MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series F: Life in Israel, 1956-1983. Box Folder 16 6 Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel. Beersheba, Israel. 1975-1978. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org .,,,"fl i1""1D ,_., "JJ:I • ._..____ S-06...- ......_,.. lK ilgl ,,~Sil ~JDK ,D"il ..,~,l 340 .1.n . 1977,acl;llK~ ~ .i'J11pn nno .J.K ,il~,o••Pl •nJ1n~, a~D ~ ,.,,~ n,•~n •n,lp ,l~ •JM .il,1.lP •no,m1 ,'11l:>l HTO• OtWlV ,'JN'1tg) llH'OO the israel museum, jerusafem c.r,..iJI_ ~ ...JI' J!t-'...;,;.. T"'HJn lP'Dl '1 1977 .,MDl 20 11lJ'7 1D1'1D D1l1il l1il 15 711'1A llM 1 01 D.,'71911' inn11n 0'1il7 .1np1~ 1D .,J9l nYlilfJ ill.,1Mil ilDJ'Dil~ '7y D.,11'DD D'JJil 1Jn11n1 1JflJ1Yil .D''7~11' 110'N'7 D'l~ 1~Y nN'7Dl ,'7N1~ 7 llN'TlD 1YD'7 'DYD 1n nn11n YXlD'7 i~nNn 1nn11n n11yn .p71v '1D in 'J97 M11n~ D'D11nn nD'fJ1 nM nny D'J'JD lJN .1J'7 lJlXilfJ il1DDil nA~il lJ i1nn1 ,D1j7ill YXlDn 01'0 ilJ1ll ;-, ~I I/;:::::, p 1'7 il01il D'1nl~il 111D n'7i1JD :pnyn lDi71'7 '7NJ'D lD ll.lldrya, J•ruwlem t1000, ll,.. I p .o.b . 12.,, l•lephofte l62ll, ables 1 lu.muHum 1•n1 111~g .UH •., .n 91000 11•~•11• .n•,.,n 'i rt-. ~ .. ::a n-YJT"1 nT1•.,nN ,..,,u n1-YnN.nn ASSOCIATION OF AMERICANS & CANADIANS IN ISllAR AACI is tbt reprtsnita.tM ofthe Ammc11• 11•d <;anadia11 Zionist FtdrratmtU for o/im nd lnll/lflTOl1 rniMsti ii hr#/. Or. ltenun P-r9"Ze Founding Presldet1t Or. Israel Goldstelft Honorary PT es I deltt On-Id Breslau Honorary V Ice Pres. February 17, 1977 NATIOHAL OFFICERS Yltzttak Hei111DWltz President Rabbi Herbert Friedman, Berka D...-or 15 lbn Gvlrol St., Vice President Gershon Gross Jerusalem. Vlc.e Pre1 lcleftt EllyMlu Y­ Treas~er Doft Edelstein Secretary SI .. Alt.Mn Dear Herb, 1-. P..st Presldellt RailONAL CHAIMEN Thank you for your contribution and your letter. liiftOdl Zi9erlnsky Beersheva Arie Fr- It certainly was wrong to talk about a "one-time" fund Helfa drive. Riva meant that this was an emergency campaign, ·a1va Fr.-..n Jeruul• since, as you know, fund-;::aTsing will become an integral David Dow part of AACI work. I told Riva that I will talk to her HeUnya about this so that a proper announcement will appear in Hwry ReM-er ~"'9 the next Issue of the Newsletter.. Stef.-.le ei.rnsteln Tel Aviv JK.k Yudell I have emphasized that this is an "emergency" but that Tel Aviv we will have to deliniate a full program of fund raising. 80AAO ltE>:BERS I am sorry that the item appeared the way lt did. Jacob Alkow ltaMall 8-rgtell "8yer Bargtel I Can you contact some of your people to contribute to our Regina Ole.leer Emergency Fund Drive? lillbrlel Glazer Kothe Gol cl'ber9 David cnn.-n Valla Hirsch Judith ~s Meir Jaff• Cordi a 11 y, ,..,,.,.., Kehn ElalM "°PP 8111 levlrw Ceor-te levlnr.w Gene Lowentha I ~teflben lelnhel•r au, Sandee ~.. }.!d ~esI Chairman Emergency Fund Drive. 11a~s1- So1 SU911f"Ml'I Llllleo W.ler1teln Denh Weintraub Dr. Wll 11• A. Waler Esther Zackler 08/nd Jec;k ladtl er 114TIONAL STAFF Earnest SI ege I ExKUtlve Ol~tor Man>ld E. ~thschlld Admln. Officer 56201-) ·'" • 26101 .1 .JI • 61260 ,3'~1C·)n .'ICH ppi•n ·n, :••Mi ,~•D N.tioMI Office: Sla Heyerlcce Street, T.J Avhl, 612'0, ls,..f • P.O&. 2't01 • Tel. 56401.J • C.W.: AMCAN90N ... \ TO UtTul1" .'nn-en llNtflD the israel museum, jerusalem v--_.if I - r.l:. _,_,I , J! L-' ~ 111J'1 1D1,19 D1l1il l1il n,D1191il i1Yllnil-11J,n'7 TJ1D 15 '111,.lA 1.lM 1 n1 D"'li'l ,, T11 '11111n Dll?l I OJ 1977 1M 11.l!l.l 16 D,1n1~n llA~H.l in11.in D1170 DY ,~ D7Jlnl '1M1l?" llM"TlD ni1n1 ,n11n • 1T illl?7 .nl"1n.l n11n .,.,n~ lJ"iDlD nll7l?nl Q717JD D"7M1l?7 D'n1TM~ D"nDl? llH .D,n1T~il 1ll7 l'1 1J7 n11i' nn71 1Jn'11Y9l l 7l?Di1'1 lJ,17 nJDlnn M7il DJ01TY 7 7 711 lnJD.l 10'11!/l 1"1PJil D D1J f 7 1000.- D"Y 09776 'DD i1'1lj7 ilTJ. mnl~D • 011 j7il i1J1ll ;,F~.ai::) ,11"" 17 1'1 no1n D,1n1"n i1Til n'7nln :j70Yi1 Pl1 ilH'l 1 .lA i7'11i7 ,,., 1ll '11:l.:J; JZ>"T'i!I t>:i i;i :iii1 15 ?ii':il l:l.IC ""n, D'71P1i' the israel museum, jerusalem '1""~1- ~..,} ~ ,,;J/L-f1 ~ 1J>'Jw.n> ,'1H1W> llM'TU'.J 8.2. 76 - i"?wn ,,ac:i ..., D"11PZ> Ult • .,.,nae "TJll.):l. D:::>nniin .,.,.,"" unwp:i.,, D:::>n1lJi1 ,,, D:J" D'"TU) UIC • 1:l. a:>?• nU,'.'IJZ>i1Z>1 UDZI D'li:ll 'Jlt DM lllC'TlZ>:l D:Jn:::>"Z)"' ,cu:iw , i1"1in:ii ;i:::ii:i:i .<"'" ( (} ?"') ~ 9 ( pi? i10'1i1 D"in11Pi1 ,,,Z> n?i1lZ> haklrye, jennefem tlOOO. luaol p.o.b. tm, telephone !6231, cabla 1 lsram,neum )0)\ l\A~V ,Utt ., .J\ 91000 a~.n• .il•,•n .. _ ,. "th€ J€UUScll€m o•~wn•~ r rounbat1on • r1pn a ii I:~ ~- J'- tJ"....:i.11 J~ ~;. :::. (:- fi JI .= ft ! ~ c _,. z •0 ~ ~ F .. g ... f. DA If- ~ I: .... n ~ .._ ' c ~ 8 ~ ,. a c e ' :: D ~ I: : E !? 0.. -~ ~ £ j ~.::ap .. .!:! ~ RECEIPT .x• ~ 3 ;," ... • I~ 1 :: ! ; :Ne 1293 ~ := ~ --- .. - - ; - _- . - ! . ·- - . ., ~ IC= I" P.O.B. 8324 Jerusalem, Israel, Tel. 02/ Ei1554 : ~" ,a,)~1,, ,8324 .i.n llDIJ!) 111'1:1 llBERTY BEil GARDEn February 24, 1976 Mr. Herbert A. Friedman 15, lbn Gvirol St, Jerusalem Dear Mr . Friedman, I would like to thank you for your generous contri• bution of IL 1,000. -, towards t:he creation of the Liberty Bell Garden. Enclosed please find receipt no. 1293, for the above mentioned amount. s?!Q~ Abbie Ben-=Atl WA Project of The Jerusalem Foundation ~ 100 .1 .n •n::i,ll D1111W'I U)IX> D•,X>H< D'P',Y. (f"D KY'm IC:l:>I n1•n'7'i1i7i1 n•n1'1n1!Jl n•it:t3li1 n,111'7 1l1r.llr.IJ 31Vl'i1 01,'iJ 1111J'I .0Jnn11i11 DJJ13t1 '111 1J11:in nJil n:> 11!1"' Tl'll:lipr.m n,.,_,.,Yi1 nivm t oo .i .n H.:l'P:V 11H --16-.-42.---7 5 1'1Hn .:;{' ,;:>ri.ff'~ 6~~)~J'A ( 0.')..'?.? lf- {. p1~ ')lV\!J O'>';nni1 n'):i i'?'V o')1">))i1 rrsy1n BOARD OF GOVERNORS - SHAARE ZEDEK HOSPITAL JERU ~ "-LFM PO 8. 293 • TEL 350ZS ,35025 l'!l)U • 293 "IN"I Jl:m ,C'~'Dl"I' ,,:i:::>7 lZl,'"l51 l!>"l:l"li'T "')Z) 1 5 ? l"l.,::U 7::iN .. n, • C'?Wli" ,,,lJ n:S:VlZ> ?w ""'":l"li1 n'lUW;"I i1nl"lat:l U't?IC cnD"'IO:Si1W UMZ)W • c::>nzn"'ln::i lln'l!>? cru~Jl , "p,:s 't"'l:VW" O't71ni1 n':l 1- /OQJ 2~'\o. +.< c\~ v{C 1),~~ - ~J( ~"' ~~ch. ~ ('"'-C-eA.~J ~ o-~1'. ~ ~ ~ +·u(tt; ~ (/H._ J; V\ .-. • ') \} t;O 2- ""'° o,-n,yn i,., n~~:"I n,i,ntm~ JU•inrinit "'1111!J nlunn _:=-= -l z 2 _, .n 06J - 1ts11 1~"" 22. 8. 76 ... ·····-··-······ D1' .~•p1 · iiK 1Zl"T",EI nn!llUZl ;i,,D,~ n1'1'1 A UNIQUE PROGRAM OF LOANS AND GRANTS SPONSORED BY THE UNITED ISRAEL APPEAL OF CANADA FOR CANADIAN RESIDENTS IN ISRAEL Canadian residents in Israel frequently encounter unexpected financial crises A Special - an insurmountable gap between the cost of decent housing and available funds; a pressing need for business or Kind of professional equipment essential to earning power; an unexpected dental bill or the unanticipated need for cost­ Caring ly home repairs. Canadian students contemplating study in Israel of ten find themselves short of the total sum they will re­ quire for tuition and living expenses. For these Canadians. the grants, loans and assistance programs of the Jewish Agency's Absorption Department and other organizations simply do not suffice. Without a solution adequate to their needs, the dream of living - working or studying - in Israel may be abandoned. Since January 1973, the United Israel Appeal of Canada has provided such a solution - a unique program of loans and student grants, funded entirely by non-campaign monies. Financial assis­ tance is offered independently of any other source of funds. To date, 500 separate loans and grants have been approved, totaling nearly I L 6 million. As important as the funds distributed by the program is the manner in which requests for aid are processed, the courtesy and efficiency which marks every facet of the program's administration, and the understanding with which the Loan Committee - it­ self made up of Canadians residing in Israel - goes about its tasks. A special element of empathy. A special kind of caring. Mortgage Loans: Up to IL 60,000, at 9% interest; up to 20 years to repay If you borrow IL 60,000, you repay over 20 years At 9% interest, on unpaid If you borrow IL 25,000, you repay over 15 years balance of the principal l If you borrow IL 10,000, you repay over 10 years only The plan is intended to supplement llie young couples.
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