Abbotts Hall Farm Fact Sheet 4 Consents for coastal realignment Autumn 2003 Entrance to Abbotts Hall Farm Copt Hall spur wall Breach E New fresh- water lake Salcott Lake hide spur wall Breach D Jetty Breach A Breach C hide Ship Lock Jetty Salcott Pond and Wetlands hide protection hide Salc bund ott Cha nne Breach B l The detailed planning work for the coastal Monitoring and surveys realignment at Abbotts Hall was undertaken Monitoring was carried out by the Environment by the Environment Agency but the Trust, Agency, English Nature and the Essex Wildlife Trust as landowner, had to obtain the necessary for 3 years so that the scheme could be designed permissions before the project could go ahead. to achieve the desired results and to provide a This fact sheet outlines the various consents that baseline for determining its effects. Following the a landowner would require to undertake a similar realignment a further 5-year monitoring programme scheme. is being undertaken to assess the effects and provide information for the design of future schemes. Construction works Hydrodynamic monitoring included depth Before the old sea wall could be breached measurements (bathymetry) in Salcott Channel several pieces of construction work were needed. and the creek network, water levels and currents, Firstly, there were the spur sea walls at the eastern suspended sediments, salinity, temperature and water and western borders of the farm to protect the quality. After the realignment this was extended to neighbouring properties. Secondly new creek systems include the flooded area and impacts on the existing were needed to promote the formation of new saltings. Important factors include flow patterns saltmarsh. Thirdly the breaches in the sea wall must and speeds, sediment movements, changes in surface be excavated allowing the tidal flooding of former levels, and colonisation by vegetation. arable land. A fourth item was the construction of Biological monitoring covered the flora and a freshwater protection bund for an existing pond fauna of intertidal, terrestrial, freshwater and brackish providing habitat for great crested newts (a protected habitats, including Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species) and the construction of a new freshwater and statutorily protected species. Species monitored lake to compensate for the loss of ponds that were included reptiles, great crested newts, borrow dyke likely to become saline or brackish. This required the invertebrates including the lagoon sea slug, and excavation of the lake site and the construction of mammals such as water voles and badgers. a protective dam wall to be achieved by raising the Ornithological monitoring included low- height of a farm track. The track to the Ship Lock water species counts and surveys of breeding and was also to be raised to maintain access to the old overwintering birds. sea wall and preserve this interesting feature of the Archaeological monitoring of the land to be site. The final construction items were four viewing flooded was undertaken by field walking and trial hides for visitors and a timber jetty to replace the old trenching, as well as a magnetometry survey of red slipway. hill sites. (See Fact Sheet 2 for details.) Landward consents Seaward consents The construction works on the farm ���� ��� It is important to identify the limit required planning permission from the ��� ��� ��������� ������� ���� ���� of land ownership for coastal works, as local planning authority under the Town ��� the consent of a seaward landowner may and Country Planning Act, 1990. ��� be needed. For Abbotts Hall Farm the Crown Estate owns the land below the ��� mean high water mark. Consent was also Two planning applications were ��� needed for the construction of the jetty made. The first covered the construction ��� as this extended below the mean high � of the spur walls, hides and jetty, raising ��� � water mark. In this case the Crown Estate � ��� �������� � the track, and the excavation of the � delegated its consent to English Nature. � ��� � ����������� � lake. The second planning application � � � ��� � � covered the excavation of the creek � � ��� � systems, the breaches to the sea wall and � � ��� � tidal flooding. Maps and drawings of the � Other seaward consents would � �������� � � proposed constructions and excavations ���� ��� � be required for developments affecting � �������� � were submitted to support the planning � navigation or the marine environment. � ��� � � applications, as well as the Environmental � For example a Food and Environmental � ��� � � Statement. � Protection Act licence (FEPA, 1985) � � ��� � � would be needed to dump excavated � � ��� � material at sea. At Abbotts Hall Farm � For works that affect flood ��� � there is no local navigation authority and � defences and coastal protection � the construction works were designed to ��� � ����� � additional regulations apply. Consent ��� � ����������� re-use excavated material on site, so no � for land drainage was required from the � ������� further seaward consents were needed. ��� Environment Agency under the 1991 ��� Water Resources Act, and from English ������������� Nature for coast protection works. The ��� ��������� involvement of these organisations ��� in the design of the scheme was very ���� ��� ��� helpful. The Essex Local Flood Defence ��� �������� Committee and DEFRA also approved ����������� the realignment scheme proposed by the ��� No rights of way were affected Environment Agency. ��� by the scheme at Abbotts Hall Farm so ��� no application had to be made to divert ��� footpaths. This would be a complication As well as obtaining planning at most other coastal sites. ��� approval for excavating the lake, the Trust ��������� had to obtain a Water Abstraction Licence ��� ��������� from the Environment Agency under the ��� Water Resources Act 1991, to fill it with ��� ����� �������� �� ��� ���� freshwater from a local watercourse. This ��� application had to be publicly advertised ��� for one month. Conditions The first planning permission was agreed with seven well being and scientific value of the designated areas. These conditions, some of which concerned the construction materials required the Trust to implement the monitoring and mitigation for the spur walls and jetty, and the safeguarding of trees, programme in the Environmental Statement and to submit shrubs and other natural features not included in the works. additional plans for a bund wall to protect the great crested Other conditions required plans to be submitted and agreed newt pond from seawater intrusion, and a method statement for for hard and soft landscaping and for the timing of operations. the construction and implementation works. The Trust was also required to employ a professionally qualified To address the concerns of the Blackwater Oystermen archaeologist to implement a watching brief during the additional monitoring was required and a specialist advisor excavations. on oyster culture appointed to act as professional arbitor The second planning permission, for the creeks, breaches if required. Three conditions dealt with the timing of the and tidal flooding had twelve conditions. Several of these were breaches so as to minimise the impact on breeding birds, similar to those set for the first permission. There were also over-wintering birds and other wildlife species. To meet specific conditions designed to protect the continued well being these conditions six further plans were submitted to the local of wildlife species, the landscape amenity value, and the authority. Environmental Impact Assessment the construction, assess their significance, and identify mitigation Schemes that are likely to have significant environmental measures to eliminate or reduce any significant adverse impacts. impacts are required to have an Environmental Impact The results are published in an Environmental Statement. Assessment (EIA) under the EIA Regulations. The location of Consultants were commissioned by the Environment Abbotts Hall Farm meant that there were likely to be significant Agency to undertake an EIA for the coastal realignment at effects on several designated conservation areas so an assessment Abbotts Hall Farm. This took over a year to complete and the was required under the EC Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and resulting Environmental Statement runs to some 140 pages. As the UK Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations 1994. part of the assessment process a wide range of interested parties An EIA aims to identify all the adverse or beneficial were consulted and specialist consultants undertook a great deal environmental impacts of a scheme, both during and following of estuary monitoring and modelling. Beneficial Impacts Aspect Adverse Impacts Mitigation Colonisation of the newly created Intertidal habitats Potential damage to benthic - intertidal mud habitat by benthic communities due to erosion and communities increased suspended sediments Potential creation of saltmarsh Potential erosion of existing saltmarsh Monitoring habitat due to increased current speeds. Change from terrestrial vegetation Terrestrial / freshwater / Potential inundation of freshwater Great crested newt population to halophytic intertidal vegetation brackish habitats pond leading to loss of great crested translocated to the new pond newt habitat Potential loss of lagoon sea slug habitat Maintain the current habitat as brackish. Establish new lagoon sea slug habitat Potential losss of water vole habitat Construct clay bund
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