The Holocaust and the Historical Revisionists Mark Silverberg Assistant Director, Jewish Community Council, Edmonton, Alberta To put it as plainly as possible, it is common knowledge that in times of acute social crisis, anti-Semitism takes to the streets. The corollary, however, appears to be that in times of acute ideological crisis, anti-Semitism takes to the intellectual presses. It is a sad reflection on our times. The Third Reich was to last for a postcard addressed to me at Boston Univer­ thousand years. In fact, it lasted for twelve sity. It said "I recently completed reading'The years and four months, specifically, from Hoax of the 20th Century,'and the professor January, 1933 until April, 1945. During who wrote the book claims that the six million is a total fiction, that no Jews were gassed or that time, more than twenty-nine million toasted in the ovens in German concentration persons were killed—six million of them camps, that there was nothing in German Jews, slaughtered because they were records to substantiate the Jewish claims, that Jewish. the confessions that were obtained, were ob­ The claim that the extermination of the tained under duress. I guess Hitler was right Jews at the hands of the Nazis was a greater when he said that the Jew is master of the Big tragedy than what has befallen other Lie . .2 persecuted people is both unfeeling and Wiesel continued by saying that he re­ heartless. It is, however, the uniqueness of ceived a second letter from a professor at their annihilation that is historically signi­ the Sorbonne. "Yes," the letter stated, ficant. It is significant in order that we "there were ovens in the Camps, but only understand the awesome and terrible event for the sick people. never were there any so that we can then comprehend the Gas Chambers." differences between good and evil, man's If one is to believe such materials, con­ inhumanity to man, and the moral choices structed by those who seek to rewrite which lie ahead for* ourselves and our history (rather than to learn from it), then children.1 Hitler's policy in dealing with the "Jewish According to Eli Wiesel, Chairman of Problem" was really one of emigration not the President's Commission on the Holo­ extermination, then the killers did not kill caust, there is no subject more urgent than and the victims did not perish, then the teaching of the Holocaust. In a speech Auschwitz was a fraud, Treblinka a lie, and delivered at the Conference on "Teaching Bergen-Belsen a convalescent home. It is to About Genocide and the Nazi Holocaust in these materials, to the pseudo-historians Secondary Schools," (October 9th-llth, who selectively dissect history in the 1977), Wiesel dealt with the vision of the manner of their choice, and to the pub­ survivors and the realities of today: lishing companies and institutes which cater to the sick, bigoted, fringe elements in There is no subject more linked to justice; our society, and which act as the literary for today, the greatest injustice is being vehicles for these enterprises, that we shall accomplished—the obliteration of those mem­ shortly direct our attention. ories, the erasing of those events. 1 received a 1 The Record. New York: A.D.L. of B'nai B'rith in 2 From a speech at the Conference "Teaching About cooperation with the National Council for the Social Genocide and the Nazi Holocaust in Secondary Studies, 1970, p. 1. Schools," October 9th, 1977. 16 THE HOLOCAUST AND THE HISTORICAL REVISIONISTS The Revisionists that the lie about Genocide began. The In France, Robert Faurisson, a profes­ whole world fell for this. sor at the University of Lyons, announced Faurisson and his colleagues have un­ that the Holocaust had never happened. questionably come up with the most sensa­ Genocide didn't occur, he said, and Hitler tional Juda-phobic paranoid conspiracy had been defamed. Reports to the contrary theory. According to Paul Berman, are a Zionist hoax, according to Faurisson. Their theory of the Holocaust as a Zionist lie Faurisson was hauled into Court by a is without doubt the greatest paranoid con­ coalition of Holocaust survivors and spiracy theory of our times, greater even than human rights organizations who accused the Argentine theory that the Jews are going to seize Patagonia. Stop to consider the number him of falsifying history. Falsification of of people involved, the size of the conspiracy history is against the law of France. This you must have to deceive the whole world led to a civil liberties campaign on the about events involving tens of millions of question of the extent of academic freedom. people—six million Jews to begin with, who What do Faurisson and his supporters have, each and every one, cooperatively, kept believe? Faurisson has provided a sum­ their mouths shut ... (it is the power of mary labelled "Conclusions after thirty "conformism" that makes them do this, years of research by Revisionist authors." according to Faurisson); plus thousands of Revisionist, is what the adherents of this other Camp inmates who admit to having no-Holocaust view call themselves. In survived but lie in a perfectly synchronized manner about their experiences, plus any translations distributed in the United number of former Nazis who, after the War, States by the Liberty Lobby, the first five made the fiendishly clever decision to back the points are: Zionist lie by concocting perfectly coordinated 1. The "Hitler gas chambers" never existed. stories about fictional acts of Genocide; plus 2. The "Genocide" (or the "attempted hundreds of thousands of random witnesses, Genocide") of the Jews, never took place. judges, jurors, and historians; plus an enor­ In other words, Hitler never gave an order mous clandestine army of scribes, clerks, or permission that anyone should be killed typists, who must have spent a busy year back for his race or religion. in 1945 fabricating, doctoring, distorting, forging, and systematically misinterpreting 3. The alleged "gas chambers" and the millions upon millions of pages of Nazi docu­ alleged "Genocide" are one and the same ments and War records, strictly in accordance lie. with secret orders from Zionist Central. And 4. This lie, which is largely of "Zionist" all this without a single slip-up. What an origin, has made an enormous political and operation those fantasyiZionists have!!!-1 financial fraud possible, whose principal beneficiary is the State of Israel. Revisionist thinking is obsessed with 5. The principal victims of this lie are the tiny details, the tinier the better. It tends to German people (but not the German rulers) pass with alarming speed from vague and the entire Palestinian people. notions of how Zionists manipulate global Faurisson thinks that the Jews were a history to the specific properties of Zyklon major power in Europe and bear a respon­ B Gas, the problems created by piles of sibility for World War II. They were trying cadavers, the unlikelihood that a hole in a to destroy Germany, which therefore had certain gas chamber could have been used to defend itself. Hitler acted reasonably, he says, by rounding up the Jews in concen­ tration camps, which he designates as 3 Paul Berman, "Gas Chambers Games—Crackpot prison or labour camps, and not camps for History and the Right to Lie," The Village Voice, New extermination. It was among "Zionists" York. June 10-16. p. 38. 17 JOURNAL OF JEWISH COMMUNAL SERVICE to pour in the gas, and the meaning of the sick from the healthy among the in­ individual phrases in an Auschwitz doctor's mates during a typhus epidemic. The diary. They tend to accumulate an im­ "atrocious scenes" were, in his words, mense number of details. "executions of persons who had been con­ Their "explanation" that the Holocaust demned to death, executions for which the is a gigantic hoax can be seen through doctor was obliged to be present. Among Faurisson's use of an Auschwitz doctor's the condemned were three women who had diary, which has become a classic among come in a convoy from Holland; they were the Revisionists. His study has been printed shot." Faurisson concludes by adding a numerous times in France and by the footnote citing from Auschwitz camp Liberty Lobby and an organization called records; all in seemingly good scholarly The Revisionist Press in the United States form. under the title of The Problem of the 'Gas But Wellers shows that the Kremer Chambers' or 'The Rumour of Auschwitz' October 18th entry means something very (the Revisionists disturbing use of quota­ different. Wellers looked in the Auschwitz tion marks is common.). These publica­ archives and discovered that a convoy from tions are offered through the Institute for Holland did indeed arrive on that date. Historical Review (I.H.R.), a California- There were 1,710 persons in this convoy, based foundation putting forward the according to the documentations. How­ theory of the Holocaust Hoax. ever, only 116 persons, all women, were Faurisson's use (or misuse) of the diary is actually brought into the Camp. Wellers one of the charges presently laid against observes: "the archives are silent about the him, that of falsifying history. The French fate of the 1,594 others: they were not scholar Georges Wellers analyzed this for introduced into the Camp, they were not Le Monde. His analysis does show the reembarked and sent elsewhere. They nature of the Revisionist mind. disappeared!"5 The diary was written by the S.S. Doctor The meaning of "Special Action" now Johann-Paul Kremer during the three comes into focus.
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