'i;- , . " ' J •4i- . ’’i ■ kI -a — 4"X*s-«satommmamaiau^(aatoto :-'v , Arcragc Drily Net Prem Ron The Weather - Ferecaot of V. S. Woathw B u tof F ot tb» Week Ended ■ . } . Mareh 2«, IMS Partly cloudy, little ebeage la temperature tonight aad Taoe* " t 13,556 (toy. Low tonight ifl 80s. High Member of the A,ndit Tuesday in 50a , . Burean e< Olrcolstloii Manche»ter<— A City of ViU^e Charfn 0 (ClM$lfled Adverttelnr on F»ge 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. LXXXI, NO. 148 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1962 Succeeds Dr. Jorgensen State New8i7?MsA: Bids Roundup To Break French Grab Dr. Babbidge 2 Boys in Dinghy Deadlock Missing in Sound By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Heads UConn GENEVA (A P)—U.S. Sec FAIRFIELD (AP) — A retary of State Dean Rusl( of Secret dinriiy in which two boys conferred today with Soviet STORKS (A P)—Dr. Homer D. Babbidge Jr. today was drifted . into Long Island ^Foreign Minister Andrei A named president of the University of Connecticut, to succeed Sound yesterday was found Gromyko in another attempt Dr. Albert N. Jorgensen. The appointment of Dr. Babbidge, capsized at Middleground to keep the East-West dis­ vice president of the American Council on Education, was Light today. There waa no agreement on Berlin from Europeans made by John J. Budds. chair-*’ sign of the boys. deepening. man of the unlveralty'a board of Middleground light ia in ’Their conference, In the privacy trusteei. of the Soviet village, look place Babbidge will aMume hla new the middle of the Sound oppo­ on the eve of Rusk’s scheduled re­ Whipped in duties In the fall aa ninth presi­ site Stratford. turn to Washington. dent of the state university. Jor­ The missing boys, now pre It occurred In an atmoephere of gensen announced his Intended re­ Burned drowned, are Arthur deadlock. The only known new Oran Battle tirement last October. proposal before them was Gromy­ Bom In West Newton, Mass., In Bradtmuller of Fairfield and ko’s plan for a vague internation­ i ? 1925, Babbidge went to p u b l i c his cousin, James Paul of al watch on the land, air and - , PARIS (A P)— Paris news­ schools In New Haven and Am­ Monroe, both 14. water corrldorti linking Isolated papers reported today that herst, N. Y „ and was graduated West Berlin with West Germany, Marshal Alphonse Join has from Tale University. FAIRFIELD (AP) — The 110 miles away. I ^ i In Its present form that pro­ been ordered to stay in his The American Council on Educa­ Coast Guard today resumed a ' tion, of which he Is vice president, posal is completely unacceptable apartment, not to receive any is an association of more than search for two boys missing to Rusk. visitors and refrain from 1,000 colleges and universities and on Long Island Sound in an 8 ’The Russian plan presupposes rnnkinn any public statement. 145 national organisations In the that American, British and foot dinghy. French garrisons will have to The order was reported ‘to field of higher education. Arthur BradtmuUer, 1.10 Ridge- have followed publication of a Prior to his council post, Bab- Icy Ave., Fairfield, and hla cousin, leave Berlin. It gives day-to-day bldge ep«nt five years In the De­ James iPaul, Blueberry Lane, control over the access routes to letter which Juin purportedly partment of Health, Education and Monroe, both 14, were carried out the East Germans, wtih an In­ sent to former Gen. Raoul Sa,- ternational body acting only in an Welfare (HEW), He saw service Into open water yesterday when Ian, a leader of the Secret the dinghy was caught by the advisory capacity. And It would as special assistant to the U.S. crowd the Western powers Into Army Organization. In it he commissioner of education, as­ winds and tides. the position of recognizing the sistant to the HEW secretary and The Coast Giw.rd used a heli­ was reported to have referred DR. BABBIIMJE copter and cutter In a six-hour Communist Bast German regime. to the secret army as a “ gen­ director of the division of educa- Yet seen from another angle, tlon, _ search but failed to find any trace erous movement.” ' of the'boys. The search was ended the Gromyko proposal at iM t In 1960, the U.S. Junior Cham­ gave the two ministera a new ber of Commerce selected Bsh- at sunset. point of departure in their con­ ■ By RODNEY ANOOVB bldge as one of the "Ten Out­ ’The boys were paddling Inr the boat in front of a beach cottage versations after more than two ORAN, Algeria (AP)—Ez- standing Young Men In the Na­ weeks of disagreement, not only Geii. Edmund Jouhaud, one of tion." Two years later he re­ owned by Arthur’s father, Dartd Bradtmuller. when It was awept on Berlin but on the questions of ceived the Health, Education and general disarmament and su.spen- the most wanted leaders of ^ Welfare Department’s distinguish­ out into the aound. the European Secret Army, The father called police when he Sion of nuclear weapons tests. ’The 17-nation disarmament con­ ed Service Medal. loot sight of the boat. was captured and sped to a He played a part In the passage ference, meanwhile, was called French prison today. The se­ of the National Defense Education Police described both boys as off for the day because of the strong swimmers. cret army then rallied French Act. • , death of a U.N. official, prevent Babbidge taught for several ing Rusk from making a final settlers in Algiers for a defi­ years In Yale’s Department of Took Cobra Poison personal appeal for agreement cm ant march that was drowned American Studies, and became dl' limited amvs control. French President Charles de Gaulle clenches hit flat aa he records hla speechipe In Blysee Palace In WA’TERBURY (AP) — Charles campaign on the April 8 referendum oii the cease-fire in blood. rector of the division of ftnandal E. Blsnohard, 42, of Prospect, Rusk had planned a final speech Paris today to be delivered tonight launoiUng cam For about an hour, fighting aUhi for the university. v^o, police said, took a dose of on disarmament before leaving In Algeria. (AP Photofax via radio from Paris.) ranged In downtown Alg(lsr4 be­ Ha was co-founder In 1948 of cobra poison Saturday remains In for WaZhkigton Tuesday. But the fore the European crowds were the Program of American Studies fair condition today at Waterbury session jBfiiljLilrith the announce­ dispersed. A govemmint spokes­ at Yale University for foreign stu­ hospital. ment qflBaito-Sunday of T. G. Also Sleep Pills, Morphine Kennedy Asks man aald 15 were killed and 130 dents. Blanchard’s wife, Blaine, a can­ M a n w i^ | ii»\ l0 ;^ Indiari diplo­ woimded. MelUng away Ihto aide Babbidge is author of "Student cer victim, .is on the danger list. mat and U.N. representeBttt-at streets, the crowds shouted "Mur­ Financial Aid—a Manual for Ool- Tlie cobra venom was used as a nuclear test ban talks. $600 Million in derers!" at French soldiers. Isvca- and Unlversltlee,” and co-au­ pain, kilter by Mrs. Blanchard be­ Before the session adjourned, The French News Agency, quot­ thor with R. M. Roeenswelg of fore she was hospitaliead. Ru^k praised Marayanan aa "an New Drug Offsets ing private sources, gave the -..In order to savo Blanchard, an Intemaittonal civil servant of the death toll as 31. DR.< fsia r^ highest dsdtostion, a man of great Works Projects (Oonttnned on Page Five) antidote had to be rushed from A former chief of staff of the the Bronx 25oo In New York City— character, a man of great talent.’’ U.S. cmoials said Rusk would WASHINGTON (AP) — Presl- French air force, Jouhaud and his a dlstandbof nesriy M miles. entire staff were captured Sun­ .Ms disarament speech Alcohol Overdoses ftent Kfhnsdy asked Congress to­ day In a..lP-bonr battle between Army Wants Own Terms Tussday day for a $600-mllllon program to 4 S * i o 4 8 Chief among these hi Rusk's the secret army and French HARTFORD (A P )-.-’rhe Stale start public worlts projects at forces In this second largest city By FRANK CAREY '*>dogs. It has been given the code of Algeria. Motor Vehicle Department's dally (Continued on Pngs Eleven) name ’’AHR-61t." once In areas suffering from sub­ WASHINGTON (AP)—A drug to stantial unemployment. The secret army trle<l to storm record of automobile fatalities as "While there are drugs now Military Holds Fate of lost midnight and the totals on counteract overdoses of sleeping Kennedy outlined his new pro­ a barracks and rescue Jouhaud, pills, alcohol and morphine without available which overcome deprea- gram In a letter to Uie House Its commander In western Al­ the same date laat year: sion of the central nervous system 1961 1962 adverse side effects Is ready for Public Works Committee as the geria, but was repiilsed. "nien sa Jersey Police pnxluced by barbiturates, all have Killed 46 48 human tests. committee opened hearings on an­ an uneasy calm settled over This was reported today to the In comrfion the ability to cause other n<lmlnlstratlon public works dangerous convulsions at doses Of Frondizi Regime American CSiemlcal Society’s 141st plan—a standby' $2-blIIlon pro­ (Continued on Page Eight) Ctirbing Youth very near their therapeutic dose. JVcMJ Symphony Manager national meeting by Dr. Carl D. gram for use In future recessions. HARTFORD (AP)—The appoint­ Lunsford, director of chemic.ol re­ 'On the contrary, AHR-616 pro­ The President asked for prompt ment of Oleg Lobanov, general search for the A.
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