TABLE OF CONTENTS The Key 1 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE - PROVINCE MEETINGS OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA 2 EPSILON OMICRON INSTALLED 4 IDAHO HOOP ACE IS ' PRETTY' EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL GOOD! 6 WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM The first college women's magazine. Published continuously since /882 MY FRIENDS ... Fraternity Headquarters, 530 East Town Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 8 YOU HAVE TO TAKE EACH DAY AS IT COMES. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2079, Columbus, Ohio 43216 10 IN MEMORY OF HAZEL HOTCHKISS WIGHTMAN VOLUME 92 NUMBER 1 SPRING 1975 11 ALUMNAE NEWS 16 NOTffiNG IS SO POWERFUL AS Send all editorial material and FRATERNITY Th e Key is printed four times a AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME correspondence to the: HEADQUARTERS year (in FaD, Winter, Spring and A GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY - P.O. Box 2079 Summer), by 19 EDITOR Columbus. Ohio 432 16 Compolith T ypesetting Mrs. David Selby 50 YEARS OF KAPPA B. (Duplicate copies cannot be sent 6600 Guio n Road 6750 Merwin Place Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 25 MAINTAIN THE BRIDGE FOR Wonhington, Ohio 43085 to replace those undelivered through failure to send advance and A FUTURE CROSSING Send all active chapter news and notice.) United Color Press pictures to the: 240 West Fifth Street 27 ALUMNAE CALENDER & Second class postage paid at Dayton, Ohio 45402 ACfiVE CHAPTER EDITOR Columbus, Ohio and at MAGAZINE COUPON Mrs. Willis C. Pflugh , Jr. additional mailing offices, Cover: Riding bicycles is a way 28 WHAT IS YELLOW AND 2359 Juan Street Copyri ght. Kappa Kappa of life at University of Califor­ San Diego, California 921 03 Gamma Fraternity 1975. DANGEROUS? nia of Davis. The cover photo Send all alumnae news and 30 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR pictures to the: Price $1.50 single copy· showing the Davis campus was taken by Ann Began, 33 TOTAL PROGRAMMING ALUMNAE EDITOR Deadline dates are August I, Mrs . E. T aylor Richard son November I. February I, April I charter member EO. She is 35 CAMPUS ffiGHLIGHTS · 2285 Old Orchard Rd. N . E. fo r Fall , Winter, Spring. and also responsible for the other 44 WHAT TO DO WHEN CALENDAR Marietta, Ga. 30062 Summer issues respectively color photos accompanying Printed in U .S.A. 45 FRATERNITY DIRECTORY Send all business items and changes the installation story page 2. of address. six weeks prior to month 54 IN MEMORIAM of publicatipn, to: 55 MEMBERSHIP DATA FORM 56 CAMPUS SIGHTS & SOUNDS 58 PANHELLENIC PANORAMA Letters To The Editor: I just got the Winter issue of The scarab. The hieroglyphics were beauti­ Alpha! She went to the University of Key and wanted to tell you how much I fully cut. I thought - what can I give Michigan for two years before coming to enjoyed it - I'm living on a Coast him, and then remembered my pen. I University of Pennsylvania and being Guard Base on an island in Alaska and offered it to him. He accepted it, ob­ affiliated and being chapter president - I such touches of "home" and school and viously pleased and said he would write never realized this - and she was under friends mean a great d~al. Keep up the me his name on my itinerary. The cura­ the impression that she had been com­ good work. I love to read what the Kap­ tor tells me that the indecipherable script pletely assimilated by BA! pas I know are doing and to read about says "Abdel Hamubb". * I wonder if be Loyally, all the interesting Kappas everywhere. will ever discover what Kappa Kappa Ruth Branning Molloy Jennifer Miller Owens Gamma means! BA-Univ. Pa. fK - William & Mary *Our university Egyptologist says it is Abd El - Mabuud - Abdullah Editor's note: Do correct the by-line, An except from a letter of Rheva Ott Rheva Ott Shryock page 6, Winter 1974 issue to read Anna Shryock while in Cairo, Egypt: BA - Pennsylvania D. Sophocles, Ba-University of I thought you would be amused to Michigan. know there is a sheik, in the desert of the ... ' 'thoroughly enjoyed this issue of Valley of the Kings, climbing up and The Key (Winter 1974) that arrived To Whom it may concern - down the ankle or deeper dusty dirty yesterday - but I must quickly let you It is my fault - I haven't been able to sand with a white pen marked KK r in the know that although Monmouth is re­ forward The Key to Gail as she has pocket of his long arab robe. He is not sponsible for much of our early Kappa scooted all over the world. But now I just any sheik, but the one who is in heritage - they may not have Tade H. think she has finally lit - and will re­ charge of all the antiquities on the west Kuhns - We need her!" main in Hawaii. side of the Nile opposite Luxor. He and Jill Cox Campbell . May I congratulate you on The I were sitting on the wall outside the M-Butler, Delta PDC Key. I liked Marian Graham's poem tomb of Nefertari - no I am wrong, it and the article " Massachusetts Coed was Hatshepsut (I've seen and been in Editor's note: Please correct identifica­ Studies in Greece" . so many I am beautifully confused about tion on color photo, page 67, winter Sincerely yours, 3,000 years of Egyptian history). The issue to read portrait of Tade Hartsuff The Mother of a Kappa group was visiting the tomb of a noble. Kuhns, M-Butler! P.S. When she was still in college the I was so chuck full of dust I decided I mothers, including me, gave much of could see no more. He had seen it many I enjoyed Anna Sophocles' Cyprus time, talents, and money for the local times. We chatted in English and he sud­ story so much but just became aware chapter. In a way, I think I'm more of denly presented me with a little blue that she' s a Beta Delta and not a Beta a Kappa than Gail! Just For Fun ... the typical Kappa Owl, The Key, and The Fleur­ de-lis! These are three happy Kappa actives of Gamma Alpha Chapter who represent the fun and friendship found at Province Meetings. President's Message, Province Meetings, 1975 By Marian Schroeder Graham, B<I>-Montana Fraternity President As we gather from Canada and the United States in We would think offastness of purpose. Some 95,788 these fifteen different areas over the country for province members as of the end of the 1974 school year, have meetings, we do so to renew our faith in and our loyalty throughout the years supported what they created in to, Kappa, and to make plans and set goals for this next working together, playing and having fun together, pro­ year. Themes may be somewhat passe in rushing, but gramming together, education in general together, all for we still use them for these meetings. Let us think for a the finer feelings of the heart and the nobler qualities moment about our theme for each of these province of each of us. meetings .... We would think of balance. Balance between the STABILITY IN MOTION. young and the not so young, the new and the old, the If we were to ask one another the meaning of the stable and the changing, the hard and the soft, the ups words, Stability in Motion, each of us could come forth and the downs, the sadness and the happiness, the diffi­ with a different thought, a different intent, a different cult and the easy, the good times and the bad times, the purpose for these ~ords. But when we relate these conservative and the liberal. Let us think of Kappa as a words, this theme, to Kappa we would, I hope, think of balanced democracy. these things .... We would think of security, for as a pledge one feels And last but not least, we would think of tradition, the first warmth of Kappa, as an active the warmth be­ heritage, that which is passed from one generation to comes even greater and by the time we are an alumna another. And if we were to ask why our past is so great, we are completely wrapped in the quality of fraternity by the answer would have to be because it was made by real friendship. People seek security to find a real meaning in effort and enthusiasm, by pride and joy, by relating life! programs to needs, by practicing individual freedom We would think of permanence. Now in our 105th year with social responsibility. And if we were to ask why our of Kappa, we are confident we are here to stay. Can we future is so bright, it would be for these same reasons. question that to exist as many years as we have, that The word motion has but two obvious meanings . Kappa meets and will continue to meet that basic need of movement and action. When we then take our security, caring for each other? This is probably the most beautiful our permanence, our firmness, our fastness of purpose, aspect of our fraternity. our balance, our tradition , our heritage, put them into We would think of firmness. Our standards are the action, we will be more sure of all we thought we knew, same today as they were when Kappa was founded in that questions will be answered , that challenges will be 1870 and are the 'social, intellectual and moral improve­ met, that goals will be high , that values will be worthy of ment of our members, the pursuit of excellence in our esteem and will be preserved.
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