Department of the Army, DoD § 578.129 medal and service ribbon are author- time may be lost for disciplinary rea- ized for wear on the uniform. sons. (e) Subsequent awards. Subsequent (c) Awards. The Director General, awards (if approved by the Secretary of MFO makes awards, or in his or her Defense) for service in a different name by officials to whom he or she NATO operation, U.S. military per- delegates awarding authority. sonnel will affix a bronze service star (d) Presentation. Presentations are to the NATO Medal suspension ribbon usually to be made by personnel des- and service ribbon. ignated by the Director General, MFO. (f) Precedence. The NATO Medal shall When presentation is not accom- have the same precedence as the plished, any person with MFO service United Nations Medal, but will rank who believes he or she is eligible for immediately below the United Nations the award may submit a request for the Medal when the wearer has been award- award to Commander, USA HRC, (see ed both medals. § 578.3(c) for address). This request (g) Description. The medal is bronze, must include complete details related to MFO duty, including geographical 13⁄8 inches in diameter, bearing on the obverse the NATO emblem (a four location and inclusive dates of service, pointed star emitting a ray from each and copies of all substantiating docu- ments. Commanding General, USA point superimposed on an annulet) en- HRC, will then forward each such re- closed in base by a wreath of olive. The quest through the Office of Internal reverse side has a band inscribed Administration, Office of the Assistant ‘‘NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGA- Secretary of State for International NIZATION’’ at top and Organization Affairs, to the Multi- ‘‘ORGANISATION DU TRAITE DE national Force and Observers for con- L’ATLANTIQUE NORD’’ at the bot- sideration. tom. In the center is a sprig of olive be- (e) Subsequent awards. An appropriate tween the inscription ‘‘IN SERVICE OF numeral starting with numeral 2 will PEACE AND FREEDOM’’ above and indicate second and subsequent awards ‘‘AU SERVICE DE LA PAIX ET DE LA for each completed 6-month tour. If an 3 LIBERTE’’ below. The ribbon is 1 ⁄8 individual has not completed a cumu- inches wide and consists of the fol- lative 6-month tour, he or she is not el- 5 lowing stripes: ⁄32 inch Yale Blue 67176; igible for award of the MFO medal un- 1 13 ⁄8 inch White 67101; ⁄16 inch Yale Blue; less one of the following conditions ex- 1 5 ⁄8 inch White; and ⁄32 inch Yale Blue. ists: (1) The award is to be made post- § 578.128 Multinational Force and Ob- servers Medal. humously. (2) The member is medically evacu- (a) The Multinational Force and Ob- ated due to service-incurred injuries or servers (MFO) Medal was established serious illness. by the Director General, Multinational (3) The member is withdrawn at the Force and Observers, March 24, 1982. request of the parent Government for Presidential acceptance for the United national service reasons under honor- States Armed Forces and DOD civilian able conditions. personnel is announced by DOD on July 28, 1982. § 578.129 Republic of Vietnam Cam- (b) Eligibility. To qualify for the paign Medal. award personnel must have served with (a) Criteria. The Republic of Vietnam the MFO at least ninety (90) cumu- Campaign Medal is awarded by the lative days after August 3, 1981. Effec- Government of the Republic of Viet- tive March 15, 1985, personnel must nam to members of the United States serve 6 months (170 days minimum) Armed Forces and authorized by DOD with the MFO to qualify for the award. 1348.33–M. Periods of service on behalf of the MFO (b) Requirements. To qualify for award outside of the Sinai, and periods of personnel must meet one of the fol- leave while a member is serving with lowing requirements: the MFO, may be counted toward eligi- (1) Have served in the Republic of bility for the MFO medal. Qualifying Vietnam for 6 months during period 471 VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00481 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR § 578.130 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–08 Edition) specified in paragraph (c) of this sec- that lies north of 10 degrees north lati- tion. tude and west of 68 degrees east lon- (2) Have served outside the geo- gitude; the Gulf of Aden; or the total graphical limits of the Republic of land areas of Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Ara- Vietnam and contributed direct com- bia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and the bat support to the Republic of Vietnam United Arab Emirates. and Armed Forces for 6 months. Such (c) To be eligible personnel must individuals must meet the criteria es- meet one of the following qualifica- tablished for the Armed Forces Expedi- tions: tionary Medal (Vietnam) or the Viet- (1) Be attached to or regularly serv- nam Service Medal, during the period ing for one or more days with an orga- of service required to qualify for the nization participating in ground or Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal. shore operations. (3) Have served as in paragraph (b)(1) (2) Be attached to or regularly serv- or (2) of this section for less than 6 ing for one or more days aboard a naval months and have been one of the fol- vessel directly supporting military op- lowing: erations. (i) Wounded by hostile forces. (3) Actually participate as a crew (ii) Captured by hostile forces, but member in one or more aerial flights later escaped, was rescued or released. supporting military operations in the (iii) Killed in action or otherwise in areas designated above. line of duty. (4) Serve on temporary duty for 30 (4) Personnel assigned in the Repub- consecutive days during the period lic of Vietnam on January 28, 1973 must January 17, 1991 to February 28, 1991 meet one of the following: under any of the criteria in paragraphs (i) Served a minimum of 60 days in (b)(1) through (3) of this section. This the Republic of Vietnam as of that time limit may be waived by HQ, USA date. HRC (AHRC–PDO–PA) for people par- (ii) Completed a minimum of 60 days ticipating in actual combat operations. service in the Republic of Vietnam dur- (d) The eligibility period and geo- ing the period from January 28, 1973 to graphic boundaries were specified by March 28, 1973, inclusive. the Government of Saudi Arabia and (c) Eligibility for award under au- may not be waived. thority of this paragraph is limited to (e) Posthumous award to the next of the period from March 1, 1961 to March kin of any soldier who lost his or her 2, 1973, inclusive. Eligibility for accept- life, while, or as a direct result of, par- ance of this award solely by virtue of ticipating in Operation DESERT service performed prior to March 1, 1961 STORM between January 17, 1991 and or subsequent to March 1973 is gov- February 28, 1991, without regard to the erned by AR 600–8–22, paragraph 9–8. length of such service, will be made by (d) The Republic of Vietnam Cam- HQ, USA AHRC (AHRC–PDO–PA). paign Medal with Device (1960) and the (f) The Kuwait Liberation Medal, rib- miniature medal are items of indi- bon, and miniature medal are items of vidual purchase. individual purchase. The Army accom- plished an initial issue to eligible per- § 578.130 Kuwait Liberation Medal— sonnel from a one-time stock provided Saudi Arabia. by the Government of Saudi Arabia in (a) The Kuwait Liberation Medal is 1992. awarded by the Government of Saudi (g) Description. The medal is 125⁄32 Arabia to members of the Armed inches in width and is described as fol- Forces of the United States and au- lows: On a gold sunburst with stylized thorized by DOD on January 3, 1992. silver rays, a glob depicting the Ara- (b) It is awarded to members of the bian Peninsula encircled by a wreath of Armed Forces of the U.S. who partici- palm between a scroll in the base in- pated in Operation DESERT STORM scribed ‘‘Liberation of Kuwait’’ and at between January 17, 1991 and February the top a palm tree issuing from two 28, 1991 in one or more of the following diagonally crossed sabers, all gold. The areas: Persian Gulf; Red Sea; Gulf of ribbon is 13⁄8 inches wide and consists of Oman; that portion of the Arabian Sea the following stripes: 5⁄32 inch Old Glory 472 VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00482 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR.
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