, i ■•' *1 X :r » FACE TWENTY-POUR WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1«, IMS r ■ ipattrhipBtifr lEoimbts H^ralb Ararafe Dally |fet PrM Ron For «M Week IMod Members of the Golden 'Age Auw U, USS The Wsathar Ckib will assemble at 9:16 a.m. to­ Frailer, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. Fnredisl of B, & Wruther ZoreMi About Town morrow tn ' the Senior Citizens Graduates 5 Town Dancers Edward Frasier, 66 OMver Rd.; Room on School St. Ihe bus for I Patty Aoeto, daughter of Mr. and FREE DEUVERY 13,828 IClM Z«nta Osola, daiighter of the picnic at Roger WllUams Park, STATE TECH INSTITUTE In Canton Show Mrs. Anthony Aoeto, 197 Olien- V «f the Audit Ohnnoe o f showers tonight, Mr. and M n. Arvida Onola, 4S R. I., will leave promptly at 9:30. wood St.; Kairen Kopecki, daugh­ y A.M. M y PAi. Low SS to 66. Fiidny suMigr h f Doan* 8 t, and Mlaa Oeraldine Two Manchester residents were ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kopecki, of ObwolMMon Five students of the Gertrude High ’TO. ▼«nK«, dauffitar of Mr. and Mrs. The ' Lutheran Women’s Mis­ graduated from the Hartford State 141 Crestwaod Dr., and Oeamgia ARTHUR DRUR ManeheMi€ii^~^A City o f Vittago C harm WUUam CSiarlea VenKe, 19D Wood' sionary League of Zion Evangel­ Technical Institute at its 16th Com­ Tyieo' School of Dance are appear­ Flavell, daughter of Mrs. Georgs bridK* St., raoently were pledged ical Lutheran Church will meet mencement held yesterday at 2 ing In "The King and I,” which Flavell, 662 Woodbrldge St, to Oaimna Beta Chapter of Delta tonight at 7:30 in the assembly started last night and will con­ VOL. LXZXn, MO. 222 (TWENTY.>00» PAOB»-lN TWO SBCnoi^) MANCHESTER,'CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1968 p.m. In the Hartford State Techni­ (Okaeifteil AdrertlelBg sn Page M) Zeta aorcrity at the University of room at the church. 'This will be cal Auditorium, in Hartford. tinue through July 6 at the Oarcton PRICE SEVEN CENT! Oonneoticut, where they are mem the final in a series of talks on Raymond P. Soma and Ronald Show Shop, daily at 8:30 p.m bera of the class of 1966. Both are the LJturgy. Mrs. Louise Mertena Spear received their associate in except Sundays. fm . majoring in arts and sciencts. win be chairman of program. All applied science degrees. Those making their debut in ladies of the church are invited. Soma is the son of Mr. and Mrs. summer stock are Judy Williams, UConn Ups Charles Faces Mir. and Mrs. Paul HtlUard, SO Angelo Soma, Birch Mt. Rd., Bol­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Blari St.. wdU have open house William Kagleson, son of Mir. ton. He is employed in the Engi­ WIMlams, 120 WaddeU M .; Merle ST:nday from 3 to 7 p.m. at their and Mrs. William Eagleson, 59 neering Dept, of the Spencer HOUSE 1964 Fees Cane After Nip Congress May Decide home, to ooletorate ttietr 2Sth Spruce St., recently was appointed Turbine Co., Hartford and is a wedding anniversary. to the staff at the University of j member of the American Society of Tool and Manufacturing E!n- LONDON (AP) — Prince Bridgeport as a resident counse­ STORRS (AP)—The Uni- Ghariee’ mild flirtation with Albout 27 miemlbers o f the Golden lor in a men’s dormitory. He is a glneers. versity of Connecticut’s board •Age CSub were taken to the 3J’e Spear is the son of Mrs. Lillian drink birought hdm the threat Junior, majoring in economics, and Notice! of tru sty has approved in­ today of a caning or • being Restaurant, Boliton, yesterday by previously was president of Hub- I Spear, 28 Northfield St. He is On Rights in August^ bus, for their annual dinner. After bell Hall men’s dormitory. He is associated with Grandway Stores, Henry i>hoto SA M YULYES MAIN STREET, MANCSESTER — 643-4123 creases in dormitqry rentals put back a year in school. It dinner some of the group'! re­ a 1961 graduate of Manchester Gets Master’s Manchester. and the general university fee even book headlines away turned to the Senior Citizens uiub High School. Gets MD Degree SHOE REPAIR from the Pbofumo soandal. David D. Boland of Pomfret, son in September 1964. The monol tone is so high rooms on SchoDl St., and others DOROTHY T. BRONDOLO Roger Wayne Turklngton, son SHOP Ih their actions yesterday, the went bowling at the Piarkade of Mr. and Mns. Thomas Boland, of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Turk- in Britain Just now that the Robert Earl JiibinviUe, son of Mount Ida Junior College / S3 OAK ST. trustees agreed that onoe these Daily Miall printed a front­ Alleya. Mr. and Mrs. Paul JubinvlUe, 54 63 Vernon St., recently received a Miss Dorothy T. Bnondolo ‘o t tngton, 28 Bigelow St„ received a boosts occurred, they would be Filibuster a Threat page editorial appealing for Deepwood Dr., is home on two master’s degree in education at degree of doctor of medicine last will be on vocorion held firm at least until 1970.' the University of Hartford. Brandy St., Bolton, was graduat­ mercy for the 14-year-otd heir The Silk Town EUitea will hold weeks’ leave after completing week at Harvard University June 20 Him July 8. Hie truateea have Instructed to the British throne. a cake sale tomorrow at Grand basic training at the U.S. Navy He is a graduate of Manchester ed from Mount Ida Junior College School of Medicine. their finance committee, which WASHINGTON: (AP) — High School, Monson (Mass.) in Nerwton Centre. Mass., on June lUndly Pick Up Your "Let there be no hyipocritl- Violence in Savannah Way at the P&rkade, from 10 a.m. Training Center, Great Lakes, HI. He was also awarded the Jamei^ made the recommendations, and oal holding up of hands over Party leaders oiled (ingress’ untU sellout. They are also plan­ After hte' leave he will report to Ax^domy, and Central Connecticut 3. She majored in the executive Tolbert Shipley prize by the facul­ 'Shoes Beforehand President Homer D. Bahbidge Jr„ ning a oar wash Saturday, June State College, New' Britain. He secretarial course. the affair of the Prince of creaking machinery today for the USS Lexington, an aircraft Miss Brondolo leaves Saturday ty of medicine for his outstanding to present specific recommenda­ Wales and the cherry brandy.” 26, at remmla Bign on Spruce St carrier operating with the Seventh served in the U.S. Army and is a research work on the biochemical tions for a new fee scale at a the start of President Ken­ Anm 10 am . to A p.m. teaoher at Pomfret Conummlty for Washington, D. C., where she eeid the Mlail. Fleet in the Mediterranean. will work as a secretary for the mechanism by which the thyroid meeting this coming September. ”He went into a bar, bought nedy’s far - reaching civil School. gland is sUmulated by thyrotropic 'The truotoes stressed that high­ Negro Leader Says He is married to the former Central IntelUgence Agency. She a drink and downed It. But rights program on a tortuous win enroll in night courses at hormone. er rentals and fees were necessary such things are bound to Marilyn Boraski of Naugatuck. because of rising costa. and uncertain legislative jour­ The couple has a son, Thomas, 10 American University in the fall While at Harvard Medical happen among boys of spirit.” School he was one of two Harvard Before approving the pro|>oaa], ney. months old. planning to expand her studies of Oharlee downed his drink 'The prospects pointed toward a Spanish and Italian. naUonal scholarship holders in his the trustees gave general backing last Monday in a hotel bar Protests Won’t Stop to a suggestion from former U.S. possible House decision in August STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL i Advertisement — A 1961 graduate of Manchester olasB. He was author of several on SooMand’s Isle of Lewis. on what then might remain of an High Schtxil, she is the daughter papers dealing ■with the biochemis­ Sen. William Benton of Southport His bodyguard. Detective Don­ ■ ■ ' ft Sponsored by "OOME DOUBLES” CLUB Need money for college T Yes, that there be a drive for ftmds administration package bill. It la of Mr. and ’Mrs. Glullo Brondolo. try of thyroid disease. r ald Green, caught hdm in the NEW YORK (AP)—James Farmer, national director of built around proposals to end ra­ NORTH METHODIST CHURCH the price of ttidtion runs high. Dr. Turklngton is a 1954 grad­ from parents who could afford to act and scolded hdm soundly. Connecticut Bank ajid Trust Oom- pay more than the university fMs, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), says “We do not cial discrimination in privately 300 PARKER STREET CORRECTION uate of Manchester High School, a V (JtiC Brttadn’s Uquor laws permit owned busine.sses serving the , pany offers a low-cost plan that Unintentionally omitted from 1958 graduate of Wesleyan Uni­ rentals and other charges. The Obartes bo have beer or cider intend to call off demonstrations.” Farmer made the com­ i enables you to provide for college proceeds could be used to help public and to give the attorney a story in The Herald yesterday versity, Middletown, and he at­ In a restaurant in two years, ment Wednesday night in relation to President Kennedy’s general new legal weapons to en­ THURSDAY. JUNE 20— 5:30 to 7 P.M. costs and then to spread the re­ wias the name of Jack B. Onove, tended Innsbruok University, Inns- needy students, he said.
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