear to be IUperior Aktns of one of the p,oncer famlhes of Candler !know you WIll enJoy not only the WhIte ushered the to county ( "Sha'l"lr In SerVice T.rllllllnll' Bucky TJntverslty GeorgIa guests the gIft use hfe- to but canv... • Joan Fon- the Silver AnnlVlersary-of the Fu- wounded, for the ot thIS older varietle. In d11_ I IS a gills seelllg their dresses also Toom, whcle award winn.r In Misl Dor- yield, of Metter DIfferent student, spent the week end WIth IllS county, graduate HIgh Mesdames DavIs Barnes • • • • Aeallemy grams States", and talne .nacts tile Rowena, hero- ture Farm�rs of Am.nca Through Auld has paid off In J(orea liy re.lstsnce, and W Naughton Beasley "ere hostesses lovely •• on giving quality, accordlnr Mr and Mrs E L Akins School and scrved ",th the Mlhtsty -ENTY& .,.
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