Bacteriophage-based synthetic biology for the study of infectious diseases The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Citorik, Robert J, Mark Mimee, and Timothy K Lu. “Bacteriophage- Based Synthetic Biology for the Study of Infectious Diseases.” Current Opinion in Microbiology 19 (June 2014): 59–69. As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mib.2014.05.022 Publisher Elsevier Version Final published version Citable link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/90322 Terms of Use Article is available under a Creative Commons license; see publisher's site for details. Detailed Terms http://creativecommons.org/ Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Bacteriophage-based synthetic biology for the study of infectious diseases 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,3,4 Robert J Citorik , Mark Mimee and Timothy K Lu Since their discovery, bacteriophages have contributed Western World [5,6]. Though phages have remained an enormously to our understanding of molecular biology as important tool in the study of molecular biology, genetics, model systems. Furthermore, bacteriophages have provided and bacteria [7], concerns over the ever-dwindling arsenal many tools that have advanced the fields of genetic of antibiotics for the treatment of multidrug-resistant engineering and synthetic biology. Here, we discuss bacterial pathogens have also resulted in a renaissance bacteriophage-based technologies and their application to the in phage studies and in phage-based therapies as a means study of infectious diseases. New strategies for engineering to develop alternative therapeutics [8–11]. Correspond- genomes have the potential to accelerate the design of novel ingly, advances in synthetic biology have refined the phages as therapies, diagnostics, and tools. Though almost a ability to design, modify, and synthesize these viruses, century has elapsed since their discovery, bacteriophages which has enabled novel strategies for creating bacterio- continue to have a major impact on modern biological phage-based tools for the study and treatment of infec- sciences, especially with the growth of multidrug-resistant tious diseases. The goal of this review is to explore the bacteria and interest in the microbiome. methods and demonstrations by which such tools can be employed to engineer modified phage and phage parts. Addresses 1 For more information concerning the history, appli- MIT Microbiology Program, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA cations, and challenges of phage therapy using natural, 2 MIT Synthetic Biology Center, 500 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA unmodified viruses, the reader is referred to other reviews 02139, USA 3 [12–15]. Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 4 Synthetic biology aims to rationally engineer new func- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA tionalities in living systems by co-opting and modifying 5 These authors contributed equally to this work. biomolecules crafted from millennia of evolution [16–18]. Cells operate as highly complex computational systems Corresponding author: Lu, Timothy K ([email protected]) able to dynamically interrogate and respond to their envi- ronment. For the past decade, synthetic biologists have laid the foundational rules of biological design [19], constructed Current Opinion in Microbiology 2014, 19:59–69 a catalog of standardized genetic parts, and assembled This review comes from a themed issue on Novel technologies in simple circuits, such as oscillators [20], switches [21], microbiology and Boolean logic gates [22 ,23 ]. Rational engineering Edited by Emmanuelle Charpentier and Luciano Marraffini has yielded cellular devices able to produce potent anti- For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial malarial compounds [24], to detect and kill pathogenic Available online 3rd July 2014 bacteria [25] and cancer cells [26], to reprogram cell fate http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mib.2014.05.022 [27], and to treat metabolic syndrome [28]. Finally, advancements in DNA synthesis and assembly have 1369-5274/# 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an enabled the rapid development of higher-order genetic open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (http://creative- commons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/). circuits [29–31] of medical [32] and industrial [33,34] relevance. This field has been accelerated by phage- derived technologies, while concomitantly enabling new Background approaches to engineering phages themselves. With the discovery of bacteriophages generally being credited to Frederick Twort [1] and Felix d’He´relle [2] Phage-enabled technologies in the early 20th century, these virus particles were so Phage display named (Greek, ‘bacteria eaters’) based on their observed Described by Smith in 1985 [35], phage display is a ability to lyse bacterial cells. The use of naturally occur- methodology employed extensively in both the study ring phages as therapeutics for the treatment of bacterial of infectious diseases and the development of novel infections was quickly realized by d’He´relle and others, therapeutics. Libraries comprising synthetic random pep- with interest continuing to flourish until the discovery and tides or natural peptides derived from pathogen genomic production of penicillin [2–4]. Antibiotics heralded a new or cDNA are fused with a coat protein of a bacteriophage, age of effective small molecule treatments for bacterial often M13, Fd, or l, such that the peptide is displayed on infections, with phage therapy falling out of favor in the the phage surface. Iterative selection steps are employed www.sciencedirect.com Current Opinion in Microbiology 2014, 19:59–69 60 Novel technologies in microbiology to enrich for phage particles that bind with high affinity to the toolbox of a synthetic biologist. The DNA-dependent an immobilized target molecule of interest, which are RNA polymerase of T7 can specifically drive high-level then eluted and propagated in Escherichia coli. Since the transcription from the T7 promoter (PT7) both in vitro and identity of the displayed peptide is genetically encoded in vivo. The polymerase has been used to reconstitute in in the phage genome, protein–ligand interactions can be vitro genetic circuits [52], such as switches [53] and screened in high-throughput to identify molecules with oscillators [54], which permit precise mathematical mod- novel biological functions. Phage display has enabled the eling of biological reactions to inform future predictive discovery and characterization of bacterial adhesins design. Moreover, libraries of orthogonal T7 and PT7 [36,37], which bind to receptors on host cells or extra- variants, which exhibit lower toxicity [55] or are split into cellular matrix and are implicated in establishing infec- parts to function as AND gates [56 ] (Figure 1a and b), tion, as well as antigens used for vaccine development have been constructed to permit higher-order construc- [38]. Moreover, bioactive peptides that block anthrax tion of artificial genetic circuits. For example, an AND toxin binding [39] or inhibit cell wall biosynthesis gate that only outputs a Boolean TRUE value when both enzymes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa [40] were isolated inputs are TRUE can be implemented by having an from phage display libraries. Development of antibody- output gene that is only expressed when both parts of based therapeutics has also greatly benefited from the a split T7 RNA polymerase are expressed. When coupled technology, which can be implemented to rapidly screen with orthogonal ribosomes that do not translate host random libraries of antigen-binding domains [41]. In a mRNAs, a fully insulated transcription-translation net- demonstration of direct therapeutic application, phage work was constructed in E. coli for protein expression [57]. particles selected for high affinity interaction to Staphy- lococcus aureus were conjugated to chloramphenicol pro- Furthermore, bacteriophage recombinases have been drugs to deliver localized, lethal payloads [42]. The used in the construction of genetic circuits that record applications of phage display are vast and the reader is memory of past reactions [58] (Figure 1c). Recombinases referred to other literature [43–48] for a more thorough manipulate DNA by recognizing specific sequences and discussion of additional examples. catalyzing the excision, integration, or inversion of DNA segments depending on the location and orientation of Bacteriophage-derived parts for synthetic biology the recognition sites. Thus, recombinase expression is Bacteriophages have formed the backbone of molecular coupled with a physical change in genetic material of the biology, having championed the demonstration of DNA cell that can be sequenced to assay exposure to past as genetic material [49], the proof of Darwinian natural events. The Cre, Bxb1, and PhiC31 recombinases have selection [50], and the ubiquitous use of phage-derived been used in the construction of a variety of synthetic circuits enzymes for common laboratory protocols [51]. Similarly, including counters [59], a rewritable memory module bacteriophage components constitute a core set of parts in [60], Boolean logic gates [22 ,23 ], and digital-to-analog Figure 1 (b) Input A T7-NTerm (a) Input B A OUT T7-CTerm Output B A B OUT 0 0 0 (c) 1 0 0 Input A 0 1 0 1 1 1 bxb1 Output Input B phiC31 Current Opinion in Microbiology
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