y THE SPANISH-AMERICA- rraj ny MOT AT 1 809-AbraIi- am LtacoIn-186- mmm mu-- Bid 5' The Real MB GHILOIÍOIIGUE Saint Valentine Every woman in charge of! a household realizes that it is rfouncore and a large part of her duty to If cross, feverish, constipated, leven yean ago our fathers brought forth upon keep that household well give "California Syrup tiiis continent a new nation, Saint Valentin wal a drar old Mint In this task she must know And h livtd lon lo, lonf lo. limpie home remedie to be ap- of Figs." conceived in liberty and the dedicated His JaM and twb m plied at first lymptom of illneaa. ttquaint't the to the proposition that fl A laxative todar saves a sick child men are Hi virtnea war atronf aad Ut vie Coughs end colds are two faint I constantly created equal Now ed of the foes she must tomorrow. Children simply will not we are Ma-plai- Aad ha nevar wal know to auk combat, digestive disturbances take the time from play to empty their in a great civil war, teitmg and When a pataimiat trad on bis to. need immediate attention. Thous- bowels, which become clogged op with whether that nation, or any nation ands of American housekeepers have waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach so conceived and to dedicated, can So ther mad búa a taint lo lb food found the most help to come sour. old day long endure. We are met on a great When aainta war ta plenty ta fleaat Look at the tongue, mother t If coat- And ha wore a halo with nineteen rara battlefield of that war. We have With a s aaeeoek ot pnrpl ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fev- baiz PERUNA come to dedicate a portion of that Whloh he ehanlcd at niht, to the erish, breath bad, restless doesn't eat Because Peruna has establ- final record tare. heartily, full of cold or hns sore throat field as a retting place for those For pajemat Japaaeet, ished Itaelf attha reliable family medid n or any ailment, give a who here gave their Uves that that of America. Id the 48 year It ha been be- other children's Tbonlh he knew a Greek he eould fore the public, the forth todnd houtekeepert teaspoonful of "California Syrup of nation ought live. , Latin apeak keep It ready for Instant ministration to tbt 1 period of precede Figs," then don't worry, because It Is Aa eaar aa EnILh 1 depression that acokLor J It is altogether fitting and proper For ba lived ia Kome, in a dwelling wbenatomachtroubletmanifMttbemterina. perfectly harmless, and In a few hours meek Both of tbeea disorders ara caused by that we should do this. But, in a Not lar from the Tiber'a muddy treek, Inflammation of the delicata membranes all this constipation poison, sour bile Where he atudied art in the real antique. liulnj the bleathlng apparatus and thediite-Uv- e and fermenting waste will gently larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we And likeatia Theology. tract. Peruna clear away the waste, membrane In recovering from nv hal- tidt the move out of the bowels, and you have cannot consécrate, we cannot Wall, be pondered on day la hit piout flammttory oondiüoni and tone up the aya-te- a well, playful child again. A thor- old pate, Il efiectivenrs it t he reason that as low, this ground. The brave men, many depend upon It, ough At ha rollad through the Capitol "S" and lit "Inside cleansing" Is ofttlmes all living and dead, who struggled here green. I record of mem malsí- that Is necessary. It should be the Oa the eparrow that perched oa tht n It at t ha dependable) have consecrated it far above our Fineian gate home tonic. first treatment given In any sickness. And dlioovered that birda are txpeetcd Tubit or liquid fora power to add or detract The world to mete --both good. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Our booklet may will Utile long remember On the vary nnreaionably early datt free Ask at the store for a bottle of note, nor Of February fourteen. help you. At your drug- "California Syrup of Figs," which has what we say here, but it can never gist or write us. And be argued If birda oa that morn- THE PERUNA CO. forget what they did here. It is for ing full directions for babies, children of will woo Culaahas, he found they did without 0. all ages and for grown-up- s plainly us, the living, rather to be dedicated At that printed on the bottle. Adv. here to the unfinished work which ahouldn't "ladiee ana genti" their example pureuet they who fought here have thus far Oa Feb'y fourteenth ill their apring Quite the Reverse. courting do, There is a movement under way to to nobly advanced. It is rather for "I hate to piny poker with Ilobbs." And to dodge toy ecindal aat do it all make Mammoth cave a national park. ut to be here dedicated to the great through "A hard loser, Is he?" The Special Delivery Mail? task remaining before us, that from "No; an easy winner." these honored dead we take in- Now that li nactly what Valentin did: H loaded the poatman with lovei SPLENDID SUCCESS creased devotion to that cause for And eo enioothly hie band o'er cb CARE FOR YOUR SKIN billcti-dou- elid they the last full mea- which gave That from many a boiom he lifted the lid FOR KIDNEY MEDICINE of devotion: that we here highly While Dan Cupid laughed loud, the ira-- sure kid, And Keep It Clear by Daily Uso of Eertinent resolve that these dead shall not the inkatand aboya. Cutlcura Trial Free. Swamp-Koo- t to b died in vain; that this nation, Dr. Kilmer's teems have He mailed Cleopatrt aa eloquent note the best kidney, liver and bladder remedy A Soap fol- under God, shall have a new birth of The poor dear believed it from on judging from the splendid hot bath with Cutlcura Mark-- To the market, by Cutl- freedom, and that government of the Sappho eonnet he hed to devote. tuccesa it enjoya in euch troubles: and the lowed a gentle anointing with t tpeak people, and for the Sent Oueen Beia a oharad by the firat way in which my customers of it it cura Ointment clears the skin or scalp people, by the London boat. hat gained for itself an excellent reputa- -, In most eases of eczemas, rashes and people shall not perish from the earth. While to Lueretit Borgia a lyrio bt During the twelve years that I have wrote tion. Itching of children and adults. Make Aad a rondeau to Joaa of Ara. sold Swamp-Roo- t nothing but aatisfactorr, favorable comments have been brought t your every-da- y prepara- Cutlcura toilet With eomiet galore he aet Rome ta a my notice. Very truly your, tions and prevent such troubles. roar i , CHAS. CREGLOW, Druggitt. There were tcoatora gaaplng for June 30, 1918. Burlington, Cole. Free sample each by mall with Book. breath i Even Pop Cutlcura, L, Cicero amiled tod tht was Prove Swamp-Roo- Will Do Address postcard, Dcpt beguiled, What t For Ton Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. But ba tickled poor Pompey to death. Bend ten cent to Dr. Kilmer k Co, 47 - Y., a ampie bot- fi - --- mi., Z-- --y- . Binghnmton. N. for tiza lt M t .: l .... .."".Tiíri:.i . Well, he died long ago tt't la right you tle. will convince anyone. You will MUSIC ROLLS QUICKLY MADE Í S'? i ahouid know It iT And hie relioe art resting tt eaae, alto receive a booklet of valuable infor- la a hand.peinted ahrine. Ilk a big mation, telling about the kidney and blad-- Useful Machine Designed Especially valentine. der. When writing, be ture and mentioa Chapel of St. fifty-cen- Ia the Prtxtdee. this paper. Regular t and one-doll- for the Use of Retail Dealers, aize bottles for sale at all So I've told to yon now what I think druf Recently Put on the Market. you'll allow atorei. Adv. Isn't found in the latest "Who'eWho"! And it reada fust ta walk ont mty Idea love Is one hour Designed especially for the use of readily tell, A man's of ' ' y-.-v-......t- atory 23 off. a compact machine -v-' . ,. Aa it would if tht were true. on duty and the other retail dealers, that . ' .-- play- Y perforates music rolls for use In Yet tdorablt Saint la my praise or my er pianos Is being Introduced. The ap- plaint My patron forever thou'lt bei paratus Is described In the Fopular And whenever 1 woo and it'a no mat- DYSPEPSIA Mechanics Magazine. It Is capable of ter who I will act up tht caadles to the. making from one to 15 records at a time from sheet music, and will also turn out copies of any standard roll. AND IND1GESTIQII operation is said to be so simple Its Recol- thot satisfactory work can be done by calls this In his book, "Personal Lincoln." Diapepsin" settles sour persons who 'are not musicians. The LINCOLN HAPPY lections of Abraham LINCOLN EVER KIND 'Tape's particular advantage of the machine Mr. Rankin was a schoolboy who CUPID AIMED HIGH gassy stomachs in five messenger seems to be that It enables a small acted as court at Peters- minutes Time itl 111., sheriff, dealer to fill bis customers' orders WITH MARY TODD burg, while his father was promptly without having to carry a when he first met Mr.
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