E1330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 23, 2019 Violence Program Dinner hosted by the Arab each member a chance to vote for or against nue of leadership in law enforcement, serving Community Center for Economic and Social them. in both the Van Alstyne and McKinney Police Services. The organization’s commitment to We didn’t include any partisan, poison Departments prior to working as a Collin supporting our Arab American community is pills—we gave both sides an opportunity to County Deputy Sheriff. Mr. Deffibaugh would worthy of commendation. legislate on an issue that doesn’t see party later begin a career as an investigator with the The Arab Community Center for Economic lines and we got something done. Collin County District Attorney’s office where and Social Services (ACCESS) is the largest Now, we’re seeing progress—the majority, he would remain until his retirement in 2011. Arab American community nonprofit organiza- 1.27 million Americans, are now receiving Due to his deep commitment in Collin County, tion in the nation. Founded by a group of vol- treatment for their addiction and we’re seeing he would also serve as Reserve Deputy Con- unteers in 1971, ACCESS was created to help the overdose deaths decline in this country. stable for Precinct 2. In addition to his stellar the Arab immigrant population adapt to life But we can’t let up. service in law enforcement, Mr. Deffibaugh within the United States. Ever since, ACCESS I am hoping we can repeat the success of also played a role as a volunteer fireman, has been devoted to promoting a just and eq- this legislation—on many issues, including County Fire Marshall, and Assistant Fire Chief uitable society where all can flourish. Today, continuing to help communities fight opioid ad- for the City of Princeton until his retirement in with 11 locations, ACCESS provides commu- diction. 2018. Mr. Deffibaugh’s leadership and commit- nity members a wide range of educational, so- This week, I’m introducing a bill that came ment to his community was further reflected in cial, economic, and health services to assist, from a local police officer in my district. his role as the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore improve, and empower people in need. A police officer from the Normal Police De- of Princeton, and through his efforts as the The 12th Annual Domestic Violence Pro- partment was trying to track down a case of President of the Princeton Community Devel- gram Dinner exemplifies ACCESS’s continued ‘pharmacy shopping,’ where someone had opment Corporation. commitment to assisting people in distress. come down from Chicago and was trying to In his civic life, Mr. Deffibaugh has volun- Every year, the dinner brings countless com- get an opioid prescription for someone else teered as a Scoutmaster, Little League Coach, munity members together to raise proceeds to filled at multiple pharmacies. and church deacon. He is also a founding But there was no way to track who had tried benefit survivors of domestic violence. In addi- member of the Jacob D. Hayes Marine Corps to fill this prescription because no ID is re- tion, the important program generates a great- League, where he has tirelessly coordinated quired to pick up these highly addictive pain er awareness for the prevalence of domestic the Collin County Toys for Tots program and killers. violence and its negative impacts on children, My bill, the Opioid Prescription Verification led the organization as the Chaplain. Sergeant families, and even entire communities. AC- Act, changes that by requiring pharmacists to Steven Deffibaugh has led a remarkable life of CESS is a vital resource for people facing do- record the ID of a person picking up an opioid service to his community and is to be com- mestic violence, and the organization’s annual prescription. mended for his tireless efforts. dinner dedicated to empowering hundreds of This is similar to ID requirements that were Today a grateful Nation thanks Sergeant survivors truly makes a difference in our com- placed on Sudafed sales in 2005 to combat Deffibaugh for his exceptional service and munity. the meth epidemic. congratulates him on this recognition. May his Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join I’m looking forward to hopefully passing this steadfast example of leadership inspire others me in honoring the Arab Community Center bill to continue fighting this epidemic from all to live a life of service to a cause greater than for Economic and Social Services as they host angles. themselves. It is my extreme honor to award their 12th Annual Domestic Violence Program him the 2019 Congressional Veteran Com- f Dinner. ACCESS’s mission to assist, improve, mendation for the Third District of Texas. and empower people in our community truly RECOGNIZING SERGEANT STEVEN f changes lives, and I am deeply appreciative of DEFFIBAUGH, RECIPIENT OF their remarkable work. TEXAS’ THIRD CONGRESSIONAL PERSONAL EXPLANATION f DISTRICT 2019 CONGRESSIONAL VETERAN COMMENDATION HON. JACKIE WALORSKI PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF INDIANA HON. VAN TAYLOR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DOUG COLLINS OF TEXAS Wednesday, October 23, 2019 OF GEORGIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. WALORSKI. Madam Speaker, due to Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Ways & Means Committee business, I was Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Mr. TAYLOR. Madam Speaker, today, it is unavoidably detained and missed the vote. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Madam Speaker, my privilege to honor twelve distinguished mili- Had I been present, I would have voted I was absent due to a family emergency. tary veterans from Texas’ Third Congressional YEA on Roll Call No. 573. Had I been present, I would have voted District who answered the call to serve their f NAY on Roll Call No. 571; NAY on Roll Call Nation honorably, both in uniform and fol- No. 572; YEA on Roll Call No. 573; NAY on lowing their return to civilian life. The recipi- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- Roll Call No. 574; YEA on Roll Call No. 575; ents of the 2019 Congressional Veteran Com- NIVERSARY OF WAYNE COUNTY YEA on Roll Call No. 576; and NAY on Roll mendation exemplify the time-honored quali- PARKS Call No. 577. ties of patriotism, service before self, and bold f leadership. Following their time in service, HON. DEBBIE DINGELL their efforts in our community have earned OF MICHIGAN OPIOID EPIDEMIC these fine individuals recognition as the recipi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ents of this prestigious commendation. Their Wednesday, October 23, 2019 HON. RODNEY DAVIS stories of sacrifice will encourage future gen- OF ILLINOIS erations to pursue a life dedicated to the very Mrs. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES values we cherish as Americans: faith, free- today to recognize the 100th anniversary of dom, and democracy. One such hero is Ser- Wayne County Parks. Its century of dedication Wednesday, October 23, 2019 geant Steven Deffibaugh of Princeton, Texas. to the Wayne County community is worthy of Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Madam A native of Borger, Texas, Sergeant Steven commendation, and it is my honor and privi- Speaker, the opioid epidemic and our efforts Deffibaugh served in the United States Marine lege to recognize their important milestone to Corps in the 5th Marine Division from 1969 to today. H.R. 6, the SUPPORT for Patients and 1972. For his distinguished service to our Na- In 1919, Elizabeth Park in Trenton was do- Communities Act, was a highlight for me last tion, he was awarded the Marine Corps Good nated to Wayne County by the children of Eliz- Congress. Conduct Medal, National Defense Service abeth Slocum. The acceptance of this dona- Because it was a moment where Congress Medal, and Marksman Rifle Badge. He re- tion marks the beginning of the Wayne County was focused on legislating and actually getting ceived degrees from Grayson County College Park System, the first county park system in things done. and Abilene Christian University at Dallas. the state of Michigan. In the years and dec- The House took 39 bipartisan bills, moved After returning from his time in service, Ser- ades that followed, the county began to accu- them through the legislative process, and gave geant Deffibaugh chose to pursue a new ave- mulate different outdoor locations throughout VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Oct 24, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23OC8.001 E23OCPT1 October 23, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1331 the area to add to its park system, seeking to The founder and president of the Malta Corporal Ronnie Davenport Foster, known discover new outdoor recreational opportuni- Conferences, Professor Zafra Lerman, is my to his friends as ‘‘RD’’ served in the United ties that could enhance the quality of life for friend and constituent. Professor Lerman is a States Marine Corps from 1966 to 1969. Origi- the families and residents of Wayne County. life-long champion for human rights, freedom, nally from Farmersville, Texas, as the son of Over the course of 100 years, the Wayne and peace. For more than four decades, she a WWII veteran, Ronnie’s sense of patriotism County Park System has significantly trans- has worked tirelessly to promote peace and was developed early on. Shortly after grad- formed. From humble beginnings in Elizabeth justice around the globe, especially among na- uating from high school, RD would be as- Park in 1919, Wayne County Parks have since tions whose governments are hostile to one signed to the 1st Force Logistics Command become an invaluable pillar of our community, another. driving resupply and gun trucks out of Da serving as spaces for community members to Professor Lerman has received over 40 Nang, Vietnam in 1967 as a part of the gather and enjoy the outdoors, compete in international awards, including the Presidential ‘‘Rough Riders’’ motor transport Battalion.
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