~>; ,., \' - C. '. .'" ",:" ,, - .~ , ' ,~. i ( ~.. ~ \ 'i ' ~~~~:.1' :_ :"",'~~~:§j ..,. , ., U,muuu.tUt~tuumu] uuumUUt~t!l~~f~~)~~tu,~~ , '-~' ('J UUtuuuUtm,uu,. t.Qui~This Read The. Quiz 'fhto1' P Read The Week r " r , ~, • t~ :' ~ ~ .1And Every Week for . [ And, §t)erY~Wee1} .fp,. , ' ! , All The News! I " . tummuuuuuuumuuuuumumu mm~~~i.it~t~~ii::Sf::J~~1~~VfJ .::;"fJ \. ,- , ,>~f <:?r:t~~ , .. , , , ""'l'~' " 1, " ~;~;.s;~~~~~~~ Dr. Bles~ing ~ef~nds S~;;e~f:~~ O~';:~1 T~~~;;A~~; ~::~Coes Out on Wings . DEATIf;;1;:::~~ i' OUT WILL LEAVE ,Damage Sutt Ftled By Orvtlle Sowl DIVORCES SH0W '. :'01 Hpavy Winds, $~9Jh,'Storm MRS. JOE''''lJ 'L~K-(~~ 'T'RY NEW OR Irl Tolen Again , Dentist Wins Case BeCore Legion RAPID' Auto Tr~fJic l!amp:red, B~ MBLoup CitY:~4itor :F'ROM', 's··u'FRF'"ER'·\'.')~.,·,','Kfi!,.~\t"..", ~. J Seek~ Kan~~:o~::\:~oNI~:ded INCR"EASE ?:tJ~ TO ' State Job ,.,',.; ....c· Stopped,}3y StoJ:J# That Began ,Is State Candidate .' I D" '" D hI Wednesdar. Lasted 48 Hours. ----r-~ ,,c',: '. ) Ord Band Leader To 9pen Manta lSa~reeJl1ents ou e .': Bed-Cast Cor Months, Kin~~Of Radio Shop In Iowa; Has A enormous load probably was in 1931; Cupid Holds Own SEVEBJ;' SSOW STORM TUES.' Woman Dies Mondav,' aves removed from the mind of Dr. F. f' Taken Course By Mail. L. Blessing some time after'mid. In Permits To Wed. DAY GOES E,lST O}' ORD. Many l)e8Cend~ts, , ' -- night T,uesday when,after an epic J;astern and southern Nebras. , Disappointed and disgruntled be­ battle id the American Legion's One divorce to 'every 5lh mar. kawere l~thTe grIp Ofar&t s,el'eore Long months of su.rter,ingended kangaroo court, the jury filed in riages is the record compiled in $now st Or1l1 . uesday erno n for Mrs.' Joe Kusek, "I\:hen death" cause the financial returns incident in193~, to band and orchestra instruction to announc,e that Orville H. Sowl Valley county reveal figures but U'mlssed Ord completely, came at 10 Q'clockMondal ri1ornlJig, had no cause for acti<ln against made public this week by Alfred not a flake of snolv fallIng her~. releasing thiB kindly Ord 'woma!l in Ord are so meagre and show were far signs of becoming even more so in the dentist and that his $729,000 Weigardt, clerk Of t1:l.e district court, Mathn line tratdIlS th B lbeiWtIld from an illneSS tl!l", :."8.d re(1ufr~..d _ I damage suit. was dismissed. ' and J. H. Hol11n;shea\J, county T'C ed dUle an I . e ur ngon all. o~eratlo!!, thep. .~~t'b.. 1932, Professor Theodore Toen­ ld t neges has reslgne<thfs position here A big, crowd of Legion and Aux- judge. In 1930 the record was 11 ues .ay elCn Ilg eou no f t f 4% h.La~v. Uiary members' and their friends marriages to one divorce, so evl- reach Ord because of deep drifts ahsilA or i t mont s. and this week will shake the dust i 1 hi . PI" Th sno v plo v c "ren, s x yo.,seven gratldchll.., of Ord from his feet. He w1ll move heard the mock tr a, w ch was dently marital disagreements are near a. mer. ell eig t great grandchiJilren, a featured by the oratory of Mr. on the increase\inless 1931 was an was ,sent out b)' the, Unfon Pa· of otherll rela.t,ivee, and. m.anv., fd' to Oskaloosa, Ia., where he will Sowl's attorney's, J. D. McCall abnormal vear. elilc to clear a"/i)' drifts be. , open a radio store, Prot. Toenneges , t d I Ia d St. Mrs. KUlIek ,will be" geni and Carl Dale, and by the tricky Ten divorces )Vere. granted in di.8- ween Gran S n an'd PIau mourned in the cQmtuunlly. tells the Quiz. work of Dr.. Blessing's lawyers, C. trict court here during the past and the Tuesday .eTenlng motor Born ;Febr. 22, 1861, in ~ol. "The music game is shot." Toen­ J. Mortensen and Edv(in Clem- ye!lr, and th,ls Is jU:~t doubl~ the l'ne,aChhed htrere uthhourSd late" Josep~lne Augustyn met ~d .' neges stated llitterly when inter­ y n, t pnts. h 1 number granted in 1930. f gOwda aff1c SOl danb el':e rle4 Jo.seph Kusek an4 they viewed Saturday. Radio and hard Harvey Ho n served alS bai iff, Intemperance was the direct 0 r was para rze y.. to the United States·(ift times, together, have cut a big Ernest Achen as clerk of the C<lurt cause in seven pf th,e ten divorces itOrJU Tuesdar, radIo reports years ago, making theIr .' swath in what' was once II lucrative and Alfred Weigardt was'majestic granted in Valley county In 1931. 83Y· Platte couIity, Nebraska ' business, he says. in his judicial robes. A "judge's There were oth~ cau$es, too, but -.:-- ber of years and ther! Prof. ,Toenneges was Imported chamber" added merriment to the in jieven out of ttn, J~hn Barleycorn On tbe wIngs of strong north- Nance county tor nlnl> from Detroit, Mich" to lead the Ord trial. ' was the primary cause. west winds .and a driving snow 1904 the Kuse~ f' . ba~d and teach music to youngsters Irl D:' Tolen, well known Ord High point in the trial was Fifty-five..Al~rriag$ licenses were storm, 1931 ,made its exit and 1932 C. F. ,aeushausen, ed.ftor of the V~.!Jel county, seth. of this community. He came here democrat, said Monday in Lincoln reached when MislS Marie Hall issued bY.his omee, County Judge its entry 'l'hursday" night. The Sherman County Times, at LouPn~ar E'Yrla~ a~il In .. about eighteen months ago and that he wHl enter the April primary was put <In the stand by Sowl's Hollingshead's records show. In storm, which started late Wednes- City, has d«:ided to b'ecome a can- Mrs. Ku~k bought & has been successful as a band- as a candidate for the democratic attorneys to testify that Dr. Bless- 1930 the number.lssued was 54, ,so day afternoon and lasted almost 48 didate for the democratic nomina- northwest part of Or. master. Numerous young people nomination for s.tate railway com­ ing dictated the letter charging Cupid evldenUy got around to one hOUTS, was the niost severe this por- Hon for lieutenant governor at aince made. their home . have been getting individual in- missioner. Mr. Tolen has sought Sowl with communistic leanings, more home in 193) than during the tlon of Nebraska has experienced in the primary election .April 12, Childr~n survivhl.g· Ml, atruction from him, he has been the nomination twice previously, only to have her testi~ony object- year betore. " . more than two years. ~utomobile 1932. Friends filed on his behalf are Mike, Andrew and Jo.. " teaching a grade school band and both times being defeated by E. A. ed to by the defense on the This year Is Leap Year so pos- travel was halted, the east-bound in November but Mr. Beushausen Mrs, John B. Zulkoskl {ll.l a high school band and last sum- Walrath, of Osceola, who Is now grounds that she was the wife of sibly the balati~ between' mar- Burlington train stop~ed, and tele- did nqt accept the filing unUl this James IwanSki, ali of Eliiff mer led the town band in concerts serving as chief clerk of the supply Dr. Blessing.' A secret marriage rlages and divorces wlU be restored. graph and telephone service ham- week. He has been active in civic and Adam Kusek, Columbub given every wednesday night. department, House of Representa- in Mexico some months ago was There are lots Qf eligible bachII- pered to some ext.!.nt during the affairs at Loup City and formerly Joe Knopik, Comstock, Mra; A goodly share of the money to', tives, at ·Washington. Mr. Tolen alleged, and Attorn.ey Clelllents lors, young and oldtin Valley couil~ progress Qf the stor~. was a member of the deu,ocratlc Michalek, Omaha, a,nd Mrs. 1 pay his salary of $125 per month is vice president of the state fair produced an ornate marriage cer- ty so screw up your courage, girls. Mall carriers in the Ord omce state committee. Flakus, Mission, S. D. She was to come from a subscription board and ha§ been in Lincoln this tlficate to prove that the ~wo were . were stopped by drifted snow -+--_.--.......---- leaves two brothers, John At raised by Ord business men, part week attending the organized agri­ actually wed and that Miss Hall Wk' S b It T Thursday and not .one completed 30 L' C tyn of 'Loup City, and Chl of it was to come from the Ord culture meeting. thereby could not testify against ee. es .n ml S 0 his round that day. Sel'vice was lqnor ases Au(ustyn, of Elyria,as' well schools and part from the' band ---.,-------- Dr. 1B'lessing. When attorneys for resumed Saturday, after the new many nieces, nephews and J))' fund raised by city levy. MAKJ h . ~:/~~~:~~~;O~:h:h~os~~~Jh~or~:~ s,~peration ;~~~~ed~: i:Orl~~~'in;na~l ~~r:~~~: ~~s~~~~l~~:.tives. The way the matter has w9rked 0 S11 r,i 0n Here Duri.n,g1931 Her husband I out, the professor has drawn down ,rs. .. nson fute the defense testimony they Y, boxes.' Mrs. Kusek was a devout me, d~ctor $65 from the subscription fun~ fiG were blocked again by the same A who, belleves in takin'g Burlington trains were on time Thirty liquor casell 'pccupled the her of the Catholic church and Ca from the schools and the b~tll~q.
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