Campus priest dies MMMaCKyslocfhmanCBU toe Hmkey Inside CohmrnisthzCixeynKmisthebssdlmqh ChibmishedGeagMzsmUniversityo-Z.Theclubis McNamara, campusministerandclosefiimi mmownight.witha95% sduiuledtobeginplayinginDaton/Xrenasom. Wednesday ot‘many students. diameofeggsandshaying Sports/Page 3 Happenings/Page 9 ' Weather/Page 2 North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since l920 Volume lXXII, Number 29 Wednesday, October 30, l99t Raleigh, North Carolina Printed on MM. ret vi led paper Editorial 5| 5-2411 Advertising 515-2029 Belltower Student shot in is site of armed robbery mugging ting in it car on Mot‘t‘tll Drnc By Eric Liebhauser (ilen Russell Wliitehtirst it. IS. Staff Writer One of two ot (irttiieslaiid. N (X located rrt l’rtt (‘ourity \Kil\ arrested and An N.(‘. State University student charged with attired robbery and was attacked and robbed at lhs‘ suspects assault with a deadly weapon with Memorial -- the intent to kill Tower lriday if \Vlittelitirsi was also charged night, still at large with possession ol a weapon of According By Steve (‘risp mass destruction alter Public to the police Stuff Writer Salety t'ccoycrcd a sawedaitl .33 r e p o r t caliber r'rlle near Wlittehurst‘s K e n d a l .-\n .N'.(‘. State l'niierstty student PISS Nissan. Mercer and was shot and |ll_llll'L‘Ll Monday Whitehurst is currently being B 3 f h a l’ 4! morning during it robbery on cam “Cid '“ ”W Wake ( (”H“) Moore were pus, Detention lactltty under 325.000 sitting on tlte Roger Anthony Dill. I”. a soplio bond and has a court appearance Memorial Tower‘s southeast bench at more mu” liedt'ord. .N' ll . “a. L.” sci l'or Not 20 Ill Wake (‘ounty ”:50 pm. when they were accosted. rouie m the “mm ”I ()w L.” District ( ourt ' Mercer said that a mart with lortg. Residence Hall l'rom Western ACLWdth 10 RI spokesperson for blond hair. wearing a light-colored T Bouleuird when lie was tlte (irecmtlle Police Departriient. sltirt abbroached hitit t'rom behirtd approached by a man on tlte lower “h'wh‘ml h‘“ "“ prior record and grabbed him by the tieck. 'l'lte intramural l'reld belitnd “h?” l‘i‘l'ss‘ WNW”) toun‘d (‘arrritclracl (iyninasium , “l“lk'lll'r‘ls h“ “i“ "ll”‘z‘ ”1 h" assailant lorted Merrie ott ot the ,~\ccordtng to Public Satety car behind tlte steering wheel and bertclt and onto the ground. lhc man l‘L‘pUt’lS. l)ill was c‘itttlt’iittlc‘d lil'tllll tirade no attempt to llee when then deriianded Mercer‘s wallet. belitnd at I am. Monday by what approached. police said .-'\ccording to the report, while he said was one ltldtHdtl’dl who In statements to the police. Mercer was lying on the ground. tltieatened him arid demanded Whrtchiirst indicated tltat lie knew another man approached Moore lrom money nothing ot the incident arid leigned the west side of the Memorial Tower Dill said he thougltt the stispect innocence. a spokesman said arid stood tti twin of her lhc ittatt was holding a hole. and he Whiteltiirst also claimed not to told Moore not to more. attempted to outrun the suspect. know where he was and dented Alter Mercer's assailant obtained police said. Dill had taken about eyen knowing the location of NC. the wallet. both men ran in the direc- five steps when he was shot tn the State, in further questioning. tion of llolladay Hall. ()ne tltiet‘ ran back just under his let't shoulder Whitehursi implicated a second g'. toward the southeast of the building. blade With one round trom a .22 puny in the shooting. the other toward the southwest. rifle. At the request of Public Safety. Neither of the Victims was inyiired, the second suspect's name and “_ Police are looking for two white Police said that alter the injured description are being withheld males. both in their lllltlrztls The Dill dropped to the ground. the tiritil the lllledUltl is arrested on first suspect ts about S leet o, with .i suspect remoted a portable L'Ultl' warrants issued under the satire husky lbutltll arid lopg. bloln'd hair and tamingpact discaboutplayer$25and a wallet conv charges m ”WW “am” , . , is sin to tare a rtiii. ie secori Dill then waited setcral minutes “hllkhlll‘l- suspectA is approximatelyI 5 toot 0.l and made his way to a blue light lnl‘orrtiation gathered by with shouldcrrlength. brown liatr and phone and called Public Satety Teclirtrctari indicates that the two an a\erage build. Dill was taken to Wake Medical stispecis let't Pitt (‘ounty Sunday Also this week. Ptibltc Salety (‘eiiter' where he underwent enter- exerting with the intent to commit reported that the intariiotis ball boy gency surgery to narrow the sltig robbery til the Raleigh area assailant. who was pictured Ill Ki-wrv . ir-Mit ,trrtttr m t." and was transterred to tire (‘ardiac According to Public Satety. the Technician. ltas been identrlred but ('are [hit at o: l 2 a m I\loriday two apparently split up when nocharges hayc been pressed. M' df I f th d t 'I Dill was discharged trom the tiriit arrryiiig at the campus Ptiblic Sat’ety Detecti\e Samuel D 'n u o e e a' s g“ i pm. Tuesday dllt‘l'lliiiitt to a At least tour other indistduals on Head said the assailant was not an regular unit tor recoscry the campus reported seeing or .N'(‘Sl' student btit a medical student '\s ot'”l‘uesday his condition had talking roan tridiyidual tilting the l‘rom out ot tow It. Mat k Tut ker, a graduate student in industrial design, puts his effort into a toot-operated lug nut remover. been upgraded ti'om serious to description ot the second suspect Head said the two men worked out good durtrtg the course ot the eyeniiig. their differences witltotit taking the Police tmesttgatirig at the scene A search tor the second suspect matter to court arid Public Satety has ol the incident lotind a titan lillllllg’ is continuing in Wake and Pitt concluded the rn\estigatiori the description ot the assailant sit (‘ouittrcs Poor turnout for first bone marrow drive Campus priest, 58, dies By lracey Neal iltc (‘atlrolrc (‘eiiter By .I. Christopher Jost .lr. managed to haye a lo percent catnpris again nest semester. With the cspericnce we i. :t' .wi-t “He is as a \cry \t'll\lll‘-t‘ man and sery Start Writer turnout. while .Nt‘Sl mustered only l i pcrr gatrted this time I‘m certain we cart do much ”ettl. better." he said, aware. ot their . ttlie studerits‘i needs." ”d- the 5N“ “Itch \llil. .‘lot'iday’y , ”if”. kL;. l Inl . Lulmm‘mm'. l . Ut many K HI L-[--L] .t\1t N't‘SL'g l, . titor‘lLS't illiHitcitI tli1 athii inI eIt itcgi ItitlHi“In.e toimow“I yrtrin:1-":s rl‘tint""l‘ h“kti\ e”1“Hmmlctl t\thtr bcI RomanH” R“(atholtc. J‘“priestl‘h MV“toram.N'( State lattice' \lyatrous.. campus chaplain. ”1”"le Lll‘v’”. ‘ ‘} ‘L‘Ui‘ *u”“li“‘ groups I“ 's L‘l"“ "RMi ‘t\. ant . L' ‘'ir stir a ‘l[ll e a term ri t k‘l s t e e r . i r e‘ l rtt\cisil} .s ( ..tllll‘ilt' Ministry. died described McLNaItttita. as ..it W'.‘. “i"nb. get people registered \\llll the National ltorie ic\\ ltoyl't'li‘tlds sat and watched while the” blood related disorders. When soirieoirc's Monday ol a heart attack alter a short gentle man with a great wnw ot Marrow Registry. gtrltriends brayed the r’elatt\c|y painless bone ritarrow is destroyed by disease or cart run humor ” About 350 students. procedure. cer‘ treatment. it titust be replaced logether with Sister Mary lynch. The wake scritcc on campus will be faculty arid stal'l' marched Stellar also said the rriiitortty showing was a Stellar esplatncd that bottc marrow trans \lc \aritara worked with students. lactil held today at the Sacred Heart up the steps to the ,3 bit lighter than he had hoped. Only 22 plants are much more mtolsed than simple ty and stall to create a strong ministerial Studcrtt (‘enter Ballroom \trrcari -\ttieric.ins had been registered by blood traitsltistoris because .i nearly esact tis ('athedral lrom 7 to 0 p in ,\ lurteral to register and give blood day's end Stellar said minority support is stre typc match must be made presence They also worked with d large mass will be on 'l‘hursday at noon .ii for testing. important because ol a greater need and the lior this Lll'l\L' Phi Delta 'lheta. Sigma graduate student population and tnterna Stew art Theater But Wayne Stellar. drlticitlty ot making matches Kappa. Alpha Phi Alpha and Delta Sigma tiorial students at the Aquinas llottsc. There will be a wake l'i'tday tn regional organizer ot The .i\erage likelihood ot' a rtiatclt is one in Theta worked to t'tttse o\ er Sl-Ultltl to pay tor thc (‘atltoltc Student (‘eiiter 'l‘ewksbury. Mass and he will be buried Hope l<or Lite. was Illlltlti l-or minorities it drops to one itt the $51) per person tcstirtg tee \latchtrri' "He was a wonderttil man who really at ()blates Nontratc on (handler Street somewhat disappointed Stella! jolltitio because so lew. minorities. lia\e been lurrds trom other organt/attoiis pushed the l)triadm“ iil’irk\ iii teel wel“llk'omc,”kn saidh m lrcsliinanm x ‘k in ..lewksbury at Illam In the ettort.. trorn. N(, . registered... Stellar. said total money tuitilitl‘lt‘ tomer,-325.001), onc Ist‘l-yel; ' cw 1h”C e\er\oiicL‘ i (timids ".
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