
-••'• '•" "•• —^r'* **" '''''' '"'''"' ;V|-'' '' ' ' -^ •—^- •'-'.' .'.'—- '• —!""'"'' ,J.-*Lu~.^L i '•' ' 'n •-' •- '"'ri'i'ir" '^M'^- •'""-'•'•'*'• " ' ' ' '••'••' mi i.i'n.. '•rutnlajr ''" ' ;'i'.|i —J-~. ,»'. *>- "' •'•'- • •. • • * •' 0- •• • >v.....•'''•'' THE' CRANFORD Cl'l'lZKN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 „_„*•' ' f .-'••/ Army last April and completed") it was announced this Ore ensemble singing two selec- v ' • basic training ot 'Camp*' Breckxn- tions, ~~ Scout Wins Citation Cranford, Garwood T(, £•,•''>.?' ridge, Ky. - ,, •-.,< .^ Prindpalls. i»=the firmvare Anne's Albert and Artn^-Meurer, and pur- y groups will be Joyce Skgggs, . ' ' " | !f • • -. ' |friMt&-iihHeart^^v«^ f' tl e business is the sales WiUiam Canteen Dances Planned Jacobsen. Jean Belden,- Susan Maher, eighth grade Cranfqrd wasUwong j l Tjnioa and service of, domestic water soft- Laird-and Carole Smith. James •student at Sittj Michael's School, re- County communjjte^hich-ibppa 8 For Local Young People ceived a heroism citation recently Lenney of the musk; faculty will their quotas In tfie annual i^, GAR\yoppj— A teen-age can- also play several, accompaniments from Union Council, Boy Scouts of iiineiabfe on the. organ. •; America.- - raising drive of the Union Com,,. * Church Cagers Defeat teen dance will be -''sponsored fTC Proceeds f/om this concert past winter, he res- Heart Association. Untj seventh and eighth grade students Central Railroad cf-New Jerseyj go tow-artf the' Organ Fund;,. cued an eight-year-old boy from Cranford's goal was $2 IM .» has- bten authorized by the Public 8 Fire Department Teams by the Recreation Commission ""btT-j Hammond -organ was purchased the -Rahway River. He is a mem- and $3,418 Wgs raised. Ga'rwol 0AkW(H)D ITENILWOBTH Utilities • Commission for the high school auditorium last ber, of Boy Scout Troop- 78, spon- also exceeded its goal ol $502^32ih. For .Recreation Title Lincoln School ^tomorrow night, it effect on ApriA l 25 a complete revi- b} 1 December. ' .- sored by^St. Michael's Church. collecting *745.06U . , ,GARWOOB~ Winning-a play- was announced by "Joseph Troiano, sion of its' main line train schedule. Concert t 1 Vol. LXL No. 1L d u second tclass off contest 4>y-a-4core ofTjSO to 47, director of. trie Friday night affairs Under . the new plan, Cranford GRANFORD, J&- ^a^fr. the.team sponsored. byjrlHeuChurch <jiPthe commission; will become- the huh of the Douglas Changes Plea f^f j^| Anno tnnto tft i 'of Hie Boys'- Basketball' League" 1 commuter" trains to "New^York and ig^fndictment be ping pong and other games, Mr intermedintp statinn.'i -lyill -start-, About 250- students will- partici- J^ sponsored by the Commission., from Troianp oxphiirrfdr' ••-••—— County- Judge Edward 'A. MC- fiO MONEY Citizens Committee Names Campaign Leaders ne 'F Departmentpr , q.quinlit'iat from terminals at Hampton, Rari-V pate in the annual', spring concert Grath has permitted li9-year-oH mtar Lincoln'SchBGhBGJJ . TuesdaTd y nijjhijhu A similar proKram will, be held tan. Plainfield and,Cranford. Each t pg 'or boys and Kirl.s of, nigh school whichihh wili l be presented on April 9 JosepftTToutflas of 95 Benjamin > DOWN Fii-st There were more than 100 present train, wilt-.rnake enough steps KoP _js5treet to retract a plea of non vult MONTHLY to' watch.>'thewgaine> ' .'-••-..• •-.-;.,'. jie ori- April 9. fill its cars and then jjroceed non- iy the Music Department, Twenty High School Students 'ord High School; The .„.. -,„ .„.!:„. .*„_ «-l_3akjJjg an(j 1 __ The Fire Department, ttam "Won stop to. Jersey City. Evening ^ entering in . v._i. Twenty Cranfdrd High'.School'students, including 11 seniors Die first round of league compe-. muter tran-s will reverse the-pro" Glee Clubs, High School Glee March 23, 1953. __L:J and nine juniors, have been elected to the National Honor Society. -". tition. and lost to St.'' Anne's in a xwiure=_No_prpVision'Js^. d^to Clubs, Choir~and~Orchesira"Twlir — Stewardship- Tby-passed stations up the •nc :"A"ncw pjea of not guilty was ap-^ fTHey, JolrThirie junior's7^h"6"were^elected'"'•to> the l^!efy"la^t~iyearj' • —recent;contest to deciderfirst'placc takopart. ',, •: , '' ...«..-" A BRANI^NEW in the«e<ohd round. '.'•.. During non-commuter ^ hours, proved when bis counsel, Seymour . • . Named at the recent election at the local" high school were: .. With ;i ;;u:il, MI $10,01X1 tf.Vtialile. JFollowjng the playoff Tuesday, service will be on an hourly sched- G. CUFORD THOMAS A varied program has been Lichtenstein, reported new' evi- i'"> thci^i'td sl.tn' c»\ku^c<i\,,i'\t Tlieir ' dence, prompted'the action.' -He did Seniors—Diane Austin, William Douglas, .Ruth Goetz, Ann Hackett, team trophies were presented U> Contest Entries ule.- Stations between Jersey City wh(J wdsTguest of honor Tuesday planned • concluding with the en-'not .disclose, details!;' :pl"L]Juj.ed.-luTirU|ii;)i'tor^'l)tiild'ing on .: the winnere aand rurtners-up by aijd Cranford will ]6e served, by evening at a dinner at the Eliz- KOOF -^ SIDEWAIX -PAINT JOB Margot Stein, David Crarte; B^r- *-: Oh Fund Canvass Committee ' -Mrs. H. C: Werglano^. se<yetaiy.'of GARWOOD—Miss Janice Smol- local trains and stations West of abeth Carteret Hotel, Elizabeth. bara J. Brown/ -Marjorie R' Cfn'cru.Ml, avomic at Not'In at/e- the Recreation Commission.' Joseph ley. local, director for the' thirty- Cianfoid wijl be served, by trains A member of the General -.As- ALIJMINUM GUTTERS bart. Jack- Magan, Sue Eschen- mic, i as;., iiieir.bcr.-; ot^ (K'cTTirst, ^'^^}'3 1 and LEADERS Aid'Stiimtl will cmuliiH :t hnii.'^-_j Ti athletic director for "the seconti annual stewardship' Con- operating non-stop from { Jersey sembly since 19.44, Mr. Thomas SPECIALIZING IN FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS Iauer and Hugh Mair;'and junioi .'• .•'':-•. Wfl • commission, was i n chargeh ' of the test of the Evangelical •• and Rtf="{t;"itv to CranfiirH nnrt thpn In R i-j' 1 let :t<»-h.ouso i-;iiiv:iKs. (n|- -fumls frnm • a r •"•;ieaEue~ ^"~ -r--~r—*-•--• -^ *rtD6n Klein,. Barbara Thiede, ;eE ^ ^ "foi:med~~Chijrch, this Week" an- tan with- stops at the; principal sta- of. the few assemblymen to have ooqs M;iy l-.i in. :!:f; it-was-'dei'idfd' at Betty Ann Apgar, Lajry .Pethick.v Individual trophies also went to nounced the -completion of- nine tions. Local- uiid^Expres"s trains been the presiding officer three •i\juiu:t''i nu'ctiTit: in (he .Sluincipal-. •the/following members of j.ttic entries frorin St. Paul";; Churi'hr will connect atrCranford. ...... ' -.' times. He was House majority Alum. Comb. and. Doors Lee Ferguson, Cherry Lou Rci- "•Buildj.ng Mi'iul.iy•lUyh!.'. '.- . ~ . championship St. Anne's ;squad: wr/ich were .-sent to the- Hev. J.O.W. AH steam locomotives will.be re* . leader in 1950 and last year. Vnan, Zoralee ••; Zone, Theresa Sclpuitvr of Brooklyn for1. Synod Kenneth Reinhardt, Vinxent^Wep- placed by. Diesel locomotives or -•- The dinner-was-, attfendjgf by Heineman and Jean Liska. •Walter-. M. O<f!»i)or-.. w;is ; nnmeVl '•i .precht, Anthony and James Zap- '' '-propelled rail Diesel'cars. The many local' Republican The following- seniors' were 'chairm:!n f«n' tl 10 fund (liiv*. Hc"T' pulla, Richard Gindel. James Cas- The Key. Walter C. Pugh^pastrfir improvements are expect- and perosnal, friends. • PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS QVALITY 1 : WORK AT WWEST PRICES elected, to membership in thp so- Vocal, Instrumental «'ini)'>unce'd iipii'oiritinont ,'. of'f Ed- •' f'i'viv .. ale and Leonard RataskiC . of .the. )<ical'-chureh, expressed the ed "to cost morpiha~6 tthan $2,333,000. 10d JEFFERSON AVE. Mr. Troi&no ^announced that congregation's pleasure with* .the ciety last'.spring: Richard Alber.tr Croups at High $cliool ward C. ML'M:ih<m ;iii<l .'iohn V.- plans, are being compk-ted for a quantity and' quality of the en- Form New Company Martin Bldi. — Street HMW son, Rudolf Metzncr, Blanche. .Nostr<ind. ,to his executi'Ve com- ' wJSeriior Baseball League for Gar- tries: National winners will be Projects f)iscugged DU-ALL INC. 5-1416 Farina, Joan Lofgren,- Gertrude To Present Program '.'rhittctvj£or..tn> 1cni>'p:iii'ii. ll;irold wood boys. Interested boys 13 announced in June; following A new partnership, the A &• A ElJ 2-2340 Ramsey, IVlabyn Reeves^ .Nancy 'Comptoh. "of'-t^ht; Suhuihtm Trust ill .". years of age and older" are re- judging in- Cleveland, O. By DeMolay Mothers - Soft Water Equipment Company, The annual spring concert of; l 12 North avenue, west, has! been 137 W. 2nd Ave. Reinert, Gail Sassi and. Elinor Company-will server ;m. trt';isuri r. quested to get in touch, with Entries from' St. Paul's Were as .Fund-raising projects were dis- •Steams Cranford-High' Schbolwil^beTire^:" '"Mr. Ctftiper "t-xpIiiiMod th.'" "1U . director. '-,':.. follows: d-' 'y Mrs. .Hettie MMeiee r aa t aa ; At the organization meeting of scnted tomorrow evening TrFlhef" dates for the -driw-woro seloctetl r-?f^i' *f ••'. Group A. Learning.'About Jesus:. meetirig of the Mothers' Circle of ..'•,...'• Men In Service. Dorothy Ann Griffin, "Jesus; '• theBremner Chapter, Order of. DeMo- the group,. Rudolf Metzner was school auditoj-ium at "8:15 by the to include twrt week-cuds, during., -ii GARWOOD — Army Pvt. Wil Church- and Me," a poem; Shirley lay, at. the;" M&sonic. .Temple last elected president and-...Blanche' Music Department. ' Wenzel, "The Cross Road,*' .a poem. Thursday night.' Mrs., Betty Cic- Farina secretary-treasurer. The made to sittair/ the RO;II. liam R^Staruck, son of Mr. and / Among the groups performing Mrs. Andrew Staruck, 96 Third Group B, Becoming a Follower cone presided. ;..:...' Cranford Chapter of the National . The squad h<ipci* to be able to. avenue, recently arrived in Korea of Jes,us: 'Jane .Shubu, ."Follow Mrs., Leo Dworkin led the clos- .Honor Society was originally wiU be the Girls* Glee Club,! construct the proposed, building.
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