AUGUST 20, 2010 VOLUME 41, NUMBER 33 WWW.MCBH.USMC.MIL Hawaii Marine READY, TEAM SHOGUN Pfc. John Robbart |Courtesy Photo Hawaii makes spice illegal Kristen Wong Photojournalist Former Army soldier Byran Roudebush pled guilty this week to “attempted assault” after allegedly smoking the drug known as “spice” and subsequently attacking his girlfriend in April, according to a report by KITV4. Roudebush, whose crime cost him his military career, is an example of a service member recently affected by this new drug. It was banned months ago by military services, including U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacifi c. This month, the Narcotics Enforcement Division of the Hawaii State Department of Public Safety has followed suit, classifying Spice as a “schedule one” drug, and making possession a felony. “It’ll be treated like any other dangerous drug [like ice or heroin],” said Keith Kamita, chief of the NED. A “schedule one” drug is considered dangerous and has no medical purpose, he said. Violation of the law may result in fi nes and imprisonment. Making the narcotic illegal was prompted partially through communication with the military and learning of their experience with Spice. The Roudebush incident also contributed to the emergency scheduling by Public Safety, according to the KITV4 report. According to MarForPac Order 5355.2, the possession of both spice and a drug known as salvia divinorum are prohibited. Salvia was already classifi ed as a schedule one drug last year by the NED. With the drug’s new status in the state, the military is able to work with the United States Attorney’s offi ce to prosecute civilians who possess, use or distribute the drug Lance Cpl. Tyler Main | Hawaii Marine aboard a federal installation, according to Nayda Team Shogun 1st Lt. Trevor Thomas, human intelligence offi cer, tends to an injured Iraqi role player after a simulated im- Mannle, supervisory special agent, Naval Criminal provised explosive device blast August 13, during a pre-deployment evaluation at Marine Corps Training Area Bellows. Investigative Service. Thomas and the rest of Iraq Military Transition Team 973 from III Marine Expeditionary Force on Marine Corps Camp Semdley D. Butler, Okinawa, Japan are deploying to Iraq to train and support Iraqi Marines. See A4-5. See SPICE, A-7 Watch out for road Marine sniper earns award for valor closures today Sgt. Juan D. Alfonso in their hide? of guy he is. He’s a good leader.” U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacifi c For Sgt. Michael G. Dowling, it Dowling, a scout sniper and tomorrow was a no-brainer. who currently serves as the CAMP H. M. SMITH — The “He made sure every one of noncommissioned offi cer in Kristen Wong “hide” is a sniper’s safe haven. us got out fi rst,” said Cpl. Daniel charge for Regional Operations Photojournalist It’s a hole they dig, cover with Hilsdorf, a scout sniper with 2nd and Plans, U.S. Marine Corps camoufl age and live in for days or Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment. Forces, Pacifi c, has deployed to Multiple roads will be closed today and tomor- weeks at a time. “He was the last one out and combat four times. row for two construction projects. Today, waterline But what happens when a refused to leave until he knew we construction will take place on Mokapu Road, be- sniper and his team fi nd a bomb were all safe. That’s just the kind See SNIPER, A-7 tween D and E Streets. This portion of the road will be closed until 4:30 p.m. Drivers are encouraged to take a detour using D, 4th and E Streets. Tomorrow, from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., waterline construction will also cause inbound traffi c coming through the main gate to take a detour right on 3rd Street. Outbound traffi c will still be able to leave through the main gate, but by turning right onto G Street from 3rd Street. The Facilities Department estimates completion of the waterline project by the end of September. In addition, several more streets have already been closed to traffi c for the completion of Forest City Hawaii’s Mololani Housing Project, scheduled to end in 2012. Crews on Mokapu Road, 3rd, and G Streets have been working on replacing old water pipes below ground, according to Philip Lum, engineering branch head, Facilities Department. These cast iron pipes, which were installed in the 1940s, are cor- roding, and will be replaced by plastic pipes. Lum said the plastic pipes do not corrode and should last longer. Once the pipes are replaced, crews will have to pressure test the pipes, to ensure that there are no leaks present. In addition, when the pipes have been replaced, the trench that was built to access the pipes must be repaved. Because the water pipes have had to be replaced, water service has been cut off to certain buildings Sgt. Juan D. Alfonso | U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacifi c Col. John Lowrey, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacifi c’s Regional Operations and Plans offi cer in charge, presents Sgt. See ROAD, A-7 Michael G. Dowling a Bronze Star with “V” device for valor July 6. Inside today’s Hawaii Marine Weekend Forecast Wounded Warriors Deploying your battle it out devil dogs Saturday Sunday Wounded service members Learn how to ship your Sunny Sunny from MCB Hawaii battle the pets to paradise, C-1 Army Warrior Transition High — 84 High — 84 Battalion in basketball, B-1 Low — 73 Low — 73 A-2 • AUGUST 20, 2010 HAWAII MARINE NEWS BRIEFS Flying high with Jacquie B Road Closures Today and Tomorrow Kristen Wong the age of 50. At the time she was Be aware of road closures for fi nal trench repavement Photojournalist training under a retired air show as part of a waterline construction project aboard Marine pilot who encouraged her to start Corps Base Hawaii. Leaving a trail of brownish, white performing. Today: Closure of Mokapu Road to all traffi c between smoke like a signature in the sky, “I really enjoyed it,” Warda said. “D” and “E” Streets, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Motorists “Jacquie B” Warda shoots straight “It was kind of by accident. It wasn’t on Mokapu Road encountering this Closure will be up into a periwinkle abyss, her something I dreamed about. I was asked to detour around the closed section via “D,” 4th, engine growling at the bright sun just happy to fl y.” and “E” Streets. above. With a toe-tapping musical Today, Warda practices fl ying fi ve Tomorrow: “G” Street/3rd Street intersection will be background and narration of her days a week in 30-minute sessions. closed, from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Inbound traffi c entering every move, her Pitts S-1T Biplane She owns and fl ies her striking Pitts from the H-3 gate will be required to turn right onto draws loops and does numerous S1-T Biplane. With a climb rate of 3rd Street. Outbound traffi c to exit the H-3 gate will be consecutive fl ips. And she’ll bring 3,000 feet per minute, she describes required to approach the intersection from 3rd Street, that excitement here next month it as “very fast” and “very aerobatic.” then turn onto “G” Street. at the Kaneohe Bay Air Show Sept. She said the most challenging Point of contact is Philip Lum at 257-6900. 25-26. aspect of fl ying her plane is landing “I’m just very excited to go to a tail wheel aircraft at 100 miles per Help Special Olympics This Weekend Hawaii and fl y,” said Warda, who hour. has fl own in more than 200 air “It’s just a joy to fl y,” Warda said. Volunteers are needed for the Special Olympics shows. Having graced many skies “It’s a very small airplane — easy Aukake Classic Competition which will be held at the including San Diego, Seattle and to drill around the sky. [I can fl y] Waiau District Park in Pearl City tomorrow and Sunday. Windsor, Ontario, Warda will make with two fi ngers on the stick. It’s For more information, contact Cindy Ujimori at her fi rst appearance in the Aloha extremely capable of anything I can [email protected] or 695-3527. State. “It’s something I haven’t put it through.” done before and I’m really looking Over the years, Warda has left a Women’s Equality Day Observance forward to it.” lasting impression as she performs Chief Warrant Offi cer 5 Pete for air shows across the country. U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacifi c will be hosting the “Wheeler” O’Hare, director, Ed Noyallis, the air show director 2010 Women’s Equality Day Observance in honor of Kaneohe Bay Air Show, describes her for the Kansas City Expo, has women everywhere at the Pollock Theater Conference as performance as “fl awless,” and worked with Warda for four air Room at Camp H.M. Smith on Monday, Aug. 23. “smooth.” One never knows what shows, and described her as “the The event begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. There tricks she may have up her sleeve most punctual and most effi cient of will be guest speakers and panel members guiding the this time. all the performers.” program. Contact Gunnery Sgt. McCutcheon at 477- Not only is she a delight in the “[Warda is] a very pleasant person 8647 or Master Sgt. Mason at 257-7720.
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