
Businessmen at homeand abroad who read the :... want accurate interpretations of Canada's .. economic trendsread the B of XI Business B of M Business ..., , : .. Review. ...... ..,.:. .:.............. :.:.: ....... I Review '. I authoritativeIt'spuhlication, pro- an ..I I duced by Canada'sFirst Bank. Published I monthly,each issue containsadetailed I I survey of some aspect of the Canadian econ- I I I omy, or anover-all analysis of national I I I business trends, together with crisp reports I I I on each economic division of the country. I I I I I If you would like to read the B of hI's I I I Business Review regularly, simply fill in I I I andsend off thecoupon. No obligation. I I I Address I I I I I I "MYIO 3 MllllON BANK' CANADIANS I I I I I I I Business Development Division, I I Bunk of Montreal, I I I P.O. Box 6002, I BANKOF MONTREAL Montreul. P.Q., I I e4zuauhh 7rw ~cza4 I Canada. I I I I I CONTENTS Volume 17, No. 2- Summer, 1963 4 Ediforial -Paul S. Plan!, BA'49 Ediior 5 TheUniversity FrancesTucker, BA'50 13 CanadianUniversity Service Overseas Business Manager 14 AlumniAssociation Annual Meeting Gordon A. Thom, BCom'56, 16 Close-upon backing Mac MBA(Mary1and) 20 SimonFraser University "By Gordon M. Shrum, Editorial Commiiiee Chancellor of SimonFraser University Cecil Hacker, BA'33, chairman 22 LatinAmerica -Seminars a! InternationalHouse Inglis(Bill) Bell, BA'51, BLS(Tor.) 25 AlumniAssociation News Mrs. T. R. Boggs, BA'29 AllanFoiheringham, BA'54 26 TheCase now rests with !he Jury "T. Hollick-Kenyon,BA'51, BSW'53 John L. Gray, BSA'39 27 KelownaConference on Higher Educafion F. P. Levirs, BA'26,MA'31 29 Alumnaeand Alumni Eric Nicol, BA'41,MA'48 42 Alumni Associa!ion Publishedquarterly by theAlumni Associafion of the University of BritishColumbia, Vancouver, Canada. Busi- ness andeditorial offices: 252 BrockHall, U.B.C., Van- couver 8, B.C. Authorized as second class mail by !he Pos! Office Deparfment,Ottawa, and for paymenf of postagein cash. The U.B.C. AlumniChronicle is sentfree of charge to alumnidonating to theannual giving programme and U.B.C. DevelopmentFund. Nan-donors may receive the magazineby paying asubscription of $3.00 ayear. - ____ ~- COVER PICTURE Reproducedon cover is road-map found in Studenf Action Committee office affer Back Mac campaign.Routes marked were followed by the 10 busses carrying 41 passengerseach, including abus leader and town leaders. "Bus No. ll", aVolkswagen bus, capacity 9, went to PowellRiver Manyleft the busses at the farthesf point, and continued by hitch-hiking. Jolyon Hallows wen! to Fort st. Jamesand Denis Stanley to Nakusp.From Vancouver Island sfudents reached Texadaand Quadra Islands. Most of themore populous areas were covered by !he busroutes wifh !he exception of the Norfh-wes! andthe Peace River country. TheInterior campaign was !he most importan!phasa of StudentAction Week. 3 Paul S. Plant DURINGTHE PAST YEAR Frank Walden in his scholarly 0 We hope to press for continuing close contact with way used thiseditorial page to placebefore you the theadministration and Board of Governorsin their basic policy of the Board of Management of the Alumni relationship with the Provincial Government. Through Association. I hopeto continue this practice in order our members on Senate and through increased consulta- to draw to thc attention of the readers of this magazine tionwith the Board of Governors we aresure the some of theBoard of Management’sproblems in its AlumniAssociation can provide help when necessary relationship not only with the students and administra- and when called upon for support. We believe that by tion of the University but also withthe business com- havingthe facts the Board of Managementcan make munity and the provincial government. a positive contribution to the welfare of our University. Atthe Annual Dinner in May you elected an able 0 We intend to increase our activity and contact with Board of Management to run the affairs of this Asso- students,particularly undergraduates. We trust that ciation. I hopethat together we will beequal to the we will be asked to continue our association with them responsibilities in theyear ahead, which can bestbe on theirStudent Union Building project. An adequate described as a year of austerity. student centre is needed for our many commuting stu- Our operational grant from the Board of Governors dents. for the coming year has not been increased; it has been In view of thefact that we nowhave three new maintained at last year’s level, even though we now have Universities it will benecessary to reassess ourpro- 2,000 more graduates to serve. To meet our budget we gramme of branch work throughout the province, and arereducing our staff in thecentral ofice which will inparticular to reassess thepurposes of ourrecently forcecurtailment of some of our activitiesinstead of establishedRegional University Associations andour planned expansion. To offset the lack of staff, all mem- relationship with them. bers of the Board of Management and other interested SimonFraser University, University of Victoria, alumni volunteers will find themselves more closely in- Notre Dame University and junior colleges throughout volved in the committee work of the Association. theprovince will soon havealumni activities of their Because of this austerity we plan to discuss with the owncommanding regional loyalty. Ourfundamental University the feasibility of incorporating the functions problem this year is to realign our programme keeping of the two publications, UBC Reports and UBC Alumni in minddivided loyalties andcontinuing to concern Chronicle. It is our hope to produce andmail an Alumni ourselveswith thc basic needs of higher education in magazine to all graduatesrather than to graduates the whole province. donating to an Alumni Annual Giving fund. To do this, This University will needincreasing support from however, will requiremore money, and we hopethat its graduates if its reputation is to be maintained, and by incorporatingthe budget of UBC Reports we will most of allit will needsupport from graduates living be in a position to bring you a more thorough picture in the lower mainland. of alumni and faculty affairs. Wemust avoid fractionalized pressure on govern- We intend to take thefollowing steps in several other ment, on industry and on our own alumni for support. important areas of our work: In recent weeks spokesmen for Simon Fraser University 0 To increase contact between the University and the and University of Victoria have indicated a willingness business community, wewill call together a council of and a desire to work with us. Wehope to provide PastPresidents of thisAssociation to meetwith Dr. leadership in this area and at the same time call upon Macdonald and possibly representatives of the Board of graduates of UBC to recognize the needs of their own Governors to discuss problems of mutual concern in the University. University community. 0 Weintend to reassess thepurposes of Alumni An- nual Giving and work towards co-ordination of all Uni- versity fund-raising activities through the Development Fund. We have been hoping for the creation of an on- goingactivc Development Council for several years. Perhaps this year we can stimulate interest in the Board of Governors to resolve the problem. 4 The University Spring Congregation 1963 MORE THAN 1600students, the largest tin.Brian LeslieScarfe of Vancouver. anddelegate for the U.S. atthe first number inUBC’s history, graduated on thisyear’s Rhodes Scholar, took first threegeneral assemblies. He holds his thetwo days of SpringCongregation, class honoursin economics. current appointment from January 196 1. May 30 and May 31. Honorarydegrees were conferred on Dr.Leo Marion is distinguished for Dennis Charles Healey of Abbostford, Adlai E. Stevenson,United States dele- hiswork in organic chemistry, particu- in honoursphysics and mathematics, gate to theUnited Nations, Dr. Leo larlyin the field of alkaloids.He gave headed the graduating classes in the Fac- Marion,vice-president (scientific) of the thecongregation address on May 30. ulty of Arts andScience for BA end NationalResearch Council of Canada, Dr. Frye,who was thecongregation BSc degrees. TheUniversity Medal for and Dr. H.Northrop Frye, principal of speakeron May 31, is theauthor of heading the graduating class in the Fac- VictoriaCollege atthe University of twobooks, Fearful Symmetry, a study ulty of Artsand Science, non-science Toronto. of theEnglish poet William Blake, and group, ‘was won by RichardMichael Mr.Stevenson assisted in theforma- Anatomy of Criticism, a study of the Toporoski of Vancouver in honours La- tion of theUN, and was senior advisor theory of modernliterary criticism. New Appointments to Faculties SEVEN SENIOR APPOIN rMENTS to the Uni- where he received his PhD, will also join Dr.Lin is a formerpost-doctoral re- versity of British Columbia faculty have thephysics department as an assistant searchfellow at UBC and is currently beenannounced by thePresident. professor.His research is also in the doingresearch in thedepartment of Inthe department of physics Dr. R. field of low temperature physics. theoreticalchemistry at CambridgeUni- D. Russellwill rejoin the UBC faculty In the department of Romance studies, versity.His research is inthe area of following a yearat the University of Dr. Frank R. Hamlin has been appointed electron spin resonance. Toronto.Dr. Russell,who has been anassistant professor. A graduate of Ihrahim L. Poroy, a native of Turkey appointed to therank of professor, will 3irminghamand Cambridge, Dr. Ham- currentlycompleting the requirements teachin the department and carry out lin hasbeen a researchfellow at Cam- forthe degree of doctor of philosophy research in Institutethe of Earth bridgesince 1961. He specializes in the at the University of California at Berke- Sciences. teaching of medievalFrench literature. ley, has been appointed an assistant pro- In thesame department, Dr. Michael MauriceC. Carr, a graduate of Lon- fessor in thedepartment of economics J. Crooks, a graduate of UBC, where he donUniversity, will rejointhe Faculty and political science.
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