United States Department of Agriculture Proceedings of the 2007 Forest Service Northeastern Recreation Northern Research Station Research Symposium General Technical Report NRS-P-23 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Policy Statement The objective of the NERR Symposium is to positively influence our profession by allowing managers and academicians in the governmental, education, and private recreation and tourism sectors to share practical and scientific knowledge. This objective is met through providing a professional forum for quality information exchange on current management practices, programs, and research applications in the field, as well as, a comfortable social setting that allows participants to foster friendships with colleagues. Students and all those interested in continuing their education in recreation and tourism management are welcome. NERR 2007 Steering Committee Kelly Bricker –Devine Tarbell and Associates Robert Bristow – Westfield State College Robert Burns – West Virginia University (Program Chair) Chad Dawson – SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry Alan Graefe – Penn State University Laurie Harmon – George Mason University Andrew Holdnak – University of West Florida David Klenosky – Purdue University Deborah Kerstetter – Penn State University David Klenosky – Purdue University Diane Kuehn - SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry (Website Coordinator) Walter Kuentzel – University of Vermont Gerard Kyle – Texas A&M University Bruce Lord – Penn State University Thomas More – USDA Forest Service – Northern Research Station James Murdy – University of New Haven Chad Pierskalla – West Virginia University Robert Robertson – University of New Hampshire Ellen Drogin Rodgers – George Mason University Rudy Schuster – SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry David Solan – Mansfield University Sharon Todd – SUNY Cortland Gail Vander Stoep – Michigan State University Hans Vogelsong – East Carolina University Christine Vogt – Michigan Sate University (Proceedings co-editor) Clifton Watts – Texas A&M University Rodney Warnick – University of Massachusetts at Amherst Thomas Wickham – California University of Pennsylvania Greg Wright – USDA Forest Service – Green Mountain National Forest Maureen Wakefield – SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry (Conference Logistics) Harry Zinn – Penn State University Cover photo used with permission from Christine Vogt, Michigan State University. The findings and conclusions of each article in this publication are those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. All articles were received in digital format and were edited for uniform type and style; each author is responsible for the accuracy and content of his or her own paper. The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Forest Service of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 NORTHEASTERN RECREATION RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM April 15-17, 2007 Bolton Landing, NY Program Chair: Sponsors: Robert Burns U.S. Forest Service West Virginia University Northern Research Station Venture Publishing Compiled and Edited by: Cherie LeBlanc Published by: U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station Christine Vogt Newtown Square, PA Michigan State University The cover photo for the 2006 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium proceedings was miscredited. Mark Twery, U.S. Forest Service, submitted the photo. CONTENTS CONSTRAINTS, AGING, AND LEISURE Market Segmentation Using Perceived Constraints . 1 Jinhee Jun, Gerard Kyle, and Andrew Mowen Anticipated Educational Outcomes: A Case Study of the Outdoor Recreation Consortium Experience . 11 Yasong Wang and Alan Graefe An Aging Population: Relationships between Socio-Demographics, Motivations, and Participation . 19 Karen Robinson, Robert C. Burns, Chad D. Pierskalla, and Alan Graefe Time Allocation and Cultural Complexity: Leisure Time across Twelve Cultures . 25 Garry Chick and Sharon Xiangyou Shen Toward a Theory of Partnership as a Context for a Theory of Leisure . 32 Kim Uhlik PLANNING AND USE OF OUTDOOR AREAS Factors that Attract and Repel Visitation to Urban Recreation Sites: A Framework for Research . 39 David Klenosky, Cherie LeBlanc, Christine Vogt, and Herbert Schroeder Running Uphill: Urbanization, Conflict, and Visitor Use at Kennesaw National Battlefield Park . 48 Julie A. Strack and Craig A. Miller PLACE MEANING I Men’s Wilderness Experience and Spirituality: Further Explorations . 55 Paul Heintzman Place Meaning and Critical Issues in Grand Teton National Park . 60 Dave Smaldone POSTER SESSION Forest Landscape Assessment: The Effects of Pre-Experience Education on Public Perception of Scenic Beauty . 70 Chad D. Pierskalla, Kevin E. Saunders, David W. McGill, and David A. Smaldone Residents’ Values and Fuels Management Approaches . 77 Gwo-Bao Liou, Christine Vogt, Greg Winter, and Sarah McCaffrey Cultural and Recreational Centers: How They Influence Where Housing is Built . 84 Christopher Fedoryshyn ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT ISSUES The Northeastern Area’s Objectives and Beliefs toward National Forests and Grasslands . 92 Lori B. Shelby, Deborah J. Shields, Michael D. Miller, and Brian M. Kent VISITOR PREFERENCES/SATISFACTION Destinations and Accommodations—How Linked are They from a Customer’s Perspective? . 100 Mi Ran Kim, Christine Vogt, and Annette Rummel PLACE MEANING II Sense of Place along a Scenic Byway in Maine . 108 Marilynne Mann and Jessica Leahy Exploring the Effect of Experience Use History and Place Bonding on Resource Substitution . 114 Christopher J. Wynveen, Gerard T. Kyle, William E. Hammitt, and James D. Absher NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Recreation-related Values, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Business Owners in the Saranac Lake Region of New York State’s Adirondack Park . 124 Diane Kuehn and Rudy Schuster Forest Fuels Treatments for Wildlife Management: Do Local Recreation Users Agree? . 132 Jeamok Kwon, Christine Vogt, Greg Winter, and Sarah McCaffrey MANAGEMENT ROUNDTABLE Natural Resources Research and Management Issues: 2007 . 139 Christine Vogt, James Absher, Alan Graefe, Bill Hammitt, Linda Kruger, and Jerry Vaske Fishing for Improvements: Managing Fishing by Boat on New York City Water Supply Reservoirs and Lakes . 142 Nicole L. Green and Jennifer A. Cairo OUTDOOR RECREATION AMONG SPECIFIC POPULATIONS The Effect of Perceptions of Supports for Autonomy, Relatedness, and Competence on Interest in Camp for Adolescent Girls . 152 Ann Gillard, Clifton E. Watts, and Peter A. Witt The Influence of Gender on Participation for Non-Residential Birdwatchers in New York State . 160 Mary Joyce Sali and Diane Kuehn PARTNERSHIPS A Comparative Analysis of Partnership Behaviors in the National Park Service . 169 Melissa S. Weddell, Brett A. Wright, and Kenneth F. Backman TRAVEL & TOURISM I Travel Trends in New England and the Northeast United States: Updating Post 9-11 Trends . 175 Rodney B. Warnick Visitors’ Perceptions of Tourism Development in West Virginia . 181 Jinyang Deng and Maureen Young Bender COMMUNITIES AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The Massachusetts Community Preservation Act: Factors Influencing Acceptance . 190 Robert S. Bristow and Matthew T. VanHeynigen Public Recreation and Neighborhood Sense of Community: An Exploration of a Hypothesized Relationship . 197 Svetoslav D. Gueorguiev, Edwin Gomez, and Eddie Hill SPECIALIZATION/MOTIVATIONS Questioning the Continuum: Specialization in Rock Climbing . 204 Sean Nelb and Rudy M. Schuster Modeling Recreation Participants’ Willingness to Substitute Using Multi-Attribute Indicators . 210 Yung-Ping (Emilio) Tseng and Robert B. Ditton An Exploratory Study of OHV Riders in New York State: Findings and Implications for Management . 216 Jennifer Baker, Rudy M. Schuster, and H. Ken Cordell WATER-BASED RECREATION Management of a River Recreation Resource: The Lower Kananaskis River—A Case Study . 224 Kimberley Rae and Paul F.J. Eagles WILD PLACES Transcontinental Wilderness Survey: Comparing Perceptions Between Wilderness Users in the Eastern and Western United States . 233 Nicholas Palso and Alan Graefe METHODS Analysis of Strength-of-Preference Measures in Dichotomous Choice Models . 240 Donald F. Dennis, Peter Newman, and Robert Manning A Role for First-Person Science in Recreation Research . 244 Herbert Schroeder Pilot Testing a Methodology to Measure the Marginal Increase in Economic Impact of Rural Tourism Sites . 250 April Evans and Hans Vogelsong RECREATION RESOURCE ALLOCATION Methodological Innovations for Measuring Economic Impacts of Long-Distance Recreation Trails . 257 Noah Pollock, Lisa C. Chase, Clare Ginger, and Jane Kolodinsky Public Attitudes about Financing Municipal Recreation . 264 Rodney R. Zwick, Thomas A. More, and Tad Nunez ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND INTERPRETATION The Effectiveness of a Four-Hour Challenge Course on Leadership Efficacy and Work Efficacy . 271 Theresa Odello, Eddie Hill, and Edwin Gomez Environmental Education as a Catalyst for Behavior Change: A Study of the Effects of Coastwatch Magazine on Subscriber Environmental Knowledge and Behavior . 277 David Graefe and Hans Vogelsong Understanding Recreational Events and Restorative Character at the U .S . Coast Guard Academy . 283
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