Thrita J Med Sci.2013;2(1):106-108. DOI: 10.5812/thrita.7005 Thritajournal.com Could Frequent and Lengthy Masturbation Sessions Dispose to Hemorrhoids? Mohammad Zarenezhad 1*, Amin Hoseinzadeh 1, Seyed Mohammad Vahid Hosseini 2, Saeed Gholamzadeh 1 1 Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, IR Iran 2 Department of Pediatric Surgery, Shiraz and Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, IR Iran ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article type: Background: Normal anal vein-containing-cushions are located in the wall of the rec- Discussion tum and anus and may become enlarged symptomatically and displaced to the distal of the anal canal and form the hemorrhoids. Multiple predisposing factors have been pro- Article history: posed for hemorrhoid development. Masturbation refers to the sexual self stimulation Received: 28 Jun 2012 of one’s genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. Revised: 06 Aug 2012 Hypothesis: We hypothesized that frequent and lengthy masturbation is a predisposing Accepted: 23 Aug 2012 factor for development of hemorrhoid. Rationale and Discussion: During masturbation, impaired venous return and conse- Keywords: quently congestion of blood in the anal cushions and engorgement of the hemorrhoid Hemorrhoids plexus occurs. We found, through a literature review, that other conditions which en- Masturbation hance the development of hemorrhoids act by a similar mechanism in which venous Causality return is impaired. Conclusion: We suggest designing a research project to answer the question whether the prevalence of hemorrhoids is higher among people who have excessive and lengthy masturbation than the normal population. Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education: We suggest designing an epidemiological research project to answer this question: Is the prevalence of hemorrhoids higher among the people who have excessive and lengthy masturbation sessions than the normal population? Please cite this paper as: Zarenezhad M, Hoseinzadeh A, Hosseini SMV, Gholamzadeh S. Could Frequent and Lengthy Masturbation Sessions Dispose to Hem- orrhoids? Thrita J Med Sci. 2013;2(1): 106-8. DOI: 10.5812/thrita.7005 1. Background system via the internal iliac vein (1). Anal cushions are located in the wall of rectum and anus and may become Normal anal cushions contain a sub-mucosal venous enlarged symptomatically and dislocated to the distal of plexus called hemorrhoidal plexus. Hemorrhoidal plex- the anal canal, which are then called hemorrhoids (2, 3). us drains into superior, middle and inferior rectal veins. Hemorrhoids are one of the most frequent reasons that The superior rectal vein drains into the portal system patients refer to a colon and rectal surgeon (4). Hemor- via the inferior mesenteric vein. The middle and inferior rhoids are reported be present in 4-5 percent of adult rectal veins drain subsequently into the systemic venous population (5). * Corresponding author: Mohammad Zarenezhad, Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, IR Iran. Tel: +98-9173130250, Fax: +98- 7116324100; Ext: 115, E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.5812/thrita.7005 Copyright © 2013, Tehran Students’ Research Centers Network. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Masturbation Sessions Dispose to Hemorrhoids Zarenezhad M et al. Multiple predisposing factors have been proposed for We would like to emphasize on the mechanical force hemorrhoid development including pregnancy, chronic which is produced by impeding venous return as a mech- constipation, prolonged toilet sitting and straining (2, 6). anism through which masturbation promotes hemor- Masturbation refers to the induction of sexually pleasur- rhoids. In this regard, the body position is a very impor- able sensations in ones’ own body or another person by tant contributory factor. In the standing position, the means of physical or psychic stimuli (7). Guilt, shame, height of the body’s center of gravity is 55 to 57% of the and indulgence are stigmata related to masturbation in standing height. The center of gravity of the human body all the world’s major religions (8, 9). In Islam, masturba- will move from the position described above if the posi- tion is forbidden strictly and is held as a great moral sin. tion of different body parts is changed (13). Compared with normal sexual intercourse, masturbation often 2. Hypothesis occurs in sitting or semi-sitting positions. In such posi- tions, the location of body’s center of gravity is around In this paper, we describe the hypothesis that frequent the perineum (1). So, the maximum amount of the me- and lengthy masturbation is a predisposing factor for de- chanical force of impeding venous return is applied in velopment of hemorrhoids. this area. 3. Rationale and Discussion On the other hand, hemorrhoids are chronic condi- tions and their related predisposing factors would exert During masturbation, blood supply to the perineum in- their effect on developing hemorrhoids over the course creases. On the other hand, muscles of the buttocks and of several years. So, it is not necessary that hemorrhoids perineum contracts strongly. These two factors lead to and their predisposing factors occur at the same time in impaired venous return and consequently congestion of the epidemiologic studies. In other words, even if we con- blood in the anal cushions and engorgement of the hem- sider frequent normal sexual intercourse among sexually orrhoid plexus, a phenomenon which is called pelvic con- active population as a cause of developing hemorrhoids gestion (7, 10). The repetition of this process over the time through the same mechanism as masturbation, the an- leads to easier formation of hemorrhoids, theoretically. ticipation of higher prevalence of hemorrhoids among Also, in people who have lengthy masturbation sessions ‘all sexually active’ individuals is not necessarily true. and do not allow themselves ejaculate easily during mas- As a supporting evidence, hemorrhoids are mostly ob- turbation, the process of impaired venous return and served among adults and mid-aged men and women (45- congestion of blood will be intensified. 65 years) and the development of hemorrhoids before To our knowledge, there is not any previous evidence the age of 20 years is unusual (2). However, some known on the relationship between lengthy and frequent inter- risk factors including pregnancy are mostly observed in courses with the formation of hemorrhoids. This could younger ages. be explained by: in people who have lengthy masturba- Theoretically, according to the above-mentioned mech- tion sessions and do not allow themselves ejaculate eas- anism, the risk of development of hemorrhoids follow- ily during masturbation, the process of impaired venous ing frequent normal sexual intercourse is less likely than return and congestion of blood will be intensified. that of masturbation. Frequent masturbation is considered to be a predispos- ing factor for chronic prostatitis via the mechanism of ex- 4. Conclusion cessive blood congestion (10). Long-term recurrent pros- In conclusion, masturbation is a frequently observed tate congestion leads to increased venous return, local behavior among young and especially sexually active blood stasis and decreased immune resistance and there- groups. However, hemorrhoids are mostly observed fore the chance of infection will increase accordingly (11). among adults and mid-aged men and women. We suggest Impeding venous return is a proven mechanism for designing an epidemiological research project to answer development of hemorrhoids. For example, pregnancy, this question: is the prevalence of hemorrhoids higher chronic constipation, prolonged toilet sitting and strain- among the people who have excessive and lengthy mas- ing can predispose to impaired venous return, conges- turbation sessions than the normal population? One way tion of the anal cushions and finally engorgement of the to do this research project is to pull patients’ data from hemorrhoid plexus via increased intra-abdominal pres- gastroenterology services/clinics, select the patients suf- sure (2, 4, 6). These facts support our theory. fering from hemorrhoids and retrospectively take the We must also point out that long-term frequent mas- history of masturbatory behaviors and also evaluate the turbation habit of patients does not necessarily lead to role of age, gender, population and exercise in develop- the occurrence of hemorrhoids. One reason is the contro- ment of hemorrhoids. versial definition of frequent masturbation and also the varying degree of resistance to disease. Frequent mastur- bation is determined by level of sexual tension, available Acknowledgments opportunity, absence of distractions, habit, or strength of This work was supported by the Iranian Legal Medicine sexual stimuli (12). Organization. Thrita J Med Sci. 2012;2(1) 107 Zarenezhad M et al. Masturbation Sessions Dispose to Hemorrhoids Authors’ Contribution 2011;24(1):5-13. 5. Rajabi M, Hosseinpour M, Jalalvand F, Afshar M, Moosavi G, Beh- All authors contributed in this paper and final manu- dad S. Ischiorectal Block with Bupivacaine for Post Hemorrhoid- script was approved by all authors. The authors declare ectomy Pain. Korea J Pain. 2012;25(2):89-93. 6. Moore KL, Dalley AF, Agur AM. Pelvis
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