li II \\\/// lA /I p ^ 1■ p1 jjy# jj J‘Sf II 1^ Hitgljtatnum ' ^ An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity 105TH YEAR—No. 26 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE. MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 SECTION A—PAGES 1 TO 8 PRICE—FIVE CENTS 60,500 Vehicles Use Santa to Visit Kiddies At Theatre on Thursday Nine Borough Lace President! B reak G rou n d fo r R u g The annual kiddies Christmas Jersey Turnpike Daily; parly will be held this Thursday Employees Ask Honored for Company’s New Plant; at the Hights Theatre at 10 a.m. The affair is being sponsored by 24% Jump Over 1952 the Volunteer Fire Company, American Legion and the Lions Pay Increase Long Service Future Expansion Seen Club, Raymond McNamara, chair­ Toll and Concession man of the Lions children’s com­ Sgt. Daley Elevated Present Oil Painting Engaged mittee said today. To Gxmplet^ Velvet Revenues Up 20.9%; Santa Claus will arrive in town To Rank of Captain To Leon Bimbaum, School Election via fire engine at 9:50 and proceed Carpet Mill in June Safety Record Better to the theatre. At the conclusion Effective December 31 Set Up Scholarship of the party he will help distribute At Cost of $2^/4 Million gifts to every child present. Ar­ Vote Register New Brunswick.—Traffic on the rangements are being made to Niue Borough employees present­ Leon Bimbaum, president of Na­ C. Herbert Davison, president of New Jersey Turnpike in the 6rst hand out several hundred pack­ ed a request to the local governing tive Lace Works, Inc., was honored tlie Hightstown Rug Company, nine months of 1953 showed an in­ ages to youngsters from this vicin­ body Tuesday night for a pay boost for 50 years as a businessman Sat­ Deadline Wed. broke ground Monday morning for crease of 23.9 per cent compared ity. Admission to the party is in 1954. A wage hike of 35 cents .an urday at a dinner at Hotel Pierre, the building of a new mill to pro­ with the same period in 1952, the free to all kiddies. hour is sought. New York City. duce velvet carpet fabrics as execu­ Persons who wish to vote at the Commissioners of the Autiiority de­ The organization headed by Birn- tives, department heads and guests Richard H. Whitby, manager The request was signed by Robert annual school election on February clared in a report to bondholders of the local theatre, is again do­ baum is the largest lace producer in looked on. Rloomell, Clarence ^IcLaughlin, Ed­ 9 must either be permanently regis­ covering the period. Toll and con­ nating use of the theatre. ward Van Pelt, Albert McLaughlin, the United Stales. He entered the The ceremony took place on a lace field in 1903 and today heads tered or do so between now and cession revenues were up 20.9 per Lester MccLaughlin, Roosevelt Sul­ next Wednesday, Joseph S. Stults, new' 45-acre site on the northwest cent. livan, Robert Allen, Harry Lewis the textile empirtf consisting of Na­ corner of the Princeton-Hightstown tive Laces & Textiles, Inc., New secretary of the lloard of Education In the nine months ended Septem­ and Adelard Beaulieu. said today. road and Cranbury-Edinburg road, \U Miss Mount York City, Natona Mills, Inc. of East Windsor Township. It is lo­ ber 30, 1953, traffic totaled 16,525,300 It was revealed that Sgt. W. Cecil All persons who are citizens of Dallas, Pa., H. & F. Rinch, Inc. of cated about two miles from the revenue vehicles, a daily average of Daley of the police department was Glen Falls, N.Y., Wilcox Lace Corp. the United Slates, 21 years of age advanced to the rank of captain, present axminsler plant on Bank 60,500, Commissioners Paul L. of Midiiletow’u, Conn., and its affili­ at the time of the election, who have effective midnight December 31. The street which opened in 1886 and has Troast, chairman, George F. Smith, Becomes Bride ates Carver Lace Works, Inc., resided one year in the state and action was taken on request of been in continuous operation since vice cliairman and Maxwell Lester Bronx, N.Y. and Bauer & Riggio of five months in the county and who Councilman Elmer Laird who retires that year. Jr., treasurer, state. The daily av­ West New York, N.J. The sales are permanently registered in the erage is 2^ times the original esti­ Of Kennedy at the end of this month. district are eligible to cast ballots. According to Davison this is the mate of the independent engineers A. J. Lanning, consulting sewage If you are not already registered first step in a proposed plan of ex­ for 1953 of 23,900 vehicles, and is at engineer, discussed with the Coun­ you may do so at tlie office of pansion and modernization which the rate which was forecast for 1975, Miss Sarah A, Mount, daugliter cil the proposed industrial waste or­ George P. Dennis, municipal clerk. will take about tw’O years to com­ or 23 years from now. Miss Betty Delatush of -Mr. and -Mrs. Jolm H. Mount, dinance and the combined water Gazette building, or at the office of plete. Plans have been drawn for a modern, functional, one-story plant Tolls and concession revenues Nortli Main street, became the bride and sewer ordinance. The proposed the County Board of Elections, • of approximately 300,000 square amounted to $16,146,353 in this year's Mr. and Mr.s. Josepli Dclatusli of of Cpl. Ronald M. Kennedy, son of ordinances will be introduced at a Trenton. The office hours are 9 a.m. Melvin Kennedy, New Brunswick January meeting. The organization 10 4:30 p.m. Monday through Fri­ feet. Provision is made for use of nine months compared to $13,354,642 .Mleipliia announce the engagement the latest, most highly improved in the similar period a year ago. of tiieir daughter, Belly Delatush, to and nepliew of Mr. and Mrs. Charles meeting of the governing body is day. Kendall of Cr.anbury on Saturday slated for Tuesday, January 5. Stults said he will not be able to equipment for operation and hand­ “Turnpike use by commercial ve­ Leo Feiiity, son of Mr. and ^^rs. ling material and the most efficient, Wyatt Fcnity of Cranbury. Mis.s afternoon in the First Presbyterian The hearing in the case of the register prospective voters. hicles continued to register sharp Church, before an altar banked with Borougli vs Irving Seidel, t/a Rex modern production procedures. 'Cu'iiimi' —-I ^i;r-,..ln-itP»r i.lniitP cic\i tliAthf-------- Fr/^phnlfl Tenns of three members expire increases this year, ..... --------- palms and wliiie dl'lrysiuuhelntmiSr—' Miii'uei' stigel was again tU Fi»brtiarTT and invnlvp The first unit of 60,0(K) square feet sioners state. “The most significant high .school, is a member of tlie senior class at Trenton State Teach­ The Rev. Reuel E. Johnson per­ poned. It is expected to be brought seats. They are William A. Mit- gain in the nine months of 1953 was formed the double ring ceremony, before town officials sometime next chell, president of the board; Mrs. for the new round wire and twist shown by buses of 68.3 per cent in ers College. Mr. Fenity is a gradu­ weave products. Further expansion ate of the local high school and i.s .Miss Edith V. Erving phayed the month. Catherine D. Richardson and Mrs. traffic and 63.7 per cent in toll rev­ nuptial music and accompanied Don­ Georgia M. Riley. Candidates run will take place by the addition of enues compared to the same period employed as a weaver at Native other units as required. Plant and Lace Works. ald J. Sheehy of Freehold who sang for three year terms. in 1952. Truck usage was up 57.3 “The Wedding Prayer” and "Be­ equipment, it is estimated, will cost about $2,250,000. per cent and reevnues 45.6 per cent cause.” Leo Hoffman and in total represented 9.5 per cent Davison stated that the building of total tolls this year against 7.5 per Given in marriage by her tatlier, Clark Is Jury will be completed by June, 1954 ac­ cent in 1952. Class 1 vehicles, mostly Miss Perrine the bride wore a gown of nylon cording to present plans and opera­ passenger cars, increased by 19.8 tulle fasliioned with an illusion yoke Dies Suddenly tion will begin in August. The ad­ per cent wffiile revenues were up with scallops of lace. Her waist was dition of the new round wire and of Chantilly lace with lace scal­ Commissioner 13.6 per cent. The latter class rep­ Weds Bastedo Leo J. Hoffman, 43, of 204 Max­ twist weaves in the new plant will loped panels on front and back of resented 88.7 per cent of all vehicles well avenue, died suddenly of a approximately double the present the bouffant nylon tulle skirt which Leon Bimbaum using the Turnpike in 1953 against heart attack Sunday afternoon at Francis G. Clark of Dutch Neck volume of the company. In a candlelight service performed ended in a chapel train. Her illu­ 91.2 per cent in the same nine the Hightstown Volunteer Fire. Co. office of these companies is located ro a i East Windsor “Township, was Thus far, the firm has specialized in the Cranbury Methodist Church sion scalloped veil was held by a No. 1, of which he was a member in New York City and total person­ appointed Monday as jury commis­ in the manufacture of axministers months of 1952.” Saturday Miss Shirley Ann Perrine, tiara of seeded pearls and irrides- The safety record of the Turnpike and captain of truck number 4.
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