March 17, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4847 the next millennium must be a global stand- loss, and severe muscle aches. The Centers winning documentaries as Eyes on the Prize, ard. Harmonization is important. Country-of-or- for Disease Control (CDC) headquartered in Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of Amer- igin labeling for fresh produce legislation is Atlanta, Georgia issued an advisory for people ica’s Civil rights Movement, The Great De- part of the current harmonization effort. Twen- not to eat Guatemalan raspberries until the pression, America’s War on Poverty, Malcolm ty-two of our trading partners have some type problem could be investigated, contained and X: Make it Plain, and Breakthrough: The of produce country-of-origin labeling or mark- eradicated. The average American was unable Changing Face of Science in America. In all ing requirement. These nations include, Can- to find out from what country were the rasp- Hampton produced or was responsible for ada, Mexico, Japan, and many members of berries in the grocery store. In the absence of more than 60 major films and media projects the European Union. There is no intent or labeling, concerned shoppers had no choice for the public and private sectors. Through means to discriminate against anyone or trad- but not to buy any raspberries. This hurts con- film, Hampton became a civil rights leader as ing partner with this bill. The office of legisla- sumers by limiting choice. It hurts growers well as an educator. tive counsel has incorporated into this bill lan- from all the other countries with which we im- Among his many industry awards and com- guage clarifying that this labeling reform ap- port. The current policy also hurts super- munity honors are the prestigious duPont-Co- plies equally to imported as well as domesti- markets, grocery stores, and family busi- lumbia and Peabody awards for excellence in cally grown produce. Otherwise, this text is nesses of all sizes. broadcast journalism, as well as six Emmys based on the amendment to the Senate Agri- CONCLUSION and an Academy Award nomination. Also, culture Appropriations bill that was offered last Unfortunately the nay-sayers have dis- Hampton received the 1993 Ralph Lowell year by the Senator from Florida (Mr. BOB missed the importance of this common-sense Award, considered the highest recognition in GRAHAM). practice all too quickly. Curiously, it is said public television, presented by the Public LABELING: SIMPLE, SOUND, AND INEXPENSIVE that giving the American consumer the infor- Broadcasting Service and the Corporation for Briefly, it is worth pointing out that U.S. law mation at the shelf or bin is somehow super- Public Broadcasting. In 1994, Hampton re- already encourages the labeling and marking fluous or confusing. I remind you that this in- ceived the first Harold C. Fleming Award rec- of fresh fruits and vegetables. The boxes of formation is already in the back of the store as ognizing ‘‘a lifetime of service in the field of imported produce, for example, are required to required by current law. political participation and community education indicate country-of-origin information. These I am very curious to see who will rise to op- against hatred in politics.’’ In 1995, he re- boxes go to the grocery store or retailer, but pose this legislation. Are there Members who ceived the first Heinz Family Foundation are often left in the back room. Thus, while do not want any families, children, or women Award in the field of arts and humanities. I this valuable information travels to the store, it to have the basic right to know from where commend to our colleagues the January–Feb- does not always make it to the mom, dad, or come the fresh fruit and vegetables they are ruary 199 About . Time article, title ‘‘An other consumer at the point of sale. serving at home? Are there Members who Eye for the Prize,’’ which tells of the great As our Founders envisioned, the states are want keep this information from consumers? contributions of Hampton. great laboratories for ideas. In Florida, the Are there members who want our citizens to AN EYE FOR THE PRIZE state enacted produce country-of-origin label- have different information from their foreign THROUGH THE ART OF FILM AND STORY, HENRY ing more than twenty years ago. The Florida counterparts? It is my hope that this is not the HAMPTON CELEBRATES THE SWEEP OF AFRI- experience is a marked success. Two major case. Certainly, the Members who have co- CAN-AMERICAN STRUGGLES AND CREATIVITY Florida supermarket chain stores have re- sponsored this bill answered this question de- By Wanda S. Franklin ported that this common-sense customer serv- cisively and in support of everyday Americans. The one thing he did right was the day he ice costs each store less than $10 per month. There is nothing in this legislation that is in- started to fight. With cameras and lights. Producers and editors. Historians and his- I am informed that the total cost for more than tended to be or shall prove discriminatory or the 25,000 retail stores in Florida is less than tory’s forgotten soldiers,’’ Boston Globe col- protectionist. Information is the most important umnist Derrick Z. Jackson wrote in a tribute $195,000 annually. It is an easy, low-cost pol- tool for consumers who have a right-to-know. to the life and works of Henry Hampton, on icy that has reaped enormous benefits for con- The information that will be easily displayed November 28, six days after the eminent sumers by giving them a right to know at the through this bill on a shelf or bin will empower film-maker died. Now, many African Ameri- grocery store. In addition, it has helped the consumers. And we will certainly continue to cans and others inspired by Hampton’s leg- stores better market their produce. import and enjoy produce from around the acy are beginning to take an accounting of THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WANTS THIS VALUABLE his work. world, as it is often the only source for fresh As founder and president of Blackside, Inc., INFORMATION produce when our growing season ends. The honest truth laying at the core of this Hampton made uniquely important contribu- This is common-sense legislation that will tions to the body of American documentary bill is that the people back home in our dis- lead to a uniform trade policy and benefit all film over the past 30 years right up until his tricts are curious and just want to know this consumers. I thank all of the Representatives death on November 22, 1998. He leaves behind valuable information. Today, virtually every- and Senators who have supported this policy a tremendous legacy that not only shaped thing in the supermarket bears its place of ori- in the past and those Members who are join- the world of documentary film, but also the gin, except meat and produce. A CBS/Public ing me today as original cosponsors. American conscience. Eye Poll taken last year showed that about 80 ‘I believe in the power of the arts to create f percent of the American public favor country- positive change,’’ said Hampton, the creator REMEMBERING HENRY HAMPTON and executive producer of the award-winning of-origin labeling. Why? So that they can have multi-part documentary, Eyes on the Prize. this useful information. There are many ways ‘‘EMINENT FILM—MAKER’’ The series, released in two installments for consumers to use this information. Individ- (with six episodes in 1987 and another eight uals who are concerned about international af- HON. WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY episodes in 1990), won the prestigious du- fairs and human rights can know if they are— OF MISSOURI Pont-Columbia and Peabody awards for ex- cellence in broadcast journalism, as well as and hopefully avoid—buying a product that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES may come from a regime that supports non- six Emmys and an Academy Award nomina- democratic or even racist policies, have poor Wednesday, March 17, 1999 tion. Eyes on the Prize is regarded as the de- Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, Henry Hampton, finitive film record of America’s civil rights child labor practices, or anything else from a movement. Hampton also co-authorized the range of legitimate other concerns. my friend and fellow student at St. Nicholas companion volume, Voices of Freedom: An It is relevant to give another example of how Catholic School in St. Louis, Missouri, was a Oral History of America’s Civil Rights Move- this is important on a practical level. This is prominent film-maker who shaped the Amer- ment. called ‘‘trace back.’’ In March of 1996, for ex- ican documentary world. While at St. Nicholas, In his years at Blackside, Hampton pro- ample, there was a very serious problem with a very small school with 100 students in duced or was responsible for more than 60 Guatemalan raspberries that were imported grades K–12, I was a high school student and major films and medial projects, including into twenty-states, including my home state of Hampton was a grammar student. Hampton several for J. Walter Thompson advertising agency, the United States National Institute California. These fruits were making people went on to graduate from Washington Univer- of Mental Health and the United States De- sick through cyclospora, a very serious para- sity in St. Louis. For 30 years right up until his partment of Commerce. site that invades the small intestine and death on November 22, 1998, Hampton raised Through his filmmaking, Hampton became causes extreme diarrhea, vomiting, weight the American conscience through such award a messenger, even a propagandist for justice, VerDate jul 14 2003 09:13 Oct 01, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\E17MR9.000 E17MR9 4848 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 17, 1999 equity and fairness.
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