J696112 TxD 6 6 TEXAS STATE Y200. J82 NON-CIRCULLATING DOCUMEN' U nCTIO 9 7-35 I Texas Youth Commission December 1996, Winter Issue ourn 4900 N. Lamar, AustinX78765 News and information from throughout the agency. UOITORY, IOpening dates moved up for FE 1 1 A7 Bryan, Vernon institutions Increased commitments during the fall sistant deputy executive director for juvenile e have resulted in moving up the opening dates corrections; Alex Escarcega, director of ju In this is e: for two new TYC institutions -- Hamilton venile corrections and aftercare; and com State School in Bryan, now slated to open mandant Harrison. Education undergoes February 1, 1997; and Victory Field Cor- Construction is being done by priso n to open April inmate labor under the direction ofTexas De restructuring rectional Academy in Vernon, 1, 1997 partment of Criminal Justice, with supervi Story on page 3. Superintendents for both institutions, sion from TYC officials. Lemuel Harrison at Victory Field and Bob The first group of 96 juveniles will ar- McKenzie honored Woods at Hamilton, have moved to their rive at the facility April laccording to Story on page 5. new locations and are overseeing final plans Harrison. for opening the two new programs next year. "Groups of youths will be phased in, IPC guides information TYC officials traveled to Vernon in Oc- with the inmate population increasing to 336 technology planning tober to announce that construction at the by the end of the academy's first year," he Vernon site would be completed by March explained. Story on page 6. 31. Making the trip were Dwight Harris, as- (Continuedon P. 2) IN THIS ISSUE .1 Clarification .................. 5 New administrators......... 7 Evins garden ................ 9 Volunteer conference ..... 14 "TYC-Texas" tour ............ 17 SECTIONS BREAKING GROUNDfor a new 96-bed dorm atBrownwood State School was a "community Around TYC .................. 2 event." Picturedat the special event are, left to right, JuliaTaylor, volunteer councilpresident; Youth Spotlight .............. 9 Stuart Coleman, BrownwoodEconomic Development Corporation;Dale Courtright,business assistant Volunteers.................... 13 manager; Groner Pitts, longtime benefactor/volunteer;Heriberto Hernandez, superintendent; Sandy Burnam TYC deputy executive director; Gaylon Garrison, Cultural Events ............. 17 superintendent;Dwight Harris, TYC assistantdeputy executive directorfor juvenile corrections; Human Resources ..... 19 Brownwood mayor Bert Massey; RobertPorter, BEDC; Robert Reid, HOKArchitects; Wayne Clawson, TDCJ, project manager;and Floyd Carroll, CME Builders, contractor. 2 TYC JOURNAL 2 TYC JOURNAL JEFFERSON COUNTY STATE SCHOOL students helped the institution's new volunteer council raise r more than $700 with a car wash and link sale in November. Advance tickets were sold for the event, held in the parking lot at the state school. Council members supervised the activity. C Bryan, Hamilton... (Continued from p. 1) All positions at both institutions have been posted, with TYC staff throughout the state having had the opportunity to apply before the jobs are posted elsewhere. Screening and interviewing is continuing through December and January. A job fair was held in Bryan Nov. 7 to AROUND TYC seek applicants for several hundred posi- tions at Hamilton State School. Dr. Delbert Price, formerly assistant superintendent of MHMR's Travis State School, has been selected as assistant su- Corsicana school perintendent. A psychologist, Dr. Price has TYC JOURNAL previously been with Brenham State adopted by H.E.B. School. published quarterly by the The Corsicana Residential Treatment Among others hired for administra- Center has been selected as one of TEXAS YOUTH COMMISSION tive positions are Joe Franks, business man- 4900 N. Lamar 0 P.O. Box 4260 Corsicana's H.E.B Food Store's adopted ager; David Morrison, training director; Austin, Texas 78765 * (512) 483-5245 human resources director; schools this year. The school has received Contributing information should be sent to the Jim Yeager, $400 worth of Nifty Gifty coupons -- re- attention of Joan Timmons at the above address. Charles Barton, program administrator; Debra deemable toward merchandise in the store. Editorial Board: Reporters: Gradyne Sennette, principal, and Students on high behavioral levels Joan Timmons Tammy Vega, Brownwood Pace, administrative secretary. were treated with a trip to the nearbyTexas Rita Zapata Kim King, Sanction Unit The facility was formerly a TDCJ Motorplex drag races, thanks to Pepsi-Cola Judy Meador Lucy Humbert, Corsicana 1,000-bed substance abuse facility located Virginia Lewis, Crockett and volunteer Lynn Pommerening, a Pepsi in far north Bryan, just off FM 2818 on Patti Hayes Raul Arredondo, Evins employee. Billie Flippen Robyn Byars, Gainesville Sandy Point Lane. K-Mart Distribution Co. recently do- Bill Bradbury, Giddings "It is a year old, but is brand new be- nated 64 cases of Planters corn chips to Vicki Holcombe, Jefferson Co. cause it has never been occupied," said the center, according to volunteer coordi- Shannon Ford, Marlin Supt. Woods. The institution is laid out nator Lucy Humbert. Executive Director: Buck Martin, San Saba campus-style with eight building over 20 West Texas Steve Robinson Allan Spearman, acres. Deputy Executive Kaycee Pollock, NS Area Director: Denise Kennedy, ES Area Each dorm has 20 bunk beds located Sandy Burnam Jane Parker, SS Area adjacent to a large open living area. Each "pod" contains three 40-bed dorms and has BOARD MEMBERS its own entrance, control center, group Leonard E. Lawrence, M.D., San Antonio, Board rooms and offices. Chairman; Edna Tamayo, Harlingen, Vice-Chair; When totally full, the institution will John W. Odam, Houston; Pete Harrell, Austin; Usa Saemann-Teschner, Dallas; and Pete C. Alfaro, house 720 TYC youth and will be the larg- Baytown. est TYC facility. 3 TYCTVC JOURNAL Plans finalized to restructure TYC education programs "In keeping with TYC's 16-hour school credits equivalent to their age scholarships from many state-sup- day, four resocialization cornerstones and grade level; a high school diploma; ported institutions. have been identified," said Dwight or a certificate of vocational compe- "This year is the second year of a Harris, assistant deputy executive di- tence. major shift in defining a more strin- rector for juvenile corrections. "The plan also includes an empha- gent curriculum for the State of Texas," They are: Correctional Therapy; sis on students leaving TYC with the said Dr. Huffy. "As in public schools, Discipline Training; Work; and Educa- opportunity to pursue a career through TYC teachers will be involved in study tion. initial employment or through post sec- and transition of the Essential Elements "The Education facet of the four ondary training," Dr. Huffty explained. (EE's) to Texas Essential Knowledge cornerstones is an important one for Our goal is to debate, discuss and and Skills.(TEKS) several reasons," he explained. "First decide education decisions based on In the Academy Program, youth and foremost, basic educational skills equity, excellence, and quality for our will be taking regular middle school or -- the ability to read and write -- are students, she added. high school credit courses, as well as essential for anyone to be successful "We'd like to ensure that all stu- advanced placement courses. in today's world. dents leave the agency with the skills Included in all three of the "Secondly, the vast majority of to be successful in a technologically "ABC's" will be English As A Second youth committed to our agency are still complex world, and with the ability to Language (ESL), Higher OrderThink- legally required to attend school be- "The majority of our youth are still legally required to cause of their age -- so our institutional academic school programs are a fun- attend school...so our academic school programs are a damental part of our rehabilitation pro- fundamental part of our rehabilitation process... " cess," Harris said. Dwight Harris Since instituting the structured 16- ( ing Skills (HOTS) Conflict Resolution, hour day in TYC institutions and half- solve problems, work productively and and special education. way houses, it has been obvious that apply basic skills to real life situa- BASIC PROGRAM TYC needed to look at our overall edu- tions," she said. The Basic Program is designed for cation program, he added. The restructured education plan students whose credits and age indicate "Our new superintendent of edu- has been named "The ABC's of TYC named because each of that they would not be likely to return cation, Dr. Judy Huffty, who began her Education," so to public schools. The emphasis is on work here in June, has spent a tremen- the programs within the education de- of the first basic skill development and mastering dous amount of time studying our stu- partment begins with one A. Acad- the skills necessary for passing the dents, their behavior, their background, three letters of the alphabet: and C. Career- GED and provide more time for voca- and our curriculum," Harris said. emy, B. Basic Skills, tional training. Some very specific goals have technology. "Basic skills needed to pass the been set for youth, which are intended ACADEMY PROGRAM (52) percent of TYC GED will be more intense for the '96- to give them the skills necessary to Fifty-two below when com- '97 school year," said Dr. Huffty. successfully live and work in society youth are age 15 or The academic focus of the "B" pro- when they return home, he said. mitted, and 300 of those are 14 or be- gram is reading, writing, math and A number of factors have resulted low and in grades 5-8. youth re- computer literacy. in restructuring of the TYC education Nearly 30 percent of all Also included are "Success- program, said Dr. Huffty. turn to public schools when released Oriented Skills" such as health and Recent problems include the com- on parole. Program provides family, career investigations and civ- mitment of more special education stu- The Academy have been assigned to in- ics.
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