Bulletin of the Native Plant Society of Oregon Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation and study of Oregon’s native plants and habitats VOLUME 50, NO. 7 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2017 2017 Annual Meeting Recap: Land of Umpqua For an in-depth recap and photos of one Roseburg locales, and Wolf Creek. On Susan Carter (botanist with the Rose- of this year’s annual meeting field trips, Saturday, nine trips included hikes to burg BLM office), Marty Stein (USFS visit Tanya Harvey’s “Plants and Places” Beatty Creek, Bilger Ridge, Fall Creek botanist), and Rod Trotter. blog, westerncascades.com/2017/06/21/ Falls, Hemlock Lake, King Mountain, Field trip participants were treated weather-woes-at-hemlock-lake Limpy Rock, Lookout Mountain, Tah- to views of the regionally unique en- NPSO members traveled to the kenitch Dunes, and Twin Lakes. Partici- demic species, including Calochortus Land of Umpqua June 9–11 for the pants at higher locations were treated coxii (crinite mariposa lily, named for 2017 Annual Meeting, jointly hosted by to a little snow (just enough to enhance Marvin Cox), Calochortus umpquaensis the Umpqua Valley and Corvallis Chap- the fun) but those at lower sites found (Umpqua mariposa lily), and Kalmiopsis ters. This location, situated at a “botani- primarily pleasant (if a bit drizzly) fragrans (fragrant kalmiopsis) along with cal crossroads” between the California weather. Sunday’s adventures trekked the threatened Lupinus oreganus (Kin- Floristic Province and the Vancouverian to the North Bank Preserve, Roseburg caid’s lupine). Noting some highlights Floristic Province, combined with par- locales, Wolf Creek, Beatty Creek, and from one trip, Gail Baker reports from ticular geological formations, allowed Bilger Ridge. Our knowledgeable field the Limpy Rock hike: exploration of the high plant diversity in trip leaders included: Tanya Harvey, "Although Kalmiopsis fragrans was area, including many species near their Bruce Waugh, Dan Luoma, Aaron Roe just past peak-bloom we still enjoyed northern or southern range limits and (botanist, Roseburg BLM), Sam Fried- what remained of the delicate pink several species endemic to the region. man (USFWS botanist), Ken Carloni flowers. It was the variety of non- Five Friday field trips explored Be- (biology professor, UCC), Scot Loring, photosynthetic relatives, just starting to atty Creek, Bilger Ridge, North Bank, Chris Rush (retired USFS botanist), come up, that were the real delights: Al- lotropa virgata (candy stick), Pterospora andromedea (pinedrops), and Hemitomes congestum (gnome plant). Abundant continued on page 8 In This Issue 2018 Fellows Nominations ...2 New EarthShare Liaison ........2 Donation Doubling..............2 NPSO Calendar................. 3 Other Events ................... 5 New Grass Key ................. 5 New NPSO Members .......... 6 A NPSO Contacts .................9 UOM L Friends of OFP ............... 10 AN D Attendees at the annual meeting banquet. August/September 2017 1 Call for Nominations for 2018 Fellows OCIE T S TY N O A F L Award P O R E E V The Fellows Committee has developed guidelines for recognizing NPSO mem- G I O T bers for their exceptional contributions to the Society. The award comes with a cer- A N N tificate of recognition and lifetime membership in the Society. The guidelines are available online at http://www.npsoregon.org/documents/NPSO_Fellows.4-4-16. pdf or by request from the Fellows Committee at [email protected]. Fo 1 unded 196 Nominations for the Fellows Award should be submitted to the Fellows Committee at [email protected] before December 31 (earlier submission Native Plant is encouraged). Nominations must include an essay describing the nominee’s ac- Society of Oregon complishments and a good quality digital photo of the nominee that is suitable for publication. The Fellows Committee will evaluate nominations that meet the submission criteria and recommend awardees to the State Board. Awards will be World Wide Web presented at the next annual meeting. Biographies and photos of recipients will be http://www.NPSOregon.org posted on the NPSO website. E-mail Discussion List To join, send a message to [email protected], with New EarthShare Liaison the following in the body of the Please welcome Claire Carder, who has volunteered to be the EarthShare message: subscribe npso Oregon liaison. Claire is a long time NPSO member who recently retired. Claire General Business Address lives in Portland and already knows Jan Wilson, executive director of EarthShare P.O. Box 902 Oregon. Eugene, OR 97440 or correspond directly with Officers and Committee Chairs listed on the inside of the back page. Your Employer May Double Your Donation Membership Inquiries Only Matt Morales Thinking of contributing to NPSO? If you donate through EarthShare Or- P.O. Box 80714 egon, your employer may pitch in too! Your employer may match your donation Portland, OR 97280 dollar-for-dollar! That’s what these great companies have pledged to do: Bulletin of the Native American Express Norm Thompson Outfitters Plant Society of Oregon Axium NW Natural Editor: Erika Wedenoja Datalogic Moda Health Layout Artist: Cat Mead Entercom Organically Grown Co. ISSN 0884-5999. Published 10 times per year. Subscription price speci- Green Mountain Energy Portland General Electric fied in Membership Form printed on Hewlett Packard The Standard inside back cover page of this issue. Iberdrola Renewables Toyota Date and issue number on page 1. JPMorgan Chase UnitedHealth Group The submission date is the 10th of each month for the following Kaiser Permanente Wal-Mart l month’s issue except for the Aug/ McKenzie River Broadcasting Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Sept issue which is July 24 and the Metropolitan Group Dec/Jan issue which is November 24. Send submissions by e-mail to By giving through payroll contribution with EarthShare, you can spread your [email protected]. donation out over a year’s time. No personal checks to write or credit card numbers Opinions expressed in this publica- to give out—the money is automatically donated from your regular paycheck. tion are those of the authors of the To learn more about EarthShare Oregon and workplace giving campaigns, visit articles. They do not represent the earthshare-oregon.org. opinions of the Native Plant Society of Oregon, unless so stated. 2 NPSO Bulletin NPSO Calendar State Notes 503-435-2401. ways to easily distinguish each conifer September 28, Thursday, 7 pm as well as some tricks to help everyone NPSO State Board Meeting remember the differences. For more Program: Native Conifers of information on the topic, visit Ken's October 14, Saturday, 10 am–2 Northwest Oregon. Using live samples pm website, nwconifers.com. Location: and photographs, Oregon Master McMinnville Public Library, see above The next State Board meeting will be Naturalist Ken Denniston will help us for details. hosted by the Mid-Columbia Chapter learn to identify each of the 18 conifers at the Hood River Library. native to northwest Oregon. Using a Corvallis Save the (Changed) Date! unique, staged approach to the topic, For questions, information on upcoming NPSO Annual Meeting 2018 the presentation will include simple events, or to be on the Corvallis chapter e- June 1–3, Friday–Sunday mail list, contact co_president@NPSOre- gon.org. The next Annual Meeting will be co- IMPORTANT NOTE TO hosted by the Portland and High Desert FIELD TRIP PARTICIPANTS Chapters. Please note the date change: Field trips take place rain or Emerald June 1–3, Friday–Sunday, in Prineville. shine, so proper dress and Visit the Emerald Chapter Web site at footwear are essential. BRING http://emerald.npsoregon.org to learn more Blue Mountain WATER AND LUNCH. Trips may about the latest chapter events, plant lists For information on Blue Mountain be strenuous and/or hazard- & botanical information about Lane Chapter call Jerry Baker,541-566- ous. Participation is at your County plants & the people who love them. 2244. To get on our email list, contact own risk. Be prepared to sign September 29, Friday, 7 pm a release form indicating this. [email protected]. A sample waiver form is avail- Program: Travels in the Countryside able at http://npsoregon.org/ of Russia. Presented by Dr. Nadja Cheahmill documents/NPSO_waiver.pdf. Nikolaeva of the Forest Research Insti- For questions, or to be added to the Please contact the trip leader tute of the Karelian Research Center of Cheahmill Chapter's email list for re- or chapter representative about the Russian Academy of Sciences. She minders of upcoming programs and difficulty, distance, and terrain will take us to different regions in Rus- events, please contact the Cheahmill to be expected on field trips. sia including the North (Karelia, Mur- Dogs are not allowed. All NPSO Chapter President at ch_president@ mansk), Central (Moscow, Pskov) and NPSOregon.org. field trips are open to the pub- lic at no charge (other than Far East (Sakchalin) and show different Meeting and work party location: contribution to carpool driver) types of vegetation and landscapes, Carnegie Room, McMinnville Public and newcomers and visitors are especially birch. This is Dr. Nikolaeva’s Library, 225 NW Adams St. (corner of always welcome. You must pre- first visit to Oregon. Co-sponsored by Highway 99W and SW Second St.), register for all events. National NPSO and the Obsidians. Location: McMinnville. Parking lot entrances on Forests require a Northwest the Obsidian Lodge located just south- Adams and Second Streets. Forest Pass for some field trip east of Laurelwood Golf Course. Please locations. Permits can be ac- visit obsidians.org for directions. August 26, Saturday, 10 am–noon quired at forest headquarters September 30, Saturday, 10 am- and ranger districts. Stay Tuned! noon October NOTICE TO FIELD TRIP Work Party: Native Plant Garden. Program: Little Shops of Horror— CHAIRS AND LEADERS Join the NPSO Garden Crew working Oregon's Carnivorous Plants. Pre- around the Carnegie Building.
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