Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Parshat Shlach 1 of 13 In This Issue Shlach (Korach in Israel) July 1, 2016 Flying Rabbis! YNA Rabbis in America Kollel Dvar Torah by Rav Shimon Felder HaRav Nebenzahl on the Parsha -Shlach Dedications The Story Of The Jewish People HaRav Nebenzahl's Parsha Shiur on Thursday, 24 Sivan was by Rav Shai Gerson - Sefer Shoftim sponsored Elizur Agus (5750) l'ilui nishmat his father, Shaul Gershon ben Chaim Shmuel. Tehillim List Links yna.edu Visitors - Life Events YNA Kollel.com Ask Rav Nebenzahl Visitors Suggestion Box Joseph Avidan (5771-72) Alumni Update Form Josh Rabinowitz (5772-74) Ezra Magder (5774-75) Contact Us Joel Crowne (5775) RavBeinishGinsburg.com SephardiParty.com Mazal Tov ShabbosYeshiv a.com Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh would like to wish a mazal tov to: Reb Zev's Jonathan (5751) and Judith Jarashow on the Bar Mitzva of Parsha Riddle their son, Eliyahu. Yonah (5757-58) and Sharon Russ on the Bar mitzvah of Who am I? their son, Yaakov. 1 of 12 became 2, Rav Eliyahu (Staff) and Iris Tzaddok on the engagement of 1 of which I'm sent from; their son. Plus 10 against 10, Eitan (5770-71) and Penina Steinfeld on the birth of a baby for there is another one. boy. ~~~ Shimon Danieli (5771-72) on his marriage to Talia Last week's answer: Silverstein. Some facing left, Yosef (5763-64) and Sara Hametz on the birth of a baby some facing right; boy. All towards the same spot, we're not here to give light! Send Us Your Announcements The Lights of the Menorah Contact Reb Zev Please, if you have any smachot or chas v'shalom, less happy Join Our List occasions, let our office know so we can keep everybody updated. Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Parshat Shlach 2 of 13 Flying Rabbis Pay attention as details are added/finalized. WHO WHERE WHEN MORE INFO Rav Yitzchak Korn TBA July 3- July 17 He will be available for private meeting please email him at [email protected] for more information Rav Yitzchak Korn Camp HASC Tuesday July 5 at 9:30 and Rav Chanan Bina PM (city time) Rav Yitzchak Korn TBA Thursday Night July 14 Rav Zvi Ron Yeshiva Wednesday July 20 Rav Ron will be giving a Shirur in University at 8:00 PM Room 308 of the Gluek building in YU Rav Zvi Ron 34 W 32ND ST Thursday July 21 A BIG get together at Space Manhattan 7:30-9:30 PM Billiards. This event is open to all his old students, guys and gals, their spouses, girl/boy friends. Free admission Rav Beinish Ginsburg Camp Kaylie Thursday July 21 Rav Ginsburg will be there from 4:30-6:30 PM. He will be giving a Shiur at 5:15 PM Rav Beinish Ginsburg Camp HASC Thursday July 21 Rav Ginsburg will be giving a Shiur at 10:30PM Rav Zvi Ron Five Towns Shabbat July 22-23 Rav Zvi Ron Jeremy July 23 Pizza Melava Malka Packer's House. 1239 Veeder Drive, Hewlett NY Rav Zvi Ron Brooklyn Sunday July 24 Rav Zvi Ron Camp HASC Sunday Night July 24 Chug around 8:00 Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Parshat Shlach 3 of 13 Rav Zvi Ron Five Towns Monday July 25 You can email Rav Ron at [email protected] for more info Rav Ben Leybovich Teaneck Wednesday August 3rd Reunion from the years 5759-61/1999-2001 Rav Bina and Rav August 3rd in the In memory of Daniel Yamnick Natan Schwartz evening Rav Bina Camp HASC Shabbat August 5/6 Rav Bina, Rav Natan Camp HASC August 6 BIG Melava Malka Schwartz, Rav Ben Leybovich and Rav Chanan Bina. Rav Bina and Chaim Michael Sunday August 7 8:30 Alumni Reunion & Chizuk Eisenstein (so far) (5765-66) and PM for years 2003-2013 Nomi Plaut's home, 71-06 150 St., Kew Garden Hills Rav Ben Leybovich Camp HASC Monday Shiur August 8 Rav Chaim Eisenstein, Camp HASC August 10 Chug Rav Ben Leybovich and Rav Chanan Bina Rav Chaim West August 13 Scholar in Residence Eisenstein Hempstead Rav Chaim TBA Sunday August 14th Tisha B'Av Event Eisenstein Rav Yaakov Darmoni TBA Around August 16th Rav Ben Leybovich Washington Sunday August 21 Shiur Heights Rav Mendel Weiss Washington August 28-August 31 Heights and the Five Towns Kollel Dvar Torah by Rav Shimon Felder Parshat Shelach opens with the story of the twelve spies being sent to scout out the Land. On the one hand Yehoshua and Kalev declare "the land we passed through is exceedingly good!", on the other hand the ten other spies report that it is a land "which devours its people." While Kalev is trying to convince the people "we certainly will ascend and conquer", the ten spies report:"we cannot ascend, they are too strong for us!". Could it be that there are two opposing views from people who had observed the same thing? HaRav Katz shlit"a explains that the spies went there with "a negative eye". Everything they saw was interpreted as black and negative. Yehoshua and Kalev, on the other hand viewed everything with positive eyes - in a good light. They only saw good, they saw the Hand of Hashem in everything and were thereby reassured. This can explain why there were such extremely opposite reports from people who witnessed precisely the same sight and occurrence. Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Parshat Shlach 4 of 13 Other examples: we are told that the Land produced very large fruits. Rather than appreciating the bounty of Hashem's gift, the spies reacted: "look at the strange fruit, the people who live here must also be strange." Rashi comments that Hashem performed a miracle to insure that they were not suspected of spying - whenever they would arrive at a new area, one of the local leaders would die and thus the entire population was busy burying their leader thereby distracting them from noticing and suspecting the strangers in their midst. What did the spies say: "it is a land that devours its people." There is so much that we can learn from the incident involving the spies, one of the most powerful lessons is our obligation to view things with a positive eye. One who trusts in Hashem is able to see the good in everything and to truly be happy with his lot. HaRav Nebenzahl on Shlach PARSHAT SHLACH (FROM 5773) (CLICK HERE FOR PARSHAT KORACH) "THE INCIDENT OF MIRIAM AND THE SIN OF THE SPIES" AN INTERESTING JUXTAPOSITION Chazal tell us: "Why is the section of the spies adjoined to the section of Miriam? Because she had been punished for evil talk, which she had spoken against her brother, and these wicked people saw and did not learn a lesson" Rashi Bamidbar 13:2). Although chronologically the episode of Miriam did precede the affair of the spies, we know that "The Torah's events were not recorded in chronological order" (Pesachim 6b). In last week's Parsha, for example, the section discussing the Ark's journey: "Vayehi binsoa haaron" (Bamidbar 10:35), is not written in its proper location. Chazal tell us that this section is surrounded by inverted "nuns" because "The Torah made signs for this passage, in front of it and after, to say that this is not its place. But why was it written here? In order to make an interruption between one trouble and another" (Rashi Bamidbar 10:35 citing the Gemara in Shabbat 116a). Accordingly if the Torah chose this juxtaposition of the incident with the spies together with that of Miriam there must be an additional reason for it. Chazal therefore explain that the Torah is criticizing the spies for not having derived a lesson from what happened to Miriam. Superficially, this is very difficult to understand. What moral can we expect the spies to have learned from Miriam? Had the case been that Miriam spoke loshon hara against sticks and stones and was punished for it, we could have derived by means of a kal vachomer that if it is forbidden to speak loshon hara about sticks and stones then certainly we may not speak this way of a fellow Jew, how much more so a Talmid Chacham, and even more so of the greatest sage and prophet that ever lived! How does the fact that Miriam spoke loshon hara against the greatest sage and prophet teach us that we are forbidden to speak negatively about sticks and stones? What type of a kal vachomer is this? There are countless flaws in such logic! What then is the meaning of this criticism against the spies for not having learned a lesson from what happened to Miriam? A further difficulty lies in the fact that the Torah commands us: "beware of a tzoraat affliction... Remember what Hashem, your G-d, did to Miriam on the way, when you were leaving Egypt" (Devarim 24:8-9) - "if you wish to take care that you not be stricken with tzoraat do not speak Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Parshat Shlach 5 of 13 loshon hara, remember what was done to Miriam who spoke against her brother Moshe and was stricken with afflictions of tzoraat" (Rashi Devarim 24:9). This implies that not only should the spies have learned a lesson, but we too must realize the severity of speaking loshon hara from what happened to Miriam. (According to the Ramban "beware of a tzoraat affliction..." is a positive commandment: "we are commanded to verbally remember to take to heart what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke of her brother, despite her being a prophetess, as a means of distancing ourselves from speaking loshon hara" (Ramban's appendix to the Rambam's Sefer HaMitzvot - Mitzvat Asei 7).
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