Marine Biology *2001) 139: 1147±1154 DOI 10.1007/s002270100669 A.D.M. Latham á R. Poulin Effect of acanthocephalan parasites on the behaviour and coloration of the mud crab Macrophthalmus hirtipes Brachyura: Ocypodidae) Received: 22 February 2001 / Accepted: 8 June 2001 / Published online: 16 August 2001 Ó Springer-Verlag 2001 Abstract In the ®eld, the numbers of cystacanths of the nities *Minchella and Scott 1991; Hudson and Green- parasitic acanthocephalan Pro®licollis spp. harboured by man 1998; Poulin 1999). Recent studies have shown that crabs are relatively high and correlate with carapace the relative abundance, or even the actual presence, of width. In a ®eld experiment, the responses of crabs to the certain free-living species in natural communities is en- simulated approach of a bird predator *the parasite's tirely dependent on the action of parasites. For instance, de®nitive host) was not in¯uenced by the number of the outcome of intense, one-sided competition between acanthocephalans they harboured. Crabs that were ex- two species can be changed when a debilitating parasite posed at the surface of the sediments during receding aects the dominant species, allowing the other one to high tide, however, tended to harbour more parasites coexist *Hudson and Greenman 1998). Also, the spatial than nearby crabs hidden in burrows. An analysis of distribution of infected animals may dier from that of colour patterns on the carapace of crabs showed that uninfected conspeci®cs, because of alterations in beha- infection levels did not in¯uence carapace pigmentation, viour caused by parasites; the result is that a portion of and thus did not aect the conspicuousness of a crab the host population may come into contact and interact relative to the background environment. However, the with organisms that it would otherwise not encounter likelihood of a male crab winning a ritualized ®ght *Poulin 1999). The best documented eect of parasites against a conspeci®c in the ®eld was associated with its on species interactions in animal communities, however, infection level, but in a way that suggests that this ®nding is the way in which they mediate predator-prey inter- is a consequence of pathology rather than an adaptation actions. Several parasitic worms must be transmitted by of the parasite to increase its transmission rate. Although predation from an intermediate host to a de®nitive host only weak evidence was found indicating that Pro®li- to complete their life cycle and reach adulthood. Many collis manipulates the behaviour or colour of its host to of them are known to alter the behaviour of intermedi- its own bene®t, the high infection levels observed suggest ate hosts in ways that make them more susceptible to that the crab population acts as a major reservoir for predation by de®nitive hosts *Laerty 1992; Poulin larval stages of this parasite that are infective to birds. 1998). For example, in littoral and intertidal ecosystems, birds often show a feeding bias in favour of invertebrate prey harbouring, and modi®ed by, larval parasitic worms *e.g. Helluy 1984; Thomas and Poulin 1998; Introduction McCurdy et al. 1999). The in¯uence of parasites can potentially modify the choice of prey species by preda- Parasitism is now widely recognized as a factor capable tors, and consequently aect the community as a whole. of in¯uencing the structure of natural animal commu- Among parasitic worms that are transmitted by pre- dation from an intermediate host to a de®nitive host, members of the phylum Acanthocephala are known as Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney master manipulators of intermediate hosts *Moore 1984). Adult acanthocephalans live in the intestine of A.D.M. Latham á R. Poulin *&) vertebrates, from which they release eggs in their host's Department of Zoology, University of Otago, faeces. After an egg is accidentally ingested by a suitable P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, arthropod intermediate host, it hatches and the juvenile New Zealand worm gets into the host's hemocoel where it develops E-mail: [email protected] to the cystacanth stage and awaits capture by an Fax: +64-3-4797584 appropriate vertebrate de®nitive host. Almost all 1148 acanthocephalan species studied to date have been In this paper, we ®rst quantify the infection levels by found capable of altering the coloration or behaviour of Pro®licollis cystacanths in M. hirtipes and their corre- their intermediate hosts, such as small crustaceans like lates. Second, we test the hypothesis that the parasite amphipods, ostracods or isopods *e.g. Hindsbo 1972; modi®es the behaviour and coloration of its crab host in Bethel and Holmes 1973; Bakker et al. 1997). The ways that could make it more susceptible to bird pre- physiological basis of these parasite-induced alterations dation. More speci®cally, we quantify the eects of the is unclear, but is likely to involve chemical manipulation parasite on the responses of crabs to a predator, on their by the parasite *Helluy and Holmes 1990). In these tendency to hide in burrows when the tide recedes, on systems, infected crustaceans typically harbour a single the aggressive interactions among male crabs, and on the cystacanth and rarely more than ®ve; because of the coloration of the crabs' carapace. By focussing on be- small host/parasite body size ratio, one parasite is all it haviours that determine the risk of predation and others takes to modify the phenotype of the host. However, that may be unrelated to parasite transmission, we hope larger crustaceans, such as crabs, also serve as interme- to distinguish between adaptive parasite manipulation of diate hosts for some acanthocephalan species. Their host behaviour and general host debilitation. larger size may have consequences for the ability of the parasites to manipulate their behaviour and appearance. On the one hand, it means a much higher host/parasite Materials and methods size ratio, which suggests the host manipulation may be more dicult to achieve. On the other hand, the larger The study was conducted on the intertidal mud¯at of Papanui hemocoel oers more room for the accumulation of Inlet, Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand *45°52¢S, 170°42¢E). The inlet experiences a spring tidal range of approxi- greater numbers of cystacanths, whose pooled eorts mately 2 m; sediments consist of ®ne sand and mud, covered in may overcome the size ratio problem and result in many places by beds of sea grass Zostera novazelandica. Apart from alterations in host coloration or behaviour. the very common Macrophthalmus hirtipes, other common crabs in The only system of this kind that has been studied in the inlet are Hemigrapsus crenulatus, Hemigrapsus edwardsi, and the context of host manipulation is the association be- Helice crassa *all three in the family Grapsidae); the latter two species are mainly con®ned to the upper shore. tween the acanthocephalan Pro®licollis antarcticus and the crab Hemigrapsus crenulatus *Brachyura: Grapsidae) along the coast of Chile. Pulgar et al. *1995) found that Infection levels in the ®eld experimentally inoculating two cystacanths into crabs Crabs were collected during low tide on 9 April 2000 along two subsequently led to a change in the coloration of their transect lines on the western side of the inlet. The transects were carapace, whereas Haye and Ojeda *1998) showed that perpendicular to the shore but parallel to one another and sepa- naturally infected crabs had higher metabolic rates and rated by 500 m. Beginning 50 m from the high water mark, and at activity levels than uninfected crabs. In these studies, further intervals of 50 m, crabs were collected at ®ve stations per transect. At each station, crabs were obtained from as small an area infection levels were low: naturally infected crabs har- as possible *usually <1 m2), by gently raking the sediments to boured only one or two cystacanths, whereas experi- collect both surface and burrowed crabs. Twenty-®ve crabs were mentally infected crabs were given two cystacanths. caught at each station, and thus 125 per transect, for a grand total Here, we study the eects of acanthocephalan parasitism of 250 crabs. They were killed by freezing and returned to the laboratory. Later, each crab was sexed, measured to the nearest in the New Zealand mud crab Macrophthalmus hirtipes millimetre *carapace width, at the level of the second pair of lateral *Brachyura: Ocypodidae), which is unique among crus- spines), and dissected. The number of cystacanths per crab was taceans studied thus far in harbouring large numbers of recorded. All cysts were super®cially identical and belonged to the cystacanths *mean >10 cystacanths per crab). This crab acanthocephalan genus Pro®licollis. Microscopic examination of a harbours a mixture of cystacanths from two species of large *>250), random sample of cysts con®rmed that P. antarcticus is rare *<1%) at our study site, and that by far the dominant the acanthocephalan genus Pro®licollis; one is P. ant- species is the other undescribed Pro®licollis species. Since the two arcticus, as in Chile, whereas the other species is as yet species can only be distinguished by microscopic examination of undescribed *A. Brockerho, personal communication). the number and arrangement of hooks on their proboscis, we did Their de®nitive hosts at our study site no doubt include not attempt to dierentiate between them across our entire sample. Data on numbers of cysts per crab were log*x+1) transformed the black-backed gull Larus dominicanus *which is the to meet the assumptions of parametric tests. An analysis of co- host in Chile), and probably other bird species as well. variance *ANCOVA) was then performed on these data to test for Given that the size of M.
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