Public Library Association Board of Directors Meeting ALA Annual Conference Saturday, June 27, 2015 1:00-5:00 PM Location: Marriott Marquis, Sierra Suite F Logistics: Catering –Lunch will be in the room at 12:30. The open meeting begins at 1 pm and continues in the same room until 5 pm or a motion to adjourn. Agenda 1:00-1:05 pm • Welcome and Introductions, Larry Neal • Action Item: Adoption of the agenda Additional items may be added to the agenda prior to the adoption of the agenda. Items may also be removed from the consent agenda and moved to a discussion item. The PLA policies related to Board service, the strategic plan and a Board roster have been included in ALA Connect as reference materials. These are not agenda items. • Consent agenda Document Number a. 2015 Spring Board Draft Actions 2015.54 b. Awards Report 2015.55 c. Committee, TF, Advisory Group Biannual Reports 2015.56 d. Digital Learning Center-(DigitalLearn.org) 2015.57 e. Membership Report 2015.58 f. PLA 2016 Report 2015.59 g. PLA 2015 Election Results 2015.60 h. “Public Libraries” Magazine Report 2015.61 i. Publications Report 2015.62 j. Project Outcome Report 2015.63 k. Leadership Academy Report 2015.64 l. Technology Report 2015.65 m. Washington Office Report 2015.66 Page 1 of 3 Rev. 6/23/15 Action/Discussion/Decision Items 1:05-1:25 pm President’s Report, Larry Neal 2015.67 Executive Director and Board Self Evaluation, Larry Neal 1:25-1:40 pm 2015.68 ALA Executive Board Liaison, Rob Banks 2015.68a, 2015.68b, 2015.68c 1:40-1:45 pm PLA Emerging Leaders Project Presentation, Kara O’Keefe 2015.69 1:45-1:50 pm READ Global Nepal Earthquake, ACTION, Larry Neal 2015.70 1:50-2:20 pm Legacy Grant, Larry Neal, Barb Macikas, Mary Hirsh 2015.71 Gates Foundation Update, Deborah Jacobs 2:20-2:35 pm Budget and Finance Reports, Clara Bohrer and Barb Macikas Financial Analysis Overview: FY 2015- April 2015 2015.72 FY 2014 Year-To-Date by Project Report thru April 2015 2015.73 ACTION. Adoption of the FY2016 Budget, Budget & Finance Committee Chair, Clara Bohrer 2015.74 2:35-2:45 pm Board Best Practices-Confidentiality and Transparency, Larry Neal, Vailey Oehlke 2015.75 2:45-3 pm Social Media Working Group, PLA 2016 Conference, ACTION 2015.79 Barb Macikas 3-3:15 pm Break Page 2 of 3 Rev. 6/23/15 3:15-3:30 pm Review of the ALA Council Agenda. The purpose of this Agenda is to seek input from the PLA Board prior to Council sessions so that the PLA councilor can adequately and accurately represent PLA’s point of view at Council Meetings, Rivkah Sass. Recognition of the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the 2015.81 American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA), ACTION 3:30-3:45 pm Board Vacancy, ACTION. Larry Neal 2015.76 3:45-3:55 pm PLA Nominating Committee Update, Carolyn Anthony no doc 3:55-4:05 pm DCWG Group Update, Carolyn Anthony no doc 4:05-4:15 pm PLA Brand Re-Positioning, Barb Macikas 2015.77 4:15-4:25 pm Debrief, PLA President’s Breakfast-Format/Concept, Larry Neal no doc 4:25 pm-4:50 pm Pew Update, John Horrigan on-site 4:50-4:55 pm Future Board Meetings and Scheduling, Fall Board meeting reminder and housing for PLA 2016, Barb Macikas 2015.78 4:55-5:05 pm Service Recognition of Outgoing Board Members, Larry Neal 2015.80 onsite Carolyn Anthony, Felton Thomas, Jr., and Pam Sandlian Smith New Business. Reminder! PLA President Larry Neal invites you to join colleagues after the Board meeting at the PLA President’s Reception, 5-7 p.m., Marriott Marquis San Francisco, Sierra Suite I Page 3 of 3 Rev. 6/23/15 PLA Board of Directors Annual Conference 2015 2015.54 Public Library Association Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Board Actions Spring Meeting 12:30-5 p.m., Sunday, May 3, 2015 Washington, D.C. Meeting Location Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, Executive Office Board Room, 4th Floor 901 G St NW, Washington, DC 20001 To be reviewed and approved at the 2015 ALA Annual Conference Meeting of the PLA Board of Directors Present: Larry Neal, President; Vailey Oehlke, President-Elect, Carolyn Anthony, Past President. Directors at Large: Melanie Huggins; Manya Shorr; Pam Smith; Felton Thomas; Jay Turner PLA Councilor: Rivkah Sass Excused Absence: Melinda Cervantes; PLA Staff Present: Barb Macikas, Executive Director 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Approved consent documents: Consent agenda Document Number a. Draft 2015 Midwinter Board Actions 2015.46 b. ALA National Library Legislative Day Agenda 2015.47 Action/Discussion/Decision Items 3. PLA President Update, Larry Neal 2015.48 President Larry Neal reported on presidential activities. 4. FY 2015 Financial Status Report and FY2016 Draft Budget Overview ED Barb Macikas reviewed status of current budget and reviewed draft FY 16 budget, to be approved by Board in June. 2015.49 and 2015.50 5. ALA Request in to Support IFLA Scholarships, Larry Neal, Action item 2015.51 Page 1 of 2 PLA Board of Directors Annual Conference 2015 2015.54 ALA is seeking donate $25,000 to IFLA. ALA has contributed $10,000 and has asked that ACRL, PLA and AASL each contribute $5,000. Following discussion it was moved and approved to support the ALA request for $5,000 with the stipulation that the PLA donation be used for scholarships be for public librarians attending IFLA. 6. Request for Family Engagement Task Force, Larry Neal, Barb Macikas, 2015.52 Following discussion it was moved and approved to create a PLA Family Engagement Task Force. 7. Public Awareness Discussion, facilitated by Kelly Carey, GMMB 2015.53 The Board spent the majority of its time together discussing the PLA strategic plan goal of “Advocacy and Awareness,” and one objective specifically: PLA plays a major role in public library advocacy and in influencing public perception about the library. Objective (1): Enhance perception of public libraries through a public awareness initiative. PLA brought in communications consultants from GMMB to facilitate the board discussion with the goals of: • Ensuring board alignment on the perceptions of public libraries that should be enhanced under its current strategic objective • Providing the information and questions the board needs to consider to select an approach to changing these perceptions Following the discussion, GMMB will provide a recap and suggestions for next steps PLA might take to begin the re-positioning process. 8. New business. As there was no new business, it was moved and approved to adjourn the meeting at 4:20. Page 2 of 2 PLA Board of Directors Annual Conference 2015 2015.55 DATE: June 5, 2015 TO: PLA Board of Directors FROM: Julianna Kloeppel, Program Coordinator RE: Awards Report 2015 PLA President Larry Neal, along with the award sponsors and PLA members will recognize all of the award winners as part of the PLA Member Welcome Breakfast on Saturday, June 27, 2015, at the 2015 ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco, Calif. Allie Beth Martin Award 2015 Recipient: Mary Olson, readers’ advisory librarian, Medina County (Ohio) District Library Honors a librarian who, in a public library setting, has demonstrated extraordinary range and depth of knowledge about books or other library materials and has distinguished ability to share that knowledge. A plaque and a $3,000 honorarium are presented annually at the ALA Annual Conference. Established in 1977 in honor of Allie Beth Martin. Sponsored by Baker & Taylor. Allie Beth Martin Award Jury: Kristen Rae Allen-Vogel, chair, Holly S. Blosser, Jana Kelly, Kaite Mediatore Stover, Rebecca Rasnic, Tezeno Lynette Roberson, Reed W. Strege, and Rachel Stump Baker & Taylor Entertainment Audio Music / Video Product Award 2015 Recipient: Edna Zybell Memorial Library, Clarence, Iowa Designed to provide a public library the opportunity to build or expand a collection of either or both formats in whatever proportion the library chooses. The grant consists of $2,500 of Audio Music or Video Products. Sponsored by Baker & Taylor. Baker & Taylor Entertainment Audio Music / Video Product Award Jury: Nick Donald Taylor, chair, Diana Garcia, Keshia L. Garnett, Kimberly A. Iraci, Sydney Leigh McCoy, and Marion N. Scichilone Charlie Robinson Award 2015 Recipient: Maxine Bleiweis, executive director, Westport (Conn.) Library Honors a public library director who, over a period of seven (7) years, has been a risk taker, an innovator and/or a change agent in a public library. The recipient should have been active in national and other professional associations and be known for developing and implementing programs which are responsive to the needs of community residents. The award consists of $1,000 and a gift. The public library director will be honored at the ALA Annual Conference. Established in 1997. Sponsored by the Baker & Taylor. Charlie Robinson Award Jury: Skip Auld, chair, Susan Baerg Epstein, Rebecca Rasnic, Greta K. Southard, and Louise T. Svehla Demco New Leaders Travel Grant 2015 Recipients: Jennifer Hannibal, tween librarian, Allen Park (Mich.) Public Library; Trinity Lescallett, adult services manager, Tiffin-Seneca (Ohio) Public Library; Eric Soriano, e-services librarian III, Jacksonville (Fla.) Public Library; and Sara White, youth services librarian, Seminole County (Fla.) Public Library Designed to enhance the professional development and improve the expertise of public librarians new to the field by making possible their attendance at major professional development activities. Plaques and travel grants of up to $1,500 per applicant are presented annually at the ALA Annual Conference. Established in 1993. The name of this grant was changed in October 2004.
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