'•;••>'-(:- The Empty Closet ISSUE 144 DECEMBENEW YORR 198K STAT3 ME S OLDESJ^T PGA Y NEWSPAPER • IT'S THE BUS FOR CS Council Hears 19 Speakers More than 100 people crowded into had passed gay rights legislation. She Rocite^r ''^ Qty Couticil chambers on urged the City of Rochester to take Wed|iesday» * Novetnber 9, to hear and whatever action necesisary, whedier it be support community members «^o spoke via a Council-approved ordinance or an for and against gay rights legislation. A executive order by City Manager Peter signiHcant majority of those in atten­ A. Kom, to create protection of housing, dance i>roke intOs loud . applause ^ter employment, and public access rights for each of the 13 pro-gay speakers ad­ everyone, including, "but not exclusive­ dressed the Council, while about 20 ly/' gays- people held up xeroxed signs reading, Nudd was followed by Charleen 'Gay Rights Wrong." Reidy, president of the Genesee Valley The community forum was followed chapter of the National Organization for by an extended recess, after which the Women. Reidy sptoke in opposition to all Council began its regular meeting. What forms of discrimination, and declared should have been a series of simple votes that the Council must take a stand to that on pending proposals fell into a banter­ effect. She stated that, although gays are ing debate when Councilman Christo­ allowed to live, they live in fear of the pher Lindley offered an amendment to loss of the jobs, homes, custody of their one of the ordinances under considera­ children, and many rights which most tion. Forty-five minutes later, the Coun­ people take for granted. cil approved the agreement to share the Ernest Fingland said that granting cost of free holiday bus service with the gay rights would "tear at the moral fiber Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce's of our community which is already Retail Merchants Council, but only frayed.'' He quoted from Levitticus, Nudd addresses media at Council meeting under the condition that Chamber Presi­ Arnold Toynbee, and blamed gays for dent Thomas T. Mooney gtiarantee, in the fall of the Roman Empire. He told writing, that the Chamber "will not in the Council that anything but a firm no any way attempt to restrict individual from them would be seen as condoning Mrs. Theodore Giraula, of Families ty." Ignoring Kinsey's continuum, use of this service on the basis of race, "the homosexual lifestyle." and that and Friends of Gays, said that the Macaluso announced that the doctor's creed, national origin, religious belief, "this morality should not be approved." Chamber incident is "clear indication study revealed that only 2-2 Vi percent of sex, or sexual orientation.** Tim Sally, who spoke next, said that that protection for our children is long people arc gay. He ended wich a. threat After the afHrmative vote, the presi­ it was "not anyone's right to legislate overdue." She assured the Council that to move his business from the city if the dent-elect of the Gay Alliance of the morality." He observed that opponents parents of gays raise their children the Council passed the requested legislation. Genesee Valley, Jackie Nudd, com­ of gay rights "take one aspect of my same way as everyone else does, and Nick Holberg. a life-time Rochester mented, ''It's a first step. But it's not the identity and use it to discriminate that the factors contributing to sexual resident and father of eight, spent much ordinance we came after." against me." He enumerated other orientation are complex and not thor­ of his alloted three minutes conjuring up oughly understood. Sbe added that the MOST SPEAKERS IN FAVOR aspects including race, sex, and religion, old school ties. He reminded Mayor otily real choice tfaat gays make abouc Nudd was the first of nineteen adding "some of us are even Republi­ Thomas P. Ryan that they both attended their sexuality is **not whether to be gay, speakers to address the Coimcil. She can," and drew a laugh from the lone St. Bonaventure University, a Catholic but tobe honest about it or hide it." She referred to the "envirotunent of discrim­ Republican on the nine-member Coimcil, institution, and quoted from the Old concluded by addressing the Council, ination and bigotry" created by Moon­ Anthony J. Sciolino. Sally said that aU of Testament, St. Paul, and George Will. "I'm sure that you have, as we have, ey's refusal to rent Chamber facilities to these minorities, however, have legal He feared that, "the next thing you raised your children to be hcmest. Please the GAGV in August, and his subsequent recourse, while gays do not. know, the prostitutes will want to have a don't force our children to live a Ue." remarks. Speaking on behalf of the Horace Lethbridge, of the Episcopal dinner at Bishop Kearney High School." GAGV and si^yportive groups, including Diocese's Commission on HoAophfle, Michael Macaluso, of the Citizens for On the topic of homosexuality, Holberg the Urban League, Action for a Better urged che Council to pass the proposed a Decent Community, was the first of expressed further dismay: ''What do Commuiuty» and several churches, she ordinance* as did Sister Oieryl Lee oi the three consecutive speakers opposed co chey warn? They want to teach, to adopt, stated that "our codlifmi maintains that Sisters of Sc. Jose|^« ^le encouraged gey rights. He described gays as che CO have ctistody... ia, God forbid, as loaf as civil ri^bts are desAed to sosae, chem *'to pue fleah oa che words of che pthne spreaders of AIDS and venereal Rociwscer, New York.** dsey are denied ta aB.^ Nodd dted che United States CoAstitatioa, and CO create diseases, and said, Amt dwoti]^ AIDS, a city where dvfl rights are ensured, aad gtQTs **are cendenaMd sa dfe because town et Alfred (NT) Mid Bfteen cities 2t the mmOam ma nwiaitiBaliiiti that they are engaged ia Rally For Cuomo Signs Ant I-Gays Amidst comf^aints from gay leaders Tae order bars discrtntmatioa "oa At Connell Rights chac he did not go far enough and from the basis of sexual oriencacioa" in the religioas leaders wfao called faim '*a "provision of services or benefits** by An overflow crowd of about tfaree direcc direat to cfae family.*' New York state agei»cies* It also bars such discrim- fauadred people jammed City Hall on Governor Mario Cuomo issued aa execu­ iaation ia "hiriag, yib appoiattaeat, November 22 to speak out against tfae The Gay Alliance of che Gene­ tive order oa Novembttf IS that is pronwtioa,, tenure, reuuiuaeat, aad non-diacrlmination ordinance sougfat by see Valley and a host of ocher imended co protect homoaexuals from eompeasatioa,** aad sets up a task frwce tfae Gay Alliance of cfae Genesee Valley commtmity service organisatioiu discrimination in state employment aad to measure coia|4iaace. (GAGV) aad otfaer conmiunity groups. win hold a Rally for Rights en provisioB of services. Rabbi Yefauda Levm, director of cfae Tfae protestors, comprised of inembers Tuesday, December 13, at the First Leaders in tfae gay commuiuty Family Defease Coaltcicm, said. of the Otiaeas for a Deceat Community Universalist Chareh, 150 S. Chnten praised tfae spiric of cfae ordier, tkociag, as **Caomo*s coticept of tfae fruuly is die and various fuadameatalist ChristiaB Ave. Over 500 people are ei^>ected did Andrew Huaua, ^pokesiaaa for cfae antithesis of tra^tional family values. dnnrcfaes, ''anwned*' and "faallehijaed** 10 participate. CoaHcioo of Lesbiaa aad Gay Rigfats, This will coatiaac'to faarm him as fae dieir way througfa tfae one-faour public acfaieves natioaal prominence. Wfaat The RaOy, to be held fram 7-8 'Tm gratefrd frir everytfaiag tfaat is fecum faeld befiiwe cfae Council's regular Caomo is doing will not play ia Peoria pm, will give all iaterested Roch­ good. Somrthing tfaal baae discrimiaiK meeting, in wfaat resembled a spiritual aad wiQ aet be fergottea.*' esterians aa opportimity co express tioB is good.*' They fek, however, chac revival mfiering racher cfaaa a discussion their support for the princi^es of che Goveraer*s order wag aoc broad Asked abocw Levia's staceaieat. of law aad civil libercies. aoaHuaciimmation • eaough. AUen N. Roskoff, a gi^ Hgfats Cuomo replied that fae faad doae "ia way The large turnout was due ia part to a lobbyist, called it **«me step toward judgemettt whac is ri^t for die people of erroaeous story ia that meratng's edition reversiag bigotry," but aaid he was New York State, aoc die peo^ of 21 M;-^ cmappomrea tmt a oto imt go one step Peoria.*' ructaerf- _ -1— . ft, Page 2 THE EMPTY CLOSET THE EMPTY CLOSET Page 3 EDITORIAL G./\,G-V. I was going to begin tfais etlitorial, as ence know that we are real people, out; Ellie dedares, "I can't march. But I a...)." A friend and I have our more I do every one, with my traditional knowing all the while tfae risks he was won't faide." wholesome rendition of the tune. We Gay Holidays complaints. 1 don't feel sfaort on subject taking in fais livelihood and family situa­ That single semence has brougfat so add aspects of our own lives to the The GAGV will.celebrate the holiday matter, eitfaer; it's beea a rou|^ montfa. tion; and tfae hundreds of peof^e wfao many daracteristically taagentiai descriptiofis therein, eg. "Vm a ceacher, there seemed to be something special in season with two annual events, Christ­ Maybe Vm imbued witfa tfae faoliday faave cared enougfa to write letters aod thoughts to my pen.
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