IE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. Devoted to the Interests of Princeton and the Similkameen Country. •.i- JL VOL. I. No. 24. PRINCETON, B. C„ SATURDAY, SEPT., 8th, 1900. $2.00 PER YEAR On being asked if he intended to soon, Mr. Campbell replied : t. BROWN TALKS I shall be back soon, and I hope leasant ride over the' Hope President and Manager of the Sunset in Town. COAL IN ABUNDANCE, Numerous Coal Claims Have Been Located Recently. He Reports Everything Looking Bet- us pa •ties' app reciating the ' ter in the Boundary Country—His' >al in t he c evelo pment of our Views on the Sunset. ave fo r th e pa st few weeks tly sta kin; j out claims near Thet e ha s ne er been any a then tind >of i uterested par- hat th ere were large bodies the bimi lkameen, but aiS Th ubt was dis- ently vi hen the McCrea Bros. return of 60 pe rcent. carbon pnt >ver to Rossland to bod vof :oal, which is les a Pnn cocr Sn«af the Vermil- until the g to Keremeos.''At th repair the'present wagon road to Copper I intend to sink a double Mr. Campbell said: ,"I a compartment shaft down to the 500-foot About this e Mr. J. Wallace appeared pressed with the magnitude of the min­ level this winter and crosscut at the 300, on the see and undertook to take eral belt of the Similkameen country on 1 400 and 500-foot levels, and also block saying that he each visit. From Nicola south to the the a3stZS5 fSP-his offense, "yumped the fence ' the ore out in 400 or 500 blocks. The fectly harmless, etc., and induced him to boundary line extends a mineral country the "under fixens" and the "side fixens." great mineral zone on Copper mountain get 5n his horse and start for home. that in which you find placer gold as I is about 2,000 feet wide and 8,000 feet Not being satisfied witn the amount of well as lodes of gold, copper, silver, lead, I long, besides the mammoth ore bodies blaguardism and threats hurled forth, and extensive beds of first class coal. ^ from 10 feet to 300 feet wide, breaking Asp returned again later in the evening, Princeton is bound to be a large city, as happen to take his fancy. It is to be hoped his out from this great mother lode, and cut­ this time bringing a long • butcher it is located in the southern part of the "side squints" will be reserved for the brave ting through the country for miles. I knife, which he carried up his ' sleeve. mineral belt as well as Copper mountain. officers'who so nobly discharged their duty, as don't expect anybody in the outside After trying to make trouble again at Speaking of Copper mountain, I am world will take any stock at present French & Day's, he finally left muttering pleased exceedingly with the results of figures; only experts and mining men words of threat and revenge. This is not the development going.on. On the Lost that have actually examined the moun­ the first offence of this kind which Horse a'one we have a vein nearly eighty tain and surrounding country, and the Charlie has been guilty of, and it is feet wide, with an immense surface show­ PURELY PERSONAL. most of them dare not tell one-quarter of about time some one took such steps to ing, the like of which I have never seen what they have seen. In the near future place him where he will do no harm, equalled anywhere. Our ore is not Mr. Arthur Francis, representing the Vancouver News-Advertiser, came in on it will keep more than one transconti­ which he certainly will do if left to go bornite, as many suppose, but chalco- Wednesday's stage and returned yester- nental railway to do the business of Cop­ his own way much longer. No one prites or yellow copper. This is the class per mountain and vicinity. -"^A^aQr escapes from his threats, and outside of of ore most desired by the smelters. Mr. R. A. Brown, president and man­ 'The Sunset is the only prospect or being dangerous is. a nuisance to tl Very little additional work will bring ager of the Sunset Copper Mining Co., mine in British Columbia that has stood community. the Lost Horse mine to the front rank arrived in town this week from Grand up against the hard times and not slump­ among the young properties of the prov­ Forks. ed in price, and when I return to Grand ince. No treasury stock has yet been Mr. Wm. M. Brewer, of Vancouver, re­ m Forks the Sunset Copper Co. will ad­ placed on the market, as the intention of presenting the New York Mining Journ­ vance the shares from_i5to2; the company is to bring the mine to a al, was in town this week, and inspected the different mines in our locality, shipping basis before offering the stock to the public. Several tempting offers Mr. M. DesBrisay, of Vancouver, in company with Mr. T. S. McPherson, of have been made to the company for -a Nelson, arrived in Princeton, by way of Mr. Fred. Howse drove in from Nicola sale of the whole or control of the mine, Keremeos, on Monday, and left for the yesterday. but we do nOt consider that the develop­ coast by way of the Hope trail. They Mr. J. Charles Mcintosh returned on ment work iS far enough advanced to expressed themselves as greatly pleased with all they saw in and around Prince- Wednesday, from the capital, where he justify us making a sale satisfactory to has been visiting for some weeks. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. mrW+++P+++P+P++++++++++r\» disposition, she having become foster mother to some little pigs whose mother I News of the Province I died a short time ago. The cow at certain hours each day goes to a yard in which they are kept to enable them to take Mr. Martin's model railway bill has their supply of milk. New General been adopted by the government. A garnishee of £200 was recently served According to the Colonist, the futi in New Denver. The net results, amount­ policy of the Dunsmuir dynasty is one ing to five cent1-., were forwarded by the Store ,j[ big bonuses. court officials to Registrar Simpkins at The Granby smejler was "blown in" Nelson by check. When th/r check was We carry a well assorted stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnish­ the aist ult, niuKthe entire plant is n presented for payment an ^exchange of 15 ings, Blankets, Boots and Shoes, Stationery, Tinware, etc. running very smoothly. cents was demanded! ywhereupon Mr. We sell none but the Purest and Best F. J. Deane, ex-M. P. P., has be Simpkins decided to'retain the check elected a member of the board of din and has posted it in his office at the court tors of the Kamloops agricultural assoo GROCERIES tion, vice Martin Beattie, resigned. elui lated The freight trade through the Croi| in Greenwood recently, when Mesers. Try Our "HONDI CEYLON"".antl-RAM.LAL'S/v,\ Nest Pass and over t$ lake increas Blue & Fisher sold out their interest in INDIAN TEAS greatly during last month. The the Yale-Columbia Lumber Co. to P. was largely due to the starting of the Genelle & Co. About a year ago the saw smelters. mills of Blue & Fisher and Genelle & It is expected this year that Mr. J. B. Co., were acquired by the Yale-Columbia Just Received Graves, of the Douglas Lake Cattle Co., Co., and were run since then by that mpany By angement Another Consignment of Boots land Shoes, Shirts and Underwear helle i 1, but the CALL MtU) SEE THEM. Bridge st. ^'Rennie & Bell ween Grand Forks and Republic, the ich gold camp, thirty miles south oj ;he international boundary. The silici- PRINCETON LUfiBER, >us ores of Republic would mix adinir- ibly with the sulphii of the B Threshing - operations around Vernon SHINGLE ^d PLANING MILLS are about completed, and good crops of wheat and oats are everywhere reported. A. E. HOWSE, Prop. hilxACpn Hill and Office ,r installed a lighting systen Bridge Street, PRINCETON. B. C. earner which the K. R. & ' Kootenay lake. Th ^IMILKAMEEM BUTCHERING QO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Dealers in Heats. r^portei Orders Filled for any Point in the Similkameen Valley. Cm Summers. ^ tZ^'Si^t^JZ PRINCETON BRANCH. manager. That will Last and at the same me cost the* least money is what most people look for but seldom Footwearsobtain . FOR GOOD HONEST VALUE IN 'Ml • BOOTS ^ AND # SHOES 1 That will WEAR AND LAST a visit to the Prospec- |DJ tors Supply Store should be made. We have a large 'V *t P-pe, assortment with PRICES that are bound to please. P)| U o. E. THOMAS, Prop. Prospectors Supply Store fgy SUBSRIBE to me STAR for rc- *- liable information oft" ~ ful Similkameen Coun n THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. *&/.? '?«° THE .0OLVILLE INDIAN RESERVE the northern part of the reservation. On that part, close to the eastern line, where be Opened for Settlement < the principal part of the Indian allot­ Tenth of Next Month. ments have been made, will be found the thriving towns of Bolster, Chesaw and e president has, by proclainati Toroda. To the west of this is Baker ed for settlement 1,500,000 of creek, which has also proven itself to be Hotel Princeton rich farming land in the north half of the both rich in minerals, as well as admir­ Colville reservation.
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