Vol. 49 Madison, Tennessee, 37115, January-March, 1967 No. 1 California Chapter Meets Lottie Stewart gave the history. A few New East Wing Opened thoughts gleaned from that paper About one h u n d r e d Californian follows: Patients were moved into the two Madisonites met Saturday night, Feb- "You might say that welfare work upper floors of the new East Wing of ruary 18, at Clifton's Cafeteria in West started at Madison in 1904 — the same Madison Hospital on January 24 and Covina, according to Mrs. C. E. Ran- year the institution was founded . 25. Medical patients occupy third floor, dolph, secretary of the chapter. Dr. There was no organization then, with and pediatrics patients are on the sec- Randolph is the chapter president and officers, and designated duties, but there ond floor. The first and ground floors was chairman of the meeting. Mrs. was a leader, fondly called `Mother D.' will be ready in early April and will Randolph gives further details as fol- In those days there were great needs in be occupied by Physical Therapy, Occu- lows: various parts of the world, and tender- pational T he r a p y, and Corrective "Everyone passed through the serving hearted people sent clothing here to the Therapy. line at the cafeteria, and we all joined Madison School. Even wealthy people Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Seely have in eating together in a reserved Kellogg in California and other far-away places moved to Madison, where the doctor, a Room. A joyous time of visiting and sent dried fruit and clothing also for physiatrist, is director of Physical Medi- renewing old acquaintances was engaged the mission barrels. Some of these gar- cine and Rehabilitation at the hospital. in by all. The accommodations were ments were given to poor students who He has the pleasure of heading up this really too small for our crowd, so we were anxious to obtain a Christian edu- new department in the new East Wing. moved out into the main dining area for cation. Some were packed in barrels and Dr. Seely completed his residency in most of our program. sent to the `Units' and other places." Phiysical Medicine and Rehabilitation at "Special music was brought to us by Tribute was paid to Mrs. Elizabeth the V.A. Hospital, Long Beach, Calif. students of LLU. Mr. Tui Pittman, a Bowen (mother of Bernard) and Mrs. He is a graduate of LLU, Class of 1953. graduate student, rendered two saxo- George Bartlett, among the early Dorcas Mrs. Seely is a registered nurse and is phone solos and Miss Faye Heath a vocal leaders, and later Mrs. Julian Gant. This on the nursing staff of Madison Hospital. solo, accompanied by Miss Carol Witt- was before a building was erected. Much man. Speaker of the evening was Ogden credit was given to Dollie Bowen for Aaby, former Madison College student continually dreaming and agitating the and staff member. He told us of his ac- need for a building. The foundation was A.D. Nurses' Dormitory News tivities in the mission field and also his laid in early 1960, and the building be- experiences in the making of soybean came a reality, although the building Classes have been held for some time products. Mr. Aaby, presently on fur- was not completed until February, 1967, in the new brick educational building lough, is under appointment to return just before dedication. The building is back of the E. R. Moore residence across to the Far Eastern Division as business located on Sanitarium Road between the from the hospital. The young women in manager of the Youngberg Memorial hospital and Larkin Spring Road. Miss the two-year A.D. nursing program Hospital in Singapore. Vandermark said this was the 2,763rd moved into the new nurses' dormitory "One of the highlights of the evening center established around the world. January 26, 1967. Fifteen nursing stu- was the showing of Kodachrome slides dents are living there at present. The of the new hospital at Madison, fur- rooms are all carpeted and have a bath- nished by the P.R. Department of the REMEMBER HOMECOMING, APRIL 28, 29 room between each two rooms. hospital It was with some nostalgia for Remember Homecoming at Madison the last Mrs. Betty Ann Howard, dean of old Madison that the pictures were week-end in April. Please write us if you plan to women, and her 11-year-old son, Frank viewed. We all rejoiced that so beauti- come. and wish overnight lodging. (Also write, IV, occupy the dean's apartment. Mrs. ful a plant has supplanted the old. even if you plan to stay with friends or at a Howard attended Pine Forest Academy Everyone wishes it well as it serves motel.) Dr. R. F. Waddell, secretary of the Gen- in the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades. Mr. mankind in that area. eral Conference Medical Department. will be the and Mrs. A. J. Wheeler were two of "The place for the next meeting was chief speaker. The Saturday night program will be her teachers. chosen as Loma Linda, the date to be in in the hospital cafeteria this year, instead of Mrs. Howard attended Highland Acad- August, specific day to be chosen later." Williams Hall. Tickets are $2.00 each, and space emy and took her nurses' training and will be somewhat limited. It will be helpful if anesthesia at the University Hospital reservations are made ahead of time. in Birmingham, Ala. She worked two years in the V.A. Hospital in Bronx, Dorcas Building Dedicated Class of '42 to be Honored N.Y., taught anesthesia for nurses at A goodly number from the Silver Anniversary University Hospital, Birmingham, and The Health and Welfare Center at Class of '42 have responded. Some plan to be pres- St. Vincent College, Worcester, Mass., Madison was dedicated February 26. ent at Homecoming. and others have written let- and is now teaching anesthesia at Madi- Maybelle Vandermark was present from ters. These will be printed in the next SURVEY son Hospital part time. She is the widow the General Conference, and Elder W. after Homecoming. If you haven't responded yet, of Frank Howard, M.D., a graduate of L. Mazat from the Southern Union. Mrs. please let us hear from you. U.T. College of Medicine, Memphis. Alumni Donate Organ and Fireplace to Madison and fulfilling a lifelong Professional Pins Available dream to take X-ray, and he always The Schools of Medical Technology, The alumni voted sometime ago to wanted to take it at Madison. Mr. Cruz allocate $2,500 of the building funds X-ray, and Inhalation Therapy at Madi- is married to the former Sara Vinas, son Hospital have recently designed to furnishings for the new nurses' dormi- and they have one son, Obed Ismael. tory. Still later it was decided to spend class pins which are now available to all this money on an organ and a fireplace School of Medical Technology graduates of these programs. (Earlier for the dormitory parlor. The fireplace Warren Watts ('58) and Fe Resuello, the School of Anesthesia designed a of craborchard stone was built at the recent graduates of .Medical Technology pin.) Each pin carries an appropriate are now working in the Madison Hos- symbol. The pins are blue enamel and time the building was erected. On Feb- pital lab. Mrs. Watts (Phyllis Cullen) is gold plate. They are approximately the ruary 24, a beautiful walnut Hammond taking X-ray. size of a quarter. The price is $5.00. organ was delivered to the parlor. Ap- and Eliza Bautista propriate plaques are being installed to Beatriz Domingo Checks should be made out to Madison show the donors of these gifts. (both M.T. '66) are working in the clin- Hospital. Requests should be forwarded Previously the alumni had furnished ical lab of Lutheran Hospital in Cleve- to the department head — John C. Acker- land, Ohio. They came to Madison from man, technical director, School of Medi- the E. A. Sutherland Memorial Chapel the Philippines to finish their medical at the hospital, and the girls' parlor at cal Technology; William V. Campbell, technology course after graduating from technical director, School of X-ray; John Williams Hall. Centro Escolar University in Manila. Fe Nickless, technical director, School of Resuello (M.T. '66) is staying on at Mad- Inhalation Therapy; Bernard Bowen, ison Hospital lab. director, School of Anesthesia. Community Classes Three new students have arrived from Community people have opportunity to the Philippines to take Medical Tech- Professional Nurses Pins enroll in one or two classes taught in nology. They are Delores David, Lolita Now and then a graduate nurse writes the A.D. Nursing Program at Madison. Rubic, and Delia Razon. the alumni office saying a pin has been Elder Ray Hartlein taught such a class School of Anesthesia lost, and wondering how to get another in Prophetic Guidance the first semester, Helen Beard and James Shilling are one. These pins have to be ordered and is teaching Principles of Personal new students in Anesthesia. through the Nursing Education office Evangelism the second semester. Also Senior students affiliating at other here at Madison. There are four choices, being taught during the second semester hospitals are Mrs. Jean Fitch, Vera depending on the size and number of is a class in Literature and Life by Bergman, Janice Musselwhite, and initials, ranging from $5.45 to $8.75, plus Elizabeth Cowdrick. Brenda Knight. ten cents for each initial. Guards for Carolyn Bautista (Anes. '67) has re- either pin are $2.59 each.
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