SUBJECT INDEX Al Page Page Indian Health Care Amendments of 1988 4784 Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of Indian Housing Act of 1988 676 1988 2533 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 432 of 1988 683 Abiquiu Dam, NM, water storage 2604 National Deafness and Other Abortion: Communication Disorders Act of Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 28 1988 ...2769 Departments of Commerce, Justice, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness and State Departments, the Act of 1988 1107 Judiciary, and Related Agencies Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Appropriations Act, 1989 2186 Act of 1988 3342 Departments of Labor, Health and Veterans' Benefits and Services Act of Human Services, and Education, 1988 487 and Related Agencies Agent Orange, Veterans' Benefits Appropriations Act, 1989 1680 Improvement Act of 1988 4122 District of Columbia Appropriations Agricultural Act of 1949, Act, 1989 2269 Foreign Operations, Export amendments...67, 68, 602, 925-932, 945- Financing, and Related Programs 947, 1163, 1337, 2263, 4708 Appropriations Act, 1989 2268 Agricultural Act of 1970, Health Maintenance Organization amendments 4708 Amendments of 1988 2578 Agricultural Adjustment Act, Academic Research Facilities amendments 1407, 1868 Modernization Act of 1988 2873 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, Accident Reports Act, amendments... 633, 634 amendments 948 Acquired Immune DeHciency Agricultural Aid and Trade Missions Syndrome. See AIDS. Act 1411 Adult Day Care. See Health and Agricultural College Act of 1890, Medical Care. amendment 620 Adult Education Act 302 Agricultural Competitiveness and Adult Education Act, amendments...414, Trade Act of 1988 1388 1471-1476 Agricultural Credit Act of 1987, Adult Education Amendments of amendments...989, 993, 999, 1000, 1003- 19«8 302 1006 Advertisements, Charity Games Agricultural Credit Technical Advertising Clarification Act of Corrections Act of 1988 989 1988 3205 Agricultural Trade Development and Afghanistan, Anti-Drug Abuse Act of Assistance Act of 1954, 1988 4181 amendments 1346, 1400, 2898 African Elephant Conservation Act 2315 Agriculture and Agricultural Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Commodities, General: amendments 30 See also specific commodities; Age Discrimination Claims Assistance Animals. Act of 1988 78 Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Aged Persons: Settlement Act of 1988 2973 Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 Disaster Assistance Act of 1988 924 Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Egg Research and Consumer Stafford Elementary and Information Act Amendments of Secondary School Improvement 1988 2895 Amendments of 1988 130 Eligible commodities, allocation Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 28 requirements 67 Commission on Wartime Relocation Endangered species, pesticide labeling and Internment of Civilians, program 2306 recommendations 903 Federal Crop Insurance Commission Fair Housing Amendments Act of Act of 1988 2730 1988 1619 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Federal Communications Commission Rodenticide Act Amendments of Authorization Act of 1988 3021 1988 2654 Health Omnibus Programs Extension Foreign Operations, Export of 1988 3048 Financing, and Related Programs Hunger Prevention Act of 1988 1645 Appropriations Act, 1989 2268 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 3-1043; Part 2 contains pages 1044-2124; Part 3 contains pages 2125-3010; Part 4 contains pages 3011-4046; and Part 5 contains pages 4047-5093. Each part contains entire Subject and Individual Indexes. A2 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Agriculture and Agricultural Alabama: Commodities, General—Continued Canceled land entry, reinstatement 4856 Hunger Prevention Act of 1988 1645 Land claim 2650 Nonmailable plants, certifications 2892 Single metropolitan statistical area, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness designation 27 Act of 1988 1107 Sipsey Wild and Scenic River and Perishable commodities, license fee Alabama Addition Act of 1988 2736 increase 1102 Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 3342 Act of 1988 3342 Tuskegee University, property United States-Canada Free-Trade exchanges 618 Agreement Implementation Act Alan Bible Federal Building, NV, of 1988 1851 designation 665 United States Grain Standards Act Amendments of 1988 2584 Alaska: AIDS: Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of Stafford Elementary and 1988 2533 Secondary School Improvement Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 Amendments of 1988 130 Departments of Labor, Health and Commission on Wartime Relocation Human Services, and Education, and Internment of Civilians, and Related Agencies recommendations 903 Appropriations Act, 1989 1680 Family Support Act of 1988 2343 Drug treatment grants 2284 Indian Health Care Amendments of Foreign Operations, Export 1988 4784 Financing, and Related Programs Indian Housing Act of 1988 676 Appropriations Act, 1989 2268 Land conveyance and ownership 979 Health Omnibus Programs Extension National Defense Authorization Act, of 1988 3048 Fiscal Year 1989 1918 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act Military land use 2980 of 1988 683 Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 3342 Act of 1988 3342 United States-Canada Free-Trade Veterans' Benefits and Services Act of Agreement Implementation Act 1988 487 of 1988 1851 AIDS Amendments of 1988 3062 Veterans' Benefits and Programs Air Pollution. See Pollution. Improvement Act of 1988 4161 Air Traffic Controllers. See Alaska National Interest Lands Government Organization and Conservation Act, amendments 979, Employees. 981, 4177 Aircraft and Air Carriers: Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages: Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 2441 Aviation Safety Research Act of Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 1988 3011 Department of Defense Child Abuse Prevention, Adoption, Appropriations Act, 1989 2270 and Family Services Act of 1988 102 Department of Transportation and Department of Defense Related Agencies Appropriations Appropriations Act, 1989 2270 Act, 1989 2125 Indian Health Care Amendments of National Defense Authorization Act, 1988 4784 Fiscal Year 1989 1918 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 1107 Act of 1988 1107 Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 3342 Act of 1988 3342 Veterans' Benefits and Programs Airport and Airway Improvement Act Improvement Act of 1988 4161 of 1982, amendments 3014, 3015 Veterans' Benefits and Services Act of Airports: 1988 487 Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 Alcoholic Beverage Labeling Act of Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness 1988 4518 Act of 1988 1107 Aldo Leopold, birth and achievements, Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 3816 special recognition 963 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed and boards or commissions teing established, which cite to pages where they actually appear. SUBJECT INDEX A3 Page Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Anti-Drug Abuse Amendments Act of Restitution Act 911 1988 4312 Antietam National Battlefield, MD, Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 land acquisitions 2649 Immigration Amendments of 1988 3908 Appalachian States Low-Level Immigration Technical Corrections Radioactive Waste Commission, Act of 1988 2609 establishment 471 Judicial Improvements and Access to Appalachian States Low-Level Justice Act 4642 Radioactive Waste Compact Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act Consent Act 471 of 1988 683 Appliances, National Appliance Energy Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Conservation Amendments of Act of 1988 3342 1988 671 All American Canal, CA, lining authorization 4006 Appropriation Acts: Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 2441 [Note: For amendments to previously Alzheimer's Disease and Related enacted appropriation acts, see Dementias Services Research Act specific titles] of 1986, amendments 3057 Commerce Department, 1989 2186 American Aid to Poland Act of 1988 1336 Commerce, Justice, and State, the American National Red Cross, DC, Judiciary, and related agencies, property leasing 3325 1989 2186 American Printing House for the Congressional operations, 1989 2158 Blind Amendments of 1988 3316 Defense Department, 1989 2270 American Samoa: District of Columbia, 1989 2269 Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 Education Department, 1989 1701 Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Energy and water development, Stafford Elementary and 1989 857 Secondary School Improvement Executive Office, 1989 1728 Amendments of 1988 130 Foreign operations, export financing, Family Support Act of 1988 2343 and related programs, 1989 2268 National park, establishment 2879 Health and Human Services, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Department of, 1989 1688 Act of 1988 1107 Housing and Urban Development, United States-Canada Free-Trade Department of, 1989 1014 Agreement Implementation Act Independent agencies, 1989 1014,1731 of 1988 1851 Interior and related agencies, 1989 1774 Anadramous Fish Conservation Act, Judiciary, 1989 2209 amendments 2984 Justice Department, 1989 2192 Animals: Labor Department, 1989 1680 African Elephant Conservation Act 2315 Labor, Health and Human Services, Disaster Assistance Act of 1988 924 and Education Departments, and Endangered species, appropriation related agencies, 1989 1680 authorization 2306 Legislative Branch, 1989 2158 Federal Cave Resources Protection Military construction, 1989 1829 Act of 1988 4546 Postal Service, 1989 1727 Generic Animal Drug and Patent Rural development, agriculture, and Term Restoration Act 3971 related agencies, 1989 2229 Indian Housing
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