November/December 2019 • Volume 46, Number 6 p. 13 p. 15 p. 17 Leon Kochian ASPB Members Where Are They Receives Receive HHMI Now? International Hanna Gray Jane Shen-Miller Food Innovation Fellowships Prize THE NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT BIOLOGISTS President’s Letter The Transparency Project BY JUDY CALLIS ASPB President, University of California, Davis he word transparent has multiple mean- ings. For us scientists, we might first Tthink of a solution in a tube or vial be- ing transparent, defined by Merriam-Webster Blake Meyers as “having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies Appointed Next lying beyond are seen clearly” (https://www. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transpar- Editor of ent). As in, did your chemical dissolve? But the The Plant Cell transparency to which I refer is the second set of definitions in the dictionary: “free from pre- tense or deceit,” “readily understood,” and most relevant for this letter, “characterized by vis- SPB is pleased to announce the ap- ibility or accessibility of information especially pointment of Blake C. Meyers as concerning business practices.” editor-in-chief of The Plant Cell be- A ASPB is an active and multifaceted orga- ginning January 1, 2020. The Plant Cell pub- nization with diverse activities including lishes novel research of particular significance outreach, professional development, publish- in plant biology, especially in the areas of ing, and advocacy, among others. Because of well. In the fall of 2015, the main leadership cellular biology, molecular biology, genetics, these various endeavors, understanding how committee, previously called the Executive development, and evolution. The Plant Cell, ASPB works toward achieving its missions Committee, was reorganized into two differ- one of the top primary research journals in can seem challenging, and you may find it ent committees—the Council and the Board plant biology, was established in 1989. This difficult to see how you can contribute to and of Directors (the latter affectionately abbrevi- year marks the journal’s 30th anniversary. benefit from ASPB’s missions. Recent reor- ated “BoD”). continued on page 4 ganization changes may complicate this as continued on page 3 Contents Council members highlighted in blue ASPB Council also serve on the Board of Directors. President Judy Callis Immediate Past President; Chair Rob Last President-elect Maureen McCann Secretary Wayne Parrott Treasurer; Chair, Board of Trustees Kent Chapman 1 Blake Meyers Appointed Next Editor of The Plant Cell Elected Members Christine Foyer Clint Chapple 1 President’s Letter Laura Wayne Chair, Membership Committee Jose Dinneny Chair, Minority Affairs Committee Gustavo MacIntosh 5 ASPB Officers and Committee Members Assume Posts for Chair, Publications Committee Neil E. Olszewski 2019–2020 Chair, Women in Plant Biology Committee Laura Wayne Chair, Education Committee Erin Friedman 6 2019–2020 Awards Committees Chair, International Committee Anja Geitman Chair, Science Policy Committee Nathan Springer 6 Plant Biology 2020 Travel Grants Sectional Representatives Mid-Atlantic Section Mike Axtell Midwestern Section Gustavo MacIntosh 7 Nominations Opening Soon for 2020 ASPB Awards! Northeastern Section Carolyn Lee-Parsons Southern Section Ashlee McCaskill 9 Highlights from the Environmental and Ecological Plant Western Section Kulvinder Gill Physiology Section Meeting in San Jose Mexico Section Rubén Rellán Álvarez Environmental and Ecological Plant Physiology Section Andy VanLoocke 10 Plant Biology 2019 “By the Numbers” Primarily Undergraduate Institutions Section Leeann Thornton 11 Halfway to Establishing the New Primarily Undergraduate Ambassador Alliance Sunil Kumar Institution Section ASPB Staff 12 ASPB/AAAS 2020 Mass Media Science & Engineering Chief executive officer Crispin Taylor, [email protected] Fellows Program Chief financial officer Clara Woodall, [email protected] Executive and governance affairs administrator Sylvia Lee, [email protected] Accounting manager Teressa Leath, [email protected] People Senior staff accountant Jotee Pundu, [email protected] Senior staff accountant Francky Rakotomanana, [email protected] 13 Leon Kochian Receives International Food Innovation Prize Director of meetings and events Jean Rosenberg, [email protected] Conference coordinator Teresa Myers, [email protected] Senior membership manager Shoshana Kronfeld, [email protected] 14 Barry Pogson Awarded Two Australian Science Prizes Community engagement administrator Katie Rogers Web systems manager Mark James, [email protected] 15 ASPB Members Receive HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellowships Legislative and public affairs director vacant Executive coordinator, Plant Science 16 Zachary Lippman Named 2019 MacArthur Fellow Research Network Natalie Henkhaus, [email protected] Education coordinator Winnie Nham, [email protected] Director of publications Nancy A. Winchester, [email protected] Where Are They Now? Publications assistant Diane McCauley, [email protected] Subscriptions manager Suzanne Cholwek, [email protected] 17 Jane Shen-Miller Subscriptions assistant Linda Palmer, [email protected] Managing editor Jennifer Regala, [email protected] Science writer, Plant Physiology Peter Minorsky, [email protected] Science Policy Production manager, Plant Physiology Jon Munn, [email protected] Peer review manager, Plant Physiology Ashton Wolf, [email protected] 21 Policy Update Senior features editor, The Plant Cell Nan Eckardt, [email protected] Features editor, The Plant Cell Mary Williams, [email protected] 24 ASPB Cohosts Capitol Hill Briefing on Innovation in Production manager, The Plant Cell Susan Entwistle, [email protected] Agriculture Peer review manager, The Plant Cell Annette Kessler, [email protected] The ASPB News is distributed to all ASPB members and is also available online. It is published six times annually in odd-numbered months. Its purposes are to keep membership informed of ASPB activities and to reinforce the value of membership. The ASPB News is edited and Tributes produced by ASPB staff from material provided by members and other interested parties. Copy deadline is the 5th day of the preceding even-numbered month (for example, April 5 for May/June publication). 25 Joachim Messing Contact: Nancy A. Winchester, Editor, ASPB News, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA; [email protected]; 301-296-0904. © 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists 2 ASPB NEWS | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 President’s Letter PRESIDENT’S LETTER ASPB Mission Statement three elected members (one elect- to respond to membership and to continued from page 1 • To nurture plant scientists ed from among eligible Council national and international events members and two from the in a timely manner. The evolu- In the coming year, together through leadership and learn- ing opportunities membership at large). For the list tion of high-quality conference with Past President Rob Last, of recently elected BoD members, call services has greatly facilitated President-elect Maureen • To provide venues and plat- forms for communicating see page 5 of this issue. these conversations (remember McCann, the chairs of the The BoD takes action on issues when there were all kinds of tech- standing committees, and the plant science research • To promote scientific quality, brought to it directly by staff, nical problems with conference outstanding ASPB staff, we plan committees, and the Council. calls? I admit they haven’t gone to inform and highlight the innovation, and integrity • To increase awareness of the The BoD’s smaller size facilitates away completely, but . .). activities of various committees the frequent communication Also, in the spirit of being and people in ASPB who work importance of plant science • To inform, communicate, and with ASPB staff and decision transparent and informing our to advance one or more of our making that need to occur during membership, summaries of missions. In the President’s Letter, positively influence policy related to plant biology in the the course of the year. The BoD Council and BoD meetings will I hope to provide insights on the balances furthering our missions [soon] be posted on our website. hard work our committees engage United States and interna- tionally. with enforcing fiscal responsibil- We will include as much content in throughout the year. Finding ity so that ASPB may be alive and as legally and ethically appropri- In this letter I highlight the more ways to communicate ASPB well through the next 100 years. ate in these summaries, but please nature and activities of the Board activities to you, its members, is a In 2018–2019, under President remember that some conversa- of Directors, which is chaired by major aim for the coming year. Rob Last’s leadership, ASPB estab- tions (regarding personnel, for the president-elect (last year, that In fact, let me start with our lished regular standing meetings example) will have to be redacted. was me!). The seven-member missions. In 2018, the Council for both the Council and the We appreciate feedback on how BoD is the main decision-making articulated the following working BoD; however, both commit- we can do better to inform you, body of the Society for all matters statement on our missions: tees—but the BoD especially— our membership, and we ask not specified for other bodies by have additional email and phone that you remember that this is an our constitution (https://aspb.org/ conversations throughout the ongoing effort. about/constitution/). The BoD year. This additional
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