iii iv ABSTRAK YOVELLA MERCIA, NIM 11 104 102, judul skripsi: “AN ANALYSIS OF INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH IN STUDENTS’ ESSAYS (A Study of the Fifth Semester Students of English Department of STAIN Batusangkar Registered in 2015/2016 Academic Year)”, Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Tarbiyah, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Batusangkar. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah belum tergambarnya kualitas introductory paragraph pada esei yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris semester V STAIN Batusangkar tahun akademik 2015/2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui introductory paragraph yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa apakah sudah bagus atau belum berdasarkan karakteristik dari introductory paragraph. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif, dan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling. Instrumen penelitiannya adalah dokumen tes tengah semester, yang berjumlah 100 dokumen. Instrumen kunci pada penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri sebagai alat untuk mengolah data. Selanjutnya dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan tabel klasifikasi karakteristik dari introductory paragraph yang dikemukakan oleh Pertiwi dan Teguh (2012:24), yang mana karakteristiknya adalah an introductory paragraph should introduce the topic, indicate generally how the topic is going to be developed, contain the thesis statement, dan attention getter. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditemukan bahwa 80,7 % introductory paragraph yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris semester V STAIN Batusangkar tahun akademik 2015/2016 adalah bagus dan 19,3 % introductory paragraph yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa adalah sangat tidak bagus. Hampir seluruh mahasiswa membuat introductory paragraph berdasarkan karakteristik dari introductory paragraph didalam esei. Dari penjelasan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa hampir seluruh mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris semester V STAIN Batusangkar tahun akademik 2015/2016 sudah membuat introductory paragraph dengan bagus didalam menulis esei. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahhirabbil’alamin, first and foremost, the writer would like to express her thankfulness to Allah SWT who has blessed her in finishing this thesis entitled: “An Analysis of Introductory Paragraph in Students’ Essays (A Study of the Fifth Semester Students of English Department of STAIN Batusangkar Registered in 2015/2016 Academic Year)”. Then, shalawat and salam are delivered to the prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought his ummah from the darkness to the science and technology era. The writer wishes to express her deepest gratitude to Dr. Suswati Hendriani, M.Pd M.Pd and Yulnetri, SS., M.Pd as her first and second thesis advisor respectively. They are the great persons who have guided her patiently to finish her thesis. Also, her special respect is adressed to the first examiner, Irwan, M.Pd and the second examiner, Deni Asrida, M.Pd who have given comments and suggestions which are very helpful to improve her thesis to be the better one. Then, the writer’s sincere gratitude is also delivered to Rini Anita, M.Pd. as the lecturer of writing IV for giving permission to use document of students’ essay writing. Next, her deepest thanks goes to Hendra Eka Putra, M.Pd as her academic advisor for guiding her study at STAIN Batusangkar and all of English lecturers who helped her during studying at English Department. The writer’s sincere thanks are also expressed to Yulnetri, S.S.,M.Pd as the Head of English Department . The writer’s sincere gratitude is also delivered to the English Department staff Anggi Rahmadika A, S.Pd.I who helped her administratively during writing this thesis. Then, it is forwarded to the Head of Tarbiyah Department, Dr. Sirajul Munir, M.Pd who has helped her during academic year. She also thanks to the Head of P3M of STAIN Batusangkar, Ulya Atsani, SH., M.Hum, who has given recommendation letter vi for her research. Then, the writer’s sincere gratitude is also expressed to the rector of STAIN Batusangkar Dr. Kasmuri Selamat, M.A who has given chance for her to study at STAIN Batusangkar until she got Bachelor Degree (S.1). Besides, from the deepest of her heart, the writer would like to express her gratitude to her lovely parents (Wendrizal and Refnawilis) who have given their support either psychologically and financially, always waiting patiently until their daughter can get undergraduate degree. Next to her lovely sisters (Micke Purnama Sari, S.Pd I and Syifa Putri Wendri) and her big families who always motivate her to complete this thesis. The writer loves them very much. Furthermore, her special thanks goes to all friends from English Department, especially for Yulanda Febryani, Vania Arini Rahman, Bobi Fernando, Sapta Gita Kemala Dewi, Bang Taufik Hidayat and Nindi Chairani who always standing beside her during finishing this thesis. At least, she thanks so much to anyone who has encouraged her in completing this thesis. Batusangkar, 16th, March 2016 The writer Yovella Mercia Reg. No. 11 104 102 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER PAGE ............................................................................................... i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN ........................................................................ ii THESIS ADVISORS’ APPROVAL ............................................................. iii THESIS EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL ......................................................... iv ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... v ACNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xi LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ............................................... 1 B. Identification of the Problem .............................................. 7 C. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem ....................... 8 D. Definition of the Key Terms .............................................. 8 E. Purpose of the Research ..................................................... 9 F. Significances of the Research ............................................ 9 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theories .............................................. 11 1. Writing ........................................................................ 11 a. Definition of Writing ........................................... 11 b. The Importance of Writing .................................. 12 c. Purposes of Writing .............................................. 14 d. Components of Writing .......................................... 15 e. Kinds of Writing .................................................... 17 viii f. Elements of Good Writing .................................... 19 2. Essay ........................................................................ 21 a. Definition of Essay ................................................ 21 b. Part of Essay .......................................................... 22 c. Types of Essay ...................................................... 23 3. Introductory Paragraph ................................................ 31 a. Definition of Introductory Paragraph ..................... 31 b. Purpose of Introductory Paragraph ........................ 32 c. The Characteristics of an Introductory Paragraph . 33 d. Types of Introductory Paragraph ........................... 39 B. Review of Relevant Studies ............................................... 40 C. Conceptual Framework ...................................................... 41 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design ............................................................... 43 B. Population and Sample ...................................................... 43 C. Technique of Data Collection ........................................... 45 1. Research Instrument ............................................. 45 2. Research Procedure .............................................. 45 D. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................... 46 CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Research Finding .............................................................. 49 1. Data Description .................................................. 49 2. Data Analysis ....................................................... 50 ix B. Discussion .......................................................................... 74 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion .................................................................... 76 B. Suggestion ..................................................................... 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY……….. .......................................................................... 78 APPENDICES.................. ............................................................................ 80 x LIST OF TABLES Table 1 : Parts of Essay .................................................................................. 22 Table 2 : Population of the Research ............................................................. 44 Table 3 : Classification of Students’ Introductory Paragraph Quality ........... 47 Table 4 : Sample Introductory paragraph in essays ....................................... 50 Table
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