Qpiy paper Sn Monmouth A D a ily R e c o r d o f tKe L o ca l ; County receiving regular daily Happenings is the ShoreD ii- Tc)cgmph News Service.' ‘ trictf?om Deal to Belmar. FOURTEENTH YEAR* NO. 293, ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, ■I'M PRICE ONE CENT : EL SC WOOD PARK LEASED SULLOCrS GONDITION TO SPECIAL AWARD1 • - 1.' • - . * . ■ ■«*»• Monmouth Brivi.-.i;: id 1'i^ld Cltili IUccir- SAID TO BE CRITICAL Three Flaliiuff ICods to ,bo Sont T , I j R e^..;E ^ate ^B afgain,! . - paruleB nml^\Vlll:flrcatiy-Im prove ~ Wiioox^by.J^edreatliggi Magrazino lor JDespatcli Recplved at':l?ro.sliolil Docs Not For sale and rent-r-our specialty ■ ssssd. Beautify the* (li-tiuiiUf Prize Pliotograiihs SuhmittecK . ■■ Say -SherlJV lir liis M iir - being, property at Asbuiy Paik; . Tho Monmouth County Driving one v Ail oxcolIon t photograph o f Fisheriniin, ■ One'of the best built and mod- .V ' ' ilorfir ?iortll %Vlth Him. FieliicJuljrecentlyfoririad In New York A; W . LtiFufgo of this clty>-'vvith hlB prize *Allenhurst and £)eal. Although his 'cpidltlbri Is jritlcal arid : era improved, qotteges a t; by .prbmjjneafc summer residents o f Lonp oitcJi, a 23-pound'bftsg, upon hisjjack, ,^vas ■ every, day that posses,without a>v operation Branch nnd yJoihity, with : Br. , II. H aubliiittwl In th o lnsfe yearly photograph io being performed leBSonB hls ohnricca of life, Art In^plMhtary Fqtitipn Filed by Kane, prominent is driving clrolea,: as it-i contest.of Recrcatiori by F. L; W ilcox of Alleged Scheme Probably Sounds i¥ s 5 1 a n c e - — D E A L - - William’,Bullock, tho riojgro desperado who prosldoht,.hag' tcon incorporated and"hat Asbufy Park. , . Francis Ai Pawley and Sev^ was shot'down by two Uotectlvcs in.Vir- Well to Promoters But Other with rooms and;,eve?y mod" effeoted a leasb'pf.Ellkwood' Pdrk 'fron A letter of praise from tho editor of tho In tfie> B E S T co m p a n ie s at ciir- 12 Jslnia'i WcdDosday nlghfci Is still ollvo .erah Other-Creditors, Phi.llp Daly.. Many changes wlll bo made jn^gazin’o waa receivetl by Mr.vWiIcoi n,nd --■-•'-..v Teat sites. -Lissfe- e^mtably : eteinapjrovenienl, w iilbe sacrU md conscious?': If rlie ftoavcrs'lib'wlll. be. Powers Are, Watchings at'ElkwQod Park, which promises to be 1 ho photograph was reproduced as a cover brought Back to.E'reehq^d to be again-tried adjusted-and promptly paid. , Seed' to an.iasriediate purchaser. aomct-.tfee * centre of Qutdoqr>i?port and illustratVon recently. .When the list of for the fourth tiine for’ tho mjinlor of Chief SALE 0N JUDGMENTS STAVED pleasure' o f various, kinds.-.-, Tho malii pHfze\winners' w as.announced; • however, THE HAGUE SAYS NO RUPTURE ■. on easy .terms,, \ A n exce of PolicU tiimeh Walsh o f Red Bank. building .of the casino will .lie moved-to Mr: W ilcox’s picture. wrfs n o tin the list ’Bheriff O. ,E.- Dayls arrived at Ports­ LOANS Focation aad splendid plot. (LOO Sales 'on Jadijmsjits Hecnxe'd another; slto and converted, into a .club- and he sent a Iqtter of inquiry, thinking it 0‘mcIal ExplanntIou. pf Ministers’ Absence mouth' yesterday mording to tako- tho es­ . by iitber r(=ditcr« WIesf W sr. UoawBk-o iouso. $hb .’Irin will be enlarged ind hrtd been, misplaced. Xf'rom Post— Incident Showlnc: Cordial .’% by ISO feet. ."•/ caped murderer' in' eustody.' He wns ac- ‘. on first niortgage on impTav.ed. .o f tTlo luauffliration o f IlBB&irnptoy.Pro-: spacfons verandas added.. Between $5,000 Such proved to be thq Case. Editor Itelatlons Between England, and Portu- conyjanled by ConstabteCharlesK.Strong. property, ' , For.particulars see ; . Svii’c by t!:t Service of will be spent for Sjiiprovementt ^hields replied that by some mistake tho .gal— Blue- Jackets; Cheer Pope .Irt St. The two olilcbrs, hav»i rfequlsltldn papers IS'otJ’cpa This Morulrij, - and lh beautifying tlie grounds., • . pictureJmd not been.entered in tiie contest Pete r’s— Czar Nearly ‘ Itecorc re for Bullock-, aiid went to Rlchiiiond. to The ,club w ili' request the orepti.on ol afid pzirfclcularly,requested 'that ft bo sen- D. C. COVERT •A petition .in Involuntary lianUruptcy havo-them lridowad by Slsvernor TylBi*,,al­ Vienna, Saturday.^“ Tho FreiPostpri'nts sfatlons on both the llhqof tije N -Y. & L. tored in . the,; next competition. A» an against' the W . Mv 3awley potnpany /ojf a fresh Balkan.scare assorting that Prince B. and Ne.w Jersey Southern railway; though Bullock has nbt lntlinatod thnt he MILAN ROSS AGENCY ZOSTBond Street, ”, ' - Asbtuy Park. this city, praying that the caid compjiny aihend for tho ov^-sight he sfcated tbat;ho .Nioholas of Montenegro has organized a also' a trolley branch from tho lino' of the would refuse to go without tho papers.. Be deolarod a banbrupt, has boon Hied by liad orderod t^iree fishing-rods—an exper^ league between Roumania/^ervia, Bulga­ • 208 MAIN STREET.' A tiers tiff Highlands; Red Bank luul Xiong Tho wounded' prjlsbnbir.itold ono of tho oortnln o f the orodltors of that corpora­ bait casting rod, a Henshall,bass rod atid ria and Montenegro for the purpose of at­ Branch road, • (Officers after his capture that’ ho was to tion. ; . ’■ . ■: ' a fly rod—to be made arid sent M r/ Wilcox tacking Turkey While tho great powers, The club Is composed of men w ho are have a. now trial and ha did not appear to Tha drsdltors moBihg- the application asaspecifvl prize.' The rods are worth ?10.C0. are occupied with affairs’ in China. .The intorestod in.goosi rap,<ls in Long Branch fear returning to Now jersoy, but whon are FrarssIa A , Pawley o f thls.city, brother paper says thoy intend the partition of- and vicinity and the orgonizatioxi will be hi was first bapturod snd the detectives o f W illiam A . Pawley, presidents of the showed him tho picture whioh established Turkey among them; excepting Constan­ ASBURY PARK and OCEAN .QftOVB tne. moans of bringing gentlemen inter­ SHERMAN’S WIFE FLED -AND- • ■ * *t ' * Pawley cAmpany;. Pntrlok Cavanagh, his identity ho seemed to realize fully the tinople, which they will occupy jointly. ested in driving from all parts of the . i HoteiBrunswIok, ‘Michael Cavanagit and James F. Knapp, fate in storp for him, for ho begged them TO HER PARENTS--HOME Operatldns will begin-, simultaneously ■with ' Offices < Railroad1 Itepot i\d . country to Long Branch. The principal doing business as Oavanagh Bros. & to blow his brains out. ’ rebellions in Macodonia and Albania.. (1314 Bangs. Atenue. features o f thtj olub w ill fie exhibitions o f Fathcr-ln-l.aw. Lane -and Hdsbaod ’■ ISn- Knapp; Edward W. Cook and theColum Thbrc was no question about Bullock’s- Prtaoipal Office,.,,. .723 MATTISON.AVE. trotting horsos dtid .general driving. Be; iguae Sn Lively -Altcrcatlon Which bla Shade Olpth company, Identity after-Sheriff jOtiyts -■ saw. him;.. for AN OFFICIAL DENIAL Goods stored'Bt reasonable stated., sides there will , bo BasobaHand football , CoilslaWo W hite Quells. ’ Monmonth Building:, AsfcuryPark,N.J. The, petitioners are represented by A t­ as tho qlllcor, for whpm he had worked te- j.'l Telephone eoanestloB»;j I B ' V games, fly castlpg tournamonts «in<I vari: Frank Sliorman of South' Miiin street, torney Elraor E. Cooley of-New York city; foro' bis crime, m id fi-qni whose custoily ho Holland and Portngueso Ministers Left P.O.Box667, - - .Abb0 » t P a r k , ouh field spprts,*. drrosled for being sir nr. I: and disorderly, Tlio Pawley company has bc^n in> se- escaped, entered the coll’nnd sai^:’ “ Hello, P o s ts to'Give Governments Personal was given a hearing before" Justlco John c a p it a l , . .... $100,000 ;-ero financial atralta tor a comparatively Bill; are yos badly hurt? « tho negro act­ ■ Inforihatioii, .’Tis^Saiti. f THE LAST NIGHT OF THE . A. Bordon yesterday: Ho wns sentenced long time past.’ The corporation was real­ ually seemed glad to see his probable exe­ The Hague, Saturday.—Am 'official SU R PL U S.. ..... 25,000 to spend 110 dnys.m tho.county jail, but ly built' upon tho ruins or the business cutioner.- ...... statement was Issued this afternoon re­ AUCTION SAI.F. JEPTUNE COMPANY’S FAIR sentence was suspended ponding hls.-gqod conducted by Mr. Pawloy some years agti. Sheriff Osyls immediutoiy did every­ garding tho alleged differences between Executes all trusts known to the law. .?• „ behavior. • .". Loans money on bond and mortflrage. This vonturq was a failure and the som-': Slflo Gallery Xeadliig Attraction—Jolin S. thing possible to Kecure tho comfort and tho governments of. tho Netiierlands *dnd When Sherman reached homo,his wife, Receives deposits subject to check and allows. puny wa3 incorporated about thrqe years AilrainCrnck .Shot '^i.> ^..Berkley recovery, of his prls'orior. Tho very'host Portugal which are said to have arisen in interest on daily balances. whom, it is said, ho threatened to brain Acta as Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent. ADJOURNED ago undte the laws of the state of-Tiov,- Clary Fenmle ClaimplbB.-- surgeon obtainable was;summoned, It Is ^he recall: of :the ministerazof „both connr with a lamp, was not thero. Her father, “ Pftys.coupons.—~ ™ —■■■'■•. York. ; The oxpeoted success did not ac­ Tonight is tho last night of the Neptune a question whether -Bullock will, bo trios. Tlio statement denies that there has Makes demand and tinie loans' on approved Mr. Lane of Jorsoyvllje; had arrived whllo collateral.
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