/••*•—3$ t- • VOTE in. j VOTE THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET WOOD BRIDGE LEADER DEMOCRATIC TICKET INDEPENDENT ffEWSPAPEK PUBLISHED IN THE INTESUSSf OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP TWENTY'FIRSf YEAfi Woodbridge, N. J., Friday, October 24, 1930 THREE CENTS PER COT** SEN. QUINN HITS DEMAREST !SCHOOL BODY P. S. RETURNS CAMPBELL CLUB BOOMS CHARGE THAT HE STIRRED GETS REQUEST TO JhCENT FARE fOR ELECTION 1-Vlda.y night at Hli%nv« Ptrm in Arenel lei to. the capture ot OPPOSITION TO CANAL BILL FQRSCHOOL Are 14-year old. rynaw»r boyi, AS BUSINESS AID TO TOWN COMMITTEE Who «rere "gol«? We*t", from' Uroeklyn, N. Y., to pioneer In State Senatorial Candidate Stys That Worthy Bills Arc Cite* Need o{ l Utility Commission Learns Comptoq Satinf that New Boircf oi FreekoW^s..• .'.' The llTft, jfho.were returned Scrapped by G. O/t*. Machine Wifhout Coniideration Fultoo Stmt. to; their hornet that night are Hifh Tell Flea Drops. Ha* for m&tttx County at Avenel Mtttin*' 1*C H*toL4 BMltrt),, of 21.3 Livonia •fTHeir Value to tieteopte. Hohft iftxrtwtdCofr A KWntMJh T* a # 'auuhuuf: JntQu Wernltk. of 204 As an "aid to bettering business Campbell Ikarantec of Township's Faturt'. Fulton slrtjt section, dfr Wood Livonia Mreau*;. Lasfcrus Tor- fidlUdW rntJile ServM* 6«-«i« peasation for Widows Was to LolL bridge, slsneS by 35#*es1,denta, was kofl, of 1,81 Dumont avenue; dlnlted transport will drop its ap- presented to the Board of. Educa- atanl«)r fltarewski, Ojt 251 Sut- plication for aa Increase In fares WdlUm f i, Campbell, Democratic candidate for re-el«c- Four hundred' eTrtrruaiastic Democr&ls jammed into fhe tion at Its meeting Moriday night at vter Menus,and Samuel Ooia- i and return to a Oat Ave cabt rate ' tfort"W'th«'Township Commfttee from ,th.e Third Ward was the High School by Attorney Nathan stein, qf 240 Dumout" avenue. in established tones, according to given a rousing reception by ntrriost 100 of his supporters it Iselin Fire House last night tQ hear Senator Arthur A. Quinn,I Duff, who represented the slgfrefi. They told gkt., John Eg»n (hat thrown down the gldVe to Assemblymen M. Irving" Demarest they wv« "tired of going to the willy of the William P. Campbell Association in Aveiiel 4 In presenting the petition to the tolling Demarest'fc charge that:Quinn had Senator, Walbej of members op tfhe Board, Mr. Dud , school" tnd had hitCh-Mked as Cpmoilssttm at Tfeiiton. 'Wednesday night. Kssex oppose the Shin Canal Bill an "untruth",- said: ' . .-: . ' >•• ' .'•"*' The "ootiipany will abantlop teni- Ttrtlr huagpur and their torn porari'.y at least, its application for | "Four years a^o rour raprM^nU* A quill A AddreMei Crowd " • . • - ' "The " «bMr«n- In the! 'j& ttv^.-with the other Democratic can- Other who addressed the raeettap, dlotlilnl arootid the suspicions an Increase from the prwent. ten street se^Hwiii'hBve a long a^ ; cent cash Care and' ten tokens tor > didates pledged you to reduce your which wan held under the auspices to travel, »nd since' we understand ' of the. njirtl Undtng tha rtand , whqre .tWj? stopped, ftt* re- Ifltty «ent*\ to a'tfen tent cash fare) lu\ea If elected. The U\ rat* tt ot Hie Democratic workers ol MtV Hial yiiu are about to put before tnt that time aft*r ten year* of Repub- nMh (iieMett Included Mayor Wil- LOCAL LEGION [resliraenU and ire ijaUM| the and fottt toWns tor a quarter. The i voters, a >14U,00t) boml issue,•. ;Wt" Ichanee Vi l' bfr aflected a* soon m> ltcan rule was 711, the higlumt itt liam A, Ryan,\ 'Anthony Aqullla,' iiotK niai yiiii consider 'a. icljouj. m police, LftuW-Torkuft, Lalavus' COUNTY'S PUN brother, c»mt to Woodbrldge (the necessary meclmnical ehannes the staie.. Ine pledgft.w* IM4* hw Democratic ta^didate for the Towt- Fulton street." been keiity^ Your t«x i*tt tt no* -shiii Coinmittee .from* the Second GETS 2nd PRIZE and took tb« quintette hack to |are made on the coin,""f(sfcWHM'it fui Clunv, president of the Brooklyn; where a desire' for •/trolleys and AUKWS. ' , 5.7," said Mr. CumpbelK wh<» way Ward; doiwity Committeetnah Den- board, declared that pknas jfpr (.lie TO AID JOBLESS leafing is belny Instiled—pnr- i "The-Jettels published"' hwwc i rtserved aa the last ipeftkw ot nlD Ryan", of* Fords; • .Freeholder speclid - election have alfea« many who addre«Ked the crowd tty Henry C. Berg, ot N£W Brunswick; AT LIONS MEET entally. * c ^ ,1 he boai-d 4nd the. fublic Service Co- made and that It would be, the shairman, Andrew Desmond. •jJUrter Kroeget, candidate for Free- ordinated Transport," said Joseph Extend Township,'* Aid al-ble to add the Kullun street prop- V. Autenrelth,. prpsldcnt of th. "This year you will undoubtedly holder; John Halterty and Elmer osition oh that ballot for ' Octobei Drum #and Bugle Corps to board, "Indicate that the "rate rase at Freeholder's Confab, hear from our npponenU that the ' Drown, candidates for the Assembly 2Sth. '. i lax rate has Increased 35 points thto and F. Herdman Harding, "candidate COUNTYWOMEN is indefinitely suspended, Tiy a re- Compete in Newark Satur- "That in all nery we.I," answeVed November 10. year, (want to say it«w that, the for coroner. turn to the five cent fare. NO fur- Mr. Dull. "But sows of those chil- ther hearings will he held and It is township is responsible ttfr Just »ls- Senator Quinn noted In opening day. , dren have to crosB three or four "I heartily approve of the more points ot t.te raise. The state., hm speech Uiat Democratic. success LAUD hoped that it will not be necessary p , •• |dangerous Intersections.. -Atthouuii to renew the proceedings again." made by Director Lewis Compton, county and Bchoohl l board necessitateid secniH assured, as largo crowds, dls- Woodlirldfte Post, American Lf-Jtiie township has added police to tatiefled with Republican rule, are Aut.nrelthy I'rflnoftal of the Hoard of Fre»holdors, In the balance or the Increase. • giort Drum arid IHiyle. Corps carried!the force there are not enough to McCarter** announcemeut- •. came turning out at all of lh« campaign AT PARTY RALLY calling a merlin!; of the heads of "Tin: Increase Is accounted for by tUe second prise in a contest'put on every crossing. In the mealv after Autenr«lth pointed to the pies- the new slate ruling that all police- meetings and are carrying on -indi- held lust'"Sunday afternoon under|Wiitlfi mothers are living in constant tfnt all municipalities In the county In vidual work to an extent that Is U' D I " Jl business deprwlnn and men must liuvt) one day oft. That' the auspleea nf the Uons'Clpbs of £eer und dread. tare affected us so • .iit we had to add must pleasing to the candidates. Union County at Warinsnc.0 Parki "The children that live in Cut ^ MISS rarkinSOn (Uldjed a. return to the live cent' M.w[would stimulate patronage. cxiiu men to continue the pro*ctlon - "Today the- Republican party, 1p in Erl7.irbot)i. ter's Lane, and Strawberry HiH have Others Speak I hi- atutcot New Jftrwy Is under the at new ,-x flvo cept fare, in our opinion," of our township. The new super- Tomorrow .the' local Corps wlll!p.uite some distance.to go to school AutenrelUr-wrote McCurter, "would liliihwuy UIHO required the servicM dictatorship of UaVjO' tliaird. The travel to .>ewiirk and compete for'and when you figure that they have Brunswick. act as an Inducement to riding, llu- 1 overwhelming Republican -Legisla- of extra policemen—three In tact," honors In JL contest arranged by the!to go to lunch each day, they walk laok ot which l» one of the outstand- said the candWatt1;- ture blindlyy,, follows his orders," de- Newark Post.'American Legion at'several miles, These.people that 1 NEW nitllNSWlOK, Oct. 24. — ing factors a-ffectlng the company's h didt c "At this time I wish to state to-' clared the candidate. the 113th.Ueulmen"-••-• t Atuiory' . • m,, reiiresentlnig g feet that a schoo. Stiindins tit the speakers' table un- earning*. • It would, In-our judg- Hi.- iii'ople of tills ward that I will •'The Senate and Assembly are Over :i,00ti peoplpop e .: KKatli«re d at should be e*tabH»l«ed." derneath, a llfi'-size portrait of ment, • stimulate riding and favor- make every effort to- Meur* a.pAffc-^ with the duty of consider- Warinnnco I'liik tovwitne* the com-1 Mr. Cluui-tbiia..es.plHin.ed tljat the Wood'row Wilson, thu hiost Impres- ably 'affect the company's financial ing all bills Introduced and utilizing tor (lie Avenel scouon as has been petition Sunday. ('The WoodbrWge I sltuittton is much the same tiirpnisii- sive- group 6ntteMfflrTr~OTer"nrtUe*- rctnu'Hted. We are proud Oi the tt«» i hose that are of merit. The laBt l.fnioiinairen us usiial pfeiented a out Ihe township and that at the togetlier in a couiity qaiupalng, ad- derations, the board requests that •"Xi'tsiHluture recessed for three weeks park in WoQdbrldtie and lust as soon trim military upiiiarancpi e tn their last ,.speciap l meeting a resolution reused the annual banquet otthe he company consider the suspen- u» tlu- |irope,r lime arrives I fcSBUrB wm.e Dnvey Barrd and his gang tan uniformuif s with\!eatlt*ith\!tl\ * r putteeputttt e s wawss imsuuidiuuisuud. declewindeclewingg ^tflBT the Democratic Women.pf Middlesex, at- ilon oi the present proceeding* anil went through the bills Introduced.l von that we will ^et a-ftark for this.
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