TUGboat, Volume 3, No. 2 Conference fees will be set to recover both direct conference costs and other TUG indirect costs. General Delivery - TUG membership for 1983 will cost $20 includ- ing a subscription to TUGboat; two issues of TUGboat are planned for 1983. THE l@C LOGO: - For 1983 we will off' an institutional member AN l[MPORTANT NOTE ship for $200. Inetitutional membership entitles an organbation to name up to 5 individuals At the July TUG meeting, Don Knuth made the to receive mbscriptione to TUGboat and to following request concerning the QjX logo. Because be listed by name in the membership list. A many devices are unable to render the ld'%" separate listing of institutional members will in the original logo, an alternate form has been appear in each iasue of TUGboat. deviaed, using a lower-case "e" to retain the spirit SfeeFing Commiftee me%ting of the original: TeX Whenever anyone refers to It was decided that the Winter 1983 meeting will in print in a context which may ultimrrtdy be be held at Stanford sometime during the epring unable to render the old-style logo properly (e.g. a break, March 18-27. news release), the alternate form, TeX, should be The following issues were addressed at the used, and, if appropriate, eome mention should be Steering Committee meetings: made that this is the logo for Don Knuth's "Tau 1) It was decided that up to $1,000 wiU be con- wonChi". Thia is neceaeary to distinguish TjjX tributed to the coet of sending a representative from an operating eyetern called TEX that has been to the next ANSI standards meeting on typemtr developed (and registered) by Honeywell. tiw. 2) Joey Tuttle of 1. P. Sharp has offered to arrange the next meeting. 3) Replacements are needed on the Steering REPORT ON BUSINESS MEETINGS Committee for Robert Morris and Richard TUG SUhdMER MEETING Zippel, who are inactive. STANFORD UNWERSMY, JULY 25-27,1982 4) Monte Nichols has resigned from the Finance Swan Plaaa Committee; a new member at large should be sought. The Finance Committee currently con- Robert Morris has reaigned as TUG secretary; eiata of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Suean Plasa was elected to replace him. Michael two other members of the Steering Committee. Spivak ha8 aped to serve as chairman until the 5) The closing date for submission to TUGboat next meeting. was established as six weeks after the preceding A continuing question has been whether or not TUG general meeting. TUG should inmrporste. This issue assumed a 6) Few for advertising in TUGboat were set at greater urgency when the AMS decided to terminate $~WP~€P. subsidies to TUG with the next fiscal year. Sam 7) on December 31 of each year, the price for each Whidden consulted the AMS attorney about the back issue of that year's TUGboat will rise to legal ramifjcation of incorpomtion and reported that the full memberahip price for that year. ae long aa TUG remains a d organbation with 8) Ray Goucher was directed to handle 1982 in- Iimited finances there is no need to incorporate. The stitutional memberships retmactively based on lawyer did recommend that TUG draft and adopt a our policy for 1983 memberships. set of bylaws under which to operate. A bylaws com- 9) The Finance Committee waa empowered to mittee was formed consisting of Lance Carna, Ray take whatever urgent actions are necessary be- Goucher, and Susan Ph.They plan to present at tween msetinga, with the prime directive to the next TUG meeting a draft to be voted on by the keep TUG out of debt. memberehip. Rsy Goucher reported that new releases for this -=a meeting appeared in QpeWorld and SLAM Newq The following actions were taken by the m& several other publications, which gendyprint an- ehip at the general meeting: nouncementa of thia type, were notified, but their - A gend policy was set tbat membership feee publication deadlines were missed. A news release should be eet to ewer the direct costa of the for the March 1983 meeting will be prepared and TUGboat hues to be pubIished in that year. distributed in the Fall. TUGboat, Volume 3, No. 2 h his Tkeesurer'e report, Sam Whidden expreseed SHORTCOURSE - INTRODUCTIONTO -2 TUG'S thanks to Donald Knuth for the support he Reading PW- hae given TUG. His donated &as for the m2 Representation of strings Short Course have turned an expected $12,000 Data structures for boxea and glue ddcit into a positive balance. A volunteer willing Repmentation of control sequences to teach a similar wurse at the March meeting will Syntactic mutines (Wseyea and mouth) be sought. Semantic routines (QjX's stomach and inteatinee) The ha1 beaddressed by the Steering Breaking paragrapha into linm Committee in ita meetings is a Mcdt hue and Hyphenation waa left unresolved. TUG needs people willing to Scanning file names work not jwt on ljiJC, but also on the bread-and- Input of font metric (TFM)flee butter problems of organization, kame, and tech- Output of device-independent (DVI) files nical direction. Without the involvement of new Initializing a 'I&X production program members in the more pragmatic facets of TUG, the All twelve lectures of the Short Course were organhation cannot thrive. It is up to the general videotaped, and the tapes will be made available by membership to determine whether TUG as an or- TUG for rental or purchase; details can be obtained ganization will sunrive. from R8y Goucher, c/o American Mathematical Society, P. 0. Box 6248, Providence, RI 02940, (401) 272-9500. Prog~am,TUG Summer Meeting and -2 Bhort Course Stanf.. U-, July 2S-30,1983 Attendees, TUG Summer Mestipg USERS GROUPMEETING and m2Short Course Buaine8s meeting Sfanford UnivereiQ, July 25-30,1982 Ron Whitpey - introduction to '&X and TUG In the following list, names of permis attending dy for new users the meeting are not epecially marked; attendees at only Don Knuth - Q$U32 the Short Course are starred; attendeea at both the me& '@X82&4eA ing and Short Course are hgged by a t. Abrammn, Fred - Signetica Cap. Don Knuth - the WEB @ern of t Ameon, William - McGraw-Hill, In& stmtured documentation 'Atkineon, Michael - Science Cater, Roekwell Arthut Keller - tutorial for beginning I]LEX users International (2 sessions) t Beernan, Roger - Boeing Aemspsce Cornpaw Barbwa Beeton - 'QjX problems help don t ~eeton,Barbara - American Mathdcal Society Site Coordinators introduction and t~erkowit~,Marc - Adapt, Inc. - t Berry, Paul - I. P. Sharp Aaeociates, Inc. birdsof-*feather sessions: Besset, Didier - Phyaica Department, Stanford DEC lO/DEC 20 (Barry Doherty) university IBM 370 (Susan Plass) Blair, John - CALMA small architectures (Lance Carnes) Blanford, Mark - Sandia National Laborabriea Univac (Will Kelly) t Bollack, Ed - Information Handling Services '~o~ce,Jim - HewletbPackard Co. VAX/um (Cal Jackson) tBrot&, Daniel C. VAX/VMS (Monte Nichols) Brown, Heather - The University Of Kent, Output device manufacturers' repreaentati~8- Cant8rbury introduction and wnsultation Brown, Malcolm - Center For Information Florida Data (Bob Booher, Frank Price) Technology, Stanford University Buckle, Normand - UniveraiM du Quh,Montrd Hewlett-Packard (Jim Crumly, Tom Old) Carnea, Lance Imagen (Les Earnest, Jan Stoeckenius) Chaffee, Roger - Linear Accelerator Center, Symbolics (Jane Durrant, Larry Hambly, Stanford University Marc LeBrun) Cherry, George - Language Automation Associates l@C82 and WEB user experiences Clark, Debbie - Intergraph Cloutbier, Pierre - Computer Output Servicea Macro tutorial for intermediate '@X users Information, Inc. David F'ucha - output devices and drivers Cole, Michael - Washington State University Lynne Price - macro wiraarde roundtable Crawford. Dona - Sandis National Laboratories Ikn Knuth - dernon6tration of m2 Crumly, h - Hewlett-Packard Ca. TUGboat, Vohe 3, No. 2 t Curw, Clint - Hewlett-Packard Co. Ma,Shennon - Center for Inf'orrnation Doherty, Barry - American Math-tical Societp Technology, Stanford University Doyle, Peter G. - Dsrtmauth College Moortgat, Hugo - Univeraity of Santa Clara t Dupree, Charles - Digital Equipment Corp. t Naugle, Norman - Texas A&M Univereity Esstman, Pat - Cadtec ~odera,Takashi - Keio University, Yokohama Ellis, Wade - The Computer Tuton, O'Connor, George - Hewlett-Packard Co. ~lsell,Andera - Royal Institute Of Teduiology, Old, Tom - Hewlett-Peclcerd Co. Stockholm Oamond, Carolyn - Idormation Handling Service~s Felippa, Carlos - Loekheed Palo Alto Research Lab t Penny, Keith - Nuclear Divieion, Union Carbide Ferguson, Michael - Universit.4 du QuBbec, MonW 'Pettinicchio, Frank - McGiU University Ferris, Barry - Science Applications, Inc. Peuto, Bernard - View Tech, Inc. Fina, Pat - Maeaachwette Institute of Technologv t Plaee, Sunan - Center for Information Technology, 'Fisher, Glen - The Code Works Stanford University Fbata? Dominique - UniversiM de Straebourg Ramshaw, Lyle - Xerox Palo Alto Research Center hchs, Abe Reiaor, Ronald - University of Delaware hcha, David - Department of Computer Science, Robbins, Jehy - Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. Stanford University Rodgers, David - Univemity of Michigan Gabelnick, Stephen - Argonne National Laboratory Roth, David - Bell-Northern Research, Inc. Gaskina, Robert - Bell-Northern harch, Inc. Roudabueh, Glenn - CTB/McGraw-HiU, Inc. Graham, Ron - American Mathematical Society t Roy, Richard - Stanford Unidty/ESL, Inc. Grim, Daniel - University of Delaware '~ugglea, Lynn - University of Maasachusetts, 'G~OSSO,Paul - UILiversity of Michigan Amherat Guenther, Dean - Washington State University 'Samuel, Arthur - Department of Computer Science, Hap, Carl - Signetits Corp.
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