Alphabetical List of Entries Abelard, Peter Attributes, Divine Abortion Augustine of Hippo Action Augustinianism Adam Authority Adoptionism Agape Balthasar, Hans Urs von Agnosticism Bañezianism-Molinism-Baianism Albert the Great Baptism Alexandria, School of Baptists Alphonsus Liguori Barth, Karl Ambrose of Milan Basel-Ferrara-Florence, Council of Anabaptists Basil (The Great) of Caesarea Analogy Beatitude Angels Beauty Anglicanism Beguines Anhypostasy Being Animals Bellarmine, Robert Anointing of the Sick Bernard of Clairvaux Anselm of Canterbury Bérulle, Pierre de Anthropology Bible Anthropomorphism Biblical Theology Antinomianism Bishop Antinomy Blessing Antioch, School of Blondel, Maurice Apocalyptic Literature Boethius Apocatastasis Bonaventure Apocrypha Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Apollinarianism Book Apologists Bucer, Martin Apostle Bultmann, Rudolf Apostolic Fathers Apostolic Succession Calvin, John Appropriation Calvinism Architecture Canon Law Arianism Canon of Scriptures Aristotelianism, Christian Carmel Arminianism Casuistry Asceticism Catechesis Aseitas Catharism Athanasius of Alexandria Catholicism Atheism Chalcedon, Council of xiii Alphabetical List of Entries Character Diphysitism Charisma Docetism Chartres, School of Doctor of the Church Childhood, Spiritual Dogma Choice Dogmatic Theology Christ/Christology Donatism Christ’s Consciousness Duns Scotus, John Chrysostom, John Church Ecclesiastical Discipline Church and State Ecclesiology Circumincession Ecology City Ecumenism Cleric Edwards, Jonathan Collegiality Enlightenment Communion Ephesus, Council of Conciliarism Epiclesis Confirmation Epieikeia Congregationalism Erasmus, Desiderius Conscience Erastianism Constance, Council of Eschatology Constantinople I, Council of Eternity of God Constantinople II, Council of Ethics Constantinople III, Council of Ethics, Autonomy of Constantinople IV, Council of Ethics, Medical Consubstantial Ethics, Sexual Consubstantiation Eucharist Contemplation Evil Conversion Evolution Cosmos Exegesis Council Existence of God, Proofs of Couple Exorcism Covenant Experience Creation Expiation Credibility Creeds Faith Crusades Family Cult Family, Confessional Cult of Saints Father Cyprian of Carthage Fathers of the Church Cyril of Alexandria Fear of God Febronianism Dante Fideism Deacon Filiation Deaconesses Filioque Death Flesh Decalogue Freedom, Religious Deism and Theism Freud, Sigmund Deity Fundamental Choice Democracy Fundamental Theology Demons Fundamentalism Descartes, René Descent into Hell Gallicanism Devotio moderna Glory of God Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite Gnosis xiv Alphabetical List of Entries God Israel Good Gospels Jansenism Government, Church Jealousy, Divine Grace Jerusalem Gratian (Francisco Gratiaziano) Jesus, Historical Gregory of Nazianzus Joachim of Fiore Gregory of Nyssa Johannine Theology Gregory Palamas John of the Cross Gregory the Great Judaism Judeo-Christianity Hardening Judgment Healing Jurisdiction Heart of Christ Justice Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Justice, Divine Hegelianism Justification Heidegger, Martin Hell Kant, Immanuel Hellenization of Christianity Kenosis Heresy Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye Hermeneutics Kingdom of God Hesychasm Knowledge of God Hierarchy Knowledge, Divine Hilary of Poitiers History Lamb of God/Paschal Lamb History of the Church Language, Theological Holiness Lateran I, Council Holy Oils Lateran II, Council Holy Scripture Lateran III, Council Holy Spirit Lateran IV, Council Hope Lateran V, Council Humanism, Christian Law and Christianity Hus, Jan Law and Legislation Hypostatic Union Lay/Laity Laying on of Hands Idioms, Communication of Legitimate Defense Idolatry Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhem Images Liberalism Imitation of Christ Liberation Theology Immutability/Impassibility, Divine Liberty Incarnation Life, Eternal Inculturation Life, Spiritual Indefectibility of the Church Limbo Indulgences Literary Genres in Scripture Inerrancy Literature Infallibility Liturgical Year Infinite Liturgy Initiation, Christian Local Church Integrism Loci Theologici Intellectualism Lonergan, Bernard John Francis Intention Love Intercommunion Lubac, Henri Sonier de Intertestament Luther, Martin Irenaeus of Lyons Lutheranism xv Alphabetical List of Entries Lyons I, Council of Notes, Theological Lyons II, Council of Nothingness Novatianism Magisterium Manicheanism Obligation Manning, Henry Edward Omnipotence, Divine Marcionism Omnipresence, Divine Market Economics, Morality of Ontologism Marriage Orders, Minor Martyrdom Ordination/Order Marx, Karl Origen Mary Orthodoxy Mass, Sacrifice of the Orthodoxy, Modern and Contemporary Mathematics and Theology Maximus the Confessor Paganism Mendicant Religious Orders Pagans Mercy Pantheism Messalianism Parable Messianism/Messiah Parousia Methodism Pascal, Blaise Millenarianism Passion Ministry Passions Miracle Passover Mission/Evangelization Pastor Modalism Patriarchate Modernism Pauline Theology Monasticism Peace Monogenesis/Polygenesis Pelagianism Monophysitism Penance Monotheism Pentecostalism Monothelitism/Monoenergism People of God Montanism Person Moses Peter Music Philosophy Mystery Pietism Mysticism Pilgrimage Myth Platonism, Christian Political Theology Name Pope Narrative Positive Theology Narrative Theology Postmodernism Nationalism Praise Natural Theology Prayer Naturalism Preaching Nature Precepts Negative Theology Predestination Neoplatonism Presbyter/Priest Nestorianism Priesthood Newman, John Henry Process Theology Nicaea I, Council of Procreation Nicaea II, Council of Proexistence Nicholas of Cusa Promise Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhem Property Nominalism Prophet and Prophecy xvi Alphabetical List of Entries Proportionalism Simplicity, Divine Protestantism Sin Protocatholicism Sin, Original Providence Situation Ethics Prudence Skepticism, Christian Psalms Society Punishment Solidarity Purgatory Solovyov, Vladimir Puritanism Son of Man Purity/Impurity Sophiology Soul-Heart-Body Quietism Sovereignty Spiritual Combat Race Spiritual Direction Rahner, Karl Spiritual Theology Rationalism Spirituality, Franciscan Realism Spirituality, Ignatian Reason Spirituality, Salesian Reception Stoicism, Christian Regional Church Structures, Ecclesial Relativism Suarez, Francisco Relics Subordinationism Religion, Philosophy of Substance Religions, Theology of Sunday Religious Life Supernatural Renaissance Synergy Resurrection of Christ Synod Resurrection of the Dead Revelation Temple Revelations, Individual Temptation Revolution Tertullian Rhineland-Flemish Mysticism Theological Schools Rites, Chinese Theologumen Rome Theology Theophany Sabbath Theosophy Sacrament Thomas à Kempis Sacrifice Thomas Aquinas SaintVictor, School of Thomism Salvation Tillich, Paul Scandal/Skandalon Time Scapegoat Trace (Vestige) Scheeben, Matthias Joseph Tradition Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Traditionalism Schism Traducianism Schleiermacher, Daniel Friedrich Ernst Translations of the Bible, Ancient Scholasticism Trent, Council of Sciences of Nature Trinity Scripture, Fulfillment of Tritheism Scripture, Senses of Truth Secularization Truths, Hierarchy of Sensus Fidei Tübingen, Schools of Servant of YHWH Sheol Ultramontanism xvii Alphabetical List of Entries Unitarianism/Anti-Trinitarianism Waldensians Unity of the Church War Universalism Wholly Other Universities Wisdom Utilitarianism Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann Woman Validity Word Vatican I, Council of Word of God Vatican II, Council of Work Vengeance of God Works Veracity World Vienne, Council of World Council of Churches Violence Wrath of God Virtues Vision, Beatific Zoroaster Voluntarism Zwingli, Huldrych xviii.
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